HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-9-13, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST
amend promptly and .ffIclently.
Simply Phone "COMM' to
Tiwo weeks ago wd reported a
scltac: board in 'Minto townships hav-
ing received 37 applications in res-
ponise to ai advertisement Tor a
teacher. About the game, time
'one c our exchanges (we think It
was the Mildmay Gazette) reported
an even greater (Adage of appli-
cants for a teaching vacancy in
that community, and yet last week's
Milverton Sun carried a statement,
accredited to A. E, Nelson, public
school inspector for North Perth,
that there are owe vacancies on
school staffs throughout Ontario for
every teacher ,who iii Tree. IC
doesn?t maiue sense, but there array
possibly be an answer. Of course,
it t& a known fact .that most teach-
ers make numerous applications,
exercising their privilege of accept-
ing the moat deatrable out of sever
' al positions which their qualifica
tions make available. Some may ev-
en arceivt a sahool'and later resign
if a more desirable one turns up.
But the fact that there is an actual
'shortage of teachers --and a school
inspector should know what he's
talking about—le a really surprls-
ing•reve'ation to the general public.
Recsuitcng Starts
In Huron
County Towns
Fifty Volunteers at
Week -End From
Stratford and
District Towns
Recruiting in the rerth Regiment
being mobilized here at lyioore Bar-
a•acks as a machine gun unit of the
First Division, went ahead in leaps
and bound& over the weekend, it
was reported by Liet-Col. Arthur
Garrod, M.C. officer commanding.
About 50 young men Brom St,
Marys, •Godenich ,Mitchell and
Stratford, volun+teeerd. According
to Lieut -Col, Garrod the number
who successfully passed the medical
boards(' exannintations was consider-
ably higher than in the past there
being a better grade or young men,
physically, present themmelves.
Recruiting opened in Mitchell
Saturday night when a group ot.
officers and mem, Including Major
George L, Money, V.D., of this
.city, established a depot, on the
bandstand to Wont of the town hall.
Major Money gave a rowaing re-
cruiting speech and the results
were dessordbed as "wonderful" by
one of the officers. in the ,party.
a4fartial music was also 'played and
put over to the crowd of several
hundred ottizents who attended, by
a public address system.,
Headed by the Mitchel +Citizens'
'Committee of which A. W. Blowes
Is chainman, the local group found
real spirit of co-operation existing
in alitohell especially among the
mauhafactnrens, The Mitchell Citi-
zens' Comanfttee Members an Satur-
day visited, every concern in the
town and secured promisee of aid
i;rosu virtually every employer ot
labor. In nearly every instance
it was promtissed that naen joining
the regiment for series in the Can-
adian Active Service Force, will
have their jobs available upon de-
Legion Co-operates
Mitchell Post of the Canadian
'legion has kindly consented to give
their qua/Item over to the regi-
ment as a remitting depot and at
this point volunteers •in (Mitchell
niay report to the recrhiting officer,,
In charge.
Announcement was also made at
MVIoore Barrac+lts that recruiting
work in Goderich, ,Winton Seaforth,
Exeter and Iienlsell started. Monday
'Citizens coanlmitteea will be, formed
asl a warstante to the offtcens,:
These . centres were visited Satur-
day alight by some offlcens and men
travelling iia motor .,cars, They.
made a number ot good, oontaota,
It is exbecte•t that the; young poen
in these towns will respond to the
appeal for recrnitts in; largo groups
dmring the next week.
Active work of rearulting started
in Kitchener Monday, the :regbmient
having opened, quarters in ,the
former poet:office bullding,
Farm Incomes
Likely ,Higher
Bur; war will also bring increase
• wage$ and higher purchase
values, States Hon. P. M, Donau,
Cnt, Minister of Ag":ca'ture.
Should always look to Britain as
some and lasting market for all
farm products -
“The extent of the economicevo-
lution—temporary though it may be
—that , the (present International
struggle trill bring about is a
natter of pure speculation", ac-
clarard Hon• P, 'M, Aswan, e Ont.
Minister of Agriculture in an acV
dressat the Canadian IGatlonal tlx-
hibition at Toronto a few drays atter
relttirn from ',Great Britain gens'e tvay.'
where be spanned preepeotive mar' rIteoeut -developments oatarall7
keds ibr Oi[tdrio f ptadu�ins » ( cause us to Mt our eyes niacin Great
"If we may lodge !from' the etc,. palliate es an enlarged market for
nerlenoes of the last war and 1'ba , our sulphas farm 'ccmanodities.
trend of the past few days, we may From my own omervattioari recent
look for higher prices, Naturally
it will mot all be gain ror the farm-
er, Higher prices he will no doubt
obtain, but higher wages and higher
purchase values will confront hian.
There is every likelihood tbat his
net inicoune. will e,a and, That
these higher returns should be
brought about because of a war of
natiobla in which we are vitally con”
earned is not the happiest thought.
We must, however, faoe conditions
as they exist in a praotioal common-
ly made, I wank], say that whether
in peace or in war, we rihauld al-
ways' look to Britain as, our one
secure and lasting market for beef,
bacon, live stook, dressed poultry,
Medlar ,cheese, canned goods,
honey and' tobacco leaf,"
"Iry saying this, '1 aria Dot under-
means the value
such, as that of
But, we should
a grasp, and 1n -
grasp, of the
estimrating by any
of nearer markets
the United States,
never Pail to keep
deed a very firm
w7GUahr7ESUAY, S1IP 1, aala, 19
1341i01 33:Mateit for those conned&'
ties of wallah au exploravle aurpliats'
and for which in Great Britain there
ie a cienland,"
"Sacrifices may also have to foe
trade, It the rear 1s a long one,
International appeals may be airatte
to attests production 01 certin ('arra
rn, a am confident that alb ap-
peals of a E,'ovirsdiai or National
character itt the uncertain days that
he before us will be loytally respond-
ed to by our Ontario fatuneris, The
British people are worthy of it."
"Efficiency In 'farm operations
and co- preation in state demand9
constitute a matter of duty to our-
aeives and to ,the Empire, I know
that Ontario famneras will not be
lacking," concluded' Mr, Dewan.
Full Information
From Agent
Canadian fia1ianal Haiiwaya
The Seven Ages of Woman
1. The baby,
2. The little girl.
3. The flapper.
4, The young lady,
5. The young lady,
6, The young lady,
7, The young lady.
Under auspices of brussels Band
Music Supplied by
Roy Robinson's Orchestra
Bringing you the latestest dance hits, for your enjoyment
Jitney Dancing
Help Support the Band to Buy New Music
and Instruments
In Case of Rain the Dance will be Held in the Rall