HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-10-11, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOBJ,SJ Brussels Town Council Meets Brlusa'els, O'et, 10th, 1939 Tre Municipal •Counvitl ore the Village of Brussels met en the' Public Library on the above date, All members being pree'ent with excerption ore H. Champion. The minutes of the last meeting "being read it Wee moved by le, Salmis; ,recor'd'ed by W. Cameron that the minutes' be adopted, -Carried, The following bilis were presented:—. G. McDowell: Sept. salary , ; 60.00 Geo. (Campbell, Sept. salary 88.75 IL S, Warwick, Sept. salary 26,00' 13 uss+ele Hlydeo Commsdsdon Street lighting , . ... 108.00 Hall lighting 1.88 Robt. Bird, wood for hall , , 10.00 Municipal World, forms , , . .90 R. W. Kennedy, tax "forms 7.00 E. Soiuers, relstellaneous bauling 58.50 Jas. Keriiaghan, labor ; , 16.25 R. J, Bowman, labor 4,00 D. N. McDonald, lumber and material .... 47.48 D. A. Rama, funeral expenses 50.00 MaN, MoDoavell, labor 1.00 Jno, McDowell, labor 1.25 Relief for the month of September 19.12 Movedby W. Cameron, seconded by H. Bowler that the accounts as read be 'paid, —Carried. Moved by H. Bowler, seconded by F. Samir that a grant cf 910.00 be made to the Salvation Army Hostel at London, Ont. --Carried. e There being no further business the Council then adeourned. HOT DINNER A Hot Dinner we be served by the Ladies of The United Church From 6 to 8 p, m. TUESDAY, EVENING OCT. 17th Admission —Adults 40c Children 25c Musical Programme and Slides during the evening ,Double Feature All Talking Motion Pictures BRUSSELS TOWN HALL Saturday, October 14th "They Wanted Excitement" with Carl Dane, George K. Aurthur Comedy —ALSO— Bill Cody grandson of Buffalo Bill, Bi11 Cody Jr. "Outlaws of the Range" with a strong supporting cast Commences at 8.15 ADULTS -25c CHILDREN -15c rtifigeto Wednesday, October lith, 1939 Young ,Athlete Killed By Motor Anniversary Services of Knox Church, Cranbrook will be held on SATURDAY, OCT. 15 Rev! F W. GilmourlB.A.,D,D. Moderator of the • Synod .. • • • of Hamilton & London will preach at 11 am. & - 7.30 p.m. the Managing Board is asking for a special offering opt BRUSSELS, 0110 ARJO LOCAL NEWS IiEM5 ist. . , w_ struck by hit -run driver as he walked aiowg highway No, 8 ea.•:t of Ssloforith MVienday morning. Beet - diet Holland, 20, of St, •Golusnbaa teed a 81101'u. ttnle later Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. The ,,,see ..,..,u eau w11411ug to We home in pt. • C'olomban when he was be- lievea G4 liaye been )etruck by a truck trayelling curet. He was teem ey 1115 roadside, about •t'yr'o miles west •019 St. {Columbao, by inose Chapman. of Ktppen and George Coleman er Egmondvdlle and was 'tii.e eeaforth . hospital wneee he dtecl of the ,njuriee. He le said to have sttttered a fructure.c eee,e, ane seem head injuries. The young mate was 0, son 01 Mr, and ,1113. Jena .tluava11d X01 -A'6, 4�•- mantle Police have as1ked anyone know- ing anythlug about the accident to comiuun Cate with. Provincial eon - stable P. E. McCoy, Traffic Officer A, E. Webb c4 Gbderich, or (Chief Constable Amer (euell, of +Sea- Yrn"tk. The three officers are in charge of investigation; Benedict Holland was born is St. •Columban, Ile was educated at St, Colurnban {district school and was a enember -pent the Roman Catholic {Church. Besides his parents, he is sur- vived by four brothers and Six sis- ters, They are John, a member of the Royal Canadian Engineers at London. Kale of Windsor, Conrad at home, and •Stephen at home; Loretta of Waterloo; Gloria, Joan Leona, Lenore and Mary, all at home. Interscholastic Field Meet B.C.S. Makes Fine Showing On Wednesday last B.C.S. entered into keen competition at the Field Meet held at Elmira. Other schools eleijpeting wei'e "- E-lmira, Arthur, Elora, Listowel, Fergus, Mount Forest, Wingham, Palmerston. Ideal weather greeted the competitors and a very fine programme hadbeen