HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-9-20, Page 5THE BRUSSELS MST
Sept, 28 To 0, N. R. Btatioils,,In the M.ertime grovineesrt
Provinces gf Queobeo, Prince Edward, I&'iand, New Bi ttneedek,
'Nota Scotia,
SEPT, '00o TO'sOTTAWA ;8.90 SEPT. 29.30 TO !MONTR9AL $W
"•a Fares. Retum Limta, Train Information, Tickets, await nearest Agent, See HandbRu,
Classified Ads.
ALE A good secemd-hand Player Pigs°.
Phone 70,
8 Little Pigs ready to wean.
Joe Holmes, 'Con. 5, 'Morris
or apply at the Post.
To purehase, White Leghorn and
.Barred Rook Pullets. Send full
partleulars and number for sale.
Sam Pattison, Fergus, Ont.
Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Herring -
way spent a few days during Ole
POR SALE— Past week •vdsitin+g friends in To-
o Steell. Barrels, with cam, 50 gal route,
Ions, (clean).Mrs. Clark, Toronto, is the gueet
phone 68 C. Payne ' of her parents- Jigs, and, MTs. Fulton
and also her sister Mis. Jas. AD'nu
strong,'10Nr' con.
;Mrs. Geo, IdeVarlane Is not keep.
. bag as well as 'her many friends
Celebrate Fifty-fifth Welding Anniversary..:
2'4 Chunks of Pige.
apply to
phone 13X Ian McDonald, Brussels
To Lot 1'0, Con. 6, Morale town-
ship, a brown dog, male. Owner
can have the dog by paying for this
apply to Mats. Edna Young
phone Bruseels 33-T-12
Mrs, W, M. Sinclair will be In
the vilY.age this week and wislhes to
dispose of her house.
1 Registered Oxford, Down Ram,
3 years old and also some Oxford
Down Ewe Lambs.
phone 46-r-4 Archie Campbell
Does your car need 'painting? If
It does have . it done with Dulux
Auto Finish at k'isnher's Paint
Shop: Dulux Is made by Canadian
Industries and covers with one coat,
100 acre Farm, lot 29, concession
3, Morris Twp. ,good buildings, also
100 acre grass Farm with some
bush lot 30, concession 3, Morris
Executors John Bowman
and John Tull!.
would* wish bat hope to hoer her
being much is>Iproved,
Tbere is special prizes for baking,
in which the ladies can show their
One hundred acre farm, all till-
able land, now seeded to pasture,
drilled well and windmill, barn on
property. South efi, Lot 5, Conces-
eion 8, Morris. 7
apply to
Henry Sanderson,
R. R. 1, Blyth, Ont.
Executor of the James M.
Smith Estate
An auction stale of hte household
goods • and chattels of the late
Marla Canupbe04 will be held on
Monday tire 2nd day of October,
1939, at 2 'pmi, at her late reisdence
In the. Village ot Brussels. At the
time of the said sale there will also
be offered for sale the house and
two lots at the deceased, subjecit to
a reserve bid,
F. H. KEMP, Auctioneer
le2A1'IyRUti•I KELLY, Administrator
Mr, and Mr's, M. Grainger of
Jenleetairn were Sunday visitors
with Ethel friendly.
Mrs, J. 6/•114 and' daughter Jean
of Brusisele were weekend guests
with the Jardine family.
Misses Amanda and Eva 'Mc-
Cracken of Brussels were Sunday
afternoon visitors with Mrs. W.
Mrs. H, W. Elliott (formerly
Mamie MnAdtiyiter) was renewing
old friendships in Ethel and vicin-
ity diming the past week. She
was accompanied bp Mr, Elliott and
their two sons. They returned to
house and business in London/ Mon-
Despite the apparently good(har-
vest weather, a lot 'of newly Oriente
---Owing to poor health, 1 wish to
announce that after September 15th
Lorne Jardine will manage the Ethel
Garage and Machine Shop.
—Alk accounts must be settled by
September 25th, and 1 take this oppor-
tunity of thanking my customers for past
Mr, and, M+rs. D. 0, Ross Celebrated' their 55th' wedding anniversary.
on Saturday, Sept 16th. congratulations are extended to them and
miry 'they have many more years of happy married lite,
All Kinds of
Wood Working
Wheelbarrows, .Watson Tongues, Rims, Axles,
Neck Yokes, Whiffletrees, Etc..
