HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-7-26, Page 5WEEKED IPE(IALS SPECIAL 4 lbs. Soap Flakes Heavy Zinc Rings Ginger Snaps Raspberry Jam 1 doz. . • 1 ;doz, , . , 2 lb Gold Medal Baking Powder Walkers Cream Sodas ..... • • • • • 2 Cts • 6 -string Brooms , • • . . 25c. 5c 28c 25c •• ,,,,.,,• 25c • •. 45c Pure Black Pepper 1 lb 20c Old Dutch Cleanser 1 ,can • • • .. llc Supreme Shortening 2 lis 24c Gold Medal Jelly Powder t, • • • • • 5 for Baking Bran 2 lb Rice 4 lb Licorice, All Sortes 1 tib ,. . 25c 25c 20c ,16.4•11•=1••••••••••••• CLASSIFIED ADS. POR SALE— Nine York Pigs. atPPIY to phone 47-r-5 Harvey Hulley FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— FOR PIGS — rereey Cow, 6 years old: due to freshen'. Sam Ontngtau, r,r, 4, Brussel' fee R'SA LE— Manilas, 1 ,`new Raymond SeiningMachine, 2 -year-old, 'porcelain tope 50 cord good dry wood. D C Warwick phone 92X FOR SALE— A ear lead, ort Hereford and Dur - hens and Poe Angus, all good cattle. Also 6 2-yearoldl colts with a Dum- ber or good work Mosses. GALBRA41T1t SALE S41AtBLE pier.:, 41X or 79X FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— Thor cattle. Massey Harris Binder, 7 foot., in good running tcondltlon also set of slings. Ales. A. Alexander phone :violesworth R. 11, no, 2 Listowel, Out. 3 -year-old Nettle beast, strayed on the property of flat 3, Con. 17, Grey. Owner can have same re" ;proving ownership and paying ex- penses, phone 82-r-7. FOR SALE— Ctllelap House x Wingllam, central- ly located,. three piece bottle good cellar, cement floors, garage and good garden (Second (house past Anglican church on Centre St. Apply out premises to W, 1t, 13irtch :WANTED— A gill, not more than 30 years old, to keep house. If housekeeper remains until death of owner, she will receive a life lease of 100 acre ,Palau and lyttlldings. Phone 53.5-23 Hugh Docket Bluevale, 8.11,2, THE BRUSSELS POST APE IssommenamaitiMilIONNIMM AS HENIFRYN HOME PREY TO FLM4ES t ewspaoers Lost In Post Office Blazer House and Barn perned In (Colborne Reverent My 25—Pena of u'0' imewn eri@tn dotnpletely 6etsteoyed the combined posit office and gent• eral s'tol'e owned by George 'Michael here eaanly Sunday -Morning. Veer oeoW nts of tee residlenea at the rear of the store orreePed unharmed 'When they were awakened by the ,sound or ceaekliulg flames end heavy ¢molts About three o'dloek to the morn, leg Mr. Michael and bila wine [were awakened 1 y the nista of the flames and they managed to awaken Mr. and MI+s, A. Whitfield, visitors at the home, leer, and Mins. Whit- field are Milt Melee's another and father. The four escaped through an up• sstaire window and down the rear of the building to which the flames had' Volt spread, The• fire evidently started, in the front ;part of (the 'budding and flames soon spread throughout the tenestorey sitrwotutre. Fortunaltely there 'were alb buildings close enough to fall 'prey to the roaring flames and speobatoa',s had to stand heltrtles[sly by and watch the struc- ture destroyed. ST RAVED -- Prom. lot 29, Can, 7, Grey, on about Ane 24th, a white -headed steer, under 1 year-old, no horns. pb'one 59.x-14 Cecil Balemlar FOR SALE— Fammt con. 3, East ;/ lot 1, W. 3 lot 2, Grey Twp, 100 'acres, large brick house, barn 60x36 and straw shed 36x33 It. Good high land and good wheelt farm. Almost all work- able land, phone 38-r-12 Orem:ford Strachan WANTED— Tenders for painting the interior wa115 and ceiling or Ethel School, 'Fenders to be in by the 31st Clay Of July and work to be 0anplete1 not later than. August 151t11, 1930, The lowest tender not tecessllrily aetepted, Tender's to be mailed to Wm. T. Spence, Sec,- areas„ Box 18, Ethel, Ont, Bronze Tablet May Mark Historic Road ' WANTED— Tenders for ''Wiling the Ethel Settee' for Hydro, Tenders. to be In by the Melt day of flay arra wilt- ing to be comlpleted' •net later than August 31st, 1080, Speoilloati0ns for said wiring to be seen et the office or the Secretary, Wm. T. Spence, of E'titel. Tile lowest tender not neeesarrtly aec0llted, Tenders to be mailed to' Wan. T. Spence, 1 ke'Y ,'Preen„ Box 13 l Etho1, Ont. Gadelddh, Jmly 25.