The Brussels Post, 1939-8-23, Page 2vtE BRUSSELS POST
Missing The Mark
.M ria. Falikland, quite una'w'are
that all Chia speculation was going=
on., was : enjsrying life extremely,
He were paying- just ass much atten-
Oun to hiis. work, but it woe, such a
respite; to fined himself at Hopcolit
Farm' tor an hour or so and Biddy
besidee bin. To tell the truth, it
did not detract oue iota from Isle
pleasure if Anne was ,Preeent also.'
He liked her, too, except When
was diepressed, or too overbearing
with her sister. He was so fond of
]tttlt Biddy that he resented het be-
ing snapped at, and exposed tc
radicals with regard to her amusing
wide -of -the• -lark Statements when
she wandered into, the world of lit
ereture, historyand other subjects.
He called on the Seadons one
day, realising tblad lie had neglected
them thither much of late. it so
chanced that only Mrs•, eadon was
at home, and her attitude towards
him was a trifle chilly, and fainti y
reproachful. It was. not marked
enough, for lvian' to treat seriously,
it only resulted in leaving him
with the impression that he bad
presented) hinmetf at the wrong
time, and that it was of sma11 con-
sebuen:ce to that 'family whether he
continued 'to further its actquainh-
an,ce or not.
He wase sorry to miss Cynthia, but
of course that was not his fault.
However, wheen he met her going
to the links one afternoon a. little
later on, he stopped her and decid-
ed he would) have a round with
her, the links being quite near to
the school.
gorse bushes, and the red berries
on, the hawthorn trees was disturb-
ing to them both and for various
reasons. ,Cynthia was content to
be Obese, but her eomPanlon'e em
grossed mood was not Battering.
She had the feeling also that be.
wanted to say something to her of
Pregnant inripontance and would not
get it but, This was unlike an sue
bad ever known of Adrian Falk-
land', for he had always struck her
as bein6 a man of essentially de-
cided, views, She did not connect
wavering with him and baltdormed
plans, and sketchy arrangements.
Adrian, on the other hand, was
thinking of Hopcolt Farm and it
Biddy would be looking out for him.
He began to face that she had
rather a right to do so, that he was
singling her out and forgetting that
she w'as nut a child, but a girl, a
young woman -who eould lay claim
to being considered
with all clue reference an dreePec'.
"I an indhilging in free after-
noons Just now to a large extent,"
he explained; "and 'working all the
evening. This weatiher can't last
long. I find it wiser to have mercy
on the boy), too, and turn thein out
into the playing fields ate much as
Possible after two oetock."
Cynthia did not ask why, like
that, she had not Been him on the
lints. She was quite herself ex-
tremely, and as usual they had
plenty to say to one another for
Cynthia's outlook 'was broad and
her education, had been a very lib.
est31 one and wholly sensible in
every detail. Moreover, she was
a wide reader and interested in all
the questions. of the day. It was
a vivid interest, too, and. based on
studying the points, of controversy
from a fair number of angles. She
was a very different companion to
little Bridget.
But that afternoon, Adriante
tention wars divided, and he by no
means played a good game. Cynthia
won without exertion of moot skill,
far sire, too, was not in, her best
form and the caddy., looking on,
sneered scornitully and wondered
what it was all about, )ince they
were such melts, on most ocoa-
The golden sunshine flecking the
Part of him wanted to be in
those rural fields with Biddtas ani-
mated 'face upturned to his, and to
smile at her gay Prattle, her child-
hildish ideas, her unspoiled freshness,
and naive summnig up of those
great questions which whiten the
hair of politicians and line their
forehead and maybe shorten tber
And yet he was not sorry to ge
here with Cynthia Seadon, and he
wondered wavy be had been so slow
in looking her up again. There was
everything about her that made an
ideal companion, her remarks were
so sane. There, was never any
need to bend to her or make
apologies for her. Cynthia was his
equal all along the lane,
William Street,
Brussels, Ontario
Day or Night Calle
Embalmer and Funeral
Director, a t
Brussels, Oft.
