The Brussels Post, 1939-8-16, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST
Missing The Mark
She would have likes to put that
queetton. tq her mlatress, but Mrs.
Grap did not encotn'age liberties, al-
though be had bean in.her employ
ea many yeara, 'Gossip 'ween not
etanetioned at Hopcolt Farm, for tae.
C3u'ays had, very rigid ideas, concern-
ing ttbUe'tatile and discussing other
people'a affairs.
Lydia had, little patience with
this and tthougtht they carried the
subject too far. kt forced her to
weigh over things too much by her-
self and; gave her a cramped out-
utlook, and also drove her to share
her secret speculations with Mrs,
Goat, the wife of one of the farm
labourers, who lived near at hand.
So, having flnisbed the patching
of her skint anti feeling she had
earned, a few minutes off duty,
Lydda slipped on her coat and
sou6tled down to the Goats' cottage,
where she was welcomed to a cosy
seat by the fire and an atmospb ere
fouled by a badly filled lamp.
"We are by ourselves," Mrs. Goat
said, with a wink. "So we can
talk without Year. Why diel Mr,
Falkland spinal the day up at the
house seeing you've no visitors
Lydia supplied all that ,she had
gleaned of the visit and a great ileal
more, being always generous with
her surmises, am given to embellish-
ing and: laying the colour on thick
and fast.
Mrs. Goat nodded excitedly. She
was a woman who very quickly lust
all perspective and went off at a
"'There noav," she exeladmed. 'And
Wm responsible for all thews boys,
and masters and all under him, and
yet to play the fool as one might
eay and make even, Mrs. Gray and
all to giggle. Who'd have thought
he'd been. so larkieh? Goat said as
how Mr. Falklands got wound Mr.
Gray something ahrondc out In the
fields, ail flatter he wag and quite
the genttiennan, he treated the old
master, Most astounding, Goat
Said it was, and.all so out of keep-
"110arag 'Cardrew will have his
pose put out of Joint," gabbled
Lydia, and, serve him right. He's
M;) match for our Anne. Stte's a
mina thtaugir and through and can
flirt with the best of Them. Has an
answer for each and all and sundry,
1:lvear in the season I caught her at
it, behind her grandma's back of
"Bridget don't Pull 'aim off like she
does: 1 suppose," Mrs. Goat inquir-
ed, using Christian names freely as
did Lydia.
"No, not yet, all the baby, Biddy
is, but a lot sight decanter than
Annie. Nice to me she is, and
talks. as if we was equals. No side
With Biddy, and all for fun. She's
glace enough the season is over, and
the work nil ao to speak -for her.'
"Pity their mother cited," sympa-
thised Mrs. Goat. "The old, people
are roc hard on bhean, girls,. But
still, if Mr. Falkland aneans mar -
adage and as he'a nothing to wait
for, Anne mill soon, be bossing it at
William Street,
Brussels, Ontario
'Phone 66
Day or Night Calls
embalmer rind Mineral
Nr yE -TlM(
Hardaviclfle, Myi She'll need sons
nerve to be the mistress of that
lunge school, won't she? Some
s'"Ott, iti1t Oily be his private.
bouse. She'll not have to nits
with the boys anl the mawters,"
Lydia enlightened her with a super -
ler air.
"I wonder what the Seedono will
say? Miss 'Canada will be upset,"
ro i arked Mrs. Goat energetically.
":my married daughter still does a
bit of sharing for them, and says
all Hard(ivicke declares her and Mr,
Falkland mean to pair off one of
these flue days. It was all the talk
at first for they was together most
everywheres. Miss. Cynthia playa
golf and does, pretty nigh every
thing .what you'd think ,would please
a man, But lately they have
thinned off ae far as one can gather
and, Janet declares' she looks pale
and worried; and• is as jumpy as a
'While the conversation was go-
ing on, Anne and Bridget were
Plodding through some ,tending in
the living -room, whale their grand-
mother paled, her needie, also.
Their grandmother was speaking
to one of the mean near the sheds
and giving an order to be carried
out early In, the morning. Bridget
glanced at the clock covertly more
than once and wished the evening
was over.
"Did Mr. Falkland mention before
be left you just when he might be
coming again?" asked Mrs. Gray,
sat:Mealy, with hes mouh full of
Anne sat up erectly.
