The Brussels Post, 1939-9-27, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST
WEDNESDAY. AY SEPT, 27th, 1939
Quickest Non -Skid Stops We've
Ever Had ! ...say Local Motorists
TF YOU couldrbear the enthusiastic comments we're getting
1 from our customers, you'd want this new Goodrich Safety
Silvertown on your car right now. Just imagine how much
quicker you can stop -how much safer you'll be in wet road
emergencies when you ride on this tire that actually sweeps
wet roads dry—so dry, in fact, that you can light matches on
its track!
That's because this specially designed Life -Saver Tread acts
like a whole battery of windshield wipers -sweeps the water
right and left —forces it out through the deep drainage grooves
—makes a dry track for the rubber to grip. If you want the
quickest non-skid stops you've ever had—and the famous
Golden Ply blow-out protection—ALL AT NO EXTRA
COST—see us now about Silvertowns for your car. They may
save your life)
Gordon Sanderson'sGarage
Phone 73x Bruss.els, Ont.
Whitewash The
Barns Interior
Now'$ The Best Time of
Year—It's A Great Cleaner
and Purifier
Just now while the barns are all
empty of ilve stook is a good time
to whitewash the interior where
the animals are to be wintered.
Whitewash is a great cleanser
and purifier. It is cheap and easy
to appy, It lightens up the inside
al the barns and makes them a lot
more healthful and cheerful place
to work. In the absence of paint
it oar be need on the outside of a
Clear All Litter Away
;Sweep down the cobwebs clean
out the corners of all rubbish, and
clear the floors and the mangers
of all litter. Give everything a very
thorough coating of whitewash.
Use, quick lime. A half -barrel is
best for making the whitewash.
The water should be put in firgt,
and then the lime, and it should, be
mixed with "a hoe alencett constant-
ly until it is thoroughly dissolved'.
Unless this is done the lime will
burn and not make the best white-
wash because it will not thorough-
ly dissolve.
For the best results in getting
the ,e'.:'tereaah to stick, use only
e nc:• h waver to dissolve the lime
int , r lhi•,k pa,•to and use skim -
mil' ser thinning it down to the
thi rs of cream for applying,
Weed Seeds
Must Be
Disposed Of
Immediately After Threshing
Is Compleetd—Burn
Or Bury Them
When threshing has been com-
pleted. and the machine moves on,
the farmer's first job should be the
disposal of vreed seeds removed all
daring the threshing, says j, D.
MacLeod, Crope Seeds and Weeds
Branch Ont. Dept. of Agriculture,
Toronto. The practice of shovelling
them outs;de the barn le too .pre -
'talent and should be discouraged,
When this is done, millions of the
seeds are carried by the wind, wa-
ter animals birds, and by man
himself and new areas are infest-
ed. Carelessness in the didposal of
weed seeds is one direct cause of
the weed problem. 'It is impotratn
that all weed seeds be gathered
up immediately after the mp11 has
left and burned or buried deeply.
Spraying Device Is Effective
Outdoor threshing is now com-
mon throughout Ontario. Much
can be said in ire favor. However,
if a field which is badly infested
with sow thistle or Canada thistle,
Is threshed from the atook an a
windy day, enough seeds will be
carried for miles to infest an entire
community, Where such conditions
exist, ,farmers are urged' to have
some consideration for their neigh-
bors and to seleot, if possible a lo-
cation which will prevent seeds
from blowing over adjacent farms.
Advantages Of
Fall Ploughing
It Facilitates Early Seeding
of Cereal Crops—,Superior
On Heavy Soils
Experiments donducted by the
Field' Husbandry Division, Domin•
ion Experimental Faaxne, have nos
shown that ahollaw vloughing pro-
duces ant high yields as deep
ploughing at a considerable saving
in power requirements. Further
more tillage beyonr that rebulred
for weed control and reasonably
good 'seed bed preparation has no
beneficial effect on yields.
Surface Cultivation
In many districts of the Prairie
Provinces ploughing tor summer -
fallow has been largely dispensed
With in favour of the "ploughleee II
fallow" by nsrface cultivation, Iii
Eastern 'Canada, ploughing -sod
land in the ,summer with after-
harvest cultivation where weeds are
troublesome, and ploughing In late The Breeeels Fair Is to be held
fall on lees weedy land, have both{1 this coming Saturday, and the !Urea.
proved Superior to spring plough•( tors in charge have put forth every
ing, especially on heavy sails, One i effort to have a better show. The
advantage of Murkier or fall c prize lists show a better list of re.
ploughing Id that it facilitates the I wards, Extra special prizes too
early seeding of cereal crops that , And don't forget the IStrathroy
experiments have clearly shown tot Girls' and Boys' Trumpet Band will
bo very dealarble. be here as. an added attraotioh,
Ontario Tries
Winter Barley
In response to inquiries about
the suitability of winter barley for
Ontario. Fr. Robert Keegan of the
Field; Husbandry Department, On.
tarso Agricultural College, gives
the following brief statemzent:—
Durdng recent years there ap
pears to be an Increasing interest
in winter barley in Ontario, and
some very high yields of grain
have been reported.
This crop has been in field
testa at the Ontario Agricultural
College dor many years, but has
not been unreservedly recommend-
ed to the (farmers of Ontario has no
variety yet tested has been hardy
enough to ensure a crop in sea-
sons following severe winters.
Experimental results at the Col-
lege and the experience od farm -
ere who have grown winter barley
lnlieate the following facts about
this crop:—
Ift is not as dependable a crop
as spring barley, but, when not
winter killed 11 produces excep•
tionally high yields.
