HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-9-20, Page 4II SUPERIOR STROE SERV1CL QUALITY i SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY."' FRIDAY IR '„SATURDAY Aylmer Soupy. Tomato 101 oz..' 2 tins for 15c. Derby Cheese, spreads or slices 1/2's • • • • • ' • Y»o.' 'each 14ck Aylmer Choice Golden Bantam Corn 17 oz. 2 tins for 15c Soap Chips , ,. . , 3 lb for 26' Brooms, 4 -string • • ' ' • • ' • • • ' each 25c Linen Towelling , per yd 15c Dominion Comforter Batts , • • • , ' • ' each 50c Ladies' Crepe Dresses • each $10O Girls' %Mercerized Knee Length Hose • • • per pr. 1+5'c Boys' 'Knicher Pants . per pr. 75c Men's Dress Suits, sizes 37 & 38's per suit $4.95” Ladies' Brown Leather Oxfords per pr. $1.98 WM. ZIEGLER HIGHEST PRIC'GS PAID FOR EGGS Phone 22-11 Ethel, Ont. i t THE BRUSSELS POST • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20Itta ,the he, that it a war should- breakj1 Fairs & Exhibitions ! EAST 01.0 in which claims e, inerolved wer in @:European c4n'fllet it would ;all the forces of the Dlominlou blue and „Pla4o le, ;ooncelttn'a' Fames the feel 'ee of ddsloyal pea: 91`ugeul' i n Plioawor'Bt lyse is 01e Se> q 20, 3.0 Trod the nnetr'aS`°-'lraud9' , of B 4s,gt,`.0, 28:.' 4andls' ore our Earcpean 'Dhabi- � eery .''•.: °' t 26,27 Drlilaho ',Ask. Sep to s are the centro of a bloody con- Sept, 25 .al .{ Whore strands .our neigh , Embro bete the PoploMfla, Ohdeolsltds, Wihiaus I1d'et'ton Sept, »l Ingersoll Sept. 23, 29 and the Cranslnarrs? I only wish Ingeton Sept. 23, 29 ',i thee ,all our 'People who temp Chien. Sept. 28, `L9 seifee goods 'Canadians 'give ev1- ' Mitchell Sept. 28, 28 dealce of the sleane loyalty and ' ..' ,' d vobion as these same citizens of ParleSound Sept, 30, Oct, 2; 3 Sept. 20, 27 Sept. , Sept.262 Sept, 28, 29279 Sept, 26, 27 Sept. 26,27 Sept. 27, 28 THE ITER a O x Brussels, Ont. Sept., 17th, 119 Mr. Editor Dear Sir: - I think it is my duty to try and make it clear that there is absolute- ly no foundation tor the rumour that has been going around in re- gard to Mr. Payne. I've known him since he came to Brussels and from our talks together 7 have found him a Canadian of the first weber and British to the core. Someone who, for want of mune• thing to talk about must have sitarted it and small things always groin larger, especially when it is pasted from one to another. It behoves peapte in teese tunes to ne earetul as a lot of mischief can be caused very quickly. I hope the people of tete districts around us will pay no attention to suer rumours until they can find out for themselves whelther they are true. Yours siincerely, Joseph A. Kelly, for the Canadian Legion, toq'i ti Lrdt' Western Canada by your citizenrY• With those thoughts in xrese, coupled with the considenati9, iatr' after all we are Piet oneo arge, family, separated by a ;few miles of land and ;water, 'but sped -Malty bound together by the bonds of kinship and mutual interests. I here endeavour to place beforefyeur People, some Abases of Western thought and aotivdtiee. When is, news news? With eeehts moving so fast in the world'ane finds this once so simple question hard to answer. ° A few brief days ago our lirairie harvest which after a very•'ei'ratic ti' 1939 September 2530 4rthttr t SeR 27,28. } ell i i;,egt, 27; 48-; growing season during which many anxious hours were pass` many and varied were the guessei which were hazarded by amateur and ''e'z-'4 pmts alike as to the ultimate wheat bushels• of the prairie Provinces.' '' All these estimates. proved to be nothing more than childish' guesses,- Since .nature and her ally destiny played a game of "naw you see it;' but no's you dont." For when the official report dame' to hand a few days ago, announcing' ing able to speak the English lang- a 451 million bushels°,it 'Proved `td'l nage fluently, he bombarded the Re - be 10 million bushels in excess • 