arranged, A number of events were run dur- ing the morning and Brussels made an excellent showing, At noon, dinner was served -in the new e000l. This dinner was prepared' by the students in their pentectly equipped kitchens, .Alfter the lunch hour all were free to inspect the school, which is equipped with the finest of every- thing, The students gave forth many "ohs" and "ahs" on their tour or the school. The fine gym- nasium and auditorium brought forth special comments, At 1.30 after an addrses of wel- come by the Mayor or Elmira the programme was, continued. ' B.C.S. wee very glad to be included in the Field Meet and sent about 88 com- petitors, I In the early afternoon Brussels held 3rd place, They made an ex- cellent sheaving in all the field events, but were oat -classed, by the larger schools in the races. 'Final standing of all schools at the close of the Meet was+ as follows: Elmira—Championship Winner 103 points Fergus. --96 Wingbam,—•43 Arthur -91 Palmerston,. -30 Brussels -428 - Elora -01 , - Listowel --20 Mount Forest -17 (Brussels• goint evnnei's are given belbwi Bill King -31•d ih ,Sr. Boyef Sheet' Pilt 2nd in Sr. Boys' Standing Broad 2nd In Sr. Boys' High Jump 3rd In Sr. Boys) Bunning Broad total 8 points Tam MoFad)zean-'•-let in St, Boys' Standing Broad 811 in .Sr, Bays' High rump John Blake -1st in Jr Boys' High Jump -6 points Maty. Helen Ecitmier--2nd in Inter- K,lirls' Softball Throw -8 points Jim 'Scott -42nd in Jr, ,Boys' Shot POit-8 'palats, Mary Banker -3rd in St, Gala' .Soft' ball Throaty --1 point Luella Mlteheil--Sell in Inter Girie' High Junep--•1 point Children 12 and under 25c Clara Russell -Sect in Jr. Girls' Sin, Jas. Thuell, and bal IThrow-1 point John Fischer, Wardens FOWL SUPPER will be ,held in the FORESTER'S 'HALL BELGRAVE on Wednesday, Oct. 18th under the auspices of Trinity Anglican Church Supper served from 5.30 to 8.00 o'clock followed . by a Good Program r Adm ion— 40C & 20c ; ahARVES`t FESTIVAL St John's Anglican Church Brussels - Sunday, October 22nd services at 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. Preacher— Rev. 'H. Naylor, Listowel FOWL SUPPER Tuesday, October 24th In Basement of Church 5 to 8 pm. Play in Town Hall at 8.15 p.m. "Simple Simon Simple" presented by Young People of Seaforth Admission—Adults 50c NOTICE The Women's Institute will be postponed until Oct. 27th, 'The regular was Mellesed to ban{ been Ftidee. October 20th,' Teachers, Attention, Extelteion work will be even this year at Wingham: from Western University. The lectures will be given by Dr. Al. Inman in I7oonomics 20 and Boone -mice 30, on alternate Swtu.daya bcginning on October 7, at 2 pen, POUND meeting At tile Brussels ,Fair grounds, 011 Friday, Fall Fadi' Day, a man's gold finished meeting wrist watclr, link Baud, Owner may International Match held on have samo by calling at the • office under the direction of Miss, Merger- Carlow, Cot. 6—Au estimated of the P039 and paying for this ad, et Gentles. favored' the audience crowd of three thousandls attended ith •- an beautiful ehobal an- • the : 1xteentli annual Huron County theins, The conceit opened with vlowing match ]fled on T WS ay a a group of three anthema two 'of the farm of William' Watson just which were of a patriotic nature: east of Carlow under ideal weather Rule Britannia, O Canada; Flow. conditions% Lovely are Thy Messengers. Choir Held elides' the auepice0 of the ware their black and white gowns Huron Ploavmen s • Association, which fanned' a vivid contreet to the 1're ddont Garden 1I'eGavin or Wale etrtistecelly decorated stage in a ton announced the match was one Patriotic 'betas with Min Mary of the beset in many. years. In all Backer representing 0 Canada and there were thirteen tractors entered Jeanette {Sandeurson. as Britannia. in compeitition, along with twenty - A large picture 01 the King and two 'teams. A .1env of the classes Queen draped with bunting and. did not draw as many