HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-9-6, Page 5THE R SSW POST Cornpl cin .Optical .Service EYES .SSFP •EXAMI,NED MODERATE. PRICES THE 'COMPLETE 'COST' IS REASONABLE AT REID'S C.ORFlEOT FOR VISION AND s /LE crUARANTI:ED SATI SFP07 O;RY R. A. IR, EI D, R.. 0.. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST •AT Miba .•IiNGSTON'S STORE AFTERNOON 2.00 TO 5.00 P. M. PHONE 51 WEDNESDAY God Save The King an 3 Queen "We Fight For Right"— Kirzg George King George, attired in the uui- •1 England and all parts of the forty, of an Admiral of the Flee: broadcast a message to his pec'% inspire on Sunday from Bucking, •:sin Palace. WEEKEND IPE(IALS S PECI A L RICE 4 l.bs. 25c 'rip Top Pumpkin • • • • • • ..... • • • 3 for Handy Ammonia • • • ... • .. , . • , per pkg ... • Gold Medal JellyPowder • • • • • • • , 6 for • • • • • • • • • • Carnation Milk...................per • tin Gold Medal Coffee •.. • .. • • , ...1 f6 tin for' Forest City Baking Powder 22 oz. for Grapefruit Juice • • • . , , . 3 tins for Betty's,Raspberry Jam • • • • • • • .1 Jar • • • • • • , 28c Jar Rubbers . per pkg Walker Sodas • • • • 2' Its pkg 23c 5c • 25c 9c 48c 33c 25c 5c • ,,,.• •;25c TRY OUR FRESH STOCK OP CORN, CARROTS, BEETS AND ONIONS Brussels Ties. Junior 'Cup Game UNIVERSTY • EXHIBIT': With ,St. Columban Western Fair, Sept. 11111.10th, 1939 Throe ;quick 'Golds +1r041,rA 81u ,Surprise r r>tiTt1• Y utlg Sainte i5eorfig heee.goals in,the last 10 minutes or play Brussels Came from. behind 'to .tie the second game or their best -dative series with St, Columllan here Wed. night St. Gel- umrban was leading 8,0 until with" in 10 minutes of fell 'time when Brussels suddenly came to life and sent in a fiery attack that wound np on7'y, nttelo the score had been tied and the floral whistle blown, . St. Coluttban won the first game in the series for the junior W.F.A. hiatorlc cup which has been in tlheir possession since 1933 whe* they took it from .Holstein, The 5t. Oolumban boys rave successful- ly defended the cup ever since. It waLg, a disheartened army of Brussels Yana that 'watched • their, team, trot onto the field dor the F•oon:dl half, with. the visitors three goal's In the lead, but, once the Brussels' drive started the fans wakened with a start and the cheer leaders used up almost as men energy ae the players. Celery veined the scoring in the first half when he netted 'St. Col- tunban'a fia••st goal. McIver scored the second ,counter and John O'Connor scored the third on a penalty kick. Going into the last 10 minutes of play Lowe gave G'ru sell their Met lease on life hen re banged the sphere between the goal posts but the crowd didn't really wake up until Danbroolc scored the sec- ond goal. Then with only a few minutes left to ;play Baker booted the third. counter into the enemy's net. Earlier in the game Farqu- harson's hard chive on a Penalty shot was stopped by Stapleton in the St. Cblawnban goal, The third game of the series will be played in St, Coluaniban Tues- day night, ISt. Columban—Sta;pleton, G. OConnor, Carlin, Joseph O'Connor, Mprvor, O'Reilly, John O'Connor, Cleary, Hart, Sullivan, ,lvlelady, McQuaide. Brussels—Dunbar, Spence, Val, lance, 73nyans, King, Pratt, Dan - brook, Farquhanson, Lowe, Keffer, Baker, Bryan .Stevenson. Referee: Fisher Stratfordt Fairs & Exhibitions 1939 Toronto (Oen. Nat.) kegs. 25 - Sept, 9 September 1-9 Sept. 3, 9 Sept. 7, 6 Sept. 8, 9 11-16 Sept. 16, 16 Sept. 11-16 Sept. 14, 15 Sept, 15 16 Fergus Godedch Tavlsltock September Blyth London EWestern) Milverton New Hamburg Orangeville Sept, 14-16 September 18-23 Mesa Craig ..............