HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-7-26, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST W13DNnl SDA.Y, JULY 26th, 1939 The Perfect Thirst Quencher SALAD Et'2EE TEA TESTED RECIPES * * 8 t ., * * * * k CHERRIES RIPE AND RED Make Delicious Jam and Jelly. ]luscious, ripe, red cherries are a lovely sight. But they have other important uses a1oan• pleasing the eye. Made into jam and jelly, they please the palate and hrin shack the memories of the fresh fruit all winter. Now ts. the time to capture Glue ripe flavour and color of cher- ries and seal it away Por later use. When the fruit is at Its ripest, it's at its best for mailing jam and jelly the siert boil way. There is no long boiling to waste the goodness od the fresh fruit. A dash df cherry jelly on plain desserts will adld a touch of bright- ness, it's grand on toast and tea biscuits: too and this recipe makes a tart jelly that goes particularly well with meat. SOUR CHERRY JELLY 31/2 cups (1% lbs.) Juice 7 cups (3 lbs.) sugar 1 bottle fruit pectin PO prepare juice, stein and crush about 3 pounds fully ripe cherries. Do net pit. Aidd 1/ cup wafter, bring to a bail, cover, and &trifler 10 min- utels, (For stronger cherry- flavour, add % teaspoon almond extract be- fore pouring.) Place fruit in jelly sloth or bag and squeeze out juice. Measure sugar and, juibe into large saucepan and mix. Bring tl a boll over hottest fire, and at once add pectin,' stirring constantly. Then bring to a Pull rolling boil and boil hard 1,42 minute, Remove from fire, skim, pour quickly. Paraffin and cover at once, Make about 10 glasses (6 bald ounces eaoh.) SWEET CHERRY JAM 4 cups (2 lbs.) prepared fruit 1 bottle fruit pectin 7 cups. (3 lbs.) sugar 1t crop Lemon Juice To prepare fruit, pit about 21/2 lbs, fully ripe cherries. Crush thorough- ly ar grind. Add 1 cup water, bring to a boil, cover and simmer 16 min- utaS (For stronger cherry flavour add Iia teaspoon almond extract be- fore pouring.) Add lemon juice, Measure sugar into large kettle. Add prepared fruit, packing each cup solidly and lilting up the last cup with water, if neceaisary, Mix well and bring to a full rolling boil aver hottest fire. Stir con:lantly be- fore and while boiling. Ball hard 5 minutes. Remove from Bre and stir in bottled pectin. Then stir and skim by turns for just 6 minutes to coal slightly, to prevent floating fruit. Pour quickly. Peratfln and cover at once. Makes about 11 glasses (6 fluid ounces each.) A SUMMER "MENAGE" Summer will again bring that 'nightmare," superfluous hair to many women who are normally Im- mune from it, for the warm weather often bringsy out a 8tght downy growth on skin: next visually subject to it, as well as accenivatring a growth that ale's aiy exit+ s. 1'f you are troubled by merely a seasonal growth don't be • unduly al'inn r 11 colder yeatirer will Pro- bst) deastrey the prolwltit analf In the meantime, use a bleach to reclece vfz`.hi.ily of the hairs. Do not use WILLIAM SPENCE Estifte Agent. Conveyance, and Commissioner General Insurance Office Main Street. Ethel. Ontario a razor, Many women believe tivat duce creams and soaps encourage Nair on the Pace. Reality good creams' and soaps will uast cause Bair to grow, but If you. want to feel quite tree from doubts, always wash With gentle Palmolive soap, and use the new Three-Parpose cream for your Pa ce. if superfluous hair is habitual to you, there are two ,methods of cop- ing wit it, Electrolysis is per- manent, but great care un0st he taken to have only a thoruoghly competent operator perform it, be- cause of the danger of scars. A slower method, but which can be done in the privacy of your own home, is to use a special depilatory wax. The use of this wax tends to diminish the growth, and is quite safe. Write to me for confidential beauty advice, enlolasing 3e stamp for my reply and informative beauty leaflets. Address: Miss Barbers Lynn, Box 