HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-10-4, Page 7331510 4111 1939' rltion corre- s'orcle : an , epoch is its, fashions,., mess ofAbre- is no won - fame should. • vets at 'little - Wane. Leoften. ti fervid quest is defnite- a`t be long ;lamour girl el' advance re- fill be mar e to be High bosom, diminutive ly rounded thlok-waisted hipline pos- tning cloth - ng on the IA7,LQN me to tell done while ghbors7" NGE E hang" ►GE )YEAR mile- very- o get is big iigh- t-1." .day! Page Nate r S, O N T, T 51 l East.Huron Fall Fair Prize Lisp oar QCantinued from Page One ) Ram Lamb -0, McGowan, T, Work, Ewe, two shear and over -.T, Work, PURE BRED CATTLE T, Water, Directors in cuarge-w, ec, Turn. Shearling Siwe -T, Work, T. Work. lane Laafb-T, Work, M. Henry, Pen -T. Work, Id, Henry; Dorset Morns ' Aged Ram -.P, E. Deering, P. E. Deering, Shearling Rem --P, E. Deering, P. E, Deering, ' Ram Lamb --P, 19, Deering, 0. Me G enva n. .Ewe, two shear and over -O, : Mc- Gowan, P, E, Deering. Shearing Ewa P, D. Deering, 0, 1VreG'owan, Ewe Lamb -P, E. Deering, P. E. Deering, Pen --P, E. Deering, 0, McGowan, Shropshire Downs Aged Ram -1st & 2nd0. McGowan. S'lrearling Ram -1st & and 0. Mc- Gowan. Ram Lamb -1st & 2ncl 0. McGowan Ewe, two shear and over -1st & 2nd 0. McGowan. Siiearling Ewe -1st- & 2nd 0. Mc- Gowan. !bull, I]dt 13ryane, Short Horne • Bull, 2 year-old and over --.A; Gaunt, Wm, Oestrielver, I3u11, 1-year.old-Wer, ,Oestrleker, W. E. Turnbull, , A, Gannt, Bull .Calf, Senior -Wm, 0eeti'icker, .4, Gaunt, 'Strong Bros, Bull Calf, Junior -Wm. Oestrlcker, W. le, Turnbull, A, Gaunt, Best Male, any age -A, Gaunt. Milch Cow or Cow well gone In calf --(Strong Bros, Wni. 'Oestrioker, A. Gaunt, Milch Cow, under 4-W. 'D, Turn. bull, 1st; 2nd & 3rd. ewo year-old Heifer --A, Gaunt, W Oestrleker, W. E, Turnbull, One -year-old Heifer -Wm, Oestriclt er, A, Gaunt, W. E. Turnbull, Heifer Calf; Senior -Strong Bros , A Gaunt, Ve, E. Oestricker. Heifer Calf, Junior -W E. 'Turn- bull, Wm. Oestrleker•, 2nd & 3rd, Herds of Short Horns -Wm, Oes- tricker, A. Gaunt, Strong Bros. Best Female, any age -Wm Oes- tricker. 3 Animals get of one sire -Wm. Cestr•.icker, A, Gaunt, Strong Bros, Aberdeen Angus Bull, -F, 0, Todd & Sons, Bull Cats -,F, 0, Todd & Sons. Milch Cow -+F, G Todd & Sons, Two-year-old Heifer -.F G. Todd & Sons. One, -year-old Heifer -le. G. Todd & Sons, eifer Cali -r', G. Todd & Sons. Herd of Aberdeen Augers -F, G. Todd & Sons, Hereford ul]- E.li,cclnty'ro, J, T. Lyons & Son. filch Cow -E, McIntyre, J. T. Lyons & Son. o -year-old Helfer -J. T. Lyons .