HorseShoeinga Speciality
General .Blacksrnithing
and Repairs
Mr. Ruby Ethel
ed grain being brought to the mill
is in a condition to cause making
good chop a .s'low process.,
Geo. Dunbar attended a two days
session df Postmasteils convention
held/ at Brockville arriving home
at the weekend,
Owing to lineations on sugar
sties many housewives ere aetayea
in preserving and pic'kling opera -
done., at the present thee.
Contract& for cutting and the re-
moval os brush from ,the roadway
at East end of con, 6, Grey, have
been let by the municipal council.
The work to bei completed by the
last ot Odtober, d'art of the work
will he done by Ethel men,
The hotel'. property of Mia. Mary
Gill looks attractive in red, green
and bull colorings in freshly done
exterior painting. W. Williamson •of
Brussels and helpers did the jdh.
Friday of last week, threshing
was in progress on the farm of Bert t
Lake with Geo. Hutchinson's ma-
chine in operation, an early quit ter
the day was highly favored, the men
being at the point of proem/Iron :ante.
to exces awe heat of the day, .to-
gether with heavy dust and the
usual strenuous efforts or thresh-
Mr. and Mrs, P. N. Currie ,of Alt-
wood spent part of last Sund&Ndn
Ethel and. were reglntened. J'S
iiriendis who celled, et the horns ; of
Jos. and, Mns. Amets after the death
'of Mrs, E. A. Maguire.
Geo. Whitfield of Con, 13, Grey,
has availed himself of the conven-
ience of placing a large quantity of
his surplus grain in storage at the
store house at Ethel C.N.R. station,
direct to /the tithresihng ,machine
engaged in stock threshing.
On Friday, 'Sept. 10th, after a
lingering fitness the death of Mals.
E. A. Maguire occurred at the
home other brother Jos. Armes. She
was In. the 82nd' year of her age
and had resided 24 years continu-
ously In Ethel and was damilianly
known to everyibodty as Aunt Lizzie.
To apparently entplhasiize this recog-
nition, six n.ephews•, Carl Ames,
Seemly, George and .011liford Dunnar
George Ross and R. J MsLauchlin,
har been chosen by herself to act
as pallbearers. The flower bearers
Helen Bateman, Marjorie Brown,
Ruth. Dunbar and Jean Snell Were
grand nieces. And after the tun.
era/ contage had left the ,hone, two-
year-old', grand neice Joan, Ames
looked longingly uiphtairs and down
for, Aunt Lizzie, Mrs, Maguire
will be nsiseed by others also.
Rev. John M1cKenzie of Hempeler
erle conduct the services in the
'Cranbrook Presbyltertan enuron,
Sunday, Sept. 246h at 11 am. and
at Knox church, Ethel ,the same
day at 7,30 min.
For a bigger and better list of
stpe'oial prizes refer to prize list, It
yaou haven't already received one
send to the secretary D. M. Me-
Tavis+h and he will send It to you.
We were sorry to hear Mr. 'Roble
Shaw was taken to Wdngham hos;
pital lash week ani! operated on for
appendicitis and glad to /near he is'
getting better.
Mr, and Mrs, Frank Stamper, son;'
and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs,/,
Stanley took in Ebenezer Anniver;
sail. on Sunday and epenrlt Sunday
afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Chas,
Beeman and sons;
,Mr. and Mrs'. Leonard Gates,
sperm a couple of days with her
father in Bluetvale and also to see,
her father who was�t operabe'd oil
appendicitis last week.
Mr. and Mrs, E. Barnard and sons
spent last Thursday at London Ex-
Mrs, Jas. 'Leishman end Mrs,
Robt. Maguire of Wing -ham attended
Ebenezer Anniversary services on
Sunday and visited with teeir
brother and sister -in law Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Bosman,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Robb of.
Boisevain visited with Mr. and.
Mrs. Walter Forest and other
The farmers are busy cutting
corn an railing silos. rr .
Mrs, George Lowry a'ttend'ed'
Ebenezer Anniversary services and
visited, with her brother W. J.
South and family on Su'adaY,
lVLrs. Chas. Johnston, 614x. and
Mrs. Harry Barnard spent Friday
at London Exhibition.
eel's. J. W, Wickeltead was hostess
to the Women's Institute, Mrs., W,
MtacTag1 'art presided. /The 'rots
ea11 "Sonet ping new 'that I have
learned by esoperienoe in gardening.'
