HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-9-13, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST
Quick QuakerOats, large, plain • , .. • per ,peck 18c
Chicken Kiddie , , , , , , •, , •, , , •, , , , ,. ,• , • 2 ;fih;1 for 27c r
Oxydoi, large o pack 21c
Mixed Biscuits «•............................. ...• per lits 15c
Beet's Musts •a '44's Der tin tach 19c3c
Wheat Puffs • ••. • large
Kleenex.....................................2 , pack for 25c •
Men's (Dress Shirts, collars ,attached - • , '• • • • ' • ' ' , each 75c
Ladies Mercerized 1 -lose
Childrerar'o'Sena anti Black Catton (?Fo:e
Boys Wool Sweaters • • . • • .
Children's 'Wool jSWeaters
per pr 23c
Fer gr 19e
tech 59c
Phone 22.11 Ethel, Ont.
Mr, and Mrs. G. II, Edwards' of
Wroxeter were gu'eutte of Eth•ei
friendslast weekend,
Thomas I3, Savage of Wainiieet,
Welland 'County was renewleg old
friendehiOH in Ethel and Grey TWP,,
during the past week, The pleas-
ure Was mutual.
Quite a number of .eitizeus of
Ethel and vicinity will attend' the
exbibitdon at Landon. The fair
opened Monday, Sept, 11.
,Chas. (Kerner is seeming a supply
.od wood for fuel from a hush, near
Wroxeter. Bringing it home by
truck wilth Jack Dunbar driving.
Atter a pleasant'vdsit with Mr,
and Mrs Chas. E. Cleaver of Con.
'6, Grey Tway„ to the past two
lveees, Mire, Eliabeth Barr returned
.to her home at Hannilton Saturday
Suffering from; the paniful condi-
tion of his left ankle. Wm. Zeigler
is very much restricted and handi-
capped in the essential activities, of
carrying on a general store base-
ness. : It is to be hoped that there
will soon be a change for the'better.
B. F. and Mrs. Cate• arrived home
Friday from an enjoyable vacation
.spent at Toronto and. other points.
R, J. and Mrs, McLauchlin and
Mrs, D. C. Rose of Brussels and
Mrs, G, H. Edwards of 'Wroxeter
;were Sunday afternoon visitors with
Mrs. a A. Maguire the home of
-Jos. and Mrs, .(rase Che conditidn
of Mrs, Maguire for a past several
wear. has beet a .of extreme
'weakness with very little change
Next Sunday, Sept, 17th, is Sun_
.day school roily Clay. A real rally
undoubtedly tie appr(doiated
in every instance,
A large number of anembere of
'the congregations of Ethel and
Union appointments of Ethel United
•Chatreh circuit, joined. with Roe's
appointment in anniversary services
last Sunday, Sept. 10, wnen Rev.
Mt', Tanner of Beaevale was in
charge of the services, Rev. Mr.
Snell supplied on the Bluevale
charge for Mr, Tavner, oonsevuent-
- ly services at Ethel and Union were
cancelled for the day,
With the threat of the fall wet
weather commencing, many piles of
stove wood for winter use,- Is being
placed under cover, which Is a wise
'preoautlOn and assures more hoarse
One clay recently as the John
Dere Tractor anti White Separator
threshing outfit of C. R. Dunbar was
moving to their next Job, when go-
ing over the C.N.R. crossing at lots
24 and 2s eon. 9, Grey, Twee a short
time before the train tiros due, the
rear axle under the separator broke
down leaving it stran•clted, obstruct-
ing the trade. [Station agent
lleiwitt and others anteing a the
scene of the mishap by gnielk action
and well asserted effort skidded the
machine clear at the Grassing In
time to avoid delay in train service.