& Son, E, McIntyre, Ae'yeanold Helfer -E. :Molntyr'e, J, L90110 & Son. eifer CaleW, H Armstrong, D. MicTntyre, erd of Herefords -E. Molnty'e. 1, Lyons & Son, Grade Cattle filch Cow -Jas, It, Ooultoe, A. Turnbull, D. McKinnon, o year-old Helfer•-•-,las, R. Coul- tes, A. Turnbull, A. Turnbull, wo year -.old Steer -F. G. Todd Too. R. Coultee,,' ne-year-old Heifer -E, G. Todd, Jas. R. Mulles, A, Turnbull, eer •Calf, Senior -W. E, Turnbull, Jas. R. Coultas, D, McKinnon. eer Calf, Junior -W, E. Turnbull, eifer Celt Senior -4W. E Turnbull, Jas. R. Coultas, D. Md15lnnon, iter Galt, Junior -{Strong Bros, Strong Bros, 1, T. Lyons; by Beef, under 1 year -F . 0, Todd, E McIntyre, J. T. Lyons. ectal Prizes -- rd Geef Type -1st F. G. Todd .Win Qetstriker, t Heifer !Calf, Beef Type -- t, Strong Bros:; 2nd F. 0, Todd, rd, J. T. Lyons, est .Steer or Hefter for Baby et Type -(Strong Bros, BACON HOGS ar oneyear and over -Cowan - Son, Douglas Bros, Sam Alton, ar under one year --,Douglas TOS, Cowan & under 6 months -,Geo. Alcock, D, Turnbull, :Sam Alton. 1 year and' over --,S Alton, Gow- n & Bon, Douglas Bros, undier one year-+Cbwan & Son, 17, Turnbull, 5, Alton, v under 6 months -IS, Alton let. 2nd, Douglas Bros. Douglas Bros; S. Alton, Cowan son. t Pen .Finished Bacon Hogs --S. ton,' SHEEP ctors,--,W. Broadifoot, W, Short- ed, Lelcesters d Ram --Cao, Cowan' & . Sons, ay Dori -once. arling Ram -Geo, Cowan & 'Sons n Lanvb-Geo, 'Cowan & Sons. y Dorrance, twO ohear and over .Geo, °wan & Sons, ,Grey Dorrance, ailing Ewe-,Gieo, Cowan & no, Guy Dorrance;' a Lamib--Geo, Cowan & actio, Cowan & Sons', --Geo, Cowan & Sons,, Geo, swan & Sons, Oxford' DoWlti gd 1ta0t--.Tolton Work, 0, Mc' Bowan, Shearling Ram F, Work, T. Work, Ihwe Lomb --1st & 2nd 0. McGowan, Pen-lst & 2nd O. McGowan, POULTRY Directors -W, 5, Scott' and T. C. Wilson. Black Langshan-ek, C. Tilt est & 2nd;, 11, C. Tilt, M, A. lei'aesr, ckl. C. Tilt 1st & 2nd; ,p. C, Tilt lst & 2nd, Brabamas-ok. C, Tilt 1st & 2nd; h C. Tilt; ski, C. Tilt 1st & 2nd; p, C. Tilt, M. Fraser Barred Rooks -- Fraser let & and; b, M. Fraser, 1st & 2nd; ckl, M. Fraser; p. M, Fraser, Rock, any other variety - k 2nd; h. C, Tilt Mt & 2nd; ckl 0. Tile, 1st & 2nd, p, C. Tilt, lI. Fraser, Coot/Inv-a. C. Tilt, M. Fraser, h. C. Tilt, M. Preset' elcl, C. Tilt; p. C. Tilt, Dorktngs-ck. C. Tilt, Id, Fraser; h. C, Tilt; eke, C, Tilt; 'p. C. Tilt. Games, Sunlatr•a-ck, C. Tilt, M. Fraser; h, C, Tilt 1st & 2nd,, ck1. C. Tilt. p. C. Tilt. Games; A. O,V,-ck,, h„ ckl, p,, Fraser 1st & 2nd, Onpingtons ck. M. Fraser, C. Tilt; h. 