It was decided thee Red Cross work'
would be carried on under the lead-'
enehiv of the Woman's Institute,'
following Red 'Cross Instructions.'
Mrs, Roy Turvey giave a paper on:
"the. value of flowere Ion a farm,'€
Miss Olive Scott, delegate to the
annual convention at Guelph gave
general outline of the program.
The men of the United church
completed a work bee .when they
shingled, the roof ad the parsonage'
and renovated the roof of the
church shed, b •
Rev. A. A. Lowther, recently retu
ed from the Gwolliar mission eel
1n India, addre'seer the congrega-
tion of Knox Presbpterian Church',
on Sunday morning. - !
The enuivcraary •services tit•
Ebenezer United Church wetje
largely attended morning and even!
in gwhen• 'the Rev. James Wilkins
of Aehdield delivered species me's-
sages. Service. in B•luevale Vatted
Churchwere withdrawn.
Mies Marsh od Woodwtock, ac
companies by a lady friend, with;,
her cousins, Mrs, Ina. Lockhart ansa
Miss Agnes Thomas; Mr. and Mrs.'
Stanley Elliott and family of St,;
Catharines, with MI. and Mrs. Ray. -
mond Elliott; Mies Isabel Melehe
non, London Bausinesa' Cc/liege, with
her parents, Mr, a.nd+ Mrs, R. H,
IvioKinman; Mr. ante Mss. Hem•.nning-,
way, Bnrasels, with Mr, and Mae,
Ltoytt Turvey; Miss Florence Fox'.
ler with relatives at Seaforth; Mrs'
Leonard Gates of Chemry'woor With
Mr, and Mos. ,Robert Shady,
The Strathroy Boyar anti Girls'
Trumpet. Band will certainly ue
Worth seeing, �q;.
estate Agent,
Mr. and Mrs, R, Roe of Windsor
spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mas, F, D. Rutledge; 941.8.A. Far
kuharson and daughter returned
home after spending some time with
relatives et S$mtoe,
Mies Anna Ennis has returned
from a 'remote,
visit to
Revs/sellBreasts eventSunday in
Walton! with Inds wife who is nurs-
ing her mother at present.
Jack Drager returned to lila posi-
tion in the ofitce of the Shell Oil
Company Toronto
hada with Con f Bence'
chinbeins �`' Listowel
Quality Merchandise
at Very Lowest Prices
1 10 Advance in our Selling Prices until
our stock has to be rs plenished.
Indusfry At Brussels
Started''On Big Scale;
Fell -To Misfortune
}By.Harry J. Boyle
Of all' the villages of Huron
•County for which high hopes were
held out 'ie the last century the
one which ranked foremost from
.the +sitandpoint of optimism Tor
its Suture was Brussels. Every-
thingpointed to Brussel abecoming
a great tndnstrial centre by the
way in which it gained importanceshortly ,!after it was incosporabed
a$• a village .,in 1872,
Hard ipcJk played' a big part In
dashing B u„isel's' hopes because
three of the town'smost important
in 1pistries fell prey to flames on
different oeicasions.
Petrbaps the most important in-.
dustr,y wen Brussels/ Steam Fire
Engine and Agricultural Works,
eslbablis+hedt in the village's earlier
days by J, . D. Ronald, of 'Chatham.
Being anxious to have industries
the, municipal councillors had ap-
proached Mr. Ronald with the offer
of +a bonus Atter accepting the
manufiacturer moved into newly
erected premises in 1879,
.Prrevious to this he had been
engaged in the manufacture of fire
,steamers and heavy agricultural
i I»vplements, his partner being Mr.
Many al the older readers will
recall the famous old "Centennial"
engine made by the Chatham works
Of • Ronald and Hyslop. This was
an alit/eotlon at a greet exposition
and, it was later purchaser for
else by the Town of Paris,
Farmers will, of course, remem-
ber . Ronald andHyslop rot their
grain separators. the first in Can-
ada being .the "vibrator" type.
