HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-9-13, Page 1the Prusolo Vogt
Wednesday, September 13th 1939 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO
Highly Esteemed
Couple Married
Fifty Years
Well gnown residents or Morris,
the greater part of their lives, Mr.
and Mre, William Wilkinson of the
tomtit concession celebrated with
itheir family and friends, t'bedr gel-
dev wedding anniversary on Mon-
day of this week, The officiating
elearg,eman at wedding was the late
Rev. Bowes,
The happy couple received very
beaky congratulations from many
friends, vette all the family being
present at a dinner served in their
Mr, and Mme. Wilkinson ,were
marnied Sept. 11, 1889, at the home
of the bride's tether, the late
Mr. Geoge Brewer an the same
line on w'hlch [Mrs. Wilkinson, is
still a resident,
Now in his 87th year Mr. Wilkin-
son is in remarkably good health
for a man of lea years and still
manages ,to do a good share, : of
work on his farm. 1gir)
Mrs. Robert MdOrae of Be0grave,
sister of Mr. Wilkinson,wild attend-
ed the wedding 50 years ago, was
present at the Samiiy gathering,
sego Mrs, M. A. Wheeler, Mrs, Ellen
Proctor, Mrs, E. Anderson, sister
of Mr. Wilkinson and other
near relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wi1.-
kinson have four daughtens. Mrs.
Alec Dare, Wdngham; Mrs'. Alec
Woodlydw, . Morrie;. hire. Mervyn
Blanch, Palmerston and Mies Mae
at home, also five grandchildren
Mary beaabifu'1 bouquets of flow-
lowere cud lovely gifts with. Best Wish-
es' are their's dor many more years
od theapy married+ life. The Post
takes, this oppor'tuar t'y of wishnig
them the same, along with, their
numerous• friends and neighbors.
Bert Fear, Morrie, bad his arm
badly torn when, attacked by a hog
in his barn. Ile wa$ removed to
Clinton hospital where he was+ at-
tendde by Dr, Vokes. The wound
necessitated several s!titohes.
Graduates of continuation sphooi
here who are taking advanced
study are: to Colinton collegiate,
Anne tPhilips; Irene McCallum, Wil-
ma Watson, Jean Fairservtce, Mar-
garet. Heirron, Layton Bray, Roy
Beatly; to Goderich, Amey Toll; to
Wdn+gham, Kathleen McGill.
Bert Elliott is in London; Muth
Hilborn entered Victoria hospital,
London, as a nurse -in -training;
Mrs, W. R; Carr,Los Angeles, Mrs,
Arthro La Favus, Cleveland, with
Mr. -and' Mrs. Robert Wightman,
Notice to Parents
In the Township Hall
Monday, Sept. 18th
Dancing from 9 to 1.30
No Lunch Admission 15c
Under auspices of the Ethel
Women's Institute
The United Church
11 a.m.--•Morning Worship
3 p.m. -Rally ;Day at Sunday School
,Speolal program Mr. Joshua
Bateman of Toronto will speak
7.p,m.—'A 'Challenge, to the Church'
5:11, a
Gene Autry Smiley' Burnette
Mountain Rhythm
Charles ,Boyer SIgri'b Gurie
Hedy Leman Joseph Galilee
Look out for;pepe Le Moko—Who
steals hearts and Jewels meth
equal ease'
James ,Cagney Rosemary Lane
The Oklahoma Kid
Humphrey Bogart Donald Crisp
The ,West's bad man
A new role for ,Cagney
Angels with
Brussels Council
September Meeting
Brussels; Sept, 8th, 1939
The regular meeting of the Muni-
cipal Council of the Village of Brus-
es% was held in the Public Library
on the above date, 2i18 members
being present.
The minutes of the previous meet-
ing being reed it was moved by H,
Bawler; seconded by W Cameron
that the minutes, be adopted,
The following bilis
were pre'sen'ted:—
G, McDowell, August salary 60.00
R. S, Warhvdak, Aug. .Salary 25.00
Geo, ,Chmpbeil, Aug. Salary 43.76
Wilton & Gillespie, coal
far fire Delpt, 4.20.
