HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-9-6, Page 2TBE BRUSSELS POST WIMNPIIIIDAY, UM, i'„ oa , 11159 ENT IT LED Missing The Mai BY I.IA. LIAN IVERSON Hiss hand now found liens and he Presleed It tenderly; "Biddy, don't be afraid oa true," he said, and iti$ voice was very gentle, alums pater- sanity atensanity se. a mnot," she denied, wondering Why he should speak i o that tone. "Anne h'as upset you," he hazard- ed: "You feel Last. Everything has altered'. BMW, let ate take care of You. Will yaw marry me?" .She ,started asid eeloured hotly, then grew deathly pale, Her smile was ..pitlfiri and wavering, IShe shook alit head, "Jt }would never dao,! she got out with a great effort, "You are so clever, and: I am so silly. Anne says I am not all grown up yet, 'Grandma and Lydia declare so, too,on the days when S dontt want to work." "But if I know all this, and don't mind, end atter all I am the dimly one that It actually concerns, what matters?" he urged, cohshious that he was 'putting it very lucidly. "I am very lonely, Biddy, and you need have nothing to do with the school. Houaekeepere can should- er a lot of responsibility, and then there is a house mistress as well who copes with the nursing an all that kind of thing," "Do you want ane to say 'yes' dreadfully badly?' Bridget asked, in a low, tired voice. "Awfully badly," be sw,iled, t enk ing how sweet she was, and, pathetis. ealiy appealing 1n this mood. So it was settled without any more arguimgs just as if it had been a question of pastsing import- ance mportance solely, and not pregnant with the gravest and most far-reaching results that can be contemplated by man and woman. All Biddy could, remember was that it was mice to be badly needed somewhere and that of course even- tually Robina would make it up with that girl away who had let him down shamditliy, for the time be- ing. As dor Adrian, alter a confab with Bidiy'e 'grandparents and guardians, he went back to Hard- wie'ke feeling he had dune his duty and that a certain weight was off list conscience and his mind, eveu"if be had another one in its stead. The news' filtered through into Hurdwleke, then poured' in torrents into ,every 'crevice of the town, maybe sup'pllied, in the first instance by the Goat family end other of Lydia's, loquacious friends, it amazed Adrian how fully broad- cast it had become, staggered him, for he lied' no swish for congratula• tone yet. Ile would have Preferred infinitely to have had the whole of the doling out of the iwfaumation in is own hands. In. tact, he show- ed his annoyance when he called again at Hopcollt as' Biddy's acknow- ledged fiance, o course, this time. "'2t is that he's ashamed of berg" snorted Mrs. Gray to her husband afterwards, her eyes blazing and her nos'brille quilwering Blah contempt. "You and me let ail the world know waren we chose each other, didn't we? There was' no fuss and, fuane about concealing it. An engage- ment is an engagement, and if so be he's sorry to be connected with us, mare's the pity he thrust him- self here and turned Biddy's head." Cynthia Seadon and her mother, of course, heard the tidings as soon as anyone. Every single pennon they knew seemed keenly anxious to tell them, and after that to die' cuss the undesirability of such an alliance. It was strange bow many peopilte felt quaiffed to pass judgment on the Gray family, laying stress on their defects and the in- feriority of their position, their leek of education and Inability se make both ends meet, except by ad' vertflsing for summer paying -guests. are, Seadon had diffioutty in hid - My her obagrin and for that very reason saw as few vieltore.ae. she decently could. Bet Cynthia went about as stems) and smiled as i? nothing had occurred, ,She slaved in her garden, sewed hard when ur doors, and indulged in several Sharply energetic rounde on the links. But slue took very careful Pains to keep out of Amdiau's way, and in spite of all her mother said, refused to send hinn a line of con- gratulations, "It looks so bad, so significant," bemoaned Mrs. Seadon, and 1 can- not bear my daughter to be consldt erect eccentric. All Hardwicke will know that you have not done so, and although they practically 1 should say every single inhabitant here— believes he should belong to You, yot_„ Mus. Seddon did not complete the sentence, but wrung her two white hands imploringly instead. "For my sake, Cynthia," she begged. "WT to just a wee note. Do dear, or I must myself and everyone knows that you do allthe correspondence 'However, Cynthia stood firm, al- beit She did her best to soothe her mother. "1 can't tell a lie, even to please you darling," sue laughed, "and what good 'would it