HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-9-20, Page 1Alto�¢lg
Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 20th,
C„,N, Catures
One Gp►al. Lead
in' W. F, A, Series
Brussels Soccer Squad
Beaten e3y Smith's
Last Period Goal p
Both teams turned out In thehot
sun with only a fele an in, the
sltands+ tto see the good football
game beeween the Bruseelsl eleven
and the 'trautt'ord C.N.R. In the
first game of the W,F,A, play -
dawns on Saturday; 'The •C,N.R.
team kicked oft and kook the play
into the Brassels• territory and only
the s'mar't work of the Meeks kept
Harrd$eo and his forWards teem get-
ting in on Riley in the Brussels
The Brussels forward lines eta*
ed to function and White and Flood
had a tough job to keep them out.
Harrisko who wa.a +playingcentre
for the Stratford team, gave Riley
a few:•, holt. shoes, to na.ndle, slut 'ne
always vieneged to 'kick them out.
Brussels 'took the play right into
the Stratford goal, and a forward
who was unprotected on the vigil,
fedO'Connor. a St. Columba- boy,
a ,perfect pass to put Brwssele in
the lead 1-0.
Atter they had scored tlhat goal,'
the 0,1\111. forwards, put some life
into' `tits' game, which was backed
up by brilliant support from tlae
half backs: Brooks, Braider, James
and Harrisko all hoe shots at Riley
who was playing .a swell game In
the Brussels goal The detence for
Riley found: it hard to steep the
Stratford forevardst out ands when
J. O'Connor, a brother to John
O'Connor on the Brues'ele team,
gave Jame ea Pass, Jamse Passed
W. F. A. Intermediate
Game Called at 3.30 Sharp
(90 minute game)
This is the second game of the
home and home, goals to count
series. The Stratford team won the
flest game in Stratford by a 3-2
score therefore the local lads will
be out to reverse the score and
stay in the competition.
Admisslon—Ladies 15c
Gents 25c Children. FREE
Rallp round and help the Boys win
East Huron Fall Fair
Friday, September 29th
at 8.15 p.m.
-featuring:WILLIE BELL
London, Ont.
"Canada's Cheery Scot"
The Ace of Scotch Character
Comedian and •
Concert Troupe
Reserved Seats 35c
Rush Seats 25c
Reserve tickets sold at Allen's
Drug Store
The Oklahoma Kid
James Cagney Humphrey Boptrt
Mon. Tues., Wed,, •Sept. 25-26-27
James Cagney Pat O'Brien
Angels with
Dirty Faces
—WITH— v
The Dead End Kids
Humphrey Bogart
Ann Sheridan George Bancroft
Next Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sept. 26.29.30
Roy Rogers
Westward Ho
Induct New Minister
At Service At VallettaI NEWS iTEMS
Rev. W. A. Wililamts; fcrmrerly' of
Ceanbrook, eint,, ,was inducted, )luta
the cbargesl ofValedta 'and New St.
Autdeewe, Dover, at a meeting of
Chatham, Presbytery of the Preshy
terian ctrunch, held at Valetta,
Rev, Dr, Fulton', ok First Church,
Ohwthaan, presided at the induc-
tion service. The sermon was.
given by Rev. Stephen Fazekas, of
the Hungarian Church in Windsor.
Rev. Norman Mcl(ay, of Ridge -
town, addressed the minister ane
Rev, C. A. Wright of Wallaaeburg,
the people.
Rev, Mr, Wright, Who has been
acting as interim moderator, re-
ported' on probr'ess leadlny up to
the induction.
over to Mike Harr'isnto who made
no mistake this tllfe and ,put the
ball past Riley to tie the score at
one all.
Stratford Takes Lead.
