HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-9-6, Page 3THE BRUSSELS PAST
Canadian National
'This year brings the biggest, moat
.fascinating collection of spectacular
and internationally famous five-star
features ever assembled! A gigantic
•S -day Air Pageant ofR,C.A.F. planes!
.five world-famous dance bands 1...
Television demonstration, athletics,
all -Canadian Art Show, bands, glam-
our, beauty and hilarious excitement!
It's the biggest annual show of its
kind on earth! Don't miss any of it !
Tickets for all 0.26.5. features at 171 Bay.
StreetWA, 2226 Moodsy's, 90 Ring St.
Wept, bL.1098. After p.m. telephone LA.1197
„Auq.2L Sept.9
There are not many days going by
^when the atateanent is not made or
printed that Canada is not suffic-
iently armed. It seems to be the
logical or the obvious thing to say
in times like the present, because
it is cetrain none will rise to com-
bat the claim,
It is also thereat that one can
find the same thing being said In
other countries. It is a. popular
saying in United! States today, in
which, country money has, been
.spent by the. billions of dollars ror
more planes, more battleships{ and
more of everything which. looks
like armament.
It's a stnange and muddied old
world in which we ISve at the mo-
ment. Our supply of love and of
charilo; of tolerance and goodrwill
may be low; low even to the point
of Impoverishtment. But we sledom
If ever raise the voice to can atten-
ttertions to the deficit.
But to return to anmameat, Is
(There a time when a nation comes
'to the point of candid admission
that it 'hassullfcient? If so we ad-
mit to have failed• to notice such
The die has been cast. Great
Britain and France have declared
war against Gertnny, The two
countries, delayed until the last with
the Trope and conflict which threat-
ens the very existence of Western
could," be 'prevented.
However, matie0f a wa.s exhausted
when Eider kept silence over the
resuest of Italy tora last.anfnaite
rive -power conference. Finally an
ultimatum was given to Germany
to withdraw her forces from Poland
by 11 o'clock ;Britilsh Time) Sun-
day. When no word came from
Herr Hitler, when the ultimatum
Licenced Pummel DirWt.r
and Embalms,
Phone 36, Brussels
was ignored, 'OhanllberSaln declared
I a state of war elsisted with' 0e0a
maul, France followed Britain's
lead, Their obligations to Poland
will be fulfilled,
No man has. ever *niggled hard-
er for peace than Chamberlain. Na
delayed Itis ultimatum in order to
give FDltlor a chance to answer
M'ti deolinl's plea for a cors,.. ante to
settde the dlfflctilties, But the
mad dictator of Gernnan1Y was? Set on
.war he was detennliried to overrun
Poland; he was defiant of the
dentocrSciea and the sentiment of
the .Chniidtian world,
In the following /nerving words
Chuir,'ba,luh, ends.,: his broadcast to
the nation announcing war:
"We' have done all that any
country could do to establish
peace, .but a situation, in wilicn
no word given iby Germany's
ruler could be 'trusted and no
people or country could endure
has become intolerable, and
now {dad we have resolved to
finish it, I know that you will all
play your part With calmness
and courage."
These words reflect the senti-
ment of people who live under the
Union Jack throughout the world.
Tike abominate war. It is with
sick hearts they see the world
plunged into a cataclysm the end of
which no one dare predict. With
'modems 'means of war it will be
the most terrible and most horrible
struggle in 'history.
But there was no alternative. If
Hitler was allowed to continue his
march across Europe, no free and
Independent people would be safe,
The issue is not Danzig or the
Polish Corridor — it is liberty, free-
dom and hvnnan progress. If Hitler
wins,' the clock of the wold will be
turned back to medievalism,
Canada will stand, final by Britain.
Tdrere can be no hesitation nor will
there be. Our freedom and our
llbenty are at stake as well as
Britainfs. !too do otherwise we
would be unworthy of the rree 1n.
stitutions handed down to us by
our forefathens. Canada will do
her pant.
There will be days of stress and
strain. ahead. Canadians, must
stand steady - each man to play
bis pant fo save the world from
a return to barbarism,
There seems no limit to the
height which the tension in Europe
can reach. it is im'portan't to remem-
ber that the creat:Jon• of tension rs
a deliberate part of the Nazi meth-
The greater the furor, the wilder
the alarms and excursions, the
higher the crisis temperature, the
easier it has been in the past to
extent those concessions' on which
the Nazi conquerors are banking.
The same devices are being used
It isa all stage managed as deliber-
ately as. any play, says the New
York Post,
The entire apparatus, Hitler's Sec-
lusion on a mountain tap mysterious
conversations between Genmany
cud Italian otftcials with. no an-
nou ncemenitsi following the press
banitge, the careful creation of the
air of urgency.—all these are weap-
ont, used as cadoulatingly as• any
tanks or 'guts'.
14 a certain degree of 'pressure
clogs not work, the forces o contus-
ion can be stepped up the following
clay, and so again, day atter day, in
the hope re&t''etnce will crumble.