"No" she re,plled, with dignity.
before Biddy had the ehauce to
frame the word.
"We are kttling a pig tomorrow,"
Mrs. Gray volunteered weightily.
"It'll be necessary to have some
bcaoh and salted pork if he's going
to drop is as he Likes. It will eat
appetisingly na ache cold weather
may be expected."
Bridget suppressed a sigh. She
di dnot want to hear about the
winter. If only the autumn coaid
last on, and let her indulge in
pastimes denied her through the
summer months.
"What .did Mr. Falkland talk
about?" queletioned 'Mrs. Gray, after
a while.
Both girls considered, and both
answered rather vaguely, there
seemed little to report, to a third,
of all that had been discussed be-
tween them. And because they were
so indefinite, their grandmother de-
cided afresh that he really was
after Anne and no mistake, ano
that. probably he would soon be ap-
lying far permission to relieve them
on her.
"I shall miss her help," thought
th eeideriy woman, "gut she'll be
getting a handful soon with so
many admirers hanging around.
Anne has big ideas and she's none
too fond of quietness 0d work. 1
shall do more with Biddy when the
sisters are parted."
"Inquiattdve old thing," and Anne
glared: as she and Bridget were
getting into ,bed later on, "We can't
call our soul our own here. What
is it to do with grandam what sub.
jeote we choose to obat about? She
and Lydia are composed of curiosity
all so prying and rudo, ,
(Bridget chuckled as she leaned
out o1 the window, that is, as far as
Its snail lattice -work rrame would
permit. There was a moon at:d
countless stars, and the skies were
so darkly, richly blue. The night
air was 'cold' though and Anne call-
ed' her away sharply to finish hrr
unrobing, acquainting her with the
tact that she was tired if she was
not, anti more than ready to settle
for sleep.
"You've been such a beast, that I
watt to forget all about you and to-
day's doings," Anne stuttered, miser-
albtY. "It was all pure waste cif
time, I never lbeldeved that you
Would hang on to me as you did,
when, you knew I was keen to apeak
to Mr. Falkland alone,"
Bridget's ,mouth burdened dor a
moment, She had no desire t0
quo el, and espeofaily at that hate
hour, but she recognised; it would
never aro to let Anne nave all her
awn vay.
'aka ,.h0u1d you camera to mono-
',. 1! lli;<r:ril".
. •::he demanded
ly gnlrvtseas, "1 leave
to yen. I've taken
art fa•ap there 'with a
at math Mr, 1'0tk•
f,r•-!'« bear far words,
and you know. it. If he had come
on puiipOee to see you and I Pro•
supe that Is what you are trying to
impart to me, it's the most oat,
rageoue Rubbish. The sooner you
get Batt cf your head' that every man
who crosses our 'threshold or POSees
the farm Is int love with you, the
better• It will be for us all, for
there'& no living like this. You
never used to be So self-centred and
vain anti conceited."
Aurae gazed at her as if ebe had
taken leave of bey senses., but in-
stead of anger a pitiful little smile
crept into her 'lips. She waited a
moment as if she were studying the
position, and: all the indiotmeuts
and then rather wearily she seemed
to have made up her mind about it
all. ,She would not argue or pretest
or attempt to vindicate herself, She
would just let matters stand as they
were. Let Biddy think all thele
lies about her it she chose. Let
Biddy think all these lies about her
if she chose. Let her say all these
bitter things, to her lieaitts content.
The following morning, the sister
acted as if nabbing unpleasant had
happened between them, neither clic
they refer to the subject again, el.
though during the next fortnight
Adelan Falkland turned up repeat-
edly at Hopcolt Farm.
And to the amazement of them all
it was very patent that his interest
was directed far more towards
Bridget than her eider and more
outwardly charming sister. ,
"You caul& have knocked, me to
pieces when it Hast dawned on me,"
Lydia eoiniided to her friend, Mra.
Goat. ' Couldn{t ,believe my eyes
and I know Mast Gray felt the
same. She was amazed and' none
too ,pleased. Between ourselves ,
she'd not be sorry to get rid of
Anne with all her finicky ways and
lady -like airs. But Biddy she's
'Tks psuit fora I. whick
to6eco9. 4•9 br en.ked"
usetul hecanse she can be told -tablet
to do anal how 10 do it, without 110
tear of, her spitting balk, Her
wants are so simple, too. Just
thick of her married to a gentle•
man like ,that, and Wm so clever!
