HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-8-16, Page 4THIS BRUSSELS POST WEDNESDAY, AITG'I r, i9tb, 1939 BAND LEGION 'GARDEN PARTY VICTORIA PARK SEAFORTH THURSDAY Augnst 11, at 7,36 p.m. PARADE BIG PROGRAM STRATFORD BOYS' BAND GAMES DANCING Spend Thursday In $eafojtbt BELGRAVE The services at Knox United 'Church„ Belgrave, and. Brick United Ohurch werein charge of the Mer- gers of the Triple V Bible, Clase Sunday" morning, The class , also formed the choir and during the service sang "ant anthem: peveral roentgens of the class, took part in the service and the address was given by Earle Moore of Brussels, Clifton Walsh, • a member of 'the elaes, sang a sola. There win be no service in these churches next Sunday. On Sunday, Aug, 27, the services y ll be. in charge ,of, the Excelsior Girls' Class, Mrs. C. H. Wavle spent a few days with her sister; Miss Stella Neth• ery, at Kingston. where ,she has been taking a conree'd'urh9g'the va- cation, aMs', and Mrs. Henry Arm- strong, all of Windsor, ®pent' the week -end with their brother, 'Wit.' bard Annterong,and Mils: Arni- e/Mang. Mists Mary Corley, R. N., of Toronto, is spending .a holiday With relatibes and friends there; Miss. Minnie Anderson, of Weston, is visiting relatives here; Mr. and Mrs, Hannon Mitchell and family, of Rothsay, , spent the week -end. here, , ' BLYTH Plans are being made for a con- gregational picnic of the United Church to be held at Harbor Park Aug, 30. Blyth Citizen's Band ipreseYted another of their splendid sacred concerts on Memorial Hall lawn on Sunday eventing. ul3iss Mettle McElroy has been engaged by the hoard of St, Marys Collegiate Institute; Mr. Finlay Mc- Gowlan arrive. at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Mc- Gowan from Winnipeg, His wife Bridal Pageant ,At Walton The W A. and Ladies' Guild of 'St. George's Church, Walton, staged a lo'eiy bridal pageant at their meeting on Thtusday afternoon last, when ladies from the Br'u'ssels. oongrer gatlon were guests, The bridlal gowns were display- ed, by 'pretty ,models and one or the, eosRnanes was more than one irulndlred years old, The pltoatos of those taking part were taken, by The Seaforfh News; Top picture, rest 20 right— MIS. Beam Ander- son, Miss .Elizabeth Mills, Mildred Sellers, Mary Bennett, Mary Humphries, Beth .Shannon, Dorothy. Bolton, Mrs. Wilhelm. In eronit, Rose Marie Wil- helm, Lower picture, — Mrs, , Humphries, Ruth Heremr, Jean• Hendry, Viola. Maiile7 Mrs, Win. Perrie, Mrs Ed- gar Hollinger. and daughter, Peggy, will return with him to Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Doherty and .dangh,'. tors, Marjory and: Lois, spent 'the week -end in Meaford. The girls 'ire!' retraining for two weeks' holidays Mr, and Mrs, C, F. Kennedy of • 'Windsor, have been guests of the .•latter's sister, Mrs. William ;paid-: law; Miss Etta Quaid is the guest!. of her friend, Annie Barr; Miss Clare McGowan has been In attend-., ince at the C.G.LT. camp at Goder- ich, being on the program as a leader in missionary instruction; Miss Ruth Hilborn will enter Vic- toria Hospital Sept. 5th as a nurser'. iif'training. �.I ETHEI. Aeroplanes enroute for (oderich were heard and' sighted over this area in frequent numbers Satti day of last week. The Brussels' Band will give , a baud concert at Ethel on Tuesday. Only a small audience was pros= emit in Raby's hall Thursday, Aug: 3, when, a programme by a moving picture company was. rf'esented. which with radio esplanaton made plebas<ing entertainment, Picnic pities, some sanall, some larger, spending a day at a lakeside resort was in order for the hat weather. • The Beirnes family reunion was ]veld on Civic Holiday, Mtg. 7, in Ethel Memorial Paris, Ideal 1072-1E473 WEEK1D iPE(IAl1 SPECIAL 5 Cakes Wonder Soap 17c Supreme 'Shortening 2 lb Canned Pumpkin • , . , . • • • 3 tins 4 ib Blue Rice Aylmer Grape Juice Supreme Molasses 1 tin - • • • • -••••• 1,0c Clever Leaf Salmon 1 large tin • • 15c Quaker Corn Flakes 3 for .. . • 25c Brunswick Sardines • ••••• 5 for •••'• 25e Gold Medal Jelly Powder • • • 6 for • . • • 25c 24 lb 48c 1 tin 24c 25c 20c 22c Pastry flour Peanuts • • . 4c per pkg Good Green Tea • • • • • ,..,,.,, 1 fill ..,.,,.•• .,.,,,,.•. 48c weather helped to make the occas- ion ell the more enjoyable. Grey Township ball was not large enough to a.ccommmiod'ate the number of people that ,met there 'Friday night ,Aug. 4, for the double purpose of tendering a community reception and .preti'erat.ation to Doc - 'tor and Mrs. Rdchtnond, and. wel- comuing Mrs, Rlchanonl into associa- tion as the br'lde of Doetor Rich - .mond, A program, of varied Lively lilt L'lieh's vas • carnied throughunder the cheery chairmanship Of Geo, A. Dunbar. 