HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-8-23, Page 3TRY IT THE ""SALADA"" •WAY ,Infuse 6 heaping teaspoons of Salada Black Tea in a pint of fresh, boiling water. After 6 minutes strain liquid into 2 -quart container/ while hot, add 1 to 1'5r cups of sugar and juice of 2 lemons, strained; stir until sugar is dissolved/ fill container with becowater. e clouPo dy. Servewithtchippcool d icbefore of The addingbmake! 7ter tall rgla glasses, "S LA ECM' TEA THE BRUSSELS POST rressarn...—r diSsolved gelatine, Mold, awl clitil. Serve ors criSip lettuce. COTTAGE CHEESE+ TOMATO ASPler 2 tablespoons gelatine. 1% supe tomato juice 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon Worcestershire 'sauce .Sala and pepper to tante lr� cu,ps cottage cheese Soalc gelatine in 1/2 cup tomato Alice. Add seasendng to remain- ing juice and, bring to boiling point Metrolva ge0'attne in hot juice, Pour into huge mold and chill, Wilma mixture, begins to thicken prase in cotage cheese by spoonfuls. CJhitl until firm. Ununold en lettnce or other salad green. TESTED RECIPES y * * * * ,i< :k :h COTTAGE CHEESE FOR SUMMER Cottage cheese is available at a •reasonable price, but one does not have to depend on being able to • buy it, because a !good cottage cheese may be easily made in the home: from the sour milk which the horuermaker oaten has on liana cur- ing the hot weather, One of the Horne Economists of tbe.Markettng Service, Dominion, Department 00 :Apiculture has tested the following recipes and recommeends them. for the summer menu: st ,t, COTTAGE CHEESE 2, qularts, sour milk or sour I skimenilk FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently. Simply phone "COLLECT" to WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 21 • INGERSOLL BRUSSELS — PHONE 72 1 teaspoon eailt Pepper 'Cream Ilse only freshly soured, clean flare cured, milk, Put the. sour milk into a pan or top of double boiler and set over hot water until it siepae'ates into curds and whey, Sipeartion bakes, place when hte milk reaches temperature of 100 to 116 degrees F. The milk should be stirred oc• dasdonally while 'it is ,heating. Spread; cheeseolotlu over a larger strainer and dIain, the curd on it. When the whey has drained oft the curd, anay be washed by pouring coal water over it. Put the curt. in: a bowl, mix well, season seitlr salt and; pepper and moisten with cream, This recipe makes ap- proximately 2 cups of cheese. HEALTH SALAD 1 tablespoon gelatine 3 tablespoons cold water 11/4, /ups cottage cheese. U cup salad dres'sdng 1/ teaspoon salt 11 oups cucumber, seeded diced 2 tableepoens sugar 2 tableepoous lemon juice 1 cop grated carrot 1/1 cup green Pepper dhopped fine 11 tablespoons maimed onion Soak gelatine in cold Water and di* solve over hot water. ISix cheess and salad dressing. Add ,salt, sugar, lemon juice and vegetables. Add and CHEESE TARTS ?/s cup milk % cup sugar 2 tablespoons flour Pinch of salt 2 egg yolks 1% crops cottage cheese 2 tablespoons. butter Juice and grated rind of lemon Heat milk. Add sugar, flour and salt Cook mixture until thick, stirring constantly, Add well beaten egg yollea ani cook 3 minutes longer. Add cheese, butter, lemron juice and rind. Pour mixtur einto well baked tart on pie shells. Our Brain Slows 'Down With Heat Climate Is Determining Factor In Ability To Think If you feel your brain godng s4ug- glsdu on you, do not feel /,;armed. It is merely the effect of the Mid-sum- mer lid-scummer heat, because climate is a det- ermining factor in man's, ability to tllyink, according to Dr. Clarence A. Mille, of the Unversity oe Cincin- nati. It is well know'n that the people of tenbperade or even cold climes are, aw a class, more alert, mental- ly and physically, than those wio live in the Tropics. Heat seems to have a wilting effect on both tier body and mind. The great states. mem writers, soldiers, inventors, artiste, etc., have been surprised by those area* generally speaking, in ,'hole there le not au excess of the heat, Victims of the Weather Mem may, in ?Many respects, aeli• leve dominatiods over the influene- es oe their environment, but insofar- as climate is concerned, huunauf are to a coneld'esable. extent the victims' of the weather, In: Canada we need not fear be, coming a permanently sluggish farce, mentally or physically. Ayout the time the 'heat begins to get tie dawn, the refreshing breezes o" autumn coupe *long to revive our bodies and clear our minds, b CHILDREN LIKE SIMPLE CLOTHES sunsuits and Jackets Good For Hot Weather In, picking playltinie garments for hot weather, the sunsuit remains the meet comfortable ,choice for hilts children, For other everyday pullp'aees a sun ensemble to aqua -1- ly e summer ebandrby. The match- ing dress or jacket to go aver the sunsuit is useful when aitternoons turn cool and for dress -up occas• ions as dlinenr, or going visiting with mother. Clothes, designees and home cc- enemies aenemies watch obtiidren at play to learn how new patterns look ,and fit, how materials and workman- ship stand up in this normal wear - and -tear and how they launder, for they certainly maze leender! For Children Who Dress Themselves Raglan shoulders, seats with plenty of length and spread, loose nests or fullness in all garments, rather than clothes just too big, all are dee'era•ble from the standpoint of the clothes authorities. Too big clothes can be as uncomdiortabie as too,.e•mklt ganments. For children beginning to do Hirings for them- selves', it is use to have garments that cannot be prat on inisdde-fore- mo'st, that have ,plackets in front and ease to -manage fastenings. i 1110111111111 *t*i IS THE PRODUCT TO USE IT'S • CITIES SERVICE ONCE USED 4 GASOLI NE a ... Two Grades KOOLMOTOR - f ALWAYS USED gasoline that supplies a motor with higher quality fuer and allows not the slightest reason for the motor to "ping" as the mechanic terms it, and sells at the regular price. 