HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-8-23, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
Written for the.',.P080Y �u Own CotrespOndents
Howick Council
Fordnvicla Auguat 16,th, 1909.
The Cornell net in the United
°blanch Hall, according to edjourn-
meet. The members were all tires -
Mat, the Reeve, J, W. Gamble, pre.
The minutes of last regular meet.
afeo special meeting viers read
and on motion at Strong and Weir
wore adapted,
naval laY Dakar and Strong that
that Ily4ew no, 3 for the year 1897
authorizitne the iseuing of debentdr..
es for Sobel Section, no, 17, as real:
the third thne, be finally passed,
Moved by Weir and MeCalliman
that By -Naw- no, 3 for the year 1397,
be amended bo aonforra wth the
Provincial Statutes. --Carried.
Moved by Weir and MoCallem
that By-law no. 7 for the year 1939,
as read, the third time, be finally
peeved. --Carried. ,
IlVloved by Baker and Weir that
legal action be taken against
Conrad Rever to recover the value
of wood taken, oft the road allow-
ance, ,this present year, without the
eonsent 08 bhe Cerunce. —.Carried,
atoved by Strong and 1VIcOallum
that the Clerk be hereby authorized
to advertise tor tenders for paint-
ing the root of the Township Hall,
Wroxeter, tenders to be in the
hands of the 'Clerk not later than
Sepitember 6th, 1939. --Carried.
Moved by Baker end, Strong that
by-law No. 7 far the year 1939.
setting the rates for the present
year, as read the •third time, be
finally passed. —Carried,
Moved. by FcCalluta and Weir
that the fallowing hills be paid.
haat Gamble, part salary as
Clerk $ 35.00
United Cluu.rch, Fordwich,
rent of room L50
W. C, King, bal. salary, post-
age and mileage 1938 65.00
Jas. L. Walkom, bal, salary
postage 1938 45.00
Melvin Johnson, milk for G.
King, family 2.40
County Treasurer, hospital
expenseh tor George
County Treasurer, hospital
expenses for Mrs.
W. Mewl. . 6.10
Milton Leonard, equalizing
U. S. S. no. 1, 2, 13, /6 .. 16.00
J. H. Shannon, Deed af land
and Registration, of
seine 5.82
Municipal World, supplies 1,82
J. R. Riddell, M,D„ medical
eervicela for Gila
family 13.25
Dr, I. P. Campbell, refund on
WillvillatnuteStzeiblee•adr.,t,4lreaawniiengh, 3,90 WALTON
Row 38.40 On .Senday afternoon wales Har
Road Expenditures 0/0 SilealldOn and hie brother were
4gtuag 1,14k, Wroxeter 13.01;
11, J. Plueleton & San, bridge
plank ., , 29.40
Francis Colon, cutting weeds 13.00
Alien -Griffith, brushing , 14,40
Richard Gijtfbtji, bruehing • i1,$0
Wen. 1VMDonale1, drawing
gravel ....... ,,, . .30
Thorne Brown, gravel „
Nelson Gowd'Y, Operating
Power Grader 25.50
John Franiklin, making tili 4,80
Eager. Henry, dmawing
water C4e00.'.
Harold Foerter, •making fill 17.50
Garb Werner, snow roads
Jahn Montgomery, Road
R. J. Hueeton & Son,
Fordwieh, Village,
cement & lumber
erivine to Pithel to visit their
mother, Mr. SmaildoIl lost control
of the oar, taking to the ditch and
snapping off a hydro pole. The
oar was badly damaged. Mr, Wm.
Sanaladon received a cut on the
head, but the other occupants ot
the cif escaped injury.
The.'W/M.S, held their regular'
meeting in Aug.* "with Mists Knox
presidipg. Miss iSnaillie offered
Payer while Mrs, McCall read the
"Seripture—Pealen 19. Minutes of
laly meeting were read and adopt-
-led.", Miss Retchtle'a interesting re-
Yiew of the year's, study book was
46.20 appreciated by all. The roll eall
,..1va.*Ecnewereld. by a verse from the
'Seiensin on the blouse Hymn 380
-wee " suing and Mrs,. McCallum
Bent :Carter, cuttling weedls 4.80 closed the, meeting with. prayer.