db? Men don't count up and treasure such mis- sives they receive, and would he respect me? He knows he is doing the wrong tbing and all the patting an the back that can. be givenhim won't make a false step right. He won't marry this girl, he will have too much sense for that. punt let him be, until he rubs his eyes and wakes up. He is not going to spoil his life and Bridget Gray's, too, AN APPR'ECIATED Slaty/eel SERVICE in the implement field is no mere appendage or fancy trimming. Time and timeliness are the essence of success in most farming operations. Great loss may be sustained by the farmer, during seeding and harvesting, through machine breakdowns caused by wear and accidents, if parts are not readily available. It is then, that promptness in securing parts has a definite money value. Massey -Harris has always taken a pride in the manner in which it has rendered Parts service. Fit and quality may be taken for granted, for replacement parts are identical with the originals. Its extensive selling organization, with local dealers in practically every town across Canada, brings this service within easy reach of every farmer. No maker, too, how old the machine bearing the name "Massey -Harris" may be, spare parts can always be obtained for it. • Last Spring a farmer ordered a small port fora drill he bought 30 years ago. No demand for many years for this part resulted In the pattern becoming destroyed. To make a new pattern and pari cost S2S.0Q, an expenditure willingly undertaken to preserve the Company's Tong and enviable record for service—although Hrn part sold to the farmer for only 15e. MASS E Y -.4A R R I S EVERY LOCAL DEALER A SERVICE S TAT I O N wihielu he would do if the marriage took place, Adrian. Valkiand, win newt a woman, not a babe, to sal•tiss fy him, and, She, freer child by ell accounts, would 14 tike a fish Out of water 11 She bad to dace the Milne conditions, of uleoeesity he Must give her. Aline, likewise, wee ivs'tilling the same timing into Bridget et 1a;opcolt Fern', not so much .by what; wife purr into slpeeeh as by her glances and mangier. Very pale and set, Anne. looked in these days and iavcreaeng,• iy kept Herself to hefgelx, ,She did not shirk work, but con, trariwise was willing to undertake more and more of it, yet it wee soanatlmei 11attlemsly peeformbed, and she. never appeared to reach the end of it or want to, she no longer cared for reedintg, and love stories; and ,thrilling adventuress or strolls in :the orchards. or 'hy the streams. "Spse'll ga iii a, decline, sure 11.5 sure," muttered Lydda to herself in her big kitchen, or to Mrs. Goat when she could secure icer ear. "And, atter aft is said and done, it's a sorry sight to watch a girl .snuff out, even if it is b ; own fault, and through lack of willtpowerr." Biddy began to dread Adrian.is visits because there seemed so much to endure alter he had lent, for Anne every .time he came soured a trifle more, Her grandmother, too always managed to rake up some, grievance. It was either that Adrian, had not behaved as a true lover should, an,d Biddy must not put up. with It, sire must teaclh hirci how so act towards her, or she wouiki regret it to the end of her days. Se far he ,ted not given her a ring, except a trumpery little peani affair which under the eircrmsltancesshould be lowering to her pride. Or else, the old woman was vexed because he had not chatted aufflc• iently with 'herself' and showed her the deference due to the guardian of his future wife, Poor A62•tane Be little guessed how his name was one the lips of the entire household there, as they criticized Ms deeds and paucity of careslses, and the simplicity of his gifts. ke "'die couldn't dare tasmdh rub- bish to a real lady," groused 4A s. Gray once to Anne. "Is• it that he is mean or not well off? Or is' it that he. considers Biddy still a child and unable to value goon., things and, take proper care of them?" "No use asking me," was all Anne vouchsafed. " know no more than you do, grandma. It's a pecul- iar engagement and' always will be and neither of theme is haapPy- Biddey was crying before he came to -day. I could shake her. She seizets all the plums, , then creates a fuss if she finds a stone in them Biddy wants the moon, and it won't drop down for her Why should it?" raved the girl, but an - der her breath. Of Robin Cardmew, just then Bridget said little, he never seemed to come near Hopcolt as far as she could judge, Then one day they cohtisle.d; in a narrow lane, where it was, irmposlsible not to stop and ex- change a few words. Robin looked older and Biddy, with her former imipetuousits laid: gripping fingers on his sleeve and demanded, almost as, if it were her right to know, if all was welt h, m yet? He flung herwithigrasp' off impatiently and faced .her squarely. 