With the score tied, the plaY
surged Brack from end to end,
with the Brussels centre half work-
ing hard, all the time. J. Wilson
went to centre forward' for Strat-
ford and Mike Harrdako dropped
We hereby take this means) of ex-
pressing our thanks) to our friends,
neighbors, and cuotomere, for the
Many kindnesses shown since our
recent fire at He'nfryn, It Was very
mush appreciated',,
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. M.iOhelI and Lloyd
Litemiberet &toyter& speathroy,
Saturday, Sept, 23rd, 176 Head of
Mixed Cattle. Usual run of Mixed
Pigs and Calves, Those wishing
to Mix cattle privately can do so
by seeing the umdersdgeded au-
ctioneer nnrrtime dims the week.
Truchas to deliver. ernes, Cash,
A. Ge McAlpine; Auctioneer
Blaze Soon' Put Out
,A shed at the rear of the kitchen
of Mr. Philip' Ament's home was
dwmlaged by fire en Thursday
morning of Last week. ! At the time
of the fire, tar, with ' which UO2Y
were earring the kitchen roof, was
being heated in the shed. The tar,
which because ignited caused such
a smoke that observers thought tite
back to play .half back, Brooks and fire was of amore serious nature
Wilson . gave Braiden passes to
work his way into the enemy terri-
tory, ,Braiden finally got in, and .
then passed to James who headed
the ball into the Brussels goal to
give the local .team a 2 to 1 margin.
That goal aroused the Brussels
team and they gave Discli plenty to Blyth fall fair, held !on Saturday,
worry about. Dlsch looked dwell in was. one of the best heed in some
the Stratford goal, turning the years. The exhibit 10' the hall was
Brussels shots out like a veteran. splendid, the di]av,•�-rafIbaking and
Wilson nruee tut dawn the field flowers being ve ;7 gcodi inideed, and
and he was brought down in the the live stock above the average,
penarty shot area, Mike Harrisao On Friday evendng the society spon-
took tae shot, but put the ball sored a dance with Arthur's °ranee•
over the bar. The ,players were be- tra in atteeklance. On Saturday
ginning •to •tire atter' playing 45 evening a splendid concert was held
m"nutee in the hat sun when the 111 the hall. The taire, ,board is
first half ended - with the score pleased! indeed with. the success of
dtrautord 2, Brussels 1. theft' fair this year, conaiderintg the
Brooks Hurt intense, heat of both days.
When the Stratford team came
out on the field to start the second
half they were without Red Brooks
who had been hurt In the first half.
The local team opened with the
wind and they were soon giving
Riley sums tough shots to handle,
but Ire managed to turn them'aside
Pearson gave a good dismay on the
defence ao keel the Stratford for-
wards out and the play ranged
around centre field.
Both Wilson and Harirslko re-
ceived injuries, but both returned
after receiving attention: Wilson
made the'vdsiting team 'know Wheu
fie had .returned, when he testeo
Riley with a hot shot, which was
foilaved by another tram Robert-
son only to have Smith come in and
blast another at Riley, Riley cel',
tainl'y looked good turning those
three quick kions aside.
Wilson and James carried the
ball up and pa.ased over to Braleer
who sent it towards the Brussels
goal. It leaked as if Riley would
pull off another of his smart saves,
but Smith trade sure of it when
he sent the ball ,past cuuey to give
his team a} twoegoa'1' lead, -
The •Sttartford .team began to tire,
dee to the fact tkat ,they seed npt
played for a 'long time, and the
Bnussees, team took advantage -et
their condition, Pearson was sent
up to the (ionised line and it
brought quick resoles 'when he
scored his• team's, second goal,
The Stratford, team found ,the
going tough, and J. O'Connor was
the spank •of ,the ;Stratford team,
He had just finished the Season
with St. C'olnmtban, •having played
junior for that town in tole Crap
finals' against Brussels, The play
began to drag and it went from
end to end when the whistle blew
to give Stratford a 3 to 2,win,
The Stratford eleven- play the
return game In Brussels next Sat
urday- with total goals, to count on
the round. It is expected to be 3
tough game.