—Word lugs been received here from the Depart- ment el Minces and Resources that tire FTisltorie Sites and Monuments Board of coracle has recommended that the Bureau supply a plain bronze talliet for the Cairn in Har- bor Park wallah marks true teanninue of tthe Toad constructed by the Oanadtt Company between Lages Huron and Olden. No decision has yeb been made as to 'whist In- eeellhti0n R11a11 be placed onthe tablet or wheat foam reception, of the tablet will take, Ca II Confused A cull flor help 'was sent to Brus- els fire department butt Brussels offlciale thought the call was com- ing from Mennen Mislead of ,Hea- fryn, 'and they did mot respond. The 'two names emitted stinger over a telephone and the apilaleles be- came 'mixed over the long-distance wires. et is doubtful if the fire depwrbmenit could slave staved' the building 'had it arrived. Heavy smoke handicapped any attempts to gialvogst ilblmitnre er any contents of the store or ]louse. The loss is only partially covered by in!stbr- amce. A chemical truck from the Lis- towel fire department was dis- patch'ed' to the sense but 111¢ fire bead gained such headway the chemicals were of no use and they were shat brongint lento play. The Maitland river rune about 20 rode from the house but mo attempt was made to form a. bucket brigade ser the fire could not have. been controlled', New Red Clover May Suit - Bees Tongues Por 'limy years beelteelpers have looked with sorrow at fields 06 red clover, itch le nectar, because, ow- ing to 1110 s11a1+tnessls' of honey bees' tongues and' the long Rower tutees, or coro111as1, of the cloven', the. bees could sot rents' the source or supply. At the same tine•, producers of red clo's'er seed have seemed as well, for only 1he loulgeonued bumble gess in 'ilbeir scaidh for nectar mule 11elp in poljnautieg the• seed Bumble bees are not so maunerous els they used to be, hence clover seed 11es also been etnnewllat scarce, In a11' attempt try oecroo111e' both difficulties, the Dummies 1Jxperi- Mental arms, are trying out a red clover, groin's in what WOO forulel'ly Czecthlaslollalcia. This, sloven° has silo' corollas anal So liar has stood Clihla't10an, winters fairly yell, Time will tall the halms of the, 116W varieey, several yea'r's n8 test 'Claud selection, of &mese, being nee00- snny 1101010 It 01111 1)0 reeon11nanddl geneeratlly. .01luer varielte tests, of nee clover sinew the, ettpenio111tf of the Northern country kinds 'from Canada, Netters Untele Slates, said Nolit0ten's luteus; over these linin Other aoneeeles. WQOU'S !RI0000 STORES Pk Latest Bathing Suits •••••• $1,95 Smart Summer Sweaters ,,.,...- .1,00 up White Gloves . Special (Handmade) ,.., 790 tt. 590 Fancy Tablecloths ,., 39c up Fancy press, Goods _„.., 30c up Men's Shirts . Snappy Patterns, large cut ..., 91.00 Good Quality Sweat Shirts ,,,..,... .,„„ 98c Boy's Covert Cloth Suits 50o FULL CLINE FRESH GROCERIES A. Wood Phone 24 — Brussels oisamiliganwarammiimi Escaped Barely In Time Mr, Michael, desoxlibing the fine a reporter, said he and his wire first hearda -craeleling noise but they dd' not realize what 1t was. "Ab'otut ten. minutes later we smelled the smoke and then saw the flames. If we hadn't discovered the fire wihenwe diid 'we'd have been, •000lr0d' in 'there' -without a chance.” The four est -epee thee -ugh a rear winkit>,w of 'the house. Mr. Mttdhael thought the lees might have been set at $S,000 and .he has not yet decided if he will rebuild the store. house before going into Auburn on busineess. He was. 11100•rlmed et the fire by the kiddies in the village and hurried home to as1115t in the futile efforts or eaminlg the two structures. A driving elhekl, a dairy house and a hen bourse were also lost. The Ounwingbam furnllture was moved into the farmhouse formerly occuPi0d by E. V. Lawson who is now reeteling in Htolmenville, lvir. Ounninlglhem bought it 'this spring and arras been. working both h1s main farm and that previously owned by Mr, Lawson. Computing the loss SaturdaY night, Mr. Cunmtnglham stated there were 75 'tone of hay lin the big trans, a small quantity of grain and 15 young sheep, The barn equipment was anoderm 'in. every regpeot including electric tights and a valuable electric separator, The nuaeltlnery was all destroyed. All of last year's sheep wool, welch Mr. Gunmtinkham was Molding Year an Improved' market, was also claimed by the fire. The cattle, horses and Poultry a,'ere: all outside when the fire broke out. When the fire was at its height it jumped across• the road beside the Cuntnintgiham property luta a field of hay derbies and these spread towards the home end banns' of Gordian McPih•ee, Volunteer fire fighters concentrated 'their efforts an exMngude0tiing the field fire and threw plenty of water on the Mc- Phee b1162dings with the result that they did not catch fire. Vere Ou'nm1 g'11am is a stn of Mens, W. Otunmdnghanl and a brother of Harold QUneuinghtalnv of Morris. tlleetmlIately alt finsit class mail bad been removed from tee post office, There were -a few copies of The Beacon -Herald and some weekly newspapers (11121tiug de- livery. They were destroyed In the fire, be said. reit, Michael could- give no cause for 411'e blaze unless it was, raullty 1111dro wires. He sale the fire 'striated' in the front or the store. but net down in the basement. '('here was a quantity of oil and a large Steak of •matches brut the fire dill net start In either of Pilose pineee become speotetors could see those