'The presentation was andel of a chimes clock, the tritest modern design and a purse of money to the guests of honor. Lunch was served d .:followed by 'd ncing. Mei. Frank Hunter and son -Er- vine spent Sunday and civic holi- day with Ethel friends, returning to their home at Oshawa by the especially timed C.N.R. train for oivic holiday accommodation. W. H. Love was director of cere- monies Sunday afternoon ,Aug, 6th, at 'the funeral of Mrs, Parr senior, from the residence of Milton and Mrs, Parr ,can. 8, Grey to Brussels cemetery, Mrs .Madrs and daughter Berra have been guests of ,the Hansuld tlamdlies for a few days and will v'i tt Mts. Chas. Raymond of Con, 5 Geb'y Twip,, for a while. before re- utrning to their home at Lourdes boro , At the end of a two week's vaca- ,tion, $'r, Hewitt, .C'.N,R, station agent at Ethel is back on .the job , again. ;Bruce -Bateman who was helping an, rima Twp. farrier after school closed for summer holidays was off work for a while owing to a sick spell, but started again at the first of last week. A :motor car accident occurred near'Ethell recently. No person was seriously injured. One car was badly damnage.d. The trailer on the other car was broken, Both cars were driven by local reel- tv dlemit�6. c. .. , Mixed Jitney A mixed. bowlnig jitney was held Friday night. Mrs, D. A, Ranun won 1st, Mass J. Little 2nd, Miss I. Loeery 3rd, Mrs, O. Walker 4th. GREY Mr. and Mrs. ., W. Hill, Mrs. A, Hill, and Mrs. McMaster of Detroit spent .the week -end at the llome of D. McKinnon, 9th con. GRADUATES OBTAIN POSITIONS Recently 75 students of our school have obtained positions. Many others have during the, school year. We invite you to attend our fall classes and you too will be prepared for a good business position. OVER FIFTY UNFILLED POJITIONS During the year we have had many calls that we have been unable to fill because of lack of properly qualified graduates. These positions have been excellent ones and and it is with pride that we announce that we have had over 50 positions that we were unable to properly fill • If you graduate from our school you too are sure of a good position. FALL TERM SEPT, 5 CENTRAL MAIL THIS ADBBRTISEMEWr NOW! Metropolitan Stores •Bldg. Stratford, Ont, Phone no. 1 SEND INFORMATION TO Name Address Farmer's Wives Attentlwrn `Th res k'rig ' Roast When ordering your Roast you can depend on us for Quality and Price to suit your purse. Just Call Baeker Bros. experience guarantees reliable service Choke Lean Cottage Rolls 2n (Half or Whole) Per • Lb. Baeker Bros. Phone 6 Classified Classified Ads. 19 :stinks, or Pigs, phone. 42-r-4 C. L. Armstrong LE— FOR SALE - 14 York Pigs, ready to wean, phone 56-r-4 , W. Fl. Maunders WANTED—' Roomers or Boarders, preferahlY high school students. ;Finn, Bert Watson WANTED— To rent in Brussels, two or three small unfurnisred rooms. apply to Elia. M, Fraser, ;phone 35 FOR SALE— Cheap, House in Winghanr, cent- ral, 3 -piece bath, a good cellar, cement Dons, garage, good garde'd. apply to W, R, Birtch, Ceniter St. FOR SALE— Rubber Goods, Sundries, etc.. mailed postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper, 80% @esti than: retail. Write for mail-order catalogue. Nov-Rulbber Co., Dept. W-18 Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. ETHEL MEAT MARKET— Fresh, short end Cooked Meats, first quality. Special prices on Threshing, : Roasts,' Delivered, Your partonage appreciated. phone 22-r- 5 or phone 35-r-13 NOTICE— It wi OTICE_It'n ll pay you to call and see our ,stock of auto parts. We can sup- ply from stock, practically all major ,parts for popular cars. Pay cash and buy .for'less SUPER LASTIC TIRE SALES Campbell Garage ' Wingh-rm Notice To Creditors In the estate of Maria Campbell, late of the Village of Brussels in the Cosnty of Huron, widow, de- ceased ,who died on or about the twenty-third day of ,May ,,A,D, 1939.. . bft. TAKE NO'11K E thlat all parties hav- ing ,elaisns ar demands against the estate of the above-mentioned de- ceased must mail particulars and proof of sante 'to the ,undersigndd solicitor o nor before the first day of Septentlber, A.D. 1909, upon which date the administrator of the siaidl estate will proceed .to distri- bute the assets with regard only to those claims which be shall then' hive received, DASD at Bnusbels this third day of August, A, D. 1939. Geth'am Kelly, Administrator, by his solicitor ELMER D .BELL, Brussels, Ontario ii All Kinds of Wood Working Wheelbarrows, Wagon Tongues, , Rims, Axles, Neck Yokes, Whiffletrees, Etc. Horse Shoeing a Specialty General Blacksmithi.ngl and Repairs Mr. Raby Ethel Any -Time IS ICE CREAM TIME Come in and Enjoy aSaturday Night Spe A Real Treat after a week's work Refreshing .Drinks --- including Milk Shakes —also enjoy the cool atmosphere THE BRUSSELS DAIRY BAR