entries as in former years, but competition was tinge graced' the platform, r •Several other artists es08ated the keen and the pulse had quite a choir to make this mescal treat ' task to making some of his deo]- an, unqualified e11CCeaS. Mrs. Doherty ;' harson, Walton; Melvin Taylor,The work of the young plowmen Seaforth; Atrhur .Fiiaser, Seaforth. ore Henfryn gave two 'recitations, Donald Murray, Walton; Robert the ever p'epular ,Service's. "Creme- won the admiration or farmers malldon, Walton; George Mennen, tion of Sam McGee" captured the wa,l, the moat critical eye. District Seaforth; Ken,. Ritchie, Walton; i imagination of her hearers. Several l Agricultural Representative J. C. rBrussels Shearer announced late in the aY Harvey Dalmadge, Winthrop; Jack nuiiubemembers• of Brtx Cudtnore Band under the baton of Band- ternoon that the three boys who master Sedden were heartily en- had been selected to comprise the cored. Bandsmen Buscblin, Tyer- Huron County team to take part in man aucl Cameron assisted the the International match at 'Brock-. quartette, Josephine Van Neuman villa lie week are, Ajmer Pass more, Exeter; Wilford' McQuaid, Seaforth and John F. Wilson, Part Albert. The youngest plowman was George Roberton ,age 12, who not only won his ernes in bettor Plow- ing but lion the 7. D. Thomas cap for the hest plowed tractor land, the class being open to residents ore Huron. The prizes for the day were presented at the banquet held at Colborne Hall in Carlow in 'the evening. At this banquet the varae ons township and county officials were present and brief addresses were delivered by the officials. • The Prize winner's) were announced by the active .aecretaxty-treasurer, L. E. Cardiff, - The Prize List Clan for jointer plow, any age, resident oi; Huron County,' open t0 those who never in a Continued United Church - Keen Contests Choir Concert Featured Show On Friday last a very appreciative At g$> Watson'sm. audience - listened' entlin'iusdlcally�Y A, Passmore, W, McQuald And John Wilson Named As Boy's Team For to the spieuddd concert presented in the Town Ball by 'Brussels United. Church Choir. About thirty, member's of a well-balanced choir Dr. Warwick Hurt In Car Crash 'Oars owned by Dr, Warwick, vet- erinary eurgeon of Brussels and Gordon Murray of Grey TownshiP, collided five miles east of Brussels. The Murray car was badly damaged, Dr. Warwick's, swerved around after the collision and smashed into a telephone pole. Dr. Warwick re- eeived severe bruises and was badly shaken up, but Murray was. unhurt, Melville .W.M.S, The October meeting of the W. M. S, of Melville Presbyterian Church wes held Friday afternoon, witr o good attendance.. The Presideut, Mrs. H. Parker, presided and opened the meeting w'th Prayer. Mrs. J. 2. Armstrong gave the Scripture reading and prayer was offered by Miss Margar- et Hislop. Mrs, Jamieson gave a splendid paper on Indian village life. Mra, John Rabb ' gave a very interesting reading which was much enjoyed. The current eents were given by Mrs. Geo. Northwood Meeting was closed by repeating the benediction. Huron Battalion Starts Recruiting Campaign Preliminary meetings in connec- tion with the recruiting campaign for the Middlesex -Huron Battalion were held in three centres on Saturday evening. Seaforth, Clinton and Goderlch all reported enthusie.s- tie response to the appeal, - Names of those who sil.gned' up on Saturday with D. Company, Middle- sex -Huron Battalion included. Jo- seph Burns, Seaforth; Martin Connelly, Winthrop; Bill Farqu- Dsitrict Deputy President Pays Official Visit The annual instalation of officers of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge took place in the I. 0, O. F hall on Tuesday evening. The impressive ceremony was performed' by the District Deputy Presdent, Mrs. Georgina {Smith, of Sealants, and her 'staff of officers composed of D. D. Marshal, Mrs, Mary Rantoul; D. D. Warden, Mrs. Margaret