The question In Europe is
whether these techniques, will be
alloaved to dominate the Continent.
The only way of stopping this
use of 'terror on an international
eicale is to fade it,
There can he no peace In Europe
on the basis of any other Solution.
The forces Hitler unlooses in
these sucoelelsife epet+tanulnr emer-
gencies may snip from his own con -
trot. Even ae we go to press they
have er'laderl into war. Mobtllza•
tion may reach a pitch at which 1tb
own momentum will carry it over
the edge.
There is no question but that
Hitler has devised 'a new and. a1•
most overwhelmingly powerful
method of aggression.
But there is also no questton that
to anew llirn to continaae its use is
to allow on irresponsibie to manage
an ammunition dump.
Alli humanity 1s' bilutalized 'When
it can be subjected' to these Periodic
emergencies at the iviiim of a single
The worlds has. never permitted
that or tong hu tifia past. ,
The human' spirit musk repel anal
reeolh the point'at which it applies
conrelt'iVes:' That point is at
hand in the Old World.
A reader Asks, the origin of the
wooing: "'dine bigger they come tile
harder they fall,• • It lit credited
Go Bob Pltzstlnmons, pugilOst.
iSpsne of the ladles have their
owtni way of telling seasons 'a0 can
always tell whoa We coming on tall
the way the. flies start cont:mg, into
the house,"
Men who work in the customs
olflce in Hamiltcn have been told
1,lsey nus.t. wear hatat although as a
rule hvd,at a man has under bis heat
is of more importance,
It is stated that provincial carih'ol
of credit is going to be an issue 1a
the newt election in Alberta. But
sate when did the control of
credit become something over
which a 'province had fnrisdc&tion.
One plan in town says he and his
wife drove 3,827 miles in a two-
week holiday jaunt, .and that was
because the never .waited) any place
to isave enepshots developed.
Latent from the Japanese press
agents is the report that the Jape
brought down 47 Mongol planes.
It looks and though the typewriters ,
were going to win that war.
Another city •propostel • to reduce
its. aldermen by one-third, Well
some of item could stand It, bout
with winter coming on, it would go
hard • •on some of the little fellows'.
Ges�nan•y has promised to respect
the neutrality of BeilgInm 1n case 02
war, Wasn't there something in
the last war about a promise being
notching but a scrap or paper? -
.A book ons insects is in course of
preparation, and lit is *redacted
there will be 10,000,000 varieties
listed. So don't give up hope; we
may get our names in, print yet.
The Minister of a church at Ply -
month, Mass., one of the historic
spots in American history, denoun'c-
ed President Roosevelt's change of
the date of Tlhankagiviing as .a "cal-
loused attack on religions tradi-
tion." Meantime we have noticed
that the greatest worry seems, to
be in getting the dates of the big
football games rearranged to get
the crowds on that day,
Detroit motorist bound for• home
was stomped: by an officer in Wood-
stock and informed he was driving
away with .his wtife's keys in his
pocket. He had left his wife to
vis'i't in Paris, and she lead phoned
Woodstock to have her husband
stopped. As well as regulating
traffic the police have 2101V to 0011 -
duct some sort of a domestic ar-
rangements' bureau as well.
Mini Are now Taken Pro.
Paas of the Pon eit
sod U r.ari Ago i
.,1.,.,_._.-•101.1_ _ _*••••.....'
Daniel Ferguson of Teeswttter
was vlditing bis' parents fast week.
• • •
W. D. Hill left last week for
Regina, where he will try his ler-
tune in the mercantile business
* * w
Miss Jennie. Ritchie, who passed
her examination for a third class
certificate last July is now attend-
ing the model school at Elora.
* * *
,Misses Maggie and Lizzie Mc-
Nair who have been visiting with ,
relatives and friends on the 14th
and lath Cons„ have returned' to
'Win. Smith has been engaged as
teacher for S. S. No. 12, Wawanosh
Thwp. o
S. J. Tuck left for the West last
• *
Dame's new hotel will be much
the appearance of Beirne's at Wal -
bon When completed,
Min McInto▪ sh itas• been re.
engaged as teacher by the trustee6,
• • •
t3loseph Oslter was anpdtn0,eci
school trustee in place of Pater Me-
Mr, 'Cooks of Durham, was visit. 1
• ✓oeloprndentTrsh Shw
• No wonder this new Goodrich
Silvertown will stop you quicker,
safer ona wet pavement than
you've ever stoppedbefore. The
amazing Life -Saver Tread has a
windshield -wiper action that
sweeps wet roads ao dry you can
actually light a match on its
track! Golden Ply blow -oat pro-
tection, too—NO EXTRA COST l
The famous Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory
checked the regular and premium -priced tires of
World's six largest tire manufacturers to deter.
mine scientifically which tire gave greatest nudist -
since to skids.