75, Station B,, Montreal, Que. Household Hints To make glass look its beet, put a lltt'le washing blue in the rine ing water, and, polish with a pad of tissue paper, The blue pro- duces a lovely sparkle. Clean frosted glass witib, a handful of Epsom -salts in warm water, Rub dry with; a cloth or leather. Photographs that have become discolored and dirty from being displayed without frames may be cleanedi by rubbieg methylated spirits over filet. This should be done very quickly, and in a room without fire or a naked light. Advice Given 'House Guests Cl=an leather furniture by sponging over with a cloth wrung out of vinfegtar and, warm wa'ter— one tablespoon of vinegar to the 1 pint of water. Dry very 'thorough- ly before rubbing in a good leather furriture cream, wbJab is obtain- able in most colons. Dustdns that have berooe very soiled' anal gre'as'y are more easily cleaned and give better results if a tablespoon of panfiin is added to every gallon of water 'In: which thety ars washed. Rinse in boiling water and afterwards in cold. Bran✓e gift may be cleaned, by rubbing over with a soft muslin dipped in anion water. Skin and boll four omiona in one quart of water for 30 minutes. Strain and use wthea only warm. Do plot make the muslin too weft. Dry amyl polish w6bh a soft cloth after- wards, Mlrttora should be cleaned with stpecial care, as if moisture gets On the backing there will be heavy bills to meet for re+stivening. Most statins; including fly .marks. will come off if rubbed with a duster just moistehed with ammonia, A dry dtuateer wiiil then give a brilli- ant polish. Never 'plunge a saucepan in which potihad,oes have been crooked into hat water, Olf it is first soak- ed In cold water, rinsed out and then washed in the usual way star - Nur particles that adhere to the sides will be removed without diffi- culty, The secret of whipping evapo• rated, milk sucee,ssfuily Is iilior- ouglt chilling, Pour milk into the freezing tray of an electric refnigeraror or put the can itself 'into IMP freezing Icomtpartment, When it le thoroughly quilled, whip with a Cold beater in a well -chill- ed bowl, When wasgrlmg amen •sdiaduos and d'e'corated dhtaa, if a aha vine brnslt ie, utefd it will be found to be mica safer and oaten more thorough; than an ordinarp brush, whirh is apt Co :thin Meads' off- filn'r.'n that is not in register use is almost sure to have aconmtl3atecl a ereltain amountof tlrnsi, It Is mur^lt better to wipe off .the sur- plus dust with a sett -brush before atte'm'pting be wash 11, Don't Try to Reform Hostess Or Her Children—Relax And Enjoy Your Visit .. Advice for visitors: Pon%'t take it upon yourself to reform your hos- tess, Sure invited' you for a visit, not a crus'ad'e. What if she does cater too much to her husband? She prodaably enjoys it, Anyway, you can't change her In a few days' time, Don't discipline your hostess' children. 'That's something no wo- man will Stand front her best friend, Women are queer that way, Don't smnop your hostess' hus- band in the living room while the wife scrubs dishes alone in the kiteihen. You're there as a guest, not a housewrecker. Don't put on your most saintly manner while eating erabmeat •sal- ad to wdtich you are allergic, and then keep the household. up all night dosing you with bicarbonate of soda, Better pass it up in the first place. . Don't do the planning for your own entertainment. No matter how you pine for golf, if •tiheir game Is rummy, play their game. DO have a good time', Take Heat With Grain Of Salt Should the creat continue to be oppressive for long periods this summer, medical authorities have a formula for taking it all in your stride. I•f that cooling drink you have In mind has an alcohol base, put it aside and, substitute plenty of cold' water and, an extra pinch, of .spit. Doctors explained that this extra salt it advisable in 'hot weather to replace the salt which is lost to the body etluro11gau