Brussels --Goal, 0. Riley; backs,
Sill,•Bordlen; half basks; King,
Breads, Lowe; fbnwerdsS Dan-
brook, Pearson, 1010onnor, Farqu-
harston, ,Snider; subsy Baker, Nichol,'
Sirietfoed—Goal, Dlalch; banks,
White and Floods; halves, Robert.
sen, Harrisko,. Jambes; forwards, J.
James, J, O'Connor, Brooke, Wil-
son, Braider;• Taube., Arniisoron,g,
Referee—Harry Fisher, Stretford,
but the chemical engine, when
brought into use extinguished the
blaze before any great damage was
Fair At Blyth
Best In Years
Trousseau Tea For
Atwood Bride -to -Be
Mrs. G. N. Hamilton entertained
Friday afternoon ands evening at a
trousseau tea for her daughter,
Mauna, whose marriage 4,0 Hugh
Kennedy takes place Septemher 26.
Mrs. Hamilton and Mauna received
the guests, . Mrs. 3, Rogers pre-
sided at the tea table and those
assisting were Mrs. T. Hamilton
and• Mrs. W. Shearer, aunts, of the
bride and Miss J. Hamilton, Mrs.
3, Mc113ain, Mrs. E. Roe, Mists A.
Ballantyne, Mies M. Robb and Miss
R. Elliott.
Strathroy Boys' and
Girls' Trumpet Band
The Strathroy Boys' and Girls'
Trumpet Band which will be in att-
tendhnce at tthei Bleussslw Fail
air" are 'wddely known and are ap-
preciate'd wherever they go. They
were preterit at the recent Tees,
water Old Boys+ where they attract-
ed a great deal 0f attention. and
applause for their very splendid
music and musical drills, Don't
miss hearing them, Their music
alone is worth the price of acetate-
cion to The Fair., . .
At the Churches
Services! in Metvilte Presbyterian
Church on Sunday were conducted
by the minister, Rev, S. Kerr. An-
thems were given by the choir at
both services, Services in the
United Church on Sunday were con-
ducted by the ministter, Rey, H. J.
Mahoney, who Spoke at the morning
Service on '1Spiaittual Blindness."
The evening, service was "A 'Chal-
lenge ,to the Church:' Edna Davi-
son sang a solo and, Alice Pope gave
a story, and Rally Day services#
Were given at the Sunday School in
the afternoon,
Rev. H. J. Hendry, rector of St.
Johns Anglican Church, conduoted
morning service on Sunday.
CLEAWV:EIRF—In Grey To,wnsdiip on
Tue'sIlaY, September 19th, 1939,
C.harlee E, Cleaver in his, 67111
year, The funeral will be held
from hie late home, lot 19, conces-
sion 6, Grey township, -on Thurs
day SeP,tember 21st, 1939. Service
at 2 p line (ferment in Mt, Pleasant
Cemetery, Ethel,
1* * * * * * *.* * *
Mies Mary Davison ist now quail'
fled to teach piano, Anyone in -
tweeted, in eaking leesoms', eme-
phone 14X-2.
Band Concert
Sunday evening the band gave a
concert in Victoria Park ,and, a
street dance was held for the
band's benefit on Friday evening,
We wish to express our sincere
appreclatfon to neighbours and
friends for their many kindly acts
of loving thoughtfulness during the
ille'$s of our sister, Mrs, Maguire,
and for the sympathy expre;;esd at
the time of her demise,
Mrs, D. C. Roes
Mr, Jcs. Ames. .
* * * * * .* * * * *
* * * * * * * * * *
Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Reg.
N., Brantford spent the weekend at
her home here.
• . .
Mrs W. Harris, Metchewan, a
former resident, is renewing old
friendships here,
* * a.
Mrs. William Wenner, Detroit, is
with Mrs. A, Currie who is ser-
iously ill.
r *
A number from here were in
Attwood Friday where they attend-
er the trousseau tea for Miss
Mauna Hamilton
* * •
Mies Ruth Moorhouse of Toronto
wast a weeds -end guest of her friend
Miss Doris McDonald,
• • •
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Wade of
Owen Sound visited Mrs, A, H, Mac-
donald one day last week. The
ladies are cousins.