„Sept. 21, 22 Atwood Barrie Clifford..... Exeter Galt Sept. 22, 23 Sept .18.21 Sept. 22, 23 Sept, 20, 21 Sept, 21-21 Hanover ......................... Sept. 19, 20 Kincardine Listoavel Seator'th. Sept. 21, 22 Sept. 20, 21 Sept. 21, 22 Stratford Sept, 13.20 September 25-30 Arthur Sept. 27,28 Bayfteld Sept. 27, 23 Blnissele Sept. 29, 30 Chesiley Sept. 25, 26 Drumbo Sept. 26, 27 1}mbro Sept, 25 ltderton Sept. :IT Ingersoll Sept. 23, 2n Kiriat0,n ...,, Sept. 23, 29 Lucknonv Sept. 23, 29 Mitchell Sept. 27, 28 Ower Sound ..,..,,, Sept, 30, Oct 2, 3 Paisley Sept, 20, 27 Palsnecatom Sept. 26, 27 Parkhill . Sept. 20 Port Elgin ,,.. Sept, 23, 29 Riptey Sept. 26, 27 'ilhedtford Sept. 28,27 Wingham Sept. 27, 28 October Alvineton ........... .......... Oct, 4, 5 Dungannon Oct. 8, 6 Gerrie Oct. 6, 7 Mount Brydges Oct 3 St. Marys Oct. 8, 6 SiMaue (Norfolk County) Oct, 3-8 Teeenvater Oct. 3, 4 Forest Oet, 10,11 Markdale , Oct, 10, 11' N,B.—Dates of fairs listed u»e eoebjeet to;ehitnge, • One of tiro meet attractive featut, 'OP at the 'IS eetern )ti'air '-itt4987 an1' 1988 Wear 00 UNl•Y'ERSJTY Ob'. .WE 'r3lltN aOVITAR1p .exhibit .0n the second Soot at the east end of the Manufadturens' bpIlding, :Mous.. ands of people visited- the exh1bls and found it intense'l'y interesting. It will be to 'Place again thea year in an enlarged and improved Corm- Do not ..pliers it. Young people who are looking for-. lard to a university career should not fail, to see this exhibit. 1940 Auto Markers IMF o 1940 neotor vehicle license plates for Ontario , will have larger letters and figures' than '•')he 1939 plates, accord'ing to information re- ceived roe. St. 'Thomas Metal Signa Limited, which is in &large of production. The color evmbine- tion on 1940 will be blunt letters and figures on a yellow background. The plates will be the same eize as those of 1939. Wingham Defeats Hanover 6-1 in the third game of the south group of the Bruce League prayocs Sat. afternoon, in Wingham Town Park, Wingham defeated Hanover by the score of 6-1. All the scor- ning was limited to the first two in- nings. Snoring started, in the first inning when Kruger, of Hanover, the second man to bat, got a home un In deep centre field, a0eountang for the only run Hanover scored during the afternoon, Then in the last half of the first inning with two men out, Groves, Doran and Smith, groutped there singles to score one. run for Wingham. Hanover was retired in order in the first of the second. Winghael, in the last of the second, scored: five rung on a •drouble by Chaltiners, three consecutive singles by Bridgeford, 'Mellor and Groves and a home run by Doran with one plan on the bases. At this .point, Pin Thompson, of Hanover, was re. Raved of mound duties by Rev Howald, Hanover 100 000 000-1 Wingham', ..... 160 000 000-6 ii T'hompsof,. Howald and Godfrey; Bridgeford and Groves, Canadians Have Accomplished Much Canada may not be the most im- portant country In the world, but we'll venture t0 eay thht, for s country with slightly over ten mil- lion of a population, she has con- tributed more than her share of original ideas and inventions, whims have been adopted by every nation of the universe. The following are a few things that can be verified by existing his- torical records': 1. Canada built and sent the first sterane boat across' the Atlantic, 2, Canada built and demonstrated the, first compound, steam engine in the history of the world. The effect of this invention was the doom of the sailing ship as, a actor in ocean commerce. 3. Canada built and demonstrated the first railway sleeping cars. 4, Canada built and demonstrated the first submarine telepraph lu the history of the work, 5. Canada originated the idea of malting paper from wood pulp. 6. Canada demonstrated the fiat practical electric railway in the his- tory of the world. 7. Canada built the world's first electric stove 0. Canada originated the idea of Standard Time which has since been adopted by every civilized eountry du the world, 10. •Canada originated the idea of the panoramic camera, 11, Canada originated Margnls and other more recent evhents whdeh have built up the coanimerce •of the West, both in Canada and the United States, 12. Can,dda first isolated helium in • co,nmlerctat quantities, 13. The idea of the telephone ori.: gina.ted In Canada and the first bug -distance trials of the instln,• rent were evade between .Paras, and Brantford, 14. Canada gave to ,the world 48 l idea of the all -electric radio. 