3rd GRADE gasoline sells at 25c per gallon, also a good quality especially adaptable for use in lower compressioned motors and tractors. Its more economical to use for such purpose. IF IN DOUBT - - A TRIAL WILL PROVE IT GUARANTEED �LUBRiCATION IT ALL HAS TO BE GOOD We have lowered the price of oil previously sold at $1.00 per gallon to 75c per gallon and have stocked a better grade to sell at $1.00 per gallon. 75c - 1.00 per gallon GUARANTEED s Sealed oils for motors requiring harder wearing lubrication, so refined foy the protection of it users, more economical because of its higher wearing qualities and still at a price not to be compared. rl,ti;VaS 1.20-1.40-1,50 per gallon SATISFACTION FROM A TRIAL IS YOUR GUARANTEE GORD'S SERVICE STATION "THE WHITE CORNER" --Where the lubricants contain the finest • qualities and the attendants have been schooled to give service that is unsurpassed. Gordon Sanderson, Proprietor & Manager 'Phone 73X Brussels i Wtl'1DTIESAA'i, AI2GIJ T 23rd, 1i139 —�+ aktV Take an Enjoyable Holiday at Western Ontario's Exhibition PRIZE LIST - $32,000 Speed Events Daily—Night Horne Show—Photography Salon DogShow—Superb Grandstand Spectacle—Hobby Fair Carnival Midway --Hundreds of Exhibits W. D, JACKSQN, Secretary 299 oN ‘7Z"•° 1 YEAP DO$ SEPT. 0I -I6 _ONTARIO, MAKING FARMING PAY I One of the greatest aetemspte to mtulce farming pay is new under way in the UnitedStates, and the roam- agemenit Le one of the big insurance coanwianies which bad been forced to take over many bamprupt farms that the owner* had been compelled to abandon. There were about seven thousand of these fawns, and the inlaera'nee, company did not know what to do with them. In order to nave something out of the wreck,. the oomrpany, undertook to modern- ize and transform thew pnopenties, and new:, there are between 50,000 ant 30•,000 people supper ted on the 1,618,000 acres which had been abandoned. And, these tenants are making the farms .vary, the Income from the props totalling $12,000,000 a year. But the tenants must fol- low dire 5dientiflc rotation which the company incorporates into the con- tract, These reorganized farina are being 'run for profit, and the fertility of the land must be kept up. And the farmers so highly appreciate, the benefit of the new plan that there is never the slight- est trouble renting any of the farms. The company is only too will- ing to sell the farms to farmers who are w'iningg to take them over and work them properly. Following a record crop, vve mil- lion boxes of oranges (a thousand mill ow Entrust) will be sent from South Africa to the British Isles in the next few Mouths, * * 11, * * * * n: * Wee Angus * * * (By A. R. K.) * * ¶ Wes Angus; he's been running wild since came, the day to leave off' achooth he dretsues with a scant attire hes bent on sloppily keeptmg cool. ¶ He ,balks of cowboy* eluate a lot, of bow they dwelt fn open' air and how the sun, beat down! ore .them and sizzled in tlheir gnawing :hair. ¶ Ile hoaets, somewhat about the sun, I've heard frim ,telling other foib the way, that tanning should be done. ¶ But yesterday ne told me how held put his Sunday sui:t on then, there was a b'irthclay party due, ha told me where it was and what. ¶ And so I stuck around a spell to see him wash like how he should, and making certain waren he went he would be looking fairly good. ¶ He did a lot of washing too and ckrvere& Space from there to here. he even went around his nehk and touched a spot behind his ear. ¶ When he was all attended to I thought Wee Angus looked quite pale, and for the red, man tlhn.t he was he seemed to turn a trifle stale.. ¶ A lot of what he said was tan team being in the, sun each ,dlay. why it had vanished with the soap and had enter* gone away. She has solved the daily problem —because FISH offers a welcome and wholesome change at mealtimes, something the whole family will like. There are over 60 different kinds of Canadian. Food Fish. and Shellfish from which you can choose, either fresh, frozen, smoked, dried, canned or pickled. All of them can be served in an infinite variety of recipes. And... one of the good things about FISH is that it is nourishing, and so easy to prepare! Serve Fish to your family often, DEPARTMENTOTTAOIFWA. FISHERIES, 1 Department of FIsherles I 1 .tow 1 . Plena° send me your 52-poio e Bokret 1 "100 Tempting Pith Recipaa". , 1 1 Namo 1 (eLixeSS PR9N'r Int steps rs.sim.y) I , t Address II 1. _ ,. ..,..... ,,,, Cw•i 6 No. 199