* t Si
Fr. and 'Mrs, Ieorge .Dawson of
Port !Stanley were visetors last
week with the latter's parents Mr,
and Mrs. Philip Arnent.helping,. Mr.
Amrent celebrate his birthday,
Miss M, Pott's who has just' re-
turned from an European tour, left
Tuesday morning for her home in
Omaha after vieiting at the ,home of
Mr. and MS's, D, R. Cunningham for
a fe.w days.
Dr. and Mrs. George Ross and
Barbara and Mary of Wingham and
Dr. and Mao'. Vernon Rose of Lon-
don were weekend guests of their
parents Mr. and Mrs. D, 0. Ross.
,Misses iCarrie• M�hCracken and
Gertrude Ross, of Toronto were
weekend visitors at their homes
here. Their sumaner vacation was
stpent on a trip to South America.
• • •
Mess, Hannah Russel has gone to
London to attend Business College.
Miss A. Cardiff 'has taken the posi-
tion in L. Russell's stone vacated by
Rev, J. Graham and Mrs. Graham
Bayflekl made a brief call on
Brudsedls friendts on Tbarraaay,
evening. They were returning
home ieom, Gerrie where Mrs.
Sraha.m had been speaking.
Mr. Philip ment•
A.celebrated hie
eighieth birthday last week. He is
a wonderful man for that age and is
able to attend to his business with
as much energy and as clear a mind
as- he had through hie long business
life as head of the Anent Planing
Mrs, A. Leitch *celebrated her
82nd birthday on Sunday by enRer-
taininl2- tour of her children and
their families After a atm iWtuous
dinner andthe birthday cake eaten,
she was showered with lovely gifts,.
Those preleenit were Mr, and Mrs.
John Leitch and Bessie, Mr, and
Mr.s Dougall Leitsb and Mast, . Mc-
Laren, all of Norwich, Iran
Leitch and two small dhughters of
Uttervilde, and Jack Laurus, a
grandson also, Mr. and Mays, Wm.
Ziegler and Billy of Ethel, and
MIs sGentrude Fetter of Norwich,
* * * * * * * *
Miter a lengthy il.)neee the death
occurred on Friday, Sept, 15, 1939
of Elizabeth Ann Ames, beloved
wine of the late David. Maguire in
hey 92nd year,
The snnbjelct of tails notice was
the second oldest daughter born to
Samuel and Mrs. Ames, a 'pioneer
family of Grey Township, Two
ali'eiters, Martha Lucinda and Mrs,
D, W, Dunbar (Sarah) and lour
brothers, John, William, Harry aur
Sam, 'predeceased her. While
two brothers', 4r OM of Winnipeg and
Jos. of Ethel and three sisters, Mrs,.
D. C. Russ (Maria), Bruseels; Mos
A. McAdlester (Pauline) et Oakville
and Mrs, J. T. Durgin (Melisea)
Canton, US,A., survive, to 'hold in
loving memory a devoted sister,
who alway.s regarded earthly home
ties as something almost sacred
and, who from early 'girlhood gave
loyal allegiance to a heavenly
Father. Her acts of service in
church, home and Community, so
willingly and lovingly perforated
will long be remembered.
Previous to her 34 years' resi-
demtce in Ethel with the exception
of a little more than one year after
marriage when she resided on lot 10
con, 6, Grey Twp. her home was in
Peterborough keeping house for a
period of years for William Forester
an uncle wbose home was broken
up when Mr, Forester Vas killed
by lightning, noruing back to Ethel
to be with her father througha
siakneslst and' subsequent death, in
the years', that ensued she and her
mother kept house together, till at
atage of 97 her mother died, leav-
ing her alone, In the kindliness
of her disposition she invited her
-heather John, an aged widower re-
siding in Michigan UjS.A., to come
and make his home with her when
he too became a special care, nut
was 'patiently, waited on by her
through months of suffering, when
he too passed to the Great Beyond.
