HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-8-23, Page 5THE 0RUSSE1 POST Prices Slashed !viwritkaw~04~0604iftowrir. Never Before Sti'ex� fc%%‘ Such Buys es% h & rCV C KSON MOTORSJ�� Limited Phone 161 Listowel 1936 Dodge Pick Up, like new 1935 Studebaker Dump ,1934 Ford Stake ,1933 Chevrolet, Panel 1931 Model A, Stake We also have three and a few tractor Claire Long, Salesman 1938 Ford Coach, like new 1937 Ford Coupe 1935 Ford Coach 1934 Ford Sedan Several Good Model A's good horses, one cultivator, like new WEDDJNG Hamilton -Simpson Atwood, Aug. 3.—IJ?nre marriage was solemnized of Dorothy Marie Simpson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Simpson, of Atwood, to George' Edward Hamitton, son or Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton, of Bitola • Township. The ceremony took place in the church, $t. Andrews..bythe-Lake, at Bllg Bay Point, Rev. J. H. Geo - Complete Optical Service EYES GLASSES EXAMINED MODERATE PRICES THE COMPLETE COST IS REASONABLE AT RElD'S CORRECT FOR VISION AND STYLE GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY R. A. REID, R. Oe EYESIGHT SPECIALIST AT MISS HINGSTON'S STORE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.00 TO 5.00 P. M. PHONE 51 WEEK(ND IPE(IALL SPECIAL RICE 4 lbs. for 25c Tip Top Pumpkin 3 for 25c Handy Ammonia . • , .... , . , , , . , .per pkg , ..... , , , . 5c Gold Medal Jelly Powder 6 for • 25c Carnation Milk • • • • • • • .. • • • • • per tin ; 9c ,, ib tin for • :.: Gold Medal Coffee 1 48c Forest City Baking Powder 22 oz. fear • • • • • . • • • 33c Grapefruit Juice • • • • • , ,• , • • 3 tins for 25c Betty's Raspberry Jam 1,1 Jar • • • • • •, • • . • . • • 28c Jar Rubbers • ...................per ;pkg . .. , .. , .. 5c Walker Sodas -• • 2 tb pkg 1,25c TRY OUR FRESH STOCK OF CORN, CARROTS, BEETS AND ONIONS ghegan, of 'Ridgetown, brotberin• law of the bridegroom, officiated, with Rev, E. A. Slack, of West- dale, at the organ. The bride wore a gown of triple sheer midnight lavender with in. ,set at taffeta and white• accee-. sories, She carried an arm bou- quet of bronze talisman roses. During the signing of the regis- ter, Mrs. G. Iavrton; of Hamilton, sang. Following the .ceremony a luncheon was served at Ironwood- Cottage: Later, Mr. and Mrs. Ham- ilton left on a short motor trip through Muskoira, They will re- side on the second concession of Dlma Township, Hayes—Walker A quiet wedding took place at Grace Church -on -the -Hill, Toronto, on Saturday at 7.30 p, m.when, Rev. John Dixon united In marriage Kate May, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Walker, Wroxeter, and Leonard Richard; youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Hayes, London The bride wore a street length dress of navy and mile -crepe with fusehia jacket and crush belt 01 rile and fu5chia. Navy atccessor- les and .a corsage of fusch&a gladioli completed her costume. Mrs, Mar- jorie Walker, Toronto, sister of the bride Ivore a dress of beige and burgundy with burgundy accessor- ies and ?matdbdnlg corsage of gladl- 1 oli. Mr, Meepltt Flint, Toronto, brother -in ilaav of the bridegroom, acted as groomsman. The bride's mother wore a dress of navy sheer over flowered crepe with white i accessories, and matching corsage of gladioli while Mre. Hayes fore black crepe with white accessories and corsage of white gladioli. After the ceremony a wedding supper was served a ttbe home of Mrs. A, Leitch, 421 Russell 31051 Road; fol- lowing which the young couple left an a motor trip to Niagara Falls and Befelo. The bride traveled, in a fneolhia flannel suit with navy accessories. On their return they will reside in Toronto, PIGGOTT - TOLES sweetheart roses with liners et the I valley. She also wore the gift of the groosn, a yellow' gold wrist watch. MJss !Morgarei Toles was her s'ister's bridesmaid and wore a door length gown of plrrlt lace: over. pink satin pad carried pink mases and gypeophiln, I.lttle'Mies Marg area Beaton, niece at the • groom,•. made a charming flower girl in held Diaries, of