HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-8-16, Page 5THE . MUSSELS J'OST W.kll}NESDAY, A9iTc1'7757' 16'th, Brussels Middle School Results Dorothy N Armsiticiwg.-^ng, . comp lull,; Lit, 2nd; Can. ,lift. CJ; 41eom;•1C; Physics 31, Elizabeth, BWek0—BEng, Comp rfd; 34 .14; Hint lit 'G.i"pom, 4711; .Phy,si'aal C. ;' I Mary /awaken -80g. Comp. C; Can, Mat. 2nd; Algebra 30; Georn. 4581. Phystns 2nd.; Chem. 30. Robert B'i k- Aauc, Hist, 211d; Al- gebra ist; Pr. .Comp, 2114, Alice Blake—(Jan, Ii44 IC; fie. iiia•,0; Physics 2ni11; 8 atft Anthony° 3rd; LatinComp, 0; Fr. Altthendr 2rc;'; 1'r, Crsna„ v. C0111a02ie E'7;01111-l3C)3i , Con•;p. C; C; them. 32. Wm. Coleman—Can. Hist, 0,, Earl C'oulttst--Oan, :hist. 3rd; Miyake 3rd'; Fr. Anuthars C; Fr, Comp. C. Gladys Tlavld'son—Eng, Comp .C; Lit. 3rd; Can. Hist. 0; Geom, 0; P1i3 ie y 36. Glen Dilworth—ling. Comp. 'C; Can. Hist. Mrd; P1 iseies 2nd. Mary Helen Eo1em'ier—..Dmg. Comp. 0; Lit. 36, Wm, Defiterder. -2'r, Authors 3rd; Pr. Corrie 3rd, Elizabeth Hendry -Eng. Camp. 3rd; Lit, 3rd; 'Phyisics 14. Ruth Henidiy I7ng. Comp, C; Eng, La. 3rd; Can., Hist. C; physics 26, Mary Ireland—Ening. Lit. 2mc2; Can. - Hist. 41; Gem, 32; Physics 37. Maty 'Helen Kerr—Ane, Hislt, 33. Janet Ting ----Eng. IA, 2nd; Can. Hist. 3rd; Geont .0'; Pivysies 3rd; Eng. Comp. 0. " Win. King—Eng. Cornea. 'ci Hist, 0; Ante. 'Hist: '30; "Moan. 46R; Latins Conmp. 34; Fr. Authors iC; Pr. Comp. C. Marian 'Lake Eng. (Comp. 2nd; Eng. Lit. 3rd; Can. Hist. 0'; Geom. 31; Paiysios 27. James Lamont—Eng. 'Comp, ' ;1st; Sift .lit; Can. ,-]fist. 2nd; Deena. '0; Physics let; Latin Comm. 2nd. Doniald; Law1d_hs—Eng.Comm 49R; Eng. Lit. 42; Can, Hisit, 2nd; Geom. 43; Physics 2nd. John M1Donaldr-'Eag, Corrin. C; Lit. 42; Can .Hist. C . Geo. McNichol—eau.' Hint. C. Barbera Michie -scan. Hist. 2nd; Geom. 2ne; Physics 3rd. Mona tyiitler-Ong. Comp. 3rd; Phystce 16.* Luella MLtchell Eng Comp. C; Lit. 35; Can, Histt, 3rd; Geom.40; Physics' 44R, Earl Moore -Ane. Hist C. Geo. Northwood -Can. last. let; Finrnan& lett. Harold, Parker --Cant Rte& 1st; Physics 1st, Leis Plum—Eng. Comp. ug. Cot 1st; Lit 111t; Can. Fust. 1st; Geom, 1st; Physics gat; Latin Comm.' 2ne3. Vniginita Phanr-,Can, hal. Wit; Physics, C; Lat. Auth. C; Comp. C; Fr. Auth, Snell; Comp. 2nd; Hannah RuielclG"an. HIM. 3rd; Am. Hist C; Physics C; Lat. Au(th. 2nd; Comm, C; Fr, Auth, 3rd; Ccixip, 3rd. Janet' cSandersoa'. Eng Cbnllp, 0; Lit, C; Cana .Hist. and; Geom. 33; Physics 24. Francis Scott—Eng ,Comm, 481; Lit. 36; Can. Hist. 3rd; Ano. 'Haat, 40; Physics 1st. ,Jan Scott --;Eng, Comp. 2nd; Lit. C; Can. Idiot. 2nd; Geom. 144; Physics 2nd. John Spela'—Oan, Hist. 2ncV; Ano. Hist, 2nd; Physics let, Alice Wlesi---'Can, BIlet, 1st. Louis ,Stiles ---Can. Hist. C; Physics 3rd, Lat. Authorg, taw; Comp 20(11; .Fr .Auth. 2nd; Comp. 3rd Della Thrynee--Can. hist, C. Ssalbel Turn8ngtlr-Enig, Coanip. 2ncl 143. 0; ,can, Hist, 3rd,; Geom. and; 1:610,1sioe C. .Jlsan VanNorm2u--tEaag, Comp. C; - Lit, 21141; Can, Fllst ,2n0; Geom. 458; Pi'ysies 37. Glen' Wheeler --Eng. Ooanp .0; .lit, 2nd; Clan, Hist, 'C; Geom.. 200; Physics 2nei', Tienneiilt Wlilibee—,Eng. Conup, 361 Lit, 32; Geom. 14. Ivor Williasus-ung. Comp, 0; Lit. 0; Can, HIlet. ,C; Geotm #lyt Pihysics. 4681. Gibson, Willis—Can., Hist. 3rdt BRUSSELS BEAUTY SALON 01L PERMANENTS ;HAVE JUST PURCHASED THE NEW ZENITH HEATERLESS'- THERMIQUE .PE'RM,ANENT WAVE MACHINE :Prices as Usual— 1 , $2.50 wave .....„.... $1.75 $3.50 wave . ............ ... $2.25 $6A0 wave ,.,,.. $3.00 $6.00 wave ................ $4.00 $7.00 wave $6.00 Machlneless Waves 3395 & $5.00 End Curls $1.00 and $160 each including Shampoo & Finger; Wave Dried Finger Waves 250 IRENE PEASE .over H. 8. Allen's Drug Store Telephone 56X for appointment BLUEVALE M. and '3tns, Fad, J°1211S n an 32ai11 visited, on Sahlday avtlternoon rilth M. George Mathe ..11lmd Miss Mr, and Mrs, Mary King sand 3Am- Hazel Stamper In aluevale. ity of Toronto Spent Sunday with M1' and, Mrs, Jas. Peacock and, Mr, and Mrs, Bachand Johnston and -son George and. Mr, George Manthers Donne, het line; visited welt Mr- and Mrs:' Wt beet' M>, and ?s• I$aet Mailers at1d", Mothers and daughters 118Wed' x33,,I1clies kbll'zaheth vtsittLT : oh nea'd'ay at Dulblin.., day with his father Mr. 