Through every environment she re-
tained a firm confidence in God's
goodness, justice and love. ,She
exercised a lively interest in all
departments of church activities,
was especially Condi of young
people, but was equally happy in
-helping old' and young, rich or poor
was, a goor neighbor and a kind
friend She will be arncn missed
and the large part in life, that she
accomplished -will not readily b(
The Strathroy Boys, and. Girls'
Trumpet Band Is something differ,
ant, and may be seen end heard at
September 80th,
Hear Interesting Report
Of District Convention
The September meeting of the Wo -
'.men's 'Institute was held in the
public library, The meeting was do
charge or Mrs. Stanley 'Wheeler.
The roll call was answered by "my
pet economy or my one extrava-
gance:" Mrs. James! Airralstrong
wbo attended the district oonven-
tion in Guelph gave a report of
demonstrations and talks on sub-
jects relative to home economics.
The United Church
11 a.m.—Morning Worship
3 p.m.—Sunday School
7 p.m.—Rev. Frank Gilbert,
of Walton will preach
Friday, Oct. 6th—
Choir Concert in the Town Hall
Legion Held
Special Meeting
The Breeeels Branch of -the Can-
adian legion held a special meet-
ing in. the Council -Chamber or the
Town Hall on Saturday evening,
Septemtber 16th. A large number
of Vetreams were Present and many
matter$ pertaining to the 'prvesene
European crisis were d s0ussed and
arrangements, made for any aetalst,•
arnoe they can be to ,Canadla'0 War'
Mr. G. E. Noiilrwoodi was -appoint-
ed, to interviey the Library Board.
and request a room tor fature
legion meetings' and generallegion
purposes during the War period.
A motion was placed, en the
books granting the privilege of
associate membership to all enlisted
men who desire to associate them-
selves with the' legion. Such
members will enjoy the usual privi-
leges, of ,the legion without fees,
The matter of forming a Red Cross
Soellety in Brussels was ddscusised
and it was diecid'ed to leave the
matter, in abeyance at present, as -
in all likelihood, there were former
members, of the society in Brussels
who will be interested in renewing
the old charter and commencing
work anew and it was t'hte vista of
meeting that full co-operation would
he given td the society when it was,
Another special meeting is call-
ed for Saturday evening, September
23rd, at 8 p!in. alt the Town Hall
and all Veterans are requested! to
be .present. All enlisted, men or
those desiring information regard-
ing enlistfent are welcome,
Re Veterans survey
All ex -service mem wishing to fill
in suiwey papers please get fn
touch with Roy Thuell, Legion Sec- e,
In due, accordance to the services
rendered in the past by the ex-
aservice men also to recruits, and
the Red Cross the Bruseelee Poet
will designate any required solace.
Attend Atwood Fair
On Saturday
..Saturday is Atwood's ,Fair .,Day.
Big Programme.
will be held in
Knox Presbyterian Church,
Services at 11 a.m.
and 7.30 p.m.
Duff's United Church
Sunday, September 24th
Minister Rev. H. V. Workman
Evening service 7.30 p.m
Minister—Rev. Mr. Mahoney,
Special Music by the Choir.
assisted by Mr. L. W. Ecktniers
Thursday, September 28th
in the basement of church
Supper served from 6 to 8
the Centennial Church
Concert Co.
London, Ont.
Admission — 35c and 20c
Mrs. A, McCall, President
Rev. Mr. Gilbert, Minister
Mrs. N. Reid, Secretary
Window panes in scale building at station have been
broken twice in the last two months also several electric
light bulbs have been smashed on the street lights,
especially the street light opposite Miss Ella Woods resi-
dence. Parents would be well advised to take up with
their children and have this destructionstopped immediately
or action will be taken against guilty parties. The hydro
Commissioners would appreciate any one knowing of any
street lights out that they would notify Mr. Angus Campbell
who will replace light immediately.
Brussels Council
IR 200