Wm. Wright, misc. labor 3,00
C. N. R. train fare .,,,24.35
Huron ,County, hospital-
ization 9.60
Registrar Harron County,
land, deed 1.60
R. W. Kennedy, Voter's List 56.00
Brussels hydro Com,
street light 108.00
Hall 1,72
Wm. Palmer, fire drill 1.00
W!m. Bell, fire drill • 2.00
Chas. Davdddoa, fire thrill 1.00
D. C. Warwick, fire drill .. , 2.00
G, •Sanderson, fire drill ,.. 1.00
O. Gillis, fire drill ......... 1.00,
Jae, Kennagh'an, street
labor 11.76
N. 'Shields, ditching 3.50
Geo. Campbell, ditching 5,25
Municipal World, legal
advice .60
Ed, Hendenvson, hauliers
gravel 8.60
R, Farrow, ditching 1.75
F. R. Pearson, mowing park 16.00
Dr, Jamieson, medical fees 67.50
Relief for the month 14.07
It was moved by H. +Channpion,
seconded by F. Semis that the act'
counts be paid. —Carried.
There being no further business
the council'addourned,
* * * * * * * * *. *
* *.* * * * * * * *
Miss E. Downing has been! vielt-
ing in Toronto. ,
* * *
IR, C. Warwick is, in Toronto on'
business •this', week.
• Mrs J. H, elalbnaith was a recent
Toronto visitor' with ..her daughter,
Mrs. E. Bredln.
• * •
Wesley McNeil of the Bank of
Commerce +Staff, Port Stanley, is
visiting friends+ in town.
Mrs. Geor* ge *Jewitt of Peter-
borough is visiting her slater, Mrs.
Sam Walker and other .friends.
Mee, • Mary Davison is now quali-
fied to teach piano. Anpone in-
terested in baking lessons, tele.
phone 141E-2.
• • •
Mr. and Mrs. D. A, Rana, Mr. and
Mts. A. Wilson, Miss Helen Backer
and D. 0. Warwick attended the re•
cent bawling tournament at Walker-
George Northwood hes attained a
position with the Canadian Bank or
Com mteroe. He joined the staff of
the Brussels branch the beginning
of this' week,
Mrs. Jno. Brawn, Mrs. P. A. Mc-
Arthur, Ml's, Alfred Backer and i
daughters Mary and Helen an son
George we're week -end ' visitors in ;
Toronto and Brampton; hire. Mc-
Amthua' has extended her visit for a
feat/ days.
t * e
Meanhes's, of Zone 10 elf the Can-
adian legion held a Drumhead Ser.
vice in Exeter on Sunday. Thole
attending from the Brussels branch
of the legion, were, Messrs, Joe,
Kelly, Frank Shaw ,Russel Knight,
Joe ,TLiuell, Roy Meld, W, H, Bell
andi Edl Garton. j
• •••
The many friends here of Mrs. I
Bartley, Listowel, were grieved to
Ieiien of her death following a
lengthy Mesa. Mrs. A. L Me"
Donald of Brueseie is a daughter of
the Iate- Mrs, Bartley and the e!yni.
Path/ ,of the community is extended
to her In the loss of her nmother. II
Be a Booster—Not a kuooker, get
' behind and boost the East Huron
Dirty Faces Fail Fair on Seat, 29th and 30th,
Brussels Boys
Two volunteers+ ir'orn Brussels+ left
here for medical exaxnini.tion on
Monday, Mr. Orval, 4111is reported
in Mitchell but was honourably
diechiarged. Mr. Da id Hastings,
who lues been emlployea at tae
Queen's Hotel for the hast two
years, left dor IAMoseel. He has
Joined up for settee service with the
Royal Canadian Artillery,
The family olf the late- Mrs.
William, -Bartley, Listowel, Ont.,
wish to express their sincere
thanks and a+ppreoia+tion 'for the acts
of kindness, messages of empathy
and inmate]. floral tributes re-
ceived drum the many kind friends
and neighbors of Brussels during
the illness and passing of our/
loving mother.
St. John's
Ladies' Guild
The September meeting. of St.
John's Ladies' Guild was held at
the home of Mrs. George Davis on
Tuesday afternoon - of chis week
with a splendid attendance. The
meeting was opened with the Lord's
prayer repeated in ,unison The
business period - was devoted' to
making arrangement. foe the annual
Fowl Supper whi^_k a., to' es held
on the 24th of Ote'er, At the
close of the naeileg a' delleions
tea was served uy .tae htiatess.
United Church
W. M. S.
The W. M. S. of the United
Churelt met with Mrs. Wm. Proctor
in the chair. Prayer was given by
Mrs. J. E, Strath. The members de-
cided to undertake a speeiwl object
in giving $25 to educate a Chinese
girl in West China. Me+iv, Bates
read the Sbripture lesson and Mrs.