A motor trip to London foo' reltialrS
and repealing the broken Pares de•
layecl tha•eshing ooet>ations for tial
machine for several hours,
The ladies at. the Pi•eebyter'lat
•ehstrch, Ethel heed, a quilting 1n the
basement of the church daring tlhe
we'eic of August 22nd, Just before
the lunch hour, Mrs, (Rev.) W. A
"W1lliams, was called to the front
and the following address was react
by Mns, Stan. Dunbar:
g1n)lllpinei', Lie4owel.
IS, I. olid Mrs, Wright, 32. S. and
Mee, Dunbar all Of Cele, 8, Grey, ac'
eoinipanied. by Mr, and Mrs. W, G.
McBride of Hannon, Wentworth Co„
spent I'aabor Day et Lake Huron,
The regular meeting of the W.M.
S. et the United' Church was held, at
the. borne ce Mies Ella Peasusou, on 1
'I`1tutsday, Sept. 7, The president
was la the chats'. ' There were 17 1
ladles present. The meeting Was
opened by the use . of hymn 148,
Prayer, Mrs, Bray,. The minettest 0E
the mast meeting wore read, aria ale.
proved. Roll Call. Business, Wor-
ship service conducted, by Miss
Ella Pearson, Hymn 28, Lesson,
read by Mrs, Snell, Prayer, Mrs.
Ilewitt; Mrs. iStclphenson, Mrs
Spelran. Topic, Mrs, Joe Pearson
Hymn 389. Meeting closed by the
pf'esident pronouncing the bene-
Be a Booster -Not a lenoelter, get
behind and boost the East Huron
Pa11 Fair on Sellit, 29th and 30th.
Ethel, Antg. 22nd, 1939
Dear Mrs, Williams;
We your ,friends and fellow-
workens of Knox churcb, Ethel,'
have heard with feelings of sincere
regret, your decision to sever your
relations ws^ith our church. You
have always made us feel you were
truly one of us in all oar work and
social aotivitiea during your stay
among us, We will mise, your
hearty handelastp, your cheery
smile, your willing helpfulness.
These will live tang in our memor-
ies, and we hope. that your meanor-
lee of us will be equally pleasant.
AS a small token of our love and
respect we ask you to accept this
tea -sett -
We sincerely hope your sojourn
in your new Held of labor may be as
pleasant as your stay with us has
Wishing you the best that this
life has t0 offer, we remain your
Signed on behalf of the ladies of
Knox Presbyterian church, ,Ethel.
14Irs. Len. Sinclair,
MIs, W. Mdlnnis,
airs. .Stan. Dunbar,
310s. Willieene made a fitting re-
ply, es_otndng the ladles that their
kindness to her Would neves me
forgotten, Lunch and a social time
followed the pre'ontatlon,
Dirs Ben Holienbedk and daugh-
ters Doreen and. Marjorie who have
been spending the' summer holidays
in the vicinity of Ethel, have re-
turned to their home in Palmers-
Visitors• at the home of E, S. and
Mrs. Dunbar, 8th eon., during Sun-
day, $eat. 30c1 Were; Mr. and Mrs.
W. G. McBride, Hannon, A. E. Mc-
Lennan, famestonvn; B. and lrrs.
Hollerubeck, Doreen and Marjorie,
Palmerston; S, J, and Mrs. Wntght,
Ethel; 111r. George Wey, Donegal
Mise. Jessie Campbell, Mir. Sack
Make ItlA Habit
Treat Yourself
to a
C -O O -L
Also Delicious Sundaes
Soft Drinks Milk Shakes
Nee and Mrs, Ed. Johnston visited
on Sunday with Mr, and tuns. Robt.
Turnbull and little daughter of
Mr. and Mee. Jack Wdelosteed and
Mrs, Alvin Smith and daughter
spent a couple aY days at Toronto
Exhibition and visited with friends
Mr. Alvin Smith is attending 'the
Post Master's 'Convention this week
at Brockville.
Mr. and MIs, Wilbert Mothers
and daughters of Dublin visited. on
Sunday with his lather Mr, George
Mathars and MLss Stamper.