02- `oruitin:g Officer on three occasions the most optimistic guess and 26 ' on the Game day, Each time ap- mililon beyond the most pesstnitstic 'pearing with a new interpreter de - wager. fteumined to make his applications s-; � 71cc anadopted: land Ours; is a corn- Palmerston misty^ where the Anglo Canadian Palmer Pa f b4 the minority, the ballance of ci;t zenship is made up of at least a Part Elgin, della other representatives of RtPley biOrdering upon the war zone, Asaing ham obeetries either engager in war, or ; Medford witness to the inherent loyalty and lvdnston griiYrl datenmination of Many of Ain October Oct. 4, 5 Oct. 5, 6 Oct. 6, 7 Oct 3 Dungannon the' so tabbed 'foreigners' :to meet Dr g n chi Pewee of the hour many of Gorrio these• "New ana an Oct. 5, 6 to gest to the front, to fight for Can - ad' jumped the traces of &heir $dmaooe (Npr'Po1k County) .... Oct. 3.6 Teesnvater Oct, 3, t re;ular jabs and hastened' to more Forest Oct, 10.11 dfteat Points, there eo enlist _in Markcdaie Oat, 10, 11 erence to waiting until a N.B.—Dates of fairs Listed a"e creieing Depot opened here. Have subject to change. these mew got the steel in their ' spine and sand in their fibre? Here are a couple of incidents Fall Fal' Prize which has reached my 'ear, whish ' Lists Now Available will speak with greater emphasis A bigger, better fair, is the embi- tli6a any other comment, ; tion of the 1929 board of directors of `One of these young "fore t rens" the East Huron Fall Fair which will g be held in Brussels Friday and Sat, hustled into a Recruiting Office, To slay, Sept.- 29th and 30th. The new prize list is- .now avail- abee. . suit your Dopy from the sec- retary. D. M. McTavish. Make your contribution to the success of the 1939 exhibition by entering exhibits In as many classes C di 's" impatient Mout Badges -F I. LL FAIR eptr29th &30th Marys. the Recruiting Officer's question as to age the applicant answered twenty-four; to married or single he replied married; any children'e asked the after, four, the young man replied curtly. The officer doubting the veracity of the state - as possdble by boosting strenuously uteri ejaculated What only 24 and your home town fair and by your co - four children, am I to believe you? operation and your attendance. The et's up to you, cap, I married Bsusseits Band will be on, the a widow with four children.I Another young man of foreign birth grounds. Plenty of amusement I will be provided for all including 1 oaeiged a Recruiting Office, not be- the' horse races with attractive priz- e; offered. A. concert and dance will be :held in the evening, Plan to attend. The reasons for this illuat've, essful, son and the defiance of any slitem Thus the absorbing topic of the Melville Sask. ,moment is "Stop Hitler." Sept- 11, 1939 I of approximate estimrate Is a Start of its own too Sincerely yours, long to relate just P. J McLeodhere, The Brussels Post. Dear Editor: - A few brief weeks ago the writer epe'nt a few enjoyable weeks in your thrifty community and inci- dentally one df those contributions which added: pleasure to my visit was the weekly visit of your es- teemed publication the "Post." One of the marked impressions gained while in Eastern Canada was the warms interest in elvdden'ce upon ev- ery hand, shown in the affairs of BRUSSEL' : eUTY SALON OIL , .1 IANENTS HAVE JUS: t URCHASED THE NEW ZEt4sTH HEATERLESS THERMIQUE PERMANENT WAVE MACHINE Prices as Usual— $7.00 wave ...... .._-........ $5.00 Machineless Waves $3.95 & $6.00 End Curls 51.00 and 51.50 each Including Shampoo & Finger Wave Dried Finger Waves 25c ;BENE PEASE over H, B. Alien's Drug Store for appointment Telephone 55X The surprising thing about i the whole episode le, although our people are eternally wheat eon - serious:, almost to the point 'of .an obselslsiionl since the menace of war has cae& a shadow over Canada. this ,gigantic harvest with Its in- tricacy of maketing problems., has been totally eclipsed over night ' Oorups, of tense nerved citizens: cluster on street oornens, in ha11e ways) and nubile corridors • disctesel ing with hushed tones the gravity, of the situation. " Even politics which. {rad reached boiling :point during Atigiist, is ens tirely submerged. Oh no don'i, be mistaken, there le no-" stgw of hysteria or fear, just a `s$reme bu`t grim. detervtination to shake MA: cause their own by dontributing their individual quotasGo a right- , eons cause. A few brief years ago `Janine of our ultra loryalists and edlucationis,ts were going nutty over *hat 'tieyt 'termed the new Canadian s rablei l viz. the problem at at:ski:ling and ,:: asttimilating •the �thbuands• of; settlers from the Balkan. estates °f Ce,ntral Europe. 'These 'ilal1 het up" social prophets warne'd', the powers. IAC HOOL PARADE Parade will leaa'e Viotoria Park at 1 p.m, sharp Saturday Sept. 30th and will he headed' by the Band, All Teachers, and Public School Pupils In the parade emitted tree to the grounds, HORSE RACES A_THE FAIR Dori'( ;forget there is going to be 'rates at the Fair on Saturday, Sept. 30th, The 2.22 and 2.28 classes, anal good races are expected. ThePesfect Dessert ICE CRS` AM 1 here is nothing 'more delicious & nourishing; TRY FOXTON'S and You will eat no other ?TP YOU WILL TEAT NO OTHER Hcv?, You Tried Them ? ' Thore 3atisfying "MILK :SHAKES" Those Generous "TASTY SUNDAES" —THEY ARE GOOD BRUSSELS DAIRY i.J A F? Brussels District barley Club LLD Sponsored by:— id; LJ Brussels Agricultural Society', Ontario Department of Agriculture Fedenal Department of Agriculture Supervising Committee:— Ed Bryans Wilbur Turnbull, Chairman T. C. Wilson Chas. Anderson 2. C. Shearer, Agricultural Representative Members: Wm. Turnbull, Brussels 2 President Jack Bryan, Blytih 2 Vice -$r'esid'ent Robert Kirkby, Walton Secretary Ronald Gerdont Brussels 2 Stewart McCall, Blyth 2'` Ross Bennett, Walton 2 Walter Bewley, Blyth 2 L. Lanrb'nt, Brussels' 3 Everett Robinson, Brussels 2 Jas, Ireland, Bru:asels. 6 Gordon Stevenson, Bussels 2 Stuart Stevenson, Brussels 2 Clarke M. Cardiff, Brussels 4 Rabt, Gordon, Brussels 2 John Speir, Brussels 2 Earl Coutts, Walton .2 Ken. McDonald, Brussels 2 Harvey Bnadehaw,.Bluevale 2 # -_u• Objects : (1) To demonstrate the valve of good seed, the practice of good. cultural methods; and dise'as'e control. (2) To improve the quality of seed being sown in the ;Province. (3) To develop leadership .and to foster community co- operation in production and, marketing m-oblems. (4) To focus attention on prodlu,etion cask Bade of Aavardls:— Ihe Awards will be made on the followle, basis: 300 polus for field score 100 points for field notes and financial statement 200 points; for exhibit at Fall Fair 100 points for judging contpetlltion 100 points for questions based on club work, cultural practices, etc, 100 points for attendance at meetings Prize Money Offered:— At the rate of $3.00 per entry (tor example if the 13 members all e:clydl)it and complete the project $54,00 will be available prize money. The supervising committee will divide the prize -money to the winners on a graded beetle Exhibit of Barley fromIlactis Member: — 2 bushed lot of NoTearb Barley.grown from seed eectired through the Brussels District Barley Club to be shown at Brussels on September 30th, exiribils to be In place by 10 a,tn. 2 Years Subscription Free to the Post To tale persol, who &'tresses the correct number of admission tickets eol.d at the Brustsele Fall Fair, on Saturday, September 301.11 Contest starts on September 2ottt--Olosing on September en",Get Your entry blankat the Post and fiat in yens guess, 10 the box. ,Contest Is opened to all — No Fee PURSE 2,28 Trot or Pace Eentr'y--,Mernber'slrlp fee only, 2.22 Trot or Pace Entry—(Membership fee only. Every Heat a Race SPECIAL