HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-10-11, Page 5TItE 'BRUSSELS DOST Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents ETHEL Melvin and Mrs. Grainger of Unmetawu were visit011s with Ethel friends Tltanksgling SundaY and 'incidentally attendedEthel United Church anniversary services, With her husband and daughter -Mrs, B. Floegey ((formerly Blanche • Rowland) . of Walton vteiuity, had the double pleasure. Sunday, Oct., "8th of being present, at the annual special Thanksgiving service at 11 am, in Mel United church, The church of her ''girlhood where she was associated natively .as member of the church choir, Sunday. School, young people's assaeiatian mission. ary society and eooial and welfare groups. .And in a/pending . the afternoon hours happily at the home of her parents Ed. and Mrs. Rowland at Ethel, The presence of P. N. and Mrs. Currie as members of Btliel United. Church choir for anniversary ser- vices last Sunday Was a haimxy re- minder of many pleasant and sue - .a1 oe5slfnl former ooeaalpns, Cau to to C. N.4/ . agent.et• Atwool and ,was choir leader 1n Uuit4 Ohnrch while at Ethel, The beavy rain of the Week end delayed' ,potato digging and out in I the field buckwheat threshing last .i in:Treatecli conditions for ploughing. I The M .r •1':c Rauaorn entertained as week end, guests, a nephew froia London, C. .g''atchinsoii of Grey. 'Pap., and his diaughtea Grace, W. A, Lamont who Is hate on a visit from. the West, 'The pleafrure of the vslt tivaa mutual. Ethel United '(hatch 'Sunday' slehool will be held at 2 p.m. for the fall and; winter moutlis. The annual Thaultlsgiing services of Ethel United Church were held at 1,1 p.m. and 1.80 P.m. Sunday Ott. S with. Bev, Mr. 'Gilbert of • Walton in charge, Both services were well attended, with an exoaP- tionadly large congregation Pres- , ent.at,evening service. A. choir of 18 "voices under the leaderelitp of P, N. Currie of A'tnv'ood With Mrs. R. Wiibee a6 organist contributed sebul*? and• special Selig au'm'bells, l,he.tii?atrumen' al duet Selections withAes W1 ea presiding at the organ;and Arnaid Darla, at the Plane were excellently rendered, The fern and flower ddecoriations were attractive, Tha11 giving hot fowl supper was served Monday, Oct 9' in the basement of church when an, r:oxLmateiy 500 ,persons were wait- ed on at the bounteously laden tables, The 'program following of varied numberswe,s given interest- ingly In the. church auditornm, each number ae presented was a treat in itself and, to its completion gave, cheerful and wholesome enter. tainmBut , The organization ex- tencUsi sincerest thank; to each and alit who helped in any way to make this anivereary occasion such a de- cided success, ,The regular meeting of the of the Dthel United Church was held on Oct. 2nd at the parsonage. There Were 16 ladies present. The order of the meeting was as fol- lows:- Hymn 23; Prayer, Mrs. S. 1 GLAMEROUS NEW PRICED AT WINTER COAT3 Gorgeous Furs Popular Fitted & Swing Skirt Styles—Bought Before the Price Rise. Buy Now. New Boucle, tweed and velour cloths in Green, Rust, Blue, Wine, Black and navy Fur trimmed with Persian Lamb, Fox, Squirrel, opossum and Coon. 16.15 20. 25,. 32. Other Exclusive Coats as high as $55. NEW CREATIONS IN QUALITY FALL DRESSES Never In our history have we shown a larger, more com- prehensive stock to choose from. Fine quality, Crepes, Wool Fabrics, In a gala' array of the most popular Fali Styles, Colors include Black, Green, Wine, Rust Navy and . Grape, PRICED; LOW Al NEW FALL SWEAT R 3 Woo - Prices Are Mils hi g -Buy These While The (Price is Lowe OTHER DRESSES AT t:N'lAi'C1i •: rt4;j`lr7??I' J!, �iil�:+Qu�+ ry '4i' - .. •_ . V''4 4.9b 6.95 9.95 Ty "4.