0, Tilt, M, Fraser; ckl, C. Tilt; 3a. M. Fraser. Minorcas-ek, h, eke, p„ M. Fraser, 1st and 2nd, Rhode Island Reds7--M. Fraser .ck., ekl, p, h. Leg'borns, White -Douglas Bros. ck. okl., p., h, Leghorns;-Brown--M A Fraser. Legirorns, any other variety -,p, C. Tilt. Hamrburgs--ok, C, Tilt, P, Deering, h, C. Tilt,let & Sed; ckl e, -Tilt; C. Tilt let & 2nd Hbudans-h, e. Tilt, Bantams, Olean Ornamental-ck, 0, Tilt, M Fraser, b, C. Tilt 1st & 2nd; ckl, 0, Tilt; D. C. Tilt. Bantams; Olean Game---ck, 11., ekI, P., Douglas Grds„ 1st & 2nd, Bantams Booted Cochin---ck, C. Tilt h. C. Tilt, eke, C. Tilt, D. E, Deer. Ing; p, C. Tilt, P, E. Deering, Bantams, ,Booted, any other varier t'k, 'C, Tilt, A. Turnbull; h. Douglas, Bros,; . Tilt; okl,, p., C, Tilt 1st & 2nd. Geesb-.:0, Tilt, Douglas Bros. Duckas Rouen -C. Tlit, Duels, A.O.V.-C. Tilt, Douglas Bros, Pair of Pigeons -C, Tilt. -Guinea, Pigs --G, 'Sicott 1st & 2nd, Beset collection of Pigeons (6 pair) 3M. Fraser, FRUIT Directors -66Kr, It. J. McLaucblin, Jae, Burges'S, McIntosh ---Mrs. R. Thomson, Mr.e R. T. M(oLanohiin, Famuse--Mrs, R,. Thomson, . • i alth- svelte & ,Son. Northern Spies: Mrs. R. Thomson, 'Mrs, R. J. MelLa,uchlin, Gallen Bassett -H. & It Procter, Mrs, Brimblecombe, Tolman !Sweets ---M . Brimble Bombe, M Henry, Ontorio--•,M'rs, R, J, MaLauchlin, Mrs, Thomson, Wealthy --+R, & R. Procter, Leith- walte & Son, Alexander-aLaithnvaite & Son, M. Henry. Duchess --Afro. R. Thomrton, Mrs R. J, MdLaucbiln, Melba --Mrs, R. Thomsen, Mrs, R, Js •'MoLatichlln, Delfutlius-•Lalthlweite & ,Son, Mrs, 11 J. Mel.auohlin. Bed THE BRUSSELS POST WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER lib 1639 Canada Redd-••Laithwaite & San, Gra vens teins-I.aiiinvaite & Son, ;Mrs, H. DesJardine Maide'n's Blush--Laithwaite & Son, IVUs, Brimblecombe. Peewaukee--a, & R, Procter, Laith- welte & Son. Wagners-Leititwaite & San, Mia, Brin1brecombe,' 6 Varieties of Winter Aipples,-Beth Hoover, Mrs, I3, DesJardine, 6 Varieties of Fall Apples=Laith- matte & Son, 5 Fall Pears-'L,aithwaite & Son, Mas•, Ii, DesJardine, 5 Winter Pear•ie--Laitbwalte & Som, Mrs, W. H, Armstrong, 3 Varieties of Plums:-Laithwadte & Son. 5 Plums-•Laithwaite & Sof:. 3 Clusters of Grapes ---R, Warwick, Mr's, M. Blanca, GRAIN 1 bus; White Fall Wheat -H Des - Jardine, H, Fuse, G. Hoover, 1 bus. Red Fall ,Wheat -H. De'sJar- .Terddne, H. Fuss, 13. Hoover. 