Mise Emma Johnston spent a
couple of days. at Toronto Exlribt-
then and visited with friends while
Mr. George and Ohas, Johnston
and Mr. Stuart MdClennan spent a
day last week at Toronto Exhibi-
We were glad to hear Mrs. Lee
Breckenridge returned ]bane on
Monday from) Wingham hospital
and hope she will soon be . np and
around again.
The meeting of the W. M. S. of.
IOnax, Presbyterian ,'Meech was heed
in 'the Sunday School room. Mrs. J.
J. E Diotb 7rresided. 'Scripture read
int, and prayer was conducted by
Mrs. Harvey Robertson and Mrs.
P. S." MacEwen. Arrangements were
made for holding the Fall Thank -
offering meeting and,. Mrs. Gerdes
invited. the Society to meet at her
home.. Mrs, R. F, GanniSs spoke on
the study chapter. "India Becomes
A Native," dealing with its govern-
ment, the relations between Eng -
lend and; India, ,and the Wren and
women of Ihdda,
Ladles' ;Aid Meets
f'o'llowing the W. M, S. meeting
the third quarterly meeting of the
Ladies' Aid was held with Mies M,
Olive tSedtt presiding. Financial
Statennenta{were presented from the
Circles' showing the amount. to be
., wait riot, gesturer stated the
prooae4z pf the uazaar to be $40.91,
Members o9 • be 8401110 , group
served• refrete119rte itis,
Mrs. 'Curtis Howse
The Woman's Association of the
United Church tet at the hofs of
Moe; Joseph 'Curtis. MA's. Stanley
Gallaher presided, The Scripture
reading Was, given by Mrs, Robert
MaaLennon .ands' Mrs• George
Thornton. Mat. Edward, Johnston
led in grayed', Plans der the Fav,
work Were disetts ed• and Mrs.
Gallaher read current events. Re-
freshments were served by the
hostess, assisted by Mrs, Fred Sell-
elling and Mrs, Eliza Fele.
The folflawdng teachers have tak-
en over their dustiest in this neigh-
borhood: Wight= B3ackmore, Lis_
towel, at Bluevale; Mists' Thacker,
Tees`weter, at No, 2 Turnb-errs;
Miss Deevhdne Blakey, Clinton, at
No. 10 Morris; Mises Mary Douglas,
Lucicnow, at No. 8, Morrie,
Rev. H, J. Snell 0f Ethel .United
Church, preached in the United
Church here, using the tent "I
111041 whom 2 have believetd." Rev.
T, Tavener preached anniversary
services in Rae's United Church of
the Ethel cermet. Anniversary ser-
vicee will be held in Ebenezer Unit-
ed Church next Sunday when, Rev,
James Wilkie, 08 AShi1ela, w411
MT. and Mrs; George Gannet hi
Detroit, and With Mrs, John Anis-
den, at Norwalk, Ohio; Miss Flor-
ence Fowler, at Seaforth; Mr. and
Mrs, E levart Johnston, with Mr.
and Mrs. Turnbull, London; Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbur bl thers, Dublin,
with. George Mathers; Mr. and Mrs,
Neil G. MoEadhern and Gilbert,
Mount Forest, with Mr. and' Mrs. R.
F. Garntss; Miss Olive Scott is at-
tending the Women's Institute Com-
vention at Guelph.
WEd?N7 $43AAY, ,SEPT, 10tH, 19331
23)1 F2•4'30' ' Weary Services to
be hell! 011 So. LY, Sept. 17th at 11
11.120, Brut -se': male quartette as-
g52ait by the 1 arch choir will fur-
eeee. ,..-.:sic at 7.30 p.m.
Whitechurch United Church choly
will have Charge Of Service of song.