Dpnrinating the industry of the
'Prosperous Village of Brussels, the
works, were conveniently located on
The prizes ars all good, so stari endCGeneral Insurance to prepare those arhibltg 'tot Otncc
the Fair se Sect, 29th. and 30th. Main street. Ethel. OtttdYi
they had mills running at both
peaces. 4t is said' that during the
winter of 1056-57, 60 ox'teams were
counted at onetime at the Gerrie
grist mill,
When Gerrie was first laid out
the mane on efflcial plans was
"Homiek Village" ,but for eeme
years afterwards Et was known as
Leecluvilie. The change to 'Gerrie
was anade because Gerrie in
Ireland was near the old Leech
4n the seventies, Gerrie had •
more industries .than it has now', -
baving two sawmills, a planing
mill, foundry, pork packing .plant,
flour mild, jewelry store, in addition
to the usual general stores, shoe
shops and, carriage whops. There
were three churches and a two -
room school. It boasted a news -
Paper, which flourished for many
Works 25 Years
On Steam Engine
'Charles Pope, 72, of Brussels,
has spent 25 years working on a
model of a steams, engine.
Engineers from all pants of
the country have viewed/ MT. Pope's
invention, an ddeclare that in the
steam line it'h just about what they
•terms penfeotio, They are espeel-
ally interested in his water cleaner,
a device which he has made dor
cleaning the water and returning
it to the boiler miners the lubrioa.
tion which so often caused flues
to burn out in the older types of
steam engines.
His machine is also built to ass
any type ot fuel—coal, wood or
oil. Every tbit of the machine was
made bp his own hand.. /even' the -
cylinders were oast by himself.
With a badkground+ that includes
being brought up in the shadows
of 'the great Nottingham; machine
shops in England, Mr. Pope served
the:.,main street, a feature being, his apprenticeship and. became a
an, upright steam hansmer made qualified boilermaker and machin -
according to ••specifications by a ist in the Ruston and Hornnaiby
famous Glasgow ann.works. Ds 1912 .he ramie to Can -
Mr. Rgnald was oY an inrventive ala and. in 1914, after he had lo -
turn as was, shown by the fact casted a maohlne shop is Brussels',
that the motive power for his he started work on his steam en-
works• was a machine of his. own gine,
conetreetion. It wes of the con-
, pound , and double -action pattern,
of 40 hsjrusselees, 'MORRIS
The Brussels works sent their MORRIS
prodinets to many parts of .the
world, one of 'the ftuest engines
they built going to Newcastle, N.
B,. The piece range was from
However, steam fire engines
Passed /Tom popular use and as
the, main industry for the town
faded away so did many od the
other factories,
FVre wiped out the business' sec-
tiee on„. severral occasions and
Brussels today is aquiet village,
fontere shadow of what she might
have been had fortune not handed
her, ilidusrtries these setbacks,
Gorrie Village Knew
Boom In Milling
Back Iii' 1850's
By Alice Aitken
In ,the; Year 1854 the Greer
brotheesi loclsited' on the :site of the
present Village 01 Gerrie. The
next year Janies and Nathaniel
Leath: ' coming on a proepeet'ing
tour from Lanark eounry, cause.
Gerrie, on a braunh• of the Mait-
land Ritter, as the 'Place for the
building et mills, They returned
the following winter to begin ops./'-.
itilons, Chapping a road 'through
from Molesworth =Hugh Hollings.
head Came in at the sante time to
:locate at Genie,
The Leech brothers, eight et the
10".in the +family, tenger a partner.
ship and bought 101111 elites 81 Gerrie
ant: Binevate. Ito a few nlotlths
Charles am Mrs. Davie ' were -
weekends visitors• at the home of
Ed. and Mos. Abra, Owen Sound.
John Yuill, 3rd line, recently dis-
posed of some prime grass cattle
at is good figure,
Mos. evi Parr who sold her fanm
has moved into town and has taken
up roams over Proctor's,
Mi', and' Mrs, Jardine and family
enjoyed a trip to London to the .
fair last week.
Very mime:stee l -anniversary ger.-
er_vices' 'weee held in . Knox United
oliurch. on Sunday. Good congrega-
tions' attended both morning and
evening semvicesi Rev, Mooris,
who was pastor in the former meth-
odist church fifteen years ago, was
the. special Speaker foe the day, and
gave two splendid, addresses, The
Choir oonttributed +suitable lenge at
each service. .At teh morning aer.
vide .MIS. George Taylor sangit
eggo and sit,:. the evening. service.
Johne Reavis Sang a solo, The
church was nicety decorated with
flowery to tithe eenvic'e. Rev Mr.
Mooris and family were visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wheeler;
MiS, F, Armitage and' Doreen of
Aiwa were weekend vtsitore With.
Me ands MIS. James 'Young; C. R.
Couttes 'meet the weeleeud in.To-
ronto; Mirts, J, Poaren of Toronto
Called an relatives, here,