15, Insulin is of toe recent date to require more than mention la this column, Jac, }} t W1P1DNP]I.11DAY, =FT., 6th, 1030 c�' s ' N� vies Attention . :—: :-.'res. T 'When experience Choice (Half Baeker ordering on us for .suit your : Baeker Lean or Whole) your Quality purse. guarantees Cottage Bros. ,... . ''• Roast you carpi and Price to Just Call Bros. reliable service Rods 217 Per Lb. Phone 6 Classified Ads. Auction Sale , LambertiSaleyard, Str•athroy, FOR SALE—. A goddrseeond-hand Player Piano. • .' Phone 70. •Saturday, Sept. 9th, 200 MI1:lo) •CATTLD. Usual run of Mixed Pigs and Calves. Those wishing FOR SALE=- •- 13 Rock Pullets, started to lap, phone j&rA: , ,. W. H. Maunders to buy cattle privately can do so by geeing the l4ndtorstgned' au&tioneer anytime during the week, Trucks to deliver: Terms Cash, o, FO11 ISACE— A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. 10 Patel, 6 weeks. old. pllone•18-l'-4 ' We4tey Searle ---_ WALTON NOTICE— The cement building beside Mr. Pope's gasoline station has beell repaired'an12 will now be operated by Wm. Fischer wnere he is Pre- pared to paint'cars and do small jobs on body and 'fender work Paint' jobs priced as low as $7.00 and up. Also cars washed sad simonized. Mr, and Mrs, Charlie McGavin Miss Frances were week -end visi- tors in Ingeratell. Lourls McDonald, Windsor, Mr. Slr.si A. MCllaolk, Detroit, with friends; Mrs. J. W. Miller and' M,h ton, Pont Elgin, Mrs. Charles Hutch - icon, Cochrane, with Mrs, C. Drager; Mr. and Mms. M. LaCombe, Miss Wdnnifred Drager, Detrol', FOR SALE— 20 Good Stockers, weigh about 600; 20 White headed .Heifers about 650 lbs.; 10 calves, also 80 Horses, 2 and 8 years, old and some good work Horses; 1 good Saddle Horse. ,Also 8 or 10 sete of good double team harness. Galbraith's Sale Stables Brusls b, Phone 41X with Mrs. C. Drager Mr. and Mrs, R, Roe, Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. o- F. D, Rutledge; Jack Drager, so ionto, with Mrs. C. Drager, Miss Anna Ennis, Jerry Dresses• in Toron- to; Miss Mary Buchanan in Toron- ; 10; Mrs. Kenneth Rutledge and 20velyn with Mrs. C. Drager and Mr. and Mns. Y. D. Rutledge; Mr, and Ms's. Charles Sellers and Clayton have returned; Betty Sonalldon and FARM FOR—SALE— One hundred acre farm, all till- to Jean Farquharson are attending Seadorth collegiate. able land, now eeeded pasture, drilled* well and windmill, barn on property. South 342, Lot 5, Conces- BRUSSELS BEAUTY SALON OIL PERMANENTS sion 3, Morris. 7 fly to Henry Sanderson., • R. R. 1, Blyth, Ont. ' Executor of the James 22. Smith Estate. HAVE JUST PURCHASED THE NEW ZENITH HEATERLESS THERMIQUE PERM,ANE'NT WAVE MACHINE Prices as. Usual— ° 52.60 wave $1.75 ETHEL MEAT MARKET— Fresh. short. end Cooked Meats, first . quality. Special prices on Threshing Roasts, Delivered, Your partonage appreciated. phone 22-r- 5 or phone 85-r-13 .................... $5.00 wave _.............-..... $3.00 56.00 wave .............. .--.. $4.00' $7.00 wave ..........._.....-,.... $5.00 Machineless Waves $3.95 & 55.00 End Curls $1.00 and $1.50 each Including Shampoo & Finger Wave. Dried Finger Waves 25c FOR:-SALEy Rubber Goode, Sundries, etc.. mailed ptlatpaid in plain, sealed wrapper. +' 30%:•lees than retail Write for mail-order catalogue. -- IRENE PEASE over H. B. Allen's Drug Store Telephone 55X for appointment ' Nov -Rubber 'Co., Dept. W-18 Box, -91, Hamilton, Ont. F. F HOMUTH • NOTICE- It brill pay you 'to call and see our atodk c4 auto pard. We can sup- ply from ateck,'Practically all major parts ter popular ' cars. 1?ay .dish , and buy for less SDPi0 , LArSTIC TIRE SALES Campbell Garage Wingham Analytical Optometrist guarantees you. the Beat Eye Service Harriston, phone 118 Brussels (Second Thursdays) Phone 26X Nellesommoir' 'Will :'� Make It 1.A. Habit ! S'P K' Treat Yourself (j)iI to 4 . 'ply C -0 -'Q -L Refreshing Healthful ., DRINK AFTER THAT STRENUOUSGAME OF TENNIS OR OTHER OUT -OP. -000R SPORTS h---� Also Delicious Sundaes Soft Drinks Milk Shakes THE BRUSSELS DAIRY BA 1R