'Why do you taunt me" he ex- claimed harshly. "What' is it to you how I am getting on? You belong to Falklands now, and all the rest has been wiped out. I've, been mean- ing to congratulate' you, but have- n't had the chance. You art very sensible little person, Bridget. You are dieing very well for - your- self, alter all, i had, no idles you were so practical and farseeing," She draw back, stung, by the saneaspm in his tone. Robin had never spoken to her like that be. fore. The colour raced ,to her (Meeks and: flooded her face entire ly, "What do you mean " ebe urged, NOW 1p THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR HARNESS REPAIRED N. CHAPMAN Brussels, Ont. and her Mennen was distant new, and resenlled tar, more Anne'a than her owlnc "I dideirt intend to Offend Yeu, netbber can, I stay talking, Alt l sairdl weal .that 1 congratalate you, you have done well for yourself, Bridget, Wherein the harm in stating that?" 'Bos winced. "Ton don't quite take it Iib, Ha wast iomely and needed me, and it ddds't =oh matter to me where I lived. (lite grandparents . don't really want us, excerpt when the paying guests are here. I Was in a tight oorner, I had no reason for not accepting Mr. Falkland's offer, had I? He is very lilnriz, really nine and he s'ee'med to need: me so badly," she epeated, breaking of lamely and tlre.$ly. ."But you love him," ' Robin was watching hser cios:ely, marking for the first time fife ,thinnest, of his ctmhipanion's eheekg, and the dark rings under her eyelw, It spelt steeplesamtess and worry, but one could, hardly associate therm with Biddy. 'What on earth hada she to fret aver, having brought this Gotta- factory idafactory and most unexpected deal aff? Falkland, in his position, could given her all she asked; for, shower Witte and benefits on her. She would be able to queen it at Hard- widke and outrival so many who petro+hence would) snub and overlook her in .her present life. Then he 'bit his Hp,' for no one could ever dream thee scab, assets and attractions would) have any weight with Bridget as they astsure- diy would db wutii. Anne. Biddy, dressed up, paying calla and talking social twaddle was beyond the wild- est stretch of imagination. The Biddy he knew would rattler covet to slide down the balustrade of Falklankire, opperesively stiff quart- et's, She would be more likely to effebt an escape from her teasing restrictions and pant for the open air, and of hug her animals and paddle in, her stream. Biddy, malt. ing butter in the dairy, counting her eggs', feeding the calves and chick- ens% baking bread, and studtying the weather. and discueeing the pros- pects' of the crops wag the only Biddy he could think of. "Why did you do' It?" he asked again and now more lhwelrily, for the gird beside him worehe radiant sir - of tninninh, er s'borsved' bllssstll con.' ate{ntlmenh. 'What, a Funny old world it was, and: he groaned) 11- ware ly, "I've told you why I got engaged,' Biddy said, wearily, -re ail hap- pened (pickly. Co you tliinit I don't know my own mind, and that I haven't had long enough to under- stand+ all I've let myself in tor? Ie it that Robin?" He laughed s'hoiitiy, (To BE YONTIN1Jkkn) SOMETHING TO SELL ? SOMETHING TO BUY ?. It ONLY COSTS YOU TWO -BITS TO TRY I F Use The Classified Column r WILLIAM SPENCE Estate Agent, Conveyancer and Commissioner General Insurance Office Main Street. — Ethel, Ontario. FLMFR- 1D RF.11 RA , Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phone 20X Brussels, Oslb- James McFadean Howick Mutual Fire Insurance —Also— Hartford Windstorm —Tornado Insurance —Automobile Insuranqe 'Phone 42 Box 1, Turnberry 8t.. Brusesia, Ontario WALKER'S i FUNERAL HOME WIIIiam Street, Brussels, Ontario PERSONAL ATTENDANCE 'Phone NS Day or Night Calls MOTOR HEARSE B G. WALKER Embalmer ind Funeral Director, She has solved the daily problem ...because FISH offers a welcome and wholesome change at mealtimes, something the whole family will like. There are over 60 different kinds of Canadian Food Fish and Shellfish from which you can choose, either fresh, frozen;smoked, dried, canned or pickled. All of them can be served in an infinite variety of recipes. And... one of the good things about FISH is that it is nourishing, and so easy to prepare! Serve Fish t0 your family often. DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, OTTAWA. Qi �:.ee,, M , , f BpOK L'J` FR 1 ' "" - Department of Fbherles 1 II Ottaww I Picas° Bend me your 52-paga Booklet "100 Tempting Fish Recipes". , , I Hams 1 1 (PLRAea PRINT LarTaR5 PLAINLY) 1 Address l Low WO MY MD oil afti aik MI