sections of the store 10ng after 011e linmias had gained great 11'rtacihvay, Blame Children For Blaze Bey+lei, ,Pn'ly 24--'Cllilldren 111a11ng in the barn are believed to •hetet caused a fire enblei1 destroyed a barn) 616(1 residence cls well as some equipment and stook 011, the *arm or Vere Cannituglnnlul, eth rOnree- Stolt or Colborne .townnslnip ,three miles West of Auburn, late Satur- t4iy a6lereoee, Dunnage is esti- anklted, ,domu ervlaltt'velle telt 83,000, pant or which is covered by Moir - rime 'Toe barn -etas 60' by 80 feet nhtl ways one or the best in, the d'isth'ot, The Nimes were *named by, a ivied heaart bee heat wedeln drove teem towards tee house, a frame stem - tare. Nsigleteees managed' to scree all the •issue farnde1u111gs, 0loatlting reel A rola 0f Malloy, 371, wiec11 11r. Cmnellnbant head phut away in the WHEAT 'IN STOOK TELLS STORY OF A BIG CROP By RUSTICUS 1 WEDNESDAY, JTJ0. Y 2 tis 103p' , Any -Time IS ICE CREAM TIME Come in and Enjoy aSaturday Night Special A Real Treat after a hard week's work Refreshing Drinks -- including Milk Shakes —also enjoy the cool atmosphere THE BRUSSELS DAIRY BA R and anyone.- whin Ilea ever had the mice tune to let the turnips get gxoweng wild) at thinning time will readily appreciate) who to fob we had 2n. bur, bands, Fielder of u•ixea,t in stook. Signs of 1 fleeting_ Scummier days, The wheat mop this season. promise to be the best in years. Those fields or stooks are a good sight, and there are apparen'tiy no, exceptionally poor fields to 'bring down the aver- age verage yield. Un'conberned by the lieonseion, among the politicians re- garding the advisability of a fixed Pelee for 'the product of Ontario's Pall wheat fields, unconcerned by the news'patper relpo111s that ustteat pintoes, are louver at Liverpool than Utley leave been' 1n some centuries. the farmers of Western Ontario are lllarvestilug one of the flneet et wheat craps. t;r • • • , .Theeregular pastures have Proem. • ally 'Coiled to supply teed) at this Live.; We ihave load' many ehowe'rs, most of them rather short ,if heavy, i and yet the grass does not seem to matte very mach growth. The second growth and may supply some better pasture than eve have had at any ,time this Spring. On the whbde, Stop prospects are excellent at the present time. .A timely shower or two, cool nights, and the barns of Phis . district at least should be well filled. Untor- tunkb'tely there are ,those localitieh Where weather conditions -right es- ter seeding and since lvve not been quite so favorable, Jeet a few' More weeks and the harvest will be ober. A few weeks of hard labor in. the sweltering sun on the one hand and satisfaction or another good harvest stored, on, the other. , F. F HOMUTH Analytical Optometrist guarantees you the . Best Eye Service Harriston, phone 118 Brussels (Second Thursdays) j . -. Ph6ne 26X • • • The last load of hay is in the barn, We Have stored away what 1Mseibly is one or the biggest bay crops in .shine years, For the the meet part it was. well saved, A few loads of the earlier clot were sometellat bleached. We have n lemele lIwugie, that while the barn ie fllletl with good greens bay, the reed vette hill possibly not be as high as a year ago. 'Phe hay did Mt, *pelt as heavy as a year ago, a< a: e .Tlave erne ever had ti1•e misfortune to have a lot or tunnies partly grow u'p beeere beteg thinned, We asst that gnestion because title year our lernille were badly flyeatten and mentally not 1,01th herding before haying stented, Then ('ante a good 1.1111. T1'0 flies eiverlp.peared anti how diose young turnips grewl There nests 1) enough room for them to putt out bile wet! roamed •tops Halal ill 1)111011154 so they just grew nleweard, The hay ivad to be bandied es tit dtrleel and 'those tar- nips kept right oat growing, 'On- resionally we did find a few hours' t1111e to hoe oltt the %mel112, but Penh time we crane beak at Mt 1116 Job wee so match .harder. 'The turnips were Jitst so tenl010 bigger, no Distant Relatives Not that the Watson family is so small. On the contrary, there are uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces and so on, scattered across the Dominion. But they never lose track of each other. Long Distance brings them together again on many anniversary, and special occasions throughout the year . at surprisingly little coat. Reductions in telephone rates—local and long distance --- in 1935, '36 and '37 have effected savings to telephone users in Ontario and Quebec of nearly one million dollars yearly. R. A. Reid, A.B. Sight Specialist for More Than 20 years 21 Downie Det, Stratford COMPLETE. EYESIGHT SERVICE EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED MODERATE PRICES Brussels Office- Miss liingston's Store Every Wednesday afternoon 2 t00 to 5:00 p.m. �. PHONE 51 - Brussels