-:1 GROUP 1. Pure Botany Wool Pullov- ers in short ,sleeves, Crewe neck styles in fancy stitch designs. Colors include Grey, Tuscan, Grape, Rose, Pago Red, Florida Violet, Henna Rust, Navy and Black. VERY SPECIAL RT SEAFORTH 1.25 x GROUP II The newest Angora blend. Sweaters made of Angora and Botany Wool, Gardigand and pullover stvles. ..Same colors as above, PRICED AT 2.25 GROC•P III Here's a lovely group of long sleeve Pullovers. Zipper or Crewe neck styles. Some with small coliara. All shades. SPECIAL AT 200 Wl0DNSw,.Y, -,XT0131911 11, at gg.F FAb d.;•.Y � OFT ,xew v. en Pain ell, 1,5e Sept. 28 to Oct 1g' AO lilts. Soverign Paints VarnrsheSEnarne s I3y Special arrangement with the ., manufacturer; we are allowed to ofFer for 1 month this amazing sale SEPT, 28th —to-- OCT. 18th THE PRODUCt IS GOOD Per Quart THE PRICE SENSATIONAL QUICK DRYING ENAMiEL White, Ivory & Pale Greeq,,, PORCH AND FLOOR ENAMEL Light Grey, Dark Grey ,Yellow & ;Tap and Medium Brown e Radio Special=f66 limited time only 1940 Stewart-Wa111ner 4 tube battery radio comple1e' 'ith layer=built batteries $23.00 cash Special Discount ori' athier: Stewart -Warner Models DAVISON'S HARDWARE FLAT WALL FINISH White, Ivory, Nile Green HOUSE PAINTS White, Ivory, Light Green Buff and Cream VARNISH STAIN Light Oak, Dark Oak GROUND COLOR Clear All -Use Varnish PHONE 17 • BRUSSELS, ONT. Bremner; Correspondence, letters were read from Mrs. Cleaver, Mrs, D. C, Ross, Mr, Ames and Mr. 11. Love, MTS. Jas, Pearson was chosen as a delegate for the Work- er's Institute at Wingham, A. special collection arum women of the congregation who• are not mem- bers of the W.M;S. was taken, Mrs. Menzies voiced her appreciation ot the much needed help given by those who responded to the appea, Roll Call responded to by•a verse of Scripture, The worship service was conducted: by Mrs. Snell and was, tis follows: Hymn 15; General Thankgiving Prayer in unison: Psalm 724 in unison; Scripture Retdding, Mdss M. Hansuld; Hymn 669: An interesting sketch of the progress of the work in Japan was read by Miss Elia Pearson in charge of the Watch Tower. Brief acbounts •of the work c8 several missionaries in China and papers were given from a Chapter in the Study Book by Mrs. P. Stewhenson. Myron 16 and' •Benedietton, Special All Wool, Cardigans 1.,05.21 ROS., BLUEV ALE BELGRAVE the holiday nth her parents, Rev. J. rt1 The Be1!grawe Women's Institute end with. 2 r, and Mrs. W, C. Scott; Mr, and Mss. Gordon Cook and two will meet at tris`' home of Mrs'. W. daughters 00 Cochrane •are visiting J. Cole oz tYlonday. October 16th; relatives here; Mrs. It. Yule, who insteafl df t''sasday, October 17th, vas injured in a car aecdent near Harvest Thanksgiving Services Clinton as she and M. .rule 'were returning home from Lu over a Two ;ficial CIiaa-vest Thanksgiv- week ago has returned to her home. i . Ing dStcanery::Cfrrdee3.•aiv11L, be held iu Trinity Mr, Tule continues to inepro0e also. AngchBeUgrave, on Sun Mr. Hutton is acting as relieving day, October 15th, at 11.15 a.m. 1 agent at. the ,C. N. R. station. and 7.30 p.m. I The Belgrave Young People's B. and iMrs. Townend; Charles Scott, yho is attenitng business NOTICE .r i college in London spent the week - Mr. Wilfred McEwen of Detroit spent the week -end with Mr, and M Ike'. Alex dEwen, 1st line. ,111r. and Mrs, lad. ,'olinston and Carl went ,SUy, afternoon at Listowel with Mr, and Mrs. Harold' Harris and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston and hotly visited on Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs,. Win. Dobie at Auburn. 