As she drove her ball to its goal
by the side of the stream
wandered across' the limina, the
water looked sluggish and' unappeal-
ing, All the world was changed
sonrebow from those happy days or
the previews year, when full of
wouderfal possibilities, the. Inon'the
had stretched ahead of her, and ail
Hardwick) had been so confidently
sure that she and tats man were
going through life side by side.
While she stood by the stream
for a moment in order to still those
nerves of hers which she Was :inch
an adept at concealing from others,
the words of a song came back
to her, taking on new slgndfl.oance
as she repeated them mentally--
1;as it niy heart that the world
bad sour'd?
Were these waters ever eweet?
Did the bhtebells blink at the mossy
brink ,
That gurgled at my feet?"
She pulled' herself together and
laughed cheerily. "The wr-etbed'
ball has gone into the water! You
are Iooking at your watch. I, .too,
ought to be moping homewards. We
have some people coming to tea,
and mother will not ge very pleas-
ed if I fall her."
He walked with her almost as
far as her house, uncomfortably
aware that nobhnig had been gained
by their social hour, Indeed, it
would have been better if it load not
occurred. It had unsettled him,
emphasised Biddy Gray's extreme
youth and immaturity and the
plunge he must take before long or
lose his self-res'pest.
Ile swot sorra Ira alai,
*lbw. coo be molar
He was the last of his. family and
had never awned a sister. At the
very start he had wished that Cyn-
thia could have been just that,
they could have been such close
pals under those ciruum'stances. He
would have revealed in a ester
keeping house for him if she had
resennbied this woman,
Because he still thought of her
in that light, he wanted to open his
heant to her about Biddy. It bad
become necessary to him to talk
over the situation with someone.
That day especially, it was borne in
in him that be could not go on, with
his visit's to Hopcoit unless, he said
something tantamount to asking the
Grayts' consent to woo their young-
er grandi.daughter in earneet.
He was quite sure in hiss own
mind that neither the farmer nor
hie wife would raise any objection.
He had gleaned, that in, some direc-
tions being forced to adopt these
girls had been by no means. palat-
able to them They did not want
to provide for their future. To
put it baldly, apart from their nsee-
ful help in the summer, they were
a burden to have under their roof,
an added expense and worry.
He opened his lips at last and
tried to outline why he had taken
such a violent fancy to Hopeolt and
preferred its charm to the links and
ICyniltia listened patiently. There
was no hiiut of disparagement to
her manned or gtanse, she even
seconded kis, assertions that it pro-
vided him with the rest and peace
he so often coveted away from his
onerous duties' at the school. She
emphasised that she, too, could
find complete recreation theme from
the din of the busy little town,
But when he mentioned Bidkliy
Gray, and hoped, to dnvell at length
On her charms, that was. another
matter, It was not .4n the least
what she said neitiher 'Mas there
anything. is the nature of belittle-
ment or spite about her, only he had
the unpleasant sensation that fibs
counted 'him not quite normal with
regard to these views, and therefore
would rather not furnish him with
an audience for the eapendtture of
his fiotwely deskir11410ns.
And this did, beleat:se she Was
herself, For In hear heart of hearts
she knew Milan could, not be genu -
Fairs & Exhibitions
OttaWg Went, Canasta Ex.)
Ang. 21.26
Sarnia Aug. 16-18
Tttidwon!brrrg Aug. 29.31
Toronto (Oan, Nat) Auga..25-
Sept, 0
wtoodst0ek ............. Altg, 22-24
September 1-9
Fergus Sept, 8, 9
Goderloh sept, 7, 8
Tavis(todk Sept, 8, d,
September 11-16
Blyth • Sept, 16, 16
Sept. 11-16
Sept. 14, 15
Sept, 15 16
Sept. 14-16
London (Western)
New Hamburg
September 18-23
ARdsa Cralg ..............»..... Sept. 21, 22
Atwood Sept. 22, 23
Hanover ..............»....,..., Sept. 19, 20
Kincardine Sept: 21, 22
Listowel ..•Sept. 20, 21
SeatorUly Sept. 21, 22
Stratford Sept, 18-20
September 25-30
Arrtirur Sept. 27,28
Baydteld Sept. 27, 28
Bmuslse'le Sent. 29, 30
Sept. 25, 26
Sept. 26, 27
Sept. 25
Sept. 17
Sept. 23, 29
Sept. 23, 29
Sept. 28, 29
Sept. 27, 28
30, Cot, 2, 3
Sept, 26, 27
Sept. 26, 27
Sept. 29
Sept. 23, 29
Sept, 26, 27
Sept. 26,27
Sept. 27, 28
w17DNDSDAYIGU T 23rd, 1989
Western Canada Special Bargain Excursions,
From All Stations in Eastern Canada
Sept .18-21
Sept. 22, 23
Sept. 20,
Sept, 21-28
He thought it over again very
late that night, wham he was quietly
smoking in his lonely study, after
some strenuous home of work, and
dealing with stacks at correspond,
)nee, lightened ' by a secretary's aid,
it le true, but heavy all the same,
for 'hint.