1 bus, Searing 'thereat -,H Dealer - cline, • 1 bus, Barley 6 rowed -W. D. Turn- bull, H DesJarcline, B. Hoover, 1 bus. White Oate: H, DesJardine, •R. & R. Procter, A, Turnbull, 1 bus, peas -11, DesJardine, 1 bus, Timothy Seed -H, DesJer- cline, H. Fuss ROOTg 'AND HOED CROPS Bushel Early Potatoes -W. 19, Turn- bull, Mrs. H. DesJardine, Beth Hoover, Bushel Late Potatoes__ Beth Hoov- er, W, 77, Freebourne, Mrs, H. DesJardine. Swede Turnips -Beth Hoover, W. E. Turnbull, White Field Carrots -W. E. Free - bourne, Mrs. H. DesJardine, Long Table •Carrots•- .R- Warwick, l •lira, et, Glance, DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES Early Horn Carrots -A, Turnbull, W. E, Freebourne, Committee in char e Beets -6, mecallum, .charge -Mrs. P. A. Blood 'Turnip Beet s-6, ,Mrs. Ed. Bryans Dr. J. Grieve, Parsnips -Mrs. •M. Blanee, W. E. Freebourne, Winter Radishes -W, E. Free - bourne, Mss, Brimbleconube, Sugar Mangolds•--Beth Hoover, Mrs, H DesJarcline, .rlIangolds Wurselsi--IS. hMcCallum, Mrs, H. DesJardine, Long Bellow Mangoids-�S, Me'Oal lum, Mrs. Brimblecombe, Ladies' 0.1eWelker, Edith Davison. yH' Irs. P. Storreey, Mrs. Brimbleooackle, sweet, 1 nbe, nt- 6 A. Tttn'nbuldtler 'Cori -M, Hemtq; l. Ladder Wool Suit E, 1fe33nt re, Mustard F.ckie, +u1nt.-351'9, DesJar- 6 Ears Table Corn•^A, 'Turnbull, W. :Mrs. H, FOS. dine, Mrs. 0, Dale, Tnfarrt's Javket and T3otlnet Edith ?Snveet Plc D Freeh°ree. kle fruit, 1 pint --Mtn, Collection of 'Corm4Mrs, DWI". Aavison, Mrs, 73rdmbleeomrbe, Brimbleeon'ibe, R. - R. Procter, dine, S. McCallum. Pair P171a,w' Oases, cut work -8116s Canned Corn, 1 pint -R. - R. Proc. Meade 'Curled Savoy -W, E. Free Llvingstone, 7564th Davison, ter, Maa, M, Blanee, Pair Pillow. Cases�Isa'llel Lawry, (Canned Beans, 1 pint -Mrs, r , bourne. Miss Livingstone, M s D• Dry; 3 Heads Drumhead B 'm beeombe, E. g ares, hire, lei, Bience, Turnbull, Mrs, Brim,blecombe, Pair Pillow Cases, --Mrs, Muldoon, Canned Tomatoes, 1 print -Mrs, H, 8 Heade Oxheart Cabbage -A, Torn. -'MTs, G. Dale, 0, Walker, Mrs, H, Fuss, bull, W. Hemstitched :Pillow Casee-Musis Canned Chicken -M +s, F, E. Freebourne, r Storey, 8 Heads Red Pickling Cabbage - Livingston, Mrs, H, Fuss, Mrs, Brimblecombe, Pair Towels, fancy. -.,Nits', 0, Dale, Hard, Sea -DI•. Grieve hour W,- Peebles, W. F7 Free: Edith Davison, P Mis. G. bourne, Da]e, 3 Heade Caullftoavar-Mrs, M - Pair. towels, guest -Mrs, Drillable. Pressed Moat -Mrs. Brfinhlecomlbe, Blan:Ilse.: Mrs. Brimblecomge. Bombe, R. Warwick.. Mrs, G, Dale, Purn.plcn yellow Yield -Geo, Caanb. Laundry Worir.dla loR. p Pro•Clocter, & 3 Salad Dressing-Mrs e'ssing Mrs. H. 0, Wacker, bell,McCallum.Miss e.Pumpksic-R; W¢rtvicic, R, & R. Livingstone.. Practical School Lunch -Mas, Brim- Procter. Buffet Set 3 pieces on white biecom'be, Squeal,; HuUUard-Dr. 3: Grieve, Mrodoon. issi Livingston, 1V>Irs. Muldoon: Working Man's Breakfast -Mrs, Ed. Squash, 4.0.V. --Dr. J. Grieve, 5, Bryan.