Crich; D, D. recording secretary, Mrs. Mae Hillbreeltt; D. ID, financial sec- retoty and treasurer, Mns. Lillian, McGavin. D. D. {Chaplin, Mrs, Lily McKellar; D. D. guardian, Mrs, May Dorrance; musician, Miss Eve- lyn Gardmo. Following the ceremony the re- tiring Noble Grand; Mrs. Denman was pesented with a Pest Noble Grand; Jewel, Alb the close of the meeting 'Mingo" teas+ enjoyed after 'which a delicious iune hwas served by the oontmrittee in charge under tbe convenera'hip of Mrs. Laura Wil. liemson. The installed oiflcers are: Noble Grand Miss Elizabeth S.peir; Vice Grand, Mrs. Muriel Allan; recording secretary, Mrs. Jean Little; financ- ai +mont•ary, Mrs. Edith McLean; treasurer, Mrs. Laura Williamson; Warden, Mrs, Alice Bndschlin, con- ductor, Mrs'. Winnifr'ed Edgar; R. -S. N. G,, Mts. Sara Gerry; L. S. N. Ge Mxw, Evelyn Kennedy; R. S. V. G., Mrs. Aletha Rana; L. S, V, G., Mrs. Many Randa; 'Chaplain, -- Mise Elia Kerr; inside guardian, Mrs. Inez Cameron; eectside guardian Mrs. Annie Gemmel, jtmdor past Noble Grana , Mrs., Elizabeth Des - men; Miss Janet 'ii+obentgon, The United`Church REV. H. J. MAH•oNEY. B.A., B.D, PREACHER 11 are--Wlfal1'a Right. Church, 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m,—The Extra. Obligation Rev Charles L. Lewis, •B,A. B.D., of Kirkton will preach at both services - Special music furnished by the Male Quartette from London Thursday, Oct. 12th --.Draper meet leg in Melville Church, Tuesday, Oct. 17th—AnelVersary Supper. Musical Programmes Illustrated Lecture, with the. —5-6— At the Churches Last Sunday gave a selendid reading on r'The Services in Melville Presbyterian Runaway Grandmotbee." A male church, Sunday were conducted by quartette composed of Tom Strac- Rev, S. Kerr, who spoke et the han, Lloyd Wheeler, Glen Wheels, morning service on "Alii when He and Jack Bates received hearty ep- had' given thanks." A duet was planse far their beautiful harmony. A mixed quartette assisted by Miss Genies as tee soloist, with Glen and Lloyd Wheeler, Addle Cardiff and Helen Baeker, sang acceptably. Five little debutantes captivated the audience with their colorful cos- tumes' and winsome manner singing ''The Easter Parade" and "Lazy Bones." Harris Bell ably acted the colored gentleman along with the five pretty maidens, Ruth Jewell, Ruth Thorns', .Time Work, Nancy Cameron and Phyllis. Sulli- van. Another catchy number which elicited. a vigorous encore was the Naviettes dressed in tradi- tional sailor garb and singing lustily "Anchors Away." This numt'ber wilts presented by the Miss- es Downing, Baeker, Pearson, Gar- niss, Speiran, Bryans, Several- delightful duets, by Alice Pope and Mary Davison were heart- ily appreciated Miss Davison who ie tbe organist of the church very ably supported the cboir with her sympathetic accompaniment. An- * other mixed quartette composed of Tom Strachan, Mrs. 0, Walker, bliss Margaret Garniss and Elmer Bell added variety to the Program. Several vocal dntet3 by the Misses Baelker .and premiss, Glen and Lloyd Wheeler, Jen Speiran and Idella Bryans rounded out a most enjoyable program. Ruth Jewel contributed a sweet -vocal solo and Rev. H. J. Mohoney who acted as chirman contributed a Piano Ac- cordian solo. Members of the choir were as follows. Bass% Mr, Pearce, Strachan, Proctor, G. Wheeler. Tenors:: L. Wheeler, Buschlin and Bates. Altos, Mesdnies Hamilton, Walker, Ma. honey, and Mdesee Baeker, Cardiff, Speiran and Bryans, Sopranos: Meseames, Denman, Stewealt, Down- ing, Bann, Wilson, Bryans and the Misses Sanderson, Davison, Wrigbt, Pope, Downing, Pearson, Mitchell and' Hdngston. given by L. Ec'kmler and daughter Mary Helen and the choir contri- buted on anthem. At the evening service Miss. 