118ie i Janet Robertson of eels Bruer- spent Thanksgiving with her mother, sister and brother on the 1st line. Mir, and Mrs. Robt, Turnibnll and baby of London spent Thanksgiv- ing with her parents and brother Mr, and Mrs. Dd. Johnston and Carl dtany congratulations to Mr, and Mrd Sperling Johnston over the arrival of a baby boy an Friday. Miss Davina Johnston spent Thanksgiving at her home on the int line, Mrs. George Lowry of Brussels spent Sunday with Mrs, H, Bone and Mr, and Mrs. Russel Bone and family, The Woman's •Association of the United church met at the house of Mos, M. L, Aitken with Mrs, Stan. ley Gallaher presiding, Repairs io the manse were discussed. it was cbecidetd that the soetety co -Operate with the Woman'. Institute in pat- riotic work ,when required Mrs.. Ea •1 Hamilton rrad poetry. Refresh- ments, were served by the hostess arsisted by Mrs. W. J. Jbintston and Mrs. J. W. 'Wettlinter, Thanksgiving Meeting The annual Thanksgiving meet- ing ing of the W. M. R. rf Knox Pres- byterian church was held at the home of \ltd. R, r. Gamic;. Mrs. J. J. 33111011 Presided, St',riptnre Was react by dims. Roy Turvey and pray er was offered by Miss Hazel Mundell. MI's. John Pollock, Whitechurch, was the special guest speaker. Monibers of the Edds ie W M, S. were guests et. the meet- ing, 1 Society met in the schoolroom of The Guest Precher at both ser the church on Wednesday last vices will be the Rev. lit, H. iU , with the president Miss Anna Gras" Farr, B.A., L.Th., Rector of Trin- , by in the chair. The lesson was sty Church Durham, The Rev' read by George Michie. Elaine Maurice Farris the son of a Walsh presided at the piano. The former Rentor at T'r'inity Church, ' musical feature of- the evening was the Rev. T. 13. Farr. It is hoped a coronet solo by Glixton Walsh. that the ,i?ev,,..T, H. Sari' will attend The address of the evening was these sea' 4. s.1 i given by Dr. Gordon 'Stonehouse, Tre IChypcli. *11 lbe appropriately of Vancouver, a former member of decorated, with dowers and the pro- the Young People's ;SocietY, who ducts •of farm and garden, and speer lit bilis wife is 'spending a vacation ial music Will be, offered at both ser- at the home od his 'parents. There vices under -the direction of Miss was a good attendance and the Novo Vane -amp, Organist. The meeting started off the Mall and Guest Soloist at the evening service winter activities in a very happy will be 'Master Lionel Gallagher, way. son of the •Rev, and Mrs, E, 0, Gal- 1agher, Wdngllam. The members of the clioir of Trinity Anglican Church, ,Blyth, will assist h mem- bers of 'the'Belgrave choir at the evening 'service. A cordial invita- tion to ;-attend' these •Harvest Thamic,tg'ivhig services on Sunday next, October. 16th, at 11.15 a,m. and 7.30 v,ns. Is extended to all, On Wednesday, October 18111, a Fowl Su n, lnvi'll he served' by the members of tt<13e Ladies' Guild oP the Church in t>te, Forester';; Hall, Bel- graThe supper will be served front' 5.30 p.ne to 8 pan. An ;interesting.programme is be- ing arranged " by the committee, Mrs. C. H, ' Wade and Mhs, Neil Montgomery. 't W, M. S. Unted Church The W.M.3. Of the United Church Belgrave, held their regular month- ly meeting on Evidny, Oct, 6th, at the home of Mrs. Jas. Michie, with the baby band and soothers as guests. There W11 a splendid at- , tenclanse- With Mrs. Ii. Wheeler presiding, The meeting opened by singing hymn "all Mhe way -theI savour leads rue," and the Lord's prayer repeated in unison. We had as OUY • gtiestt speaker Mts. .7. Smith of Brussels, who stressed the need of mission work here and abroad, This was followed by a trio: Patsy, Audrey and Muriel Anderson which sons much enjoyed by all.. Mrs; ro, Wiglrtrnan and Mrs. J. Mollie were appointed (tele_.' gate,. • to •the sectional meeting wh;ieb is to be held in Belgrave United Church on Priddy, Oct, 20th. 13 Wine ss certainded, prayer. Was then offered by the president after which refreshments were served by the hosite=_ts and members of the W.M,IS. Miss flay Too'oencl, Linden, spent WILLIAM SPENCE Estate Agent, Conveyancer and Commissioner Genera! Insurance Office Main Street, — Ethel, Ontario