The quality of the grain is gen-
erally excellent.
It can be grown on well drained
land 1n parts of the province
where the snow cover le good and
where winters are not too severe.
It matures very early and thus
gives an excellent opportunity to
control weeds by after harvest cul-
Since summer cultivation is ner-
eseary to provide a goal seed bed.
growing this crop gives good con-
trol of weeds as partial summer
following can be practised both
before seeding and after harvest.
Ing winter barley.
How;ck Council
Wroxeter, Sept. 20th 1030
The Council met in the Township
Hall, atleording fte adjournment
the meanbers were all present, the
Reeve, J. W, Ganoble in the chair.
The minutes of last regular meet-
ing, also special meeting ,were reod,
and on motion of Weir and Baker,
were adopted,
Moved by 'MklOallum and Strong,
that w•heeraa the Department of
Higbyays are insisting that road
fences 64h41 be ,built on tbelr
prover line along the Highways.
Therefore be it resolved that a
grant of 40c per rod be given for
woven wire fences erected along
the roadelde, sail fence to be erect-
er not less than .thirty-three feet
from the centre of the Highway.,
The opplleant shall apply to the
Road Superintendent before build-
ing the eaidl fence, and the .Road
Superintendent Shall place stakes
where he believes the line to be,
The aforesaid subsidy obeli be
granted onlp on the certificate of
the Road Superintendent,
Moved by .Sthrong and Weir that
the tollowing bilis be paid.
Isaac Gamble, part salary
as Clerk
County Treaa,, Hoevital ex-
penses for Mrs. Sim-
eon and baby ...........
C. N. White, repair to side-
walk and material,
K, J, Hueston, ;painting
roof repairs and cement
Wroxeter Hall . , . ,.... , 38.15
T A. Roberts, 'advertise-
tments in paper 4.00
T. A. Roberts, pointing
Debentures for SS. '
No. 17, By-law 6.00
T. A. Roberts, part printing
'contract, 1939 100.00
Robt. Wade, two trips to
London' with Harper
Howick School Fair
:Bd. Grant
J. H. Rogers, assisting
Road Auditor
Eseac Gamble assisting
Road Auditor 4.00
3. W. Gamble tnip to Lon-
d'esboro re County
nose , ,,,,,, r, ;79)65
Road Expenditures
Walter Redden, diragging ., 5.00
Austin St, .Marie, di'teh105 2.70
Gordon Wright, snaking fill 28.20
Wm, lotgiis, making 1111 -, 13,40
Donald Webber, making fill 3,60
Jos. Hoffl'e, spraying
Weeds 117:50
Emmen: on Hargrave, outlet
for water on 4th con.
and aideroad no, 25 , . 20.00
Cecil !Mahood, .spraying
tweeds • 7.50
John Montgomery, Road
Swpt. Salary 87.50
Nelson Gowdy; operating
Power 'Grad'er 76,00
R. H. Stephens and Son,
Baking Soda .50
Roy Vogan, crushing, haul
lug and spreading
gravel 1575.00
R. IL Carson & Son,
Fuel and oil 110.33
pd•. Kdllinger, repair to
bridge 2.80
John Sangster, binok_
smithdng 5.85
John Montgomery, measuring
tape for use of
Road 'Supt. 6.60
Moved by Baker and Strong
that this 1Council do now adjourn
to meet in the Townahtp Hall,
Gerrie, on the Third Wednesday,
In October, or at the call of the
Reeve Carried;
Ilsaao Gamble, Clerk,
Readers continually ask for some
simple settingeup exerdises that can
be done in odd moments. Here, then
are some that will help to make
you supple and keep you fit.
Before you get out of bed in the
morning, do this routine five times:
removed promptly and efficiently.
Sinn* p'on, "COLLECT" to
stretch body out with arms out at.
;!dab. Litt both legs simultane-
ously lsig+h as yon can, even, it
you can over your head; then dawn
again slowly,
Here is a good: stretching exer-
cise tbat helps to revelop the bust
and improves the posture and figure
generally: Stand with feet slightly
apart arme down at sides. Stretch
arum 10 front up and over the head
slowly as far as you can, without
straining, then slowly return to
original DgsltIonL lteipnet this
several times.
To slim hips, and waist and im-
prove general line of figure, (A)
Stand with feet alightly apart, ab•
dbmen In, seat well down fingers
interlaced and raised high over
head, arms making a frame for the
face. Keep face framed by arms
throughout exercise, and body ab•
solutely steady from waist down.
(B) Saving forward till bodb' and
ars are horizontal. IS!w•ing body
round to right sideand travel up-
wards 'till arms are over head once
more, CC) turn to the left and
saving the body down and round till
body and arms are once again hori-
zontal, as In B;
My new booklet on Beauty Care
contains. other Interesting exercises
as well as helpful advice on most
beauty subjects. Send your one -
cent stamps for pour copy and don't
hesitate to met about your own
personal bieauty probienns. All
letters are confidential Adrress:
Miss Barbara Lynn, Box 75 Station
.Montreal, Que.
Brussels Fall Fair, Saturay, Sept.
30th. Good prizes in all classes.
Races—the 2,22 ond 2.2.3 classes,
with a purse of $250.00. The
Strathrop Girls' and Boys' Trumpet
Hand will, be here as well as the
Brusesls Citizens' Band.
Everything Is Going
Up In Price
The Brussels Post
1.50 per Year
Renew Your Paper Now
First Class fob Work Guaranteed.
At Reasonable Prices