How couldhe go on paying these
constant vasitis toh3opcolt, and yet
give lob reason for them? I1 the old
couple hart been, by themselves, and
it was simply their farm -life he
sought, ail would be plalnsailing.
But they had read: i't was their
grand -daughter he went for, and it
this stage he moist either cease his
Visits entirely or else state his.
motive for going. In any case, he
could• not just continue to he a
casual friend) of the child's. Every-
thing urged that he should pro-
claim it was his hope to be some-
thing closehr.
finely hippy wdtt7t, a giri od that age
and capabilities. if he chose
Bridget, nothing wowlkL induce her
to aid and abet him anyway in this
stupid aotiony so She told benoeIf,
So they got back rte ordinary
topica, and a gulf yawned between
Warta and the rich -toned gold went
out of tate sunlehine, and the allur-
ing colour of flower and foliage
seemed dimmed to Orithialg dulled
eyes. .,
Yet was he ready for the ven
tire? He glanced around has
book -lined room ant tried to visu-
alise Biddy there, and found it dif-
ficult. 'Tie could picture the child
nowhere apaatt from the fields and
ondhards and stream, or else in the
quaint farm-honse, with her grand
parents in 'the background, .She
knew and wanted no wider exist-
D ruanebo
Luck: ow
Owen Sound
Port Elgin
Pent up in these very proper
rooms what would she do and how
spend her days? It wouid- be like
transplanting a wild flower to e
hothouse shelf. In• spite of her Ina
bringing in. France she had taken
anter her lather's family, and, the
open life which had' been, denied her
before, claimed her nom exclusive-
IY,'Yet she earee, for me," he
thought. Even in this, shoat time
I have won her. I can't let the
child down I must give her a
chance, to say what she would like,
I must be. fair, but why did I start
this campaign "
Ills, mind, strrayed to Cynthia Sea.
don ankl their tdreieome failure of
an atteambon, Whet had there
been about Cyntb6a Which had
winged hone to him the truth that
Biddy was not as match to him as
he had fondly begun to imagine?
'The dreary solitude of his portion
of the house padded on hint that
night, and he Was angry will, him-
self for his feeble indecision. He
deaptsed a man who did not know
what he needed in, a wife, especial.
ly arse he had, resolved, not to marry
for some tame t0 come.
aleonwlhdle, Bridget had event an.
exceedingly harassing day as well,
for she had ewoosntered Robin
Cardlrekv, whoee white set face had
filled, her With the deepest konceb,
y"It's a per+fec.t shame,' 'eke Mated,
contemptuously', `'t'0 plate you in
tbris' Position» it's unforgivable,
W inghamx
(:TNG DAI RETU SEPT. 15,-4 -5 29, 1939 ,inclusive
Tickets Good in
COACHES a't fa,rels approximately 11Are per Milo
TOURIST SL 15FING CARS ab fared approximately 1%9 per mile..