% Mrs. Peebles, D. Bone, MicCallum, Buffet Set, 3 ;pieces on colored Comvaleseent Tray -Mrs, Briurbie. Tomatoes, large --Mrs, DesJardine, ground -Kits. G, Dale, E, Nleln- combo, Mrs, W, Peebles, D, Bone. tyre, P1'um o ' Chert Fancy Clotlt'and 4 R. PTrocter. R, War Serviettes�R. FINE ARTS �vicJc, R. & R. Ptoeter. Warwick, Miss Livingstone. Quart White Beans (large) -S. Mc- Luncheon Cloth and 4 Serviettes, 011 Painting- Callum, Mrs. Brimblecombe. Italian Hemstitching -Mrs. Geo. Dale, Landscape -Miss E, Brigham, Quart Butter Beans. any variety - Mies, Livingstone, D. Bone, S. McCallum. Bridge Cloth -lits', Geo, Dale, lVIrs, M. Blanco, Marine --Miss D, Brigham, Miss 1 Quart White Beaus (small)-;yirs. Livingstone. I3. Fuss, Geo. Campbell, 2 articles made from flour, or ,sugar F101vegei' Dr, J. Grieve, Miss Liv- 2 sacks -Mrs. Geo. intone. Citrons --MM. B. Johnstone, Mrs, Dale, R, War, Blanco, wick, • 3 articles suitable for gifts, not ex- FruBrigham.({, .'relies Livingstone, Miss E. 3 Watermelons -1V1, Henry, Mrs. ceedin 25e, Animal Life-- H. D ,nel00ine, g Airs. Muldoon, lire, Life -Miss E. Brigham, 3 Muskmelons -M. Henry, Sirs, H. Brimblecombe. • Miss Livingstone, Bath 'Mat ]7; Mcint e, Portrait- h¢is Deslardine 9r' Eddtb Dav- s E. Brigham; Miss 3 Pickling Cucumbers -Mars. H. !son. Livingatoae, . 3 new. Novelties, hand made -Mrs, Water 'Colour - H. Fuse, Miss Livingstone; LanFuse, S, McCallum, dsea a- 3 Table Cucumbers-1V1rs, W. Peeb- p !Diss E, Brigham, leg, Mrs H. DesJardine, Articles In Needle point --Marion Miss Livingstone. 3 Ripe Cucuurbers. Scott, Mrs. W, Peebles, Marine-14Irs, Bramble Combe, A. Turnbull, W. I Miss Livingstone. E. Freebourne. SPECIAL PRIZES--. 3 Plant Celery, white -W. E. Free - Lace Table Cloth, hand made, not Flowers-'Mi'sts Livingstone; Miss bourne, Mrs, H, Fuss, E. Brigham, less than 2 yd's. x 1911, yds, -est, Fruit-- 3 Heads ;Sunflower-dlirs, Des.Ter- 2nd and 3rd, Miss I. Lowry, Brigham. Li ngstone, Miss E, dine, Mrs. H. Fuss, y g Collection of Garden Produce -W., Animal Life --Miss Livingstone, E. Freebourne. Miss, D. Brigham„ Portroirb-iDr, S. Grieve, Marion Scott, Crayon Drawing..Miss E. Brig- FLOWERS ham, Mr's, Brimblecombe. Pastel Drawing -Miss Living- stone, Mrs. M. Blaine. Pen and Ink 'Sketeb-Mrs Brim- iblecombe, Miss. Livingstone Pencil Sketch -Mrs W.' Peebles, Mrs, M. Blanee, ,Collection Hand