soft tulle with baby ribbon or pink and blue and carried • a sweet' little basket of pink. flowers. The groom was attended by ids boyhood cilium, Lewis . Blackman of Brigden. During the eigndng of the register and presentation of gifts Mrs. C'1ar• ry played. softly, "The Angel's Drenni," The bride's, gift to the groom was a gold key chain with ring. Following the, ceremony the guests aasemlbled in the spacious dining room decorated for the oc-. cesion. in a pink and white scheme with tall white tapers, and pink and white carnations, A wholesome,, flve-courser dinner was served, after which the happy couple lett by motor for Niagara Falls and other lake points. The bride travelled in printed silk crepe with white veiled toque and ratetching accessor- ies. Upon. their return they will reside on the grooms, farm near Pet- rol0a, A special guest at the wedding was, a school chum of tre bride, Miss Graham of Quill Lake, Sask She left for home by boat after the wedding. Spectator Dies 7iggie From Excitement At Seaforth Game Brussels Loses First In Huron League Football Finals Seafortlr, Aug. 10—By a narrow margin, the Setaforbh footbanl team nosed out the Brasserie squad in the first of the anal games for the Huron• ehampdonahip, here last Fri- day might, A. record crowd for this year was on hand .to watch the , game. Ndlther team -Scored in the first half, nor did either have mach of an advantage over rthe other. Fox' of Brussels war in0ured dn• the early 'part of 4he first half but was in 'the game for pant of the second. • ,Seafortly niched on a 'foul shot about haltfiway through the first part and from then on the play was from one e0vd of tQhe fiend to the other. Van Bell, Seaforth's ,goalie, made a hire save toward the last part of the period and the half ended with no soore. A very unfortunate accident oc- curred in. the. first half when Ed- ward Jarman, retired farmer, who has been boarding in • Seeforth, dropped, dead. His death was be- lieved, to have been, brought about by the excitement of the game. Mr. Jarman has one brother . Thomas Jammu residing on North Main street, Sea0ohth. Ini the second halt, Seefonth en- joyed a decided edge on the Brus- sels, team,. In the opening minutes clO Piny, H. Nicholson krldked• the ball on the 'top bar, and a fehv min- utes Muter D. Mesisenger kicked the ball over the, top of the goal, From .hem' on, Riley n the Gnussals. goal had a hat time of R and • at last with about three-quarters of the last half goner John Flannery scored on a pasts from Frank Sills during a scramble in front elf the goal. Brussels put on a power play from then, on till the end of the 'game but 0&11ed to score. 'Lineups: Senforth—•Goal, Belt; backs, D. 'Sills, T. ZIPS; halves, Gemmell, Holland J. Nicholson; forwards, H. Milton en, Flannery, F. Sills, Con' vitt, A. Nicholson; seb, Kruse. BnuslseSs,—+Goal Riley; backs, Nichol, Bowler; halves, King Bry- ans, Fox; forwards, Lowe, Perqu- harson,, Steles, Pe{arson, Balser. A quiet, but pretty wedding was .soltrnnizecl on Saturday, July 29 ,at "The 'Maples," the home of the Min. sea Switzer, near Petrone, when Laura line, daughter or 53r, and Mrs, Fred: Toles of Quill Lake. Sark„ was united in marriage to 13vu:ce Switzer Piggott, youngele sou of 'Thos, and the bete Mrs. PlIpgott of Brigden. S•tev, J, N. Clalu% pastor of Wyoming United Ohurcb, officiated. At highnoon to the strains of Lohengrirt'e bridal march, played by rAfs, 'Clear, the principals entered tote drawing' -room cold tools their places in, frortt of a bank of flowers and foliage, overhung with a silver bell and ribbons. The yotithful bride looked lovely in n floor -length gown of glertla tulle and .lane, over white satin and were an embroidered.yell caught with a coronet .of orange blossoms, and lilies of the valley and carried a shouter bouquet of BRUSSELS BEAUTY SALON OIL PERiVIANENTS HAVE JUST PURCHASED THE NEW ZENITH HEATERLESS THERMIQUE PERMANENT WAVE MACHINE Prices as Usual $2.50 wave . ....... . .......... $1.75 $6.00 wave $4.00 $7.00 wave ..,. $6.00 Machineless Waves $3.95 & $6.00 End Curls $1,00 and $1.60 each IncludIng Shampoo & Finger Wave Dried Finger. Waves E6c IRENE PEASE over H. B. Alien's Drug Store Telephone 66X for eppotntment WEDNESDAY, A1J 'IJ$T 2$iid, 198$ ',farmer's Wives Attention 1'hreshing Roast When ordering your .Roast you can depend on us for Quality and Price to. suit your purse. Just Call BaekerBros. experience guarantees' reliable service Choice Lean Cottage Rolls 27�r (Half or Whole)` Per Lb. Baeker Bros. Phone6 Classified Ads.FOR SALE-- I Cheap, House 10 Winghalm, cent- rn1, 3 -piece bath, e. good cellar, cent- ' cement oohs, '&garage, good garden, FOR $ALE— Miving Mare, good worker as third horse. apply to Dr, Jamieson or Ezra Welsh STRAYED— A. red Steer, weight about 600, wnnte face, no horns. Lot 19, !Con. 6, Morris, David Smith, Phone 36-r--1.6 FOR SALE - 9 Young Pigs 5 weeks old. Phone 23-r-,13 Dan Neable Lot 30, Con, 12, Grey. FOR BALE - 7 Pigs, ready to wenn; 1 Good Dunham, Helfer Calf also Canaries. phone( 56-r-7 Dave Shieis Graham Survey Notice A. meeting of the plot owners of ,Cran,brook ,Cemetery will meet at the CoMmwnity Hall on, Monday, August 28 at 8 o'clock in the even- ing, W. A. Williams, Secretary NOTICE— It '(sill pay you to call and see our stocik of auto parts. We can sup- ply trona stock, practically all major parts for ,popular cars. Pay; cash and buy for less SUPER. LASTIC TIRE SALES Camtpbdu Garage Vlringham FOR SALE— Rubber Goode, •Sundiries, mailed postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper, 80% less than retail. Write for mail-order catalogue. Nov -Rubber Co., Dept. W-18 Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. ETHEL MEAT MARKET— Fresh' short end Cooked Meats, first quality;;; Special prices,, on Threshing Roasts, Delivered, Your parterage',appreciated. phone 22-r- 5 or phone 35-r-13 AUCTION SALE ,Lanub5 Safe:yiard, Strativroy, Sat- urdanY, 11g.. 26511. 200 MIXED C,Alf*1'LE: t1euai run of Mixed Pigs and Calves. ,.Those wishing to buy coni'( privately can do so by seedngdi the underSigoed auctioneer arty timer during the week. Trucks to deliveii Terms. Cash. 1v5ixMipine, Auctioneer. awn,' to W, R, Birtch, Center St. +1 Clinton, Aug. 19th, 1939 Letter Box Dear Editor. Below you will find a fist of the dates of the 8 school faro. being held! in Huron County this year. A91 school fairs have a uniform Prize list with the exception or. Bellgrave. This year Goderlch Township Is sponsoring a school fair at Holmes:tele after a lapse of eight years, no school fair being held( .since 1931. A new feature of the prize list this year which should be of interest to the par- entis,, will be the Non -Competitive Exhibits, wirier is a ",Display of School and Project Work as, Car- ried: on in the school.." Belgrave--Monday, Sept. 11th. Fordvich--lTueeday, Sept. 12th. 5t. Helens—Wednesday, Sept, 13115. Currie's Corners -Thursday„ Sept. 14th CaStcow—,Friday, Sept. 15th. , Hensailr-,'Mondhy, Sept. ,Stir Grand' Bend(—Tuesday, Sept. 19th. Hobanesville--Wedn'elsday Sept. 205h Youth very truly, James C. Shearer, Agricultural ;Representative, • for Huron Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List Voters' Lists, 1939, Village of Brussels, County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have comlp16ed with .Section 7 of the Voters Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Brussels on the 23rd day of August, 1939, ' the list of all pensons entitled to vote at mungcipa0 elections and that. • such ldet remains. there for inspec- t tion. .And I hereby tail upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any ernes or ommissions cor- - rected ahcording to law, the last day for appeal being the 23rd day of September, 1939. Dated at ;Brussels the 23rd day of 1August, 1939, fl Rob t. Warwick, Clerk mf Make It IA Habit ! Treat Yourself to a C -0 O -L Refreshing Healthful e 'DRINK AFTER THAT STRENUOUS GAME OF TENNIS OR OTHER OUT•OF.DO.OR SPORTS Also Delicious Sundaes ` Soft brinks Milk Shakes THE BRUSSELS DAIRY B A R.