STANDARD SLEEPING OARS at Aare approximately 1%c Per mile,
Cost o1 Accommodation in Sleeping Carts Additional
BAGGAGE checked, Stopovers at Pont Arthur, Arnretrong, Chicago,
end Webs, 17'9(1
- '
Similar ,Excursions From Western to Eastern Canada
During Same Period, o from any
Ttokets, Sleep+ing Oar Reservations and all Information,
'am Fares, Return Limits, Train tnfonnatton, Ttclsets, consult ecaratMent. See FlandbIM
bed, and once stye' has made' a Rhin
.start, cattle may be turned into the
fields, but not sheep because they
nibble too closely, I2 not pastured
too closely, the rye will Winter well
and there will be early pasture next
soling lasting till the, end of June.
Then it may be ploughed under and
the plants' make excellent green
,rive women habe•applied for the
position of operating the death
chair at Sing Sing prison, and, it
was probably badness and a sense
of decency which caused officials to
keep their naanes secret.
• • •
Toronto City Council bas request-
ed the Legislature to do away With
the measure which imposes a
special tax on boarding honses^a
move, in which other city councils
Monet Brydges
St. Malys
Oct. 4, 5
Oct. 6, 6
Oct. 6, 7
Oct 3
Oct. 5, 6
Skeen) (NerOodk County) .... Oct. 3.6
Teeswater Oct. 3, i
Forest Oct. 10,11
Markdale Oct, 19, 11
N.B.--Dates, of fairs listed art
subject to change.
could well join.
`$? Barbara Bannister,, Virginia heir-
ess reports she has lost a 'ring
worth' 165,000. Unfortunate, but
it's hard 110 raise a dnnrp in the
throat' gothat one, as, an heiress
can 'probably ,afford to buy another.
* t s
In Little Rock, Ark., one man
used a knife on another and then
thought fou were somebody else'"
added the words: "Excuse nte-1
An apology is a nice form of speech,
but they had to take the vcitim to
the hospital j
1 . uslt the same.
James McFadean
Howick Mutual Fire insurance
Hartford Windstorm
Tornado Insurance
a -Automobile Insuran'e
'Phone 42 Box 1, Turnberry St.
Brusesis, - Ontario
A farther incentive to prowess
with ,the plough will be given at the
1939 Intetmational Plowing Match
and, Farm Machinery Demonstra-
tion of the Ontario Piosvmen's As-
sociation which wilt be held this
time at Brockville for the four d'art's,
October 10 to 13 inclusive. Two
North of Ireland champion 'plowmen
have, entered the lists to challenge
tike plowmen of North America, and
the Ontario Association has madea
gallant reply, A team: consisting
of bwo Canadian champion plow.
mens accompanied by the manages
of tine Association, J. A. Carroll.
will tour England, Ireland and Scot
hand to compete where possible,
particularly at the International
Match to be held in. Ireland about
thee nrtddite of February.
This has: been made possible
through the estahlisbanent of the
Trans -Atlantic Claes, in this, year's
competitions. Tile first prize winner
in this class will receive a gold
modal, the second winner a silver
one, and together these winners will
be sent on the trip to the British
Isie.e,. ,Competltlon, in the Trans -
Atlantic claret will be open to wi;1-
meats of local match'ea.
Last year's meeting at Minesing,
Onetatrio, was, attended by approxim-
ately 12t,000 people. This year judg-
ing by the keen demand for exhbn-
lion space for machinery, and tak-
ing into consideration, the Petriftr
tame of Brockville and the facility
of aprpro0ch from No. 2 Highway,
this year's international match
should' prove a record.
here is a, euggeston from the Do-
minion Experimental Fatmts, about
Prod -Wag good pasture in the fall,
Fall rya, seown at the rate of WO
bushels ,bo the acre from August 10
to September 10, depending oft die.
trlct 'and season, w(1eI uental1y sup•
ply good feeding dor cattle until
well on towards winter, Bally plow
ing helpa in preparing the seed
Recently 75 students of our school have obtained
'positions. Many others have during the school year.
We invite you to attend our fall classes and you too will be
'prepared for a good business position.
During the year we have had many calls that we have
been unable to fill because of lack of properly qualified
graduates. These positions have been excellent ones and
and it is with pride that we announce that we have had
over 50 positions that we were unable to properly fill If
you graduate from our school you too are sure of a good
Metropolitan Stores Bldg.
Stratford, Ont.
Phone no. 1