BEST LAST YEAR.Last year when the Life -Saver
Tread Silva:town was first Introduced Pittsburgh Testing
Laboratory tested the regular and premium -priced tires of
World's ata largest tire manuf,a,,w ,. Here's
their report:
"The new Goodrich Slivertown with the
t e e
r Tread gave greater skid - •
Llte.aaantthan aIn-
cluding other Lire rested - -p
cluding those tires listed up to 40%
higher In price."
BEST THiS YEAR. Since then several of these tire
companies have put new tires on the market. Read how the
Life -Saver Tread stacks up against these new tires is addi-
tional non-skid tests under the same conditions.
"In the tests lust completed the Goodrich
Silvcrtowa with the Life.Saver Tread again
gave greater skid resistance than any other
slew tire tested."
7A° me"' Goodrich4l-
SAFETY Silvertown
Gordon Sanderson's Garage
Phone 73x Brussels, Ont.
inf at John. Mooney's this week.
Mrs, John Jaclason and
are visiting at Thomas
* * MIPs, Henry is leaving for
the West.
* * •
Councillor Calbick started last
week on a tour through the West-
ern Provinces:
Mists E. Robertson of Bowman-
owmanvibbe, fanner resident of this place
is visiting friends in• the Tillage
and vicindty.
• • •
C. Rainard had the misfortune to
lose one of his valuable horses.
* * •
If. F. M'o,tilister leer on a trip to
the Eastern provinces Ger his
Mies Rebecca Spence of Ethel
Was visiting with, Mise Au'ate Cal -
hick this week,
•Mrs. J. C. Halliday arrived home
from. a two month's visit from De-
Miss Lily Wee was in Seaforth
over the week -end,
Mists Love of 811ano was visiting
friends' here,
* * *
James Dream, a former resident
was visiting in: this vicinity,
3, N. Itchier, wife and daughter of
Wilkesbane, Penn„ were here for a
visit at the tame of George Dunbar.
• • •
Mrs. John Hill of Brnslstels nag
been engaged as housekeeper by
Wan. Bray,
Mion Marie Livingston and Mise
teatde 'inward' were holidaying 000
a week at the )come of Mns. John
Mise Ashton of St, Thomas rs
visiting Miss Thelma Smaildon.
Miss' Attie Forrest, ,'olio is in
charge of the Fulton school for the
conning year as teacher,
The MisLeis .Switzer have returned
to Brid'gen after spending the sum-
mer here.
Miss. Beatrice Boit, kf Toronto,
Spent the past week with her
friend Miss Alice Paul,
,George McDonald elected school
trustee to fids the balance of the
term of Trustee jos, Smith who is
moving to Luciano's%
Duncan Brewer of Ethel visited
friends here on. Sunday,
• • •
Mins, King and Mns. Gibson were
at Blyth last week visiting friends.
Misses Rae • and • Bessie Moses
*ere away to Hamilton for an en-
joyabOe tr+1p,
• • •
Mns. Fralick and Miss Fralick
were at Winghxam 012 business,
* * *
Mr, and Mrs, Donald' Strachan
and baby of Hanover visited the
formner's parents Mrs. John
Strachan last week.
John Henderson of Brussels as
principal and Miss McDonald as his
Rev. 3, A. and Mrs. Snell spent a
few days at the home of Mr. and
Mns. J. K. Baker.
* * *
Norman Lamont has purchased a
new threshing outfit.
'Little Berra Speiran is visiting
her grandparents, 9,11 conn
Roy Tunvey•baS taiken ,enlarge of
the Union 'School of Grey and, Mc•
• • •
.Miss Nettie Pickering of Galt, is
visitor at the home of Oliphant
• • •
Mr. and Mot, J. Jermyn were Vis-
iting at Mrs. J. Roe of Morris,
• • •
Mists Lizzie Dickson left for Lake -
let where she has secured a school.
Mrs. Edward Bosman of Wingham
was visiting with, 'Mrs, John Lake,
Leslie Lowry is holidaying at To -
MORRIS rmtlto.
Harty 'Granby left Blyth for the
Mis. J, Wl tebred o Calgary and
daughter were visitors' at the homes
of W. H. Anmmltrong,
Mrs, Thomas Bielby bee been
visiting her daughter Mrs, Calder
of Pout Attthur for the past 2
,. * * *
Miss, Mary Fear iras left for Brig -
den where she has aocelpted a
Mr, and Mrs, Young o the Metho•
filet Parsonage are away on a holt-
day for a Pew weelas,
School olsenedt on *Tuesday with
* :> *
Ii, F, Carr is at Toronto Tor a few'
* * *
Mrs, Fletcher is visiting at St.
• ♦ s
Miss.. John Lott is holidaying in.
hides Elizabeth Sn*
aith, at Grey
Township was visiting - Mists Fior
once Oliver.
Joe Wilton is yvisiting his par-
ents here. ...
Mr, and Mr• s, A0tied l3aedter ,and
daughter Beier went to Toronto on. -
✓ * *
Frank Scott has gone to TSronto,
to take up the teaching protean/on,