Sc Davison and Mrs. Praetor led in
prayer. The study period took the
form of questions and answers on
the missionary report. The ques-
tions, were answered by Mrs. Stair --
an, rMe. Smith, Mre, Jackson, Miss
F. McNaughton.
Fall Fair -Prize
Lists Now Availalale
A bigger, better fair, ds the ambi-
tion of the 1939 board of directors of
bhe East Huron Fall Fair which will
be held in Brussels Friday and Sat-
urday, Sept, 29th and 30th.
Thee new prize list is now avail-
ab0,e, Get your copy from the sec-
retary. D. M. McTavish
Make your contribution to the
suc'eess of the 193+9 exhibition by
entering exhibits in as many classes
as peesdbie,, by -boloeting strenuously
your home town fair and by your co-
operation. and your attendance, The
Brumells! Band will be on the
grounds. Plenty of anmsemlemt
will be provided for all including
the :horse rages with attractive priz-
es offered. A concert and, dance will l
be held in the evening. Plan to
. Tea For Bride-to-be
The home of the hostess, • 53
Ring George's Rd„ Toronto, was
tte'scene of a delightful function
Saturday afternoon, S+ev+tenuber 9th
- when Mrs. R, le, Work and daughter
Jean entertained! at a tea in honour
of Miss Eleanor Crerar, bride-to-be
of September 30,
During the afternoon about forty-
five guests including many Bins-
selites now resident in Toronto
called' to extend congratulations and
best wishes to the guest of honour.
The tea .table wag attnactIve with
a lace cloth, tall pink and white
candges+ in silver candlesticks and
centred with a bowl of white ehrys-
enthenturns and pink roses. Mrs.
Alfred Baster and' Mrs. Jim.
Groton, aunts of the bride poured
tea; other tea-rooms assistants be-
ing 'Mise! Jean Cramer, sister of the
bride and Misses+ Jean Work and
Helen Beaker, cousins.
Cnesds. from oust-of,town included
Mets, +Milton McAleer and Miss
Betty, Mre, ,Dr, Hetherington and
Mre. Keith Dobson, all of Brow
ton.; Mrs, Ino, Brown, Mts. P. ,a.
McArthur, Mrs. Alfred Baekar sae
Misses Mary and Helen Skier: o[
Brueiiela. •
'Letter From
Missionary •
'The W, M, S. of Melville Presby-
terian ehureir met With Me. Her-
old Parkes' presiding, 'Scripture was
read by Grace Stewart and prayer
by Mrd, Strachan, The topic "Indian
Village Life" was given - by •Mrs•.
Thos. Walker. Mre, A. H. Medonald
read a letter from a Baptist mis•
sionary in India,
ALE .Lambert SaIeyard .atrathroy, Satrua
clay, Sept, 16th. 200 Head of -Mixed
Cattle. Uaral run of Mixed ings
and Calves. Those wishing to buy
cattle privately can do so ' by see -
leg the undersigned auctioneer any-
time during the week. Truelds to'
deliver. Teams cash.
A. C. McAlpine, Auetioneer.
Street Dance
A monsiter street deuce will be
held in Brussels on the evening of
Friday, Seep. 15th, under the
auspices of the Brussels band. You
will be able to dance to the latest
hits played by Roy Robinson's Or-
ehesttra. Help support the bane
by attending and treating yourself
to a delightful evendngg enjoyment.
In case ofrain you wont be dieser,-
pointed for the dance will ve held
in the town hall. Come and enjoy
On ,the advice and at the request
of the Inslpector the School Board
;passed a resolution to limit admin-
istration to the primary grade to
those five years old March 1st, feel-
ing that this was the best age for
the best efficiency for both children
and school.
However as this was not the
limit of accommodation more had to
be admitted, unless the parents had
cooperated, .Accordingly - ,the In-
spector has ruled that the limit
will be reached by the adariesion of
those five years old on or before
Time 1st and admlission. will be gov-
erned accordingly.
Women's {Institute
The September Meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held+ in
the BuibIic .Library on Friday after-
noon, Sept. 15 at 3 o'clock. The
meeting .is in °barge of Mrs. Stan.
Wheeler, The Roll 'Call will be
',My Pet Economy' or "My one Ex-
travaganee," Mrs. Jas. S. Arm-
strong will give a report- of the
Distniet +Convention at Guelph.
Demonstrations and talks on vele
Deets relative to Home Econemic5
wild be a feature of the afternoon.
Baca lady of the community . is
given a hearty invitation to attend
this meeting.