Wm. Stewart, making 1111 „ 1.60 'The August meeting of the
john Hannah, Making fill .80 'United Farm women will be held
Garnarcl King, making fill & at the home of M. Leonard, Leem-
paAnting bridge ........320 Ing on Wednesday afternoon, Aug.
W.m. Sothern, cement gravel • .30th, Come and hear a talk on
Bert Manni weeds and '"Piorreerinr," given by Mrs. Mc.
7.09 Callum.
Mee and Mrs, J. Staples from the
3,50 Weot. are visiting Me. ane Dirs.
Lee George Dundee, Hr. and Mrs. Stapl-
es came east for their daughter
31-ei0-1-31aPfera's wedding at Whitby, Mrs.
Glad Edgar, malting 811,
drawing cable
Mae Stuernol, ditching
G. S, Baker, repair for
John Montgomery-, freight on StaPies was formenly Miss Carrie
blades .50 Johnston of 17th cone Grey; Miss
Sawyerrailassey, blades for Margaret Ramsay wbo visited here
grader .e.3,98., _recently had. the misfortune to tail
Harvey Gibson; drawing -aUd break her hip while retureing
gravel 2.60 to California. She is in a hospital
Moved by Baker and MoCallnna in Chicago and latest reports say
•that this Comic! do now adjourn, to pneumonia has developed; Horace
and Feed Rutledge, of Toronto are
meet Inc the Township Hall, Virrox-
itc- -,seevarling their vacation With their
eter, on the ,third Wedmesday
September or at the call 08 lierents‘ Mr. and Mee. F. D. Rut -
Reeve. —Carried, ledge; Rev. Mr. Gilbert and wre
Isaac Gamble, Clerk. have returned from a two weeks'
vacation at Manitoulin Island; I
lames Johnston and bride of Hall -
button, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Silas, ,Johtston and other relatives
;Mrs.. James Dennison at
Mr. and Mrs. Win/axe, Rae, Water- Preston" le visiting friends. here;
loo, with the former' mother, eints. ' A tl •
es MaCalt
D. F. Rae; Mfrs, Jean Grentehave are vacationing at camp this week;
Mrs, II ;Stewart and ohildren, Bud- Mr, and Mae. Fred Miller spent
dy and Kay, with Mr. and Dins. 'A. *Sunday at Brodbagen; week -end
1. Santlereone Mins. L. Moffatt and M.r and Mrs. Aechibahl
stn, Brace, also Miss E. Martin, Whitfield and three grandchildren,
nurse in. blunting, London, with Bthel and Clarence Whitfield and
Mrs. Bent Martin; Master •-Camli.' ":Geforge WiRingdon of Meaford, with
bell Reeves. Toronto, math Dr. I. P. Dirs. Hugh Fulton; Mrs. Hugh Ful -
Campbell; Mr. and Mrs. D. Has- tom and Mts. A. Bruce spent a
kinand, children, Burlington, with. week with the formers daughter,
eete, H. %wattle; Mrs. B. 'Martin IVIrre. Jt B. Murray, Toronto; Wil
in London; Mese Jeannette Adams liam Sehailcion of Indiana, vrsited
in Detroit; Mrs, Ie. Waller with her.. his brother Harold Smealdon over
daughter Nay in Toronto; Jack the weekend,
Duret with his grandparents._
pack 22c.
per tin 35? •
• • • • .Per tin 11c
Royal Singapore Sliced Pineapple 2 tins for 19c
Hemphill's Wheat Berries 5 lb bag each 19c
Hillcrest Pure Lard 2 Ib for 19c '
IVIanning's Wondertiaiul Cleaner
Zion Fig Bar Biscuits .
Prints 36" wide
Fancy Cretonnes
Men's Work Shirt good heavy ones
Ladies' Print House Dresses, new styles
RoyalYork Coffee l's .
Helmet Corn Beef
each 10c
, ...... , per 15c
per yd 18c
per yd 22c
each 896
each 98c
Phone 22-11 Ethel, Ont.
. .