peer- sipiring. Doctors therefore advise against .any unnecessary, exertion. The public are also warned to keep out of the (rack of direct electric fans. I ,;EF1' FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD • HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently. Simply phone "COLLECT" to WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 21 • INGERSOLL BRUSSELS -- PHONE 72 Stripped Voiles For Summer Are Smart New York, — Long-sleeved dress- es aren't ehsy to find, That's why you who want them will be delight- ed' with some lovely striped voiles' --- one of /the California cottons --to be found at a downtown department store. These have e'blrtw"atat bodices—soft lapels and long sleev- es with tight wrists, and the skirts are flared, Colors' are cyclamen, green, or light blue with white. Nothing could be cooler, more prac- tical or more comfortable. Must Keep ,Both Hands On Wheel All drivers who steer automo- biles with one hand on Hamilton, Ont., streets will be prosecuted, Chief Constable Thomas a Brow I said last week, City Cleric James Barry coon- plainedt to the police commission on bebaif of e pity councillor. Stare driven were crehting a traf- fic hlazard by resting one arm along tine window ledge of their cars. Following drivers often accept- ed it as a signal for a turn, he said, Canadians realize the value of recitplwoal foreign, markets because the response to The dbertures of those nations witch have taken ad- vantage of the facilities for trade of- erekl by the Canadian National Ex- hibition xhibttion has been most encouarging. This year these exhibits will enjoy more cotnnmodioua quarters in the new Internationgl Pavilion. Dealer in Canadian Tire Products - anything for your car or radio, we have it or can get it on short notice (ALSO. SECOND'HAND PARTS) owl, All Tires and Batteries carry ;written guarantee, the same as any other make... Get Your guarantee here With the products. Our first grade tire runs about the same price as other third grade tires. This making , a great saving to the customers. Our Oils Are Second To INclno --'Regardless 'of Price CAUL AND SEE d-JOW MUCH BETTER YOU CAN BUY FOR CASH—AND SAVE Our Motto—"Pay Cash and Pay (Less." A Full Line of Evangeline Drinks '—' 12 oz. 'bottles 5c sold exclusively in Brussels by us. FOR 'PRICES REFER TO C. T. C. CATALOGUE —OR CALL 'AT RIVERSIDE GARAGE Phone 56 Brussels (WE CAN SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS) Harry McCutcheon. Manager COLORFUL FOOD RICH IN VITAMINS Dr. Victor Heiser, last week gave advice on diet, pointed out that the •aimitplest way to be sure of securing enough vttammns`1s to eat brg'ht, col- ourful foods, ✓ enom, foods, each as butter, corn, carrots, eggs are riot in vita- min. A which is essential for good eyesight. Greens are rich in minerals, vitamin's' A. B. and C. W ith a variety of fresh, gently cooked vegetables, 110 healthy per - and in son need. worry about veitamin de- flci'eu'ep. But it is of vital import- ance to remember that violent bell- ing or prolonged frying kills dello ate vitaminlst The ideal diet, anki the safest for dedicate digestion, Is light meads. simply cooked; with portions of rare meats, raw vegetables. More tbaa 409,000 chicks have been sold] in 1939 by the approved hatoherlehi int Node Stoiia. This is the greatest number of chicks soli in one season, as yet recorded by the Nova. Scotia hatcheries. .111..1110.1.11Mr It's A Good Time Now To Buy Printing Letter Heads Envelopes Bill Heads Statements xxxx%**1* Look over your stock of printed things and see what you need now, or that you will need .soon .. then— Let us help you mak each piece without costing you any a little better more, CHECK YOUR STOCK WITH THIS LIST Check Forms Blotters Circulars Office Blanks Booklets ' Catologues Business Cards Reminders A COMPLETELY EQUIPPED PRINTING PLANT , I5 AT YOUR SERVICE THE BRUSSELS POSY Phone 31 Brussels r