PRIZES:— $250.00 Purse $125.00 Best three in five heats, Purse $125,00 Best three in five heats, Association Rules to Govern For the Best 3 -year-old Carriage Mare or Gelding Galbraith Sales Stables offers $5.00 For the Winner of the Gentleman's Road Race Eltlott's Service Station offers 5 Gallons of Gasoline. For the Best Gentleman's (Double) Outfit, D. ,A,Rann offers 515.00 applicable on a Bedroom or ,Chesterfield For the Best 3.year•old in Roadster Class, Alex. Anderson Dodge Sales & Service, offers 525.00 applicable on a New or Used Car. For the Best Single Carriage -Horses in Harness D. C. Warwick offers ,$25,00 applicable on a Washer, Stove or Refrigerator Tom McMichael, Seaforth offers 1st, 5500; 2nd, 53.00; 3rd, 52,00 for Best Yearling or Sucking Colt ofi Royal Carbrook N. CHAPMAN, IBrusvels offers a Colt Halter for best Draft o - Agricultural Foal For the Best Draft or Agricultural Brood Marc' and two of her prodgeny: tat prize donated by :Robt. Simpson Co. Prize to be choice of- Co. 2nd prize donated by Chas: Robertson ,_ .................................. _ ... $ 5.00 Erd 'Prize donated by p. ss. McTavish offers: $3.00. Gori. Sanderson, "The White Front" Cities ,Service Station Donates 4 Quarts of 011 for the Best Lady' Driver. ,Outfit 40% Special Prize by the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Brussels ,Ont., of an Old English Silver Tray, Grape Pattern, , silver- Plated en copper ,with heavy grape border — chased centre and old English finish. For the Best Gentleman's outfit— Single Light Horse Driving R. F. Downing offers $2.00 for the Best Collection of Pigeons (6 pair) Herd, Beef Type, Any Breed 1 Male, 4 Females 1st Prize 55.00 donated by Baeker Bros:. - 2nd Prize $2.00 donated by H. Champion Beat Heifer Calf, Beef Type (WV to be rat, 1 anti exhibited by person residing In North Huron) 'rize $5,00 donated by R. J. Deachman 2rte 'rite 53.00 donated by A. D. McDottaid 3rd ize 51.00 worth of seeds by Royal Purple Best Steer or Helfer for Baby Beef Purposes (weight up to 750 lbs.) No family to win more than one of these prizes in 1939 T. Eaton Co. offers a Silver Comport FOR BACON HOGS No. 1—One year's subscription to the Family Herald & Weekly Star No. 2—One year's subscription to the Farmer's Magazine No, 3—One year's subscription to the 'Canadian Countryman No. 4—One year's subscription to the Farmer's Advocate -No. 5—One Bag of Swift's Hog Concentrate No, 6—One Bag of Swift's Hog Concentrate. Prairie Rose or O'Canada Flour, 24 pounds Prairie Rose Flour for best %z dozen biscuits ,.,made from Prairie Rose or O'Canada Flour. 24 pounds Canadian Beauty Pastry Flour for best Layer Cake made from Canadian Beauty or Pacific Pastry Flour. Specials by Robin Hood Mills— 50 .35 1 loaf White Bread Six Currant Buns 50 .35 Six Tea Biscuits, plain 50 .35 Layer 'Cake, light, white icing and, filling , , . .50 .35 Layer Cake, dark, chocolate and dark icing .50 .35 Alrple Pie 50 .35 Raisin Pie • .50 .35 Pumpkin Pie ... , 50 .35 For the best Collection of Potted Plants, (not more than 6) 1st Prize—$2.00 Furniture to that value donated by D. A. Rann 2nd Prize—$1.00 donated by Archer Grewar For Best Lunch for 1 person, exhibited by girl 17 years or under 1st Prize 52.00 2nd Prize -1.00 Donated py Brussels Dairy Wm. J. Stewart, Proprietor 11. Bowler's Flour and Feed Store ,offers , (By .courtesy ,,,of .the Hanover Milling Co.) the following: 48 pounds 'O'Canada Flour for the best loaf of bread made from Lace Table Cloth, hand made, not less than 2 yds. x 1a/4 ydt. 1st $2 50 Donated by ltobt, 2, Bowanan 2nd $150 Donated by Wilton & Gillespie 3rd , . $1 00 Donated by Miss T, Dickson Strathroy Band and Brussels Band I11 Attendace GRAND CONCERT Friday, Sept. 29th In Bkaussels Town Hall Dancing after concert JAMES BURGESS, President Admission Adults 25e; D, M, MCTAVISH, SeeretatY.. Treasurer Children 100: Automobiles 26e