C. G. 1. T. Meeting
Held at Seaforth
A. splendid representation of the
Evening Auxiliaries 141lesion Circles,
C,G.I•T. Groupe. et Huron Presby-
tardal met in Northside United
Church, +Seafortli for their Annual
Supper Rally on Friday evening,
Sept. 8th, Miss Clare McGowan
Mission Circle secretary, presided
over, the gathering. A singsong
with Mev, R. E. MaoKenziee at the
piano was enjoyed. A review of the
names Of the mislsionaries in India
was a novel feature.
Fallowing this Mrs. A. W. Gardin-
er, president of the Presbyterial, in
trodueed the .special Speaker, Miss
Guice Patterson, of Central India,
Mich Patterson told of her very in-
teresting work in a Girls' .School
there, Lantern slides were shown
and were described by Miss Patter-
son. As missionary work in India
is the windy to be begun in all our
organizations this proved specially
Mrs. 11. E. MacKenzie called the
roll ,of the Evening Auxiliaries and
Mtsn McGowan introduced, Miss
Caroline WeNNwoed, the peas C.G,LT,
secretary, who spoke a few words.
Mtw, J. D. Colgubotin called at-
tention to some literature,
Hearty voters of thanks Were ex-
tended to Miss Patterson by Mrs,
Ii. V. Workman and to the ladies
of the .Evening Auxiliary of Sea.
forth, by Miss Mary) Milne,
A short worship service contlhtet-
el by Mise McGowan .brought to
very happy evou0ng to a ales*,
T H EThe King Gives
T 4 R His Approval
a 0 .! War Declaration
Two ordinary sheets of fool'seap
paper, one of them bearing - the
WAR HYSTERIA woe& "approved 'George R. I,;,
Brussels; Ont,
Sept, 12, 1939
To. The Editor
Dear Sir:—
A very serioue matter has been
brought to - my attention which
Should be !placed before the public.
In abnormal times errata as conrront
us these gravely critical days it is
easyto accept as true the most in-
creelible stories no matter halw
fantastic or grotesque. Often these
rumors are absolutely groundless
and frequently verge on libellous
scandal which In -Canada is a crim-
inal offense and punishable by ex-
ceedingly heavy fines+, - l
'Certain current rumors have been
broadcast about Mr. Payne the
Rawfeigh agent stationed ,here in
Brussels, He has been accused of
being a Nazi agent ami a carrier of
Hitler propaganda.. I have Investi-
gated these fantastic talesconcoct-
ed by by irresponsible people and there
is not a particle of truth in these
widely circulated rumors which
naturally have 'had a very detrd- i
mental effect upon Mr. Payne s
bubiness, Mr, Payne has made for
himself and his. eomvpany - a very
substantial business in the Town
shivs of Hawick, Gorey and Morris.
It seems almost incredible that the
allerzed he so gullible in. ac- -
- ,piing gam,h stories,
"tr. Payne comae from an honor-
able family in Stratford whose in-
tegrity is. unquestionable, He el
a lbyal member of Centennial
Evangelical Church and for many
years' has superintended their Sun-
usday School. His brother saw three
year's active service in: France and
Russia fighting for the allied arm-
ies. I happen to know Mr .Payee's
uncle 'quite intimately in Guelph
and he is a staunch Canadian. Here
is a quotation from the Globe and
Mail, of July 23rd, 1929, "Mr, Payne
(that is Mr. Clemens Payee's uncle)
wag Private +Secretary to three
Prime Ministers of Canada and a
number of Cabinet Ministers. Mr,
Payne wast also a noted newspapsh--
man and ani outstanding authority
on Casmdian railways, He also was
on .the editorial staff of the London
Free Press,"
T sem writing all flea Mr, Editor,
in the hope that the people of Brns-
scle and surrounding community
will be fair and manifest reasonable
judgmrent in such matters, It they
do not I can orally .suggest that.
more steingemt measures will be
taken to sift this whole untfortunnte
Thanking you for your valuable
apace, I am,
Yours 'sincerely,
Harry J. Mahoney,
Minister Bruzsels United! Church
The cold meat supper and play in
connection with the annivel'sery
sepvioes of Roeas Church was held
on Tuesday evening and drew a
large crowd. The supper served
by the ladies of the church was
bounteoiiss and delic,ous, A delight-
ful. 'play "The Red Headed Step
Child" was presented in a splendid,
manner by a group of younv people
Prof Newbridge, 'Getween acts
musical selections, wore contributed
by the orohestm and the obairanan,
net H. J, Snell, pastor et the
church called upon, Rev, T. Tay-
en•er, of Bluevele and' also on - Rev
Johnston of For'dsiiioh 'who was a
former pastor of the church tsome
twenty years ago, The suece>seful
evening was brought to a close with
th•e singing of God Save The King.