Painted, China -- Miss, E. Brigham :Mrs. H. O. Walker, , Hand painted Tea Set -Mrs. H. 0. Walker, Miss Livingstone. Single piece hand painted, China, sealletic-„Hiss• Livingtgone, Mirs. Geo. Dale, Single piece hand painted 'China, conventional.. Miss M. Baine, ,MH, lk Handrs, !paintedO,Wa'Ouper. and Saucer -Ma-, tion Scott, Miss, E, Brigham Piece of Burnt Work on Wood - Mrs, Brimblecombe, Mrs•. H. Fuss. Hand ,painted vase --,Mrs, Geo. Dale, Dr, J. Grieve, Reed Work Work Basket -Mists Miscellan Livaurtntone Dr. Grfe,ve. eous Novelties from Crepe Paper, Wax and Cellophane --Mrs. H. Fuss, Robert Penning - 3 'pieton.ces of Antique 'Ohina--Mas. .Brimblecombe, Afrs H O. Walker BRUSSELS DISTRICT BARLEY CLUB Sponsored by the Brussels AgrleuL Lure S'oeiety; Oat. Dept. of Agricul- ture and Federal Dept, of Agricul- ture, ,Aggregate Score 900 Points, 1 --jock Bryans, Blyth R.R. 2, 790 2 -Bill Turnbull, Br'usosla, R.R. 2, 789. 3, Jes, Ireland, Brussels R:R, ,5, 778. 4, Jack Speirs, Brussels, A.R. 2, 736. 6. Ross Bennett, Walton, 718, 6, Harvey Bradshaw, Bluevale, R. R. 2, 660. 7, Earl Cotta, Walton, 590, Wilbur Turnbull, Chairman Members of Supervising. Committee: T. C. Wilson. Ohas, Anderson Ed. Bryan5 J, •C. •Shearer, Agricultural Repro- sentative, y Judge -K, 3, Houston, Gerrie. LADIES' WORK Collection Fancy Work, 6 to 10- E. Davidson, Mise D. Livingstone„ E. Mclntyre, Directors -Mrs. Muldoon, Mrs Darnels, Grace Stewart, Afternoon Tea Cloth -Mrs, Brian- Mem/an/be. Filet 'Crochet Lunch Cloth -Mrs. Muldoon, Dr, ,T, Grieves. Linen Centre Crochet Border -,Mian (Livingstone, Mrs, Muldoon, Embroidered Centre in dark linen - Edith Davison, Mrs. H. Fuss. Hlonclmade Lace Centrepiece, knit- ted; -mgrs, G, Dale, Mrs. Brimble- cumbe. Hand made Centrepiece, crochet- Miss Livingstone, iyir,s M. Blanco, Emlbroidered French or 'Solid -Miss ,Livingstone, Mrs: Brimblecombe, Ladies' :Smock--efies Livingstone, D, Mi0Int. re, House Dress, best idea -.13111th Davi- son, E. McIntyre, Ladies* Costume Slip, -E, tyre, Mr's, Geo. Dale. Kitchen Apron, most serviceable - 111. Mrolptyt•e, Mrs, H. Fuss, Luncheon Set --:yens, 0, Dale, Miss (Livingstone Wortk'Bag: R, Warwick, Mrs, Brim. blecombe, Fancy Purse, hand made --alms, M. Glance, E. Mcntryra 1'and.mrade, .'Chad, Set, crochet- Isabel Lowry, Mrs, Muldoon, Table Runner, in dark linen --,E. Mc- Intyre, Edith Davison, Luncheon Cloth, Italian hemstitch- ing and cut work- e_,s, Mtildbon, Mrs, H. 0, Walker.' !Speelinen French Knot embrold. ery'-Dorothy Bone, Mies Living- ston. Specimen Tatting --;Mrs G' Dale, .,Id's, Brinvblecommbe., Speedmen 