'Geo, 'Math- Mr,' and 'Mrs. ESL: Barnard, spent ei; and Miss Stomper, Sunday afternoon with Mr, , and Mr, George Johnston spent 4an. Mals', Slparliwg Johnsen and, teantllY. day wail his Anther Mr, David John. The Cervine in . Knox . PresNYteT- lan churel on 'Sunday morning was d a thoughtful' odklMesat at the Mire, ing geu'vtee in the, -United church on Sunday, ' There will be no 301- vico or Sunday tRelmoil In the 'United CRlwrolt nen Sundary, Rev . 0, Tavenor will resume his work the following Sunday- M1'. and .Mrs. .George Pa14erso11 Toronito, spent :the week -04'A the, home of • Mr. and Mns, George ,'1lhormhon; their son Ross returned Shout and s'onl&. Mrs, Samuel Woods is, spending a conducted 'by Rev, W. T, Cransnn�. O0: 11e,w clays wall Mr, and Mrs. Mel. Tattenlraun, Mrs. C. R, Mesaorr To vale nlatheas and eons, ronto, contrl4hwUed a• solo, "sunrise." Gaotge Taylor of WIngbam gave end Mns Rarasond 41,4933; MF. and' M 'r. 1fl Tvlactpeas a'nd Was 90144+ Hath„ Ell+ ktro, with. Geo. Ma41319; Mks,' ?latel4 0110940, Ill., with ` her aaUUlr,4vmea '11r11,17 3318611; Mrs, Jobs Pugh; • Mitchell, with her nrgtherr Alton ,04,12 We, I1011113y;.Miss • Mil- d'rad' Me ,lien end Will >aurdan of I!ngk8ow ,and Donald Street; M,ogrg4.o0y of the home of Mies O1k'ik ¶hOu p'sont , Teea ater, `with • ter grailldil1areu'ts, Mr. and Mrs, C. to Toronto after spending •laoll. Hetherington. Mise Katherine Sander- J 'slotting Mr. and Mrs, 1 Miss` Mungareit Mr, and Mrs. Charles and her'trlend Miss Lindsay, Tor- after SPenclIng 'the Mr. the Canadian West dayswere; sant, London, J. C. Higgins; R. Messer and onto, with John Miller of Wing1ham returned home Past Month in have Messer and Auction Sale Lanvberib $aleYard Str'athray, Sat- urday, ,Aug, '3901. 175 MIXED i0'A1PTLII. Usual ram of Mixed PI1$ anal 1Capves'. Those wishing to buy cattle p1lyatelly,r can do so by seeing 33r. MlCA8pin,0; airy bele darting "therweek.'I ' 411ryolas to de- 1111er. `Plants--Otish,Cc' A. G. McAlpine 1„Anotioameen. LOBSTER SPREAD Comi111ne; Chopped cooked lobsiet meat, chopped hard -cooked egg; Chopped cucumber; well seasoned,. mayonnaise. e • • because most cars are built to run smoothly on a good regular -priced gas! If your car did not knock when new, but knocks now—on the same grade of gasoline—blame it on the motor'oil. Many oils form hard carbon inside the motor after only a few thousand. miles. The result is knocking and lost power. In the long run, the best and most economical cure for knocking is to have the carbon removed, then use Sunoco, the. Knock -proof Motor Oil, exclusively. It's your safest protection against knocks and lost power! SUNO'C 0 MOTOR OIL Sunoco Knock -proof Oil is one oil that you can depend upon to ' keep your motor free of hard ciir(ion, the cause of many knocks. Therefore, if your motor knoclts . .'look to the motor oil, first! HERE'S WHY MANY MOTOR OILS„ . CAUSE KNOCKS Modern high compression motor cylinder showing piston at bottom of stroke. in this position there is ample space for the gasoline - air mixture which was fed into the cylinder after having been mixed in the proper propor- tions by the carburetor. As the piston moves upward, the mixture is compressed to one-sixth of its former volume. In other words, the 6 units of mixture have been redl'eed to one unit. (Compression ratio, 6 to 1 compression ratios vary, most ntoder. nave high comp*---'--, engines. Wrong Oil forms hard carbon in the firing chamber. Hy reducing this space, hard carbon increases the compression and heat so tlaat the gas mixture cannot burn evenly, but instead, causes a sudden sharp explosion. In other words, the motor knocks, or pings. Harry Champion's Garage Phone 8 Brussels, Ont.