In spite odd rather unpleasant
weather; large congregations both
morning and evening attended Roe's
Anniversary service's on Sunday
last, Poweu+ful messages; particle
larlb' fitting in these dlstressin,g
times were given by Rev. 0, Taven-
er of Bluevele Well rendered
selections by the local choir in the
Morning ' andl by the Ethel Male
Quartette in the evemdng, added to
the eflecttdvenees, Of the e+arvdces.
There woe a large display be boreal-
1u1 flowers ,its lteling two Mayotte
Cent bopggotg of gladioli, the gift
et ate, rigall Wright et Breezela.
form the legal background for Oen
aches+ dee+lartlon that: .a • state of
war exists with Germany,
The King signet, this doeunneet
yesterday and it iv extremely un-
likely that any mon rub, ever seni
part of his domain ind,o war in quite
the same way.
'Sundae- Morning a cable-
gram wee received at Canada House
1r0m1, the Deprtmeint of External
Affairs at Ottawa asking Hon. Vin-'
cent Massey, Canadian High 'Comr-
mte*ioner, to approach' +the' King,
This wag done, the High Commis-
sioner being driven to the interview
by his. son, Hart Massey, who was
cox of Oxford University crew
la the last boat Mee.
Mr. Massey tool[ with him two
sheets of foolscap, paper on whish
he had copied in longhand the
cablegram front Ottawa which in ef-
fect recommended to the King that
he declare a state of war between
Canada and Germany, The Ring
wrote his approval on one oif them.
Mr, Massey, cabled, Ottawa that
the King's approval had been re-
ceived and this formed the basis
for the proclamation which Was .lee-
aned• at Ottawa an hour or two
Extreme speed was ne!cee'sary e• -
cause the Government wanted IN
publish the ,proclamation in mar
as aeon as possible
It was believed this was the firs;
time any Dominion -Government de-
eland war through a direct ap-
Proach to the King. All arrange-
ments were made by Canada. House
direst with the King without con-
sultatdon with ,the Dominions office
or the British Government -
At War And At Peace
There seemed; to be no doubt
held here that Canada's melon had
successfully disproved the theory of
the indivisibility of the Crown.
Many constitutional expesits have
argued in the past that the King
cannet be at peace and, war at the
same time,
But avpare,ntly he was for a
Whole week,
.As Krieg of Britain, George VI
was at war. A,s King of Canada he
VMS neutral for a whole week (hie -
proelametion at Ottawa declared
that a state of war existed between
Canada and Germlany frpm Septal
10. Britain declared a stateof war
Sept. S.)
On the face of it this seemed, to
disprove the theory that the crown
could not be divided. But future
historians will argue that out.
There was one other interesting
censddtutional point. During the
week which elapsed +between ,Bri-
tain's and Canada's declarations of
war, a Canadian could have gone
into Germra,ny es a neutral, But if
he returned he could have been ire-
Dris+oned by Britain for trading
with the enemy because Britain's
emergency euacihmen,t on this point
took in all "British subjects.e,
On Tuesday etveuing, Sept. 5th,
Mr, and Mrs, E. Ellaoobt were
guests+ of honor at a social evening
held in the Cranbrook community
hall. 'Dancing was enjoyed by the
.large crowd! present Doming the
eouns'e of the everting Mr. and Mrs.
Enticed were made the reeinletes
of three lovely gift% an. end :- table -
a cedar •dhest and :a. mrirror, The
address exvressing the good
wisbe,5 of the ate nunitIy was read
by G. Weisenhurg and the preset -
Melon wee made by Mrs. A, . Bled
-and Mrs, W, Perrie,
Mr. Ellaeott made a fitting reply
on behalf of himself and hie wife,
Lunch was served and+ dancing
continued until bhe wee small boors
of the morning,
Mr. and Mre', S. Mimes at Dear-
born, Miele, are visiting Mrs,
+Magner'% parents, :Mr, and Mrs; Chard
esd, of !ranbroak.
Be a Booster—Nat a knacker, get
behind and boost the East Huron,
Fall Fair on Sept, 29th. and ,S0tb,
Be a Booster.—Net a later:W r> flet
behind and bop4 jLL11t
Fall Fair on Selpt, 2i11,pyd Nli