Rev, Jas. Wilkins of Luoknaw will
be the special speaker for the occas-
ian. Come along and enjoy the
services' and return your gifts unto
God through his bo'unttfuL Harvest,
Brussels District Barley Club
Sponsored by: -
Brussels Agricultural Society
Ontario Departnnent o1 Agriculture
Fedeeal Department of Agriculture
Supervitsing Committee: -
Wilbur Turnbull, Chaimnan Ed. Bryans
T. 0, Wilson Chas. Anderson
J, C. Shearer, Agricultural Represotrtative
Mei bers: Wm. Turnbull, Brussels 2 President
Jack Bryan, Bluth- 2 Vice -President
Robentt Kirkby, Walton Secretary
Ronald Gordon, Brussels 2
Stewart McCai1, Blyth 2
Ross Bennett, Walton 2
Walter Bewley, Blyth 2
L. Lament, Brussels 3
Everett Robinson, Brussels 2
Jas. Ireland, Brussels 5
Gordon Stevenson, Busseis 2
Stuart Stevenson, Brussels 2
Clarke M. Cardiff, Brussels 4
Robt, Gordon, Brussels 2
Jahn . Speer, BsnnSSets '8
Earl Coutts',' Walton 2
Ken. McDonald, Brussels 2
Harvey Bradshaw, Bluevale 2
(1) To demonstrate 'Me value 01 good seed, the practice of
good cultural methods and disease eenteotl,
(2) To improve the quality of seed being sown In the
(3) To d'ev'elop leadership and to foster community co-
operetion in production and markebtutg ,or•obierns.
(4) TO kens attention on production. cost
Bashes of Award's: -
The Awards will be made on the 2oi3awilee basis:
300 points for field score
100 901111s tar field notes and financial statement
200 points for exhibit at Fall Fair
100 points for judging cost etdtion
100 points ter questions basal on shit Nvork, cultural
practices, etc,
100 proints for attewdarnt0e a meetings
Prize .Money 0ffeered4-
.A.t the rate Ott $8.00 per entry (tor example if the 1.3
members all exOl11bit and complete the project $64,00. w111 be
available prize money "•i.'lte s4lporvlsing Committee will
cidv'ldet tate prize 3ltoney to the winnelb on a graded besets.
Exhibit of Barley from Each .tstemlber:-
2 bustle' lot of Notlarb Barley groWn from seed 'secured
through the Brume% District Barley 01au1) to be shonvn, i t
Brussels on September 30th, exhibits 00 be in plaed by 10 a.m.
Parade will leave Victoria, Park at 1 slam, eherlp Setu1•day Sept. 30th
and will be headed /by the Band, A11 Teaehe1's, and Public School
Pupils In the parade emitted free to the grounds,
PURSE $250.00
2.28 Trot or Pace Purse $126.00
Bantry -Membership fee only, Bete three In five heats,
2.22 Trot or Pace • .• , ..,.. Purse 8125,00
Entry -Membership fee only,
Every Heat a Race
For the Best 3 -year-old Carriage Mare pr Gelding
Galbraith Sales Stables offers $5.00
For the Winner of the Gentleman's Road Race
Elliott's Service Station offers 5 Gallons of Gasoline.