Biddy don't care for books or learn•
ing, the country and farming Is
more to her, tnotea. They'd have
nothing in eonlweni for once. she
wag ids .wife he'd give over all thin
love of na,mhliwg abort and talltdng.
Howes and: animals and butterflies..
Anne would suit him Par better 11
he'd only take it 10."
Mas. Goat nodded.
"So I feel, and Anne looks peak•
inti, doesn't -she? Dreadful pale
and listless, Shows it too much to
My thinking. I prefer a girl to have
more pride. It never does to wear
a heart an a sleeve ae the saying 1s,
and 'that's what she's doing. You
just drop a hint to her, Lydia, if you
can, and let her see it'd be more
seemly for her to perk up and pre-
tend she's no special wish, to be
placed betore her sister in, this in -
"My word wouia have no weight
with Annie,' 'Lydia said without
hesitation. "'She'd fly at ire some-
hting chronic if I inany way lug-
gested she was behaving foolish."
'Of them all, Bridget herself was
the least conscious of what Adrian
Falkland's frequent visits spelt. She
liked htan so much and. found him
so easy to talk to. Never once did
she feel nervous 01 him now, not
even when, she made a sorry
blunder, In the realms of history or
geography and, was snar.bbed openly
by Anne. Adnan Falkland may
have corrected the mistake, but it
was done in such a nice manner
that she di debt feel small or
hopelessly ignorant as Anne ob•
vdously wished' her to db.
The autumn still was at its zenith
gloding leaves tenaciously clung to
WdNF,,Sa?A.X, A."UGUST 19th, 1939
AUG.1$.,19 to Chicago $12.55
Equally low fares from all adjacent C. N. R. Stations
Fpr Train Service going and returning see handbills
or consults agents:
,as, Fmu,Retutn alpaca Trate reformat" Takers, mauls nearest Ai eta. See Handbills,- ' `. ,
the trees, floweasi still flourished
profusely of the heavier, darker•
hued type, s
"He'll be asking permission soon
to speak definitely to the Ahdld,"
concluded Mrs. Gray, anr3 again, felt
aggrieved that this should be Bddiday,
and mat Annus 'who was so strange-
ly vutet and difficult to understand
in these days.
"The girl can't be well," she
thought, irritably. 'Such a nuts-
ante! I (lona relish Maass at this
time of year, when 1 could have
more rest and leisure to attend to
my own affairs.'
"I can't be ,bels, jealous," she
mused, disgustedly. "I can't endure
young women who pine awhy
through love disappointments. What
she wants is a good Balking to and
rousing, or else a thorough change,
and that we can't afford, and we've
no one to send her to, and she's no
friends, Her mother nvas too care-
ful about not mixing with folk and
mow her children have to pay the
Drain 1 small can (6 oz.) boneless
Oanertian sardines, and masts. Peel
and quarter 1 medfivansdzed cucum-
ber, renrvoe seeds and chop very
.Ane, Nix cucumber ,sardines and
lemon! juice.
Combine; Chopped cooked joaster.
meat, dropped hard -cooked eggs;
cltoppedl cucsumben'; well seasoned
1 cup boiling water •
3 tablespoons quick -cooling
1B teaspoons salt
aa teaspoon pepper
1% teaspoon, paprika
1 tablespoon butter
1 cu tuna, fish or other cooked
Canadian fish, flaked'
2 iabtesoons pemiewto
a cup ptethIds, chopped'
1 tablestpooio vinegar
third cup mlayennaiee
Peace water in top of double boiler,
add dry ingr•ekdients and bring to e
brisk boil, stinting constantly, Place:
imnn.ediately over rapidly boiling:
water and cook 5 .minutes, stirring.
constantly. Add butter and remain-
ing ingredient,,; blend. , Coot mix-
ulse tbicketts as' it cools. Makes a'
cups filling.
Oheap House Wdnghaan, central-
ly located, three piece beta, goo
cellar, cement floors, garage andi
good garden, 'Second douse paett
Anglican. church on Centre St.
Apply on premises to W, R. Butch•
OLgo1 Joao) toxo' (0L=0
0) toaocrio
Bill Heads
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Check Forms
Office Blanks
Business Cards
Phone 31