'Swedish Darning amiss Livingstone, Mrs, Muldoon, Specimen Pogo ttingaMiss Living- stone, Edith Davdubn Laundry Bag ---Edith Davison, E, McIntyre, Ohild's Smocked Dress; with Panties to match -Mrs, Brimblecombe,' Sofa niifow, in wool, E, McIntyre, Edith Davison, Shea Pillow, any other -,Edith Davi. son, Mrs, H. lilies Afghan in coloured woo/. -Edith Davison Miss' Livingstone, Crochet Work in wool -Mia, G. Dale, 'Mrs, Brimble'combe, Tea Cosly--Mian Living/tone, G. Catapbell. Mcgn- Quin, fancy quilting --E. Mdlntyr•e, T. C. Wilson. Bedspread, crocheter -Miss Livings- ton, Dr, J. Grieve. Bedspread, knitted -Mrs, Brimble- combe. Quilt, pa.tehwarlc-B. Hoover, Mrs. M. Blanee, Quilt, Dresden Plate --Mrs B. Johnstone, D .Bone, Quilt, applique -E, Davisba, ;Miss Livingstone. Quilt, applique (embrfodered-Mrs. H. Fussy S. McCallum Bed Spread, fancy stitch --,Mss. H. Fuss, E, Davison, Bedspready candlewick -Mrs, Brim- blecombe, R, Warwick, Comforter down or wool -E. Davi- son, Mrs, Bnimbiecomne. Hearthrug, wool _;Mrs.. W. Jeffries; Miss Livingstone. Hearthrug, braided -E. McIntyre, Mrs. H. DesJardine, Heai•-idtrvg, rags, -.Mrs, H. DesJar- dine, Mrs. G. Dale. Hearthrug, any other-i.frs. W. Peebles, E. McIntyre Man's Working Shirt, •'borne -made- E, McIntyre, Mrs,. H, Fuss, Man's Pyjamas, home -made -Mrs. H. Fuels; E, McIntyre, Man's, ,pair of soelm, Band made, fine wool --.Miss Livingstone, W. E. Freebourne. Man's pair Socks hand -made, coarse 3 rp1N-R. R. Procter, W. 1. Free - bourne. Man's pair of Woollen Mitts, home- made, 3 ,ply :Miss Livingstone, Mrs, Brimblecotnbe, Maple Sugar, 6 (lbst or over, made in 1930-.A. Turnbull. Maple •Syrup, 1 quart -Mrs, B. Johnstone, Mrs, Brfnvblecombe, Honey in the Comb -R. Warwick, Honey, sltrained' or extracted ---R. Warwick, M, Henry, Canned small dark fruit, 3 varie- ties, 1 Pt. --Mrs 13 , DescTarddne, Maws G. Dale, Canned small light Fruit 3 varie- ties, 1 pt, -Mrs,, H, DesJvtrdine, airs, Ed, Bryans. , Canned, Peaches ands Pears, 1 ,pint each--iIIrs. H. DesJardine, Mhs, Ed. Eryaus. Canned Rhubarb and Cherry, 1 pint each --Mrs. 13 DesJlardine, Mate Edi Bryana, Canned Raspberries and Straeelber- riess 1 pint each --Mrs, H. DesJar- dine, Mrs, Ed, BrYans, Collection of Jelly, 3 varieties, 1 Pint each -Mrs, G, Dale, Mrs. Ed, lryanst Collection ;of Jona, 3 varieties, 1 pt. career--M;rs, DesJardine, errata, G. Dahl, Marmalade, Orange, 1 pint -Mrs, dlestlarditne, Mre, Brimblecombe. Marmalade, A,O,V,-alre, F, Storey, R, . R, Procter, Cillection of Tomato Catsup, Tom- ato Juice, Child