AH Kinds of
ood Working
Wheelbarrews, Wagon Tongues, Rims, Axles,
Neck Yokes, Whiff1etrees, Etc,
Horse Shoeing a Specialty
General Blacksmithing
and Repairs
Raby Ethel
Union Service was beld in Knox
Presbyterian Church on Sunday
"inesmieg with a large, attendance
from both Knox and the United
-66ngrelgati o ns. deer. T, Harold
Ackert of the United, Church, was
in, change and delivereda most in-
,spirieug arlds•ess. The choir sang an
anthem in. which Mrs. Ackert and
E. S. Wilson .song the duet part,
The service next Sunday will be in
the United 'Church,
The regular meeting of the Fel,
Can These Boys Retain The Cup For Aother Year?
gueson. IDDiseion Bard Icroox
4111,11roh. wi held on Saturday in
the ecleaolroom, ee the churell.
following took Pert in the deeer
Memel exerciseEdon
Kavgarete4Vatt, Team" Wett Myrtle
Pillacott, Fitizgerald, end
Milete J. parrittivers, A bfehebersivi4v
cerilitiOate„was, presented • to Atileen`
Mr. and' Mit, Stuart Lake and
eons Wallace, of Ayr, visited witil
her mother, Mits. D. Kerner; 141as
nthei Bettger and Keith Hokin..
son or galliiiton with MT, 0..nd Mrs,
Di, E. 13ett•gerl MM, O. Hamilton
andace, Glen, of Palmerston, with
M -x W. Merrylleact; Mr. and ear%
P. Holmes end Mes, D, Kelly of
Shakespeare, with M're• B. Ho/easel
Mr, and Mrs, W. 3, Tannet and
Sae, Bruce, of London, Mr, and
Mits. .Archie Wide and Murray, of
Milverton, with Mr. and 3. I.
Struthere; Ms'. and Mrs. Jack Bea,
ger and; Beth spent the week -end
at Port Elgin; 'Bill Bettger and
Starling qeDightly are spending this
week at Wasaga, BeaSh.
Rev. ,T, Robinson, from the
Prealbytery of Lindsay, ocouPied the
pulpit of Knox Preebyterian. Church,)
on iSuadery. The congregations; of
Knox Presbyterian, churches 01
Bluevale and Eadies will hold a
meeting in Bluevale on Monday
evening, August 281Ie for the pur-
pose of moderating a call to a
Rev. C. Tavener and Mrs. Taven-
er returnee] home this week from
their vacation, and Mr. Tavener
Will have charge of the service in
the United Chnrch here and at
Ebenezer fleet Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs, George Peacock return to Ot-
tawa this week atter spending a
holiday with Mr. P,eacock'e perental
John Mundell spent Sunday with ms
son, Gondon, and Mrs. Mundell et
Gornis; Mns, Earl Elliott and 8-0111
Lesele, 08 Blemilton, visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Herr Elliott; MT. and
Mrs. Rebeet MacLean. and two sons,
Jim and Donald, of Waubaushene
and Mists Rose MacLean, Kippen,
with'ale. and Mrs, 3.3. Sellars,
The regular monthly meeting. or
the W.M,S, oe the United •Charreat
was nel# in the Sunday school room
on 'Illruesdey afternoon, The
preeident, Mrs, George Thornton.
presided. ;Pra.per was offered by
Mrs. Edevard Johnston, Mrs. Arthur
Shaw, Mee. W. J. Johnston: and
Mrs. Robent Shaw, There was
good ateindence. The roll was an -
severed by repeating a verse con-
taining the word "refuge."
letter. Joseph Breckenridge read a
cheipter fro.rn. the study book, en-
titled "Beckoning Frontiers," deal-
ing with. the duty at churches to.
card the unemployed, A paper
on Henan, ,Olvina was read by Mrs.
Ednearcl Johnstot.
Rev. flubhart Meier, a, former
resident of this neighborbood and
a teacher at Ilemsay's No.
10 Monis, visited with his brother
Andy Miner, and several fieendse
Mr. and Mn, Wella (nee Florence
Galbraith) and two children, of Lon-
don called on' friende here; Mrs. D.