'Muniel Brothers, mis, sionary fro mindia, who has just -re- turned from England where she had been taldng a course at Oaiford, spoke on "One Lord, one Father, one Baptism,', An anthem was sung by the choir, Rev. W, J. Hendry, rector of St. John's Church, who is suffer- ing form a nervous- breakdown, has gone to London where he will re- ceive treatment. There will be n, services in St. John's+ church next Sunday because of the Harvest Fes- tival at St. George's church, Walton, morning and evening. 'Services in the United Church on Sunday wereconducted by Rev. Mr. Alen, a former pastor, Miss Muriel Brothette, missionary, also spoke. * * e * e * * * * * WEDDING * * * * * * * * * 1O1iver — Holiday The marriage took place quietly an Saturday afternoon in Morning- side Presbyterian church Toronto amid) a setting of bronze dahlias of Elizabeth Winslow Holliday, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Frederick Hoer Iiday of Toronto -to John Campbell Oliver, son of Mrs, John Oliver of Brussels. Rev. E. Foreman of- ficiated. 'Phe bride, who 'was given in marriage by her father, wore a brown wool suit with mink trim, brown hat and a corsage of gold ands bronze orchidds, Miss Mary Louise Harrington, the bride's only attendant, was in teal blue wool with grape accessories and wore a corsage of roses, and lillies of tbe valley, George Noble was best man, Following the ceremony a reception was( held at the home of the brid'e's parentis, Mrs. Holliday received, wearing a gown of silver gray crepe with a corsage of mauve orohide, IMns. Oliver, she else ree cedved, was in grotto blue crepe and were a corsage of rosea and Billet of, the Ailey. renewing their wedding' trip to.New Yea*, Mr. abd- Mrs. Oliver 'vele inside 11 Toronto. Out of town guest's were Mr, and• Mrs. Hunter, from London; Mr, and) Mrs, Frank - Oliver of Detroit and Mr, and Mrs, Charles McGavin an daughter Frances 01 Walton, GREY have on last plowed Page. Farmer's Attention the Witt's Fertilizer Co. • • • • • • Norwich, Ont. • • • - Invites you to a Sdi1 Test Demonstration to be held at the Cranbrook Community Hall Wednesday, October 25th from 9 to 12 a.m. Brussels, on Wednesday, Oct 25 from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Massey Harris Shop This opportunity is offered to the farmers of Grey and Morris. Bring us small sample of soil the depth or plowing and any other problems you wish to have discussed. This is for spring crops. Don't miss ..This Chancel No charge and youare un- der no obligation to buy. Wittts Fertilizer. Exclusive Agent— Jacob Fischer Cranbrook phone Brussels 75T-12 Names Wanted of Men Who Enlist • The ,Brussels post would like to keep' a eeMplete list ore ;air the inen and women -of Brn'sSels aiitlenithe sur= rounding district Who enlist in the , Canadian Active Service Force and invites the co-operlotien of all its readers) and friends% Such - a • list, kept upp.to-late, will be ah invaluable record in yearn to come, but it will Only be of use if ineerma,tion is given to us promptly and in detail, The names, ages and, ;Parentage of all those who - enlist, whether male 1Mtse'ee Viola andIna Turnbull or female, sheet& be handed in 'to - spent a stew days last Week at the getter with the unit that they join, World's' Fair, "they took advantage and this shobldr be followed up with of the special trip for teachers and any changes of location whenever report a gaud time, they move. Parents and friends, are Mr, Peter MenoDonald - of Plenty, baked' to keep tbie in . mind and 'Sask., is visiting hes brother's. John those wo enlist are requested to od Janne MlciDonald and other vise ns of tar movement 'when pos friends, Bible. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING Adolphe Menjou Dolores Costello King of the Turf MON., TUES., WED Bette Dates George Brent. Dark Viy` ctor'..:' Geradinc Fitzgerald Humphrey Bogart An emotional experience that only an academie award Winner could give you Paramount News brings French evacuation THU'RS., FRI., SAT. BarerGrant Victor Motaglin' Douglas Fairbanks Jr, In Gunga Din with Joan Fontaine' Thrills of 1,3000 movies ;piundercd for 'one Mighty One d COMING- Wuthering Heights