Sauce, 1 pint each-4fra, 0, Dale, Mrs. M, Blattae, VEGETABLES Onions from seed, red -Mrs, Brim- blecombe, Mr,s, H, DesJardine, Onions from seed, yellow -,Mrs, DesJardine, W. In, Freebourne; Onions from Dutch Sets -Mrs, Des - Jardine, Mrs. M. Glance, Quart Onion !Sets -!Mrs, Des(ar- dine, Mrs, H, Fuse. Quart Pickling Onions -S, McCal- lum, .ML's. Brimblecombe, Quart Potato Onionel-W, E. Free- bourne, ree!bourne, Mrs. M, Blanee, 6 Hart cf 'Corn, Flint= -torts Des. Jardine, R, & R, Proctor, Ears of Corn, bent -'-•M, Henry, :Mrs, H, DesJardine, Committee in charge -Miss Beth Hoover, Mrs. ,Walter Scott, Table baguet for dining room -Mrs. Brimbelcombe, Beth Hoover, Table boquet for living room -B. Hoover, Al, Scott. Best Collection, Cut Flowers --Mrs: Bnimblecombe, B. Hoover. Collection Phlox Drummond -A, Turnbull, Mrs, Brimblecombe 6 Pansies with foliage -M. Scott, Dr, J. Grieves. Stocks ---Mrs. M. Blame, Miss Liv- ingstone, 6 Petunias (single) -,B, Hoovre, Mrs: W. Peebles, 6 Dianthus --B, Hoover, Mrs. Brim blecombe, Verbenas B, Iloove ,, R. & R. Procter. White Asters-LMrs, W, Peebles, S. McCallum. Red Asters,._1y1rs. W. Peebles, Mrs. M. Blanca, Asters pink or rose -Mrs, W. Peeb- les, Mrs .Brimblecombe. Asters, mauve or purple -W. E. Freebourne, Mrs,. W. Peebles. ,Collection of Asters --Mrs. W. Peeb- les, W. E. Freebourne. Gladiolus spike --B, Hoover, Mrs, ^. Bryans. Best Gladioli dislay--Mrs, Brimble- combe. ;Salvia -Mrs, W. Peebles, Miss L.v- ingstone, Perennial Philox-'Mrs, iBrimbie- . com!be, Mrs. M, Blame. Colefetion of Sweet Peas -M, Scott Mrs. W. Peebles, Collection of Nasstutiums,•--Mrs, W. Peebles, R, Warwick, Collection .of French Marigolds -B - Hoover, Mrs, W. Peebles, African Manigl•ods-•,'S, Hoover, IL' Wanwiodc, Calendula-B, Hoover, Miss Living- stone, Dahlias -•-,Mrs: Peebles, R. Warwick. Collection Zinnlay -(R,, Wavwiek, MTs. Brirablecombe, Snapdragon -Mrs, Brimlbleoombe, bIrs, M. Glance, Cosmos -.Mrs, W. Peebles, B. Hoover, Best boquet' or basket of ` everlast- ing flowers. -E. Me1ntyre, Mrs. Briimblecombe, Geranium -,B, Hoover, Mrs, M. Nance. Geranium an ;pot, red ---Mrs, M. Blame, B. Hoover. Tuberous Begonia -R. Wareviok, M, Scott, Rex 'Begonia--1Mrs,, W. Jeffries, Beat Begonia, :other r variety in bloom --6d, Warwick, Dr, Grieve. Best Collection Ferns -M. Stott, Coleus or foliage plants -R, 'War- Wik. Fusclrte in, bloom.' --,Mrs, W, Jegries. 3 Annttale-MKS, W. Peebles, D. lie, In tyee, Zest Windom Box -R., Warwick, M. Scott, SPECIAL 13,RIZEb-- Best eolelbtion of Potted Plant,- ' tat R. Warwick; 2,6 111, Scott,