3. Falcone- and Miss Battey Ann
of Distowel, with. Mr. and Mos. Will
Falconer; Mre. al, L. Aitken, and
Mise Dorothy Aitken, visiting with
Mr. and Nib. Genmand Duff at Well-
and and, will also call at St. Cathar-
ines year where Mlles Aitken has
been engaged to teach school,
Household Hints
' To octet food to be fried a eold,
en brown, walla egg and .ornahs is
view ettez to dee Jilitt Well„ sUl
Vhe °Mee,
Break an egg into a elitaloW
beat siloony with a fort elle
1.11 the Willits and yolk are mixed,
stir n, 2 taglespoone of water. In
a second okamovr Mak Putt finely
roiled, dry lareed mamba, Dip the
food into the egg 311116ture, 1711r9
111 all sides are coated, ilflt with, a
'fork and hold over the dish Until
th51 excel egg hats &relined oe, Dip
the eggkeeted feed Into the
crumble end turn. unlbil 18 Is eVerilY
covered, then fly.
;Savoy cabbages with crinky
loaves are the finest quality home
gartlen. ca.bbag-eve,
• . •
To out bails of melon for cock -
tate. and salads, with a French cut -
tem, place the cutting edge of the
ball mates against the peeled sur-
face of the ileuit er vegetagle.
With even pressure on the knife,
roll from right to left and left to
right alternately, so Mat the knife
cues into the feod that on one side
and' then on the other.
Content's until the food shows
tte.ough the hole, in, the, back of the
°Utter. Still 4ecenting preasure on
the knife, lift the handle, until it
is at right angles with the food.
'run the handle completely around
in the hand and kilt out the ball
To obtain the professional look -
leg glaze on linen, It le necessary
to use cold, Starcila and iron while
articles ere still darnIP• Mow clip a
piee.e, of flannel In some French
chalk, and rub this "sZnootbly on
eect article, after which a piece
of white curd amp le rubbed over
the chalk, Lastly the articles a -e
ironed. on the wrong side only with
a moderately hot iron, when done
they lave the appearance of new
• *
Pire gittlerdte which have been
used throughout the winter can be
made into pretty screemsto bide
often unsightly empty fireplaces.
Eimbroider a piece of linen *crash,
or use up a remnant of curter
Material, and tack it to the front
of the gnard. Thig can, be eteellY,'
removed, for Washing, and can be
stored when yore want to use tee
guaed' for he Bre again.
* * *
To avoid unpleasant cookaig
odors„ stiong-flavored vgeebables
are best cooked; tied in parchment
cooking paper.
▪ * •
By the way, what do you de with
your old table napkins? We dis-
covered; a friend of own throwing
hem away fIhe other day an,d. told
her she web fattish. If You asw
a loop of tape or a contain plug to
one cornre and hang it ,by the
you have a new and excellent
glasie cloth.
• * *
To /make lite white breadtreumbs
quick/w. it is a goad Idea to put
the soft part at a stale loaf into
a clean muslin bag, tie it firmly at
the top, and gently nub It for
few minutee between tbe eatects,
when the crumbs will be Bae
enough. for any purpose.
* • •
Save the water in, which you
boil the onions for dinner and use
it for cleaning the Blit frames of
your plotnres or mirvons, while e r
the, mirrors themselves, and the
windows too, methylated spirit
can. be treed with safety.
The Coeriell Of 'the TOwnalitp or
Morrie will bat' a jib of repairing
-peat Of44111 cf6P,1$
Sa6irday, Selattanber • 2106. at
o'olook at the drain, Lot 22, Cme, 3,
A, MaellIWIGN, ,Olerk.
Prepare to Kecp
Warm on "
Cool Days
Special Values
This Week
Ladies' & Misses
.Knitted Suits
Jackets - Pullovers
Woolen Blankets
Plain & Fancy White
Colored and Reversible
Priced 5.95 up
Back To School
in Boys' and
Young Men's -
Top Coats -Overcoats
Pants — young men's
,Suits on sale $14.95 up
Boys'. Suits $5.95 up
J. M. Schinbein & Son
Listowel, Ont.
Notice To Creditors
In the estate of Marla Campbell,
late of the Village of Brussels In
the Cosnty of Huron, widow, de.
ceased ,who died on or about the
twenty-third day of .May .,A.D.
TAxn NOTICE theu-Call parties hav-
ing elaitme or demand -s against the
.estate of the abevementioned de-
oelased must than particulate' and
proof of same to the undersigned
solicitor o nor before the first day
of September, A.D. 1939, upon
which date the asikainistrator of the
saidestate evill proceed' to distill -
bide the ass:elts: with regard only to
those clakrav which he shall then
leave rece4ved.
DASD at lerustels this third dal et
August, A. D. 1939.
. Gostram Kay,