For the Best Gentleman's (Double) Outfit, D. ,A.Rann
offers 815.00 applicable on a ;Bedroom ,or 'Chesterfield' {Suite
For the Best 3 -year-old in Roadster Class, Alex, Anderson
Dodge Sales & Service, offers $25.00 applicable
on a New or Used Car,
For the Best Single Carriage Horses in Harness
D. C. Warwick offers $25.00 applicable on a
• Washer, Stove or Refrigerator
Tom McMichael, Seaforth offers 1st, $5.00; .2nd, $3.00; 3rd, $2.00
for Best Yearling or Sucking Colt' ofi Royal Carbrook
N. CHAPMAN, [Brussels offers a Colt .Hallter for best
Draft or Agricultural Foal
For the Best Draft or Agricultural Brood Mare and
two of her prodgeny:
let prize donated 'by Robt. Simpson Co. Prize to be choice of. Co
2nd prize donated by Chas, Robertson $5.00
3rd Prize donated by D. M. McTavish offers $3.00
Gord, Sanderson, "The Whiite Front" Cities ;Service Station
Donates 4 Quarts of 011 for the Best Lady Driver
• Outfit 40%
Special Prize by the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Brussels ,Ont., of
an Old English Silver Tray, Grape Pattern, , silver plated, on
copper .with heavy grape border - chased centre and old English
For the Best Gentleman's outfit-- Single Light Horse 'Driving
R. F, Downing offers $2.00 for the Best Collection of Pigeons (6 pair)
Herd, Beef Type, Any Breed
1 Male, 4 Females
1st Prize $5,00 donated by Backer Bros. ,
2nd Prtze 52.00 donated by H. Champion
Best Heifer Calf, Beef Type •
Mai. to he raj land exhibited by person n051-40ng In North Murex)
151 'rite $5.00 donated by R. J. Deachman
21:'rite 53.00 donated by A. :D.iMcDonald
3rd. 1 . ize $1.00 worth of seeds by Royal Purple
Best Steer or Helfer for Baby Beef Purposes
(weight up to 750 lbs.)
No family Ito wan more than one of these prizes in 1939
T. Eaton Co. offers a Silver Comport
Best these in five heats,
Association Rules to 'Govern
No. 1 -One year's subscription to the Family Herald & Weekly Star
No. 2 -One year's subscription to the Farmer's Magazine
No, 3 -One year's subscription to the 'Canadian (Countryman 1 }
No. 4 -One year's subscription to the Farmer's Advocate ,
No. 5 -One Sag of Swift's Hog •Concentrate
No. 6 -One Bag of Swift's Hay Concentrate. -
' Prairie Rose or O'Canada Flour,
24 pounds Prairie .Rose Flour for best tz dozen biscuits -.made
from Prairie Rose or O'Canada Flour.
24 pounds Canadian Beauty Pastry Flour for best Layer Cake
made from Canadian Beauty or Pacific Pastry Flour.
Specials by Robin Hood Mitts -
1 loaf Wlriite Bread 50 .35
Six Currant Buns 60 .35
Six Tea Biscuits, plain 60 .35
Layer Cake, light, white icing and. filling ..:.50 - .35
Layer Cake, dark, chocolate and dbt'k icing ,50 .35
Apple Pie • - 50 .35
Raisin Pie .50 .35
Pumpkin Pie , , . 50 .35
For the best Collection of Potted Plants, (not more than 6).
1st Prize -$2,00 Furniture to that value donated by D. A. Rann
2nd Prize -$1.00 donated by Archer Grewar
For Best Lunch for 1 person, exhibited by girl 17 years or under•
1st Prize $2,00 2nd Prize -1.00 Donated' py Brussels Dalry
Wm, J. Stewart, Proprietor
H. Bowler's Flour and Feed Store .offers „(By ,courtesy ,„of ...the
Hanover Milling Co.) the following:
48 pounds'O'Canada Flour for the hest loaf of bread made from
Lace Table Cloth, hand made, not less than 2 yds. x 1s/4 yds.
1st 92 50 Donated by Wilton & Gillespie
2nd 91,50 Donated by Wilton & Gillespie
3nd $100 Donated by Miss. T. Dickson
Satu 'clay, Sept. 30th
In B2usse1s Town Hall
Dancing after concert
President Secretary.. Treasurer.
Admission Adults 25c;
To alto persol,' vb..)guesssstile correct number of admission ticket
50, rd b
Children 106; Automobiles 25c
2 Years Subscription Free to the ' Post
solei et the Brussels Fail Pair, on 'tu e.0', Septem er 3011t
Cent starts, on 2eiptelmber 20th--•01oaiing 011,. September- 29th .
Clot your entry blank at the Post and put in loner gases, in tete hoz.00121081 is opened to till Ne Fee