HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-7-26, Page 41
DATED at Wimgham, this twenty-
fourth day of July, AD, -1939,
J. H. CRAwr'ORD,
Wdnghamt, Ontario,
Solicitor tor the Administrator,
Auction Sale
Lambert Saleyard, Strathroy
150 (Head of Mixed Cattle
including Yearling and 2-Year•old
Stockers, :Heifers and Steers.
Usual run of Mixed Pigs and 'Calves
Trucks Ito deliver.
Terms — (Cash
A. G. ,McAlpine, (Auctioneer.
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of ,Rebecca „Smith,
late of the Village of Brussels in
the County of Huron, Widow, De-
All persons •having claims. against
the Estate of the above deceased
are required! to file ttbe same with
the atedersdgned Solicitor for the
Adiministtratars, Wilidajm Tear and
James Lesljr. Fear, on or before
the 31st day of July 1939, after
1. which date lite assets will be distri-
buted amongst the parties eeditIed
thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which notice shall have
been given.
DATED at Clinton this 10th day
'4f July, A.D. 1939,
r F. FINGLAND IC.C, Clinton, Ont.
Solicitor for the Administrators,
William Fear and Jaime' Leslie Fear
All Kinds of
Wood Working
Wheelbarrows, Wagon Tongues, Rims, Axles,
Neck Yokes, Whiffletrees, Etc.
Horse Shoeing a Specialty
General Blacks mithing
and Repairs
Mr. Raby - Ethel
WEDNESDAY, JULY 29t11, 1939
Written for the Post By Qur Qwn Correspondents
I Mrs, Love and eon Rona,i'd, wlleTe
they Glave been for the past
several weeks, hoping that R'onal'd
Auntie Frankluo is Meting good. will acquire complete good health,
recovery as quiekby as could be ° A 'huge drunk arrived Monday
expectedatter being hurt in an ac- 1 goInveyting arltidtes from lilingaton
cadent Waith a team of horses which to he home or Dactor and Ivirs,
dee was: driving raking hay. I Richmond, as they take up house-
t1l . W, Slenvmou a:PPreclates the
I keeping on thele own after return
;Moo. from their Ironeyntoon, rerentlY.
benefit and euloymewt of the sever-
al cvinportuhlties of change, from the A firer occurred at 1lenfryn early
usual order of invalidcontlitions, Sunday morning, which jeopardized
Wade by the use of a wheel the lives of tour people when the
obadr anti tire kindly attention of general store, containing also Past
Mr. and! Mrs, Parker who are caring Office equipment :and the living
Mrs. Stemma)) regularly, rooms over the store the property
M. E. A, Maguire continues on of Geo. Michael was completely Don.
stained with entire contents. Plie
about .the •sla.nt,e state of disability inmates Geo. said Mlr,s. Michel and
General health being fairly good, ser, Lloyd' and Mrs. A. Whitfield.
but is omitbis to walk. The lett Mrs. Michael's, mother barely escape
side is affected. The refit arm be-
ing with their dives after being
ing entirely motionless. awakened by the barking of a Tittle'
T]>IWtve(Day of last week Ethel Pres- Clog belonging to the home .
bytealan church Sunday sonodl nems Zlhe picnic held at Harbor Beach
their annual Manic at Co.derieh on Park, Goderiah, by Union and Ethel
Htarbor Beach park. Other than Untteid Church Sunday sc s oh3 was •
(Aroma : peSnt Sunday afternoon wiith
Mr, and Mrs, W. T. Johnston in
' Batevule, •
not . been
Mas, Graaf: Snell atlas scud a
bevy swell, has gone to a@
while with Mr, and 'Mrs etas,
Co,ultee' wt lit towel,
DIrs; Robt, li1cLenilaa and Jean
a.u.d Scott spent a day with Mr, and
J1rs• Jae. Wright at Et0aa01.
Ref Ct G Grahame of Cobourg oc-
curried the ,pulpit Knox PraebYter-
ian I#hatr'oh, preadhtdng on bhe sub.
jett 'Straight is the grate and nar-
row Is the way, which 10adeth mita
Rey. C. TtavePer drew lessons
DIVED' the Lives of Mary,
and Lazarus, in his sermon in the
United church. To the childrfe Abra-
gave am interesting story of
ham Lincoln,
Robert Winters, Who has been on 1
the staff of the Banat et Comtne1'eel
,tor the past tyro and a half years,
bO.e been transferred to .Tiisionlbufg•
Gerald Bradley, Ghesle'y,'swill be his
the water of the lake was too clad
for eotrnlontable water stunts. Tate
day was pleasantly enjoyed.
Viiitors: Mr. and, Mrs. J. W. Wet -
deafer, Jack and' Harry, with Mr.
ased,;lvlrs. C. W. WObtlanfe,r, Maple
wood; Mr. and: Mrs. W. S, David-
son attended the, wed'dting of their
am occasion :happily passe: in i deice, 'Mss Dorothy MoVittie,
oheetnful dortnpanianshiP. Kitchener; Mr. amid Mrs'. R. F. Gar -
Mr. S. Henry of Elora who is miss, Mrs, Peter S, McFrw+ent Miss
relieving operator at Ethel C.N.R. M Olive Scott, attended the Me
H. W. Love Spent the ween end station while .the regular agent Mr.
int the vicinity of Huntsville, with
Hewitt is away on ,his holidays,
spent Sunday with relatives In l in -
An immediate good rata would. be
welcomed in this. area.
Friday marks one year of
progress and success for the
Doreen Shoppe, Listowel, and
In acknowledgement the man-
agement is featuring the
greatest sale of ladies' wear-
ing apparel this district has
ever known. It is a sale
that is a sale and no article in
the store will be reserved—
everything is reduced to the
lowest possible price.
Come early and
you will come again
Here :is just a few of,.
the many specials—
DRESSES, reg. $3.00. $1,49
HATS, smart styles ....... 89e
BLAZERS, alt wool
A few winter coats, left
from last year, to be sacrific-
ed far below cost price. A
splendid opportunity to get
your coat now at a unheard of
Dress Shoppe
West Side Wallace St.
Harold Ilhiltp, J, li• R, Eillott,
•Rnbelit Newcomb, 'abteuded Mae
Onto Granth Longe in Toronto; Mrs.
J. B, Watson, Kenneth Ashton, at
Bogies' Beach; the . dantiliets of
Leslie I3lillborn and W, Il• Lyon are
tamping at Pont Elgin; boys aline
ding cane, of the United church at
Godet'ich are Lloyd and Ross Tas-
ker, Billie Murray; Arnold Falconer
and Billie 'Johnston; Miss Rhea
Shaw has arrived home from Ob
tawa where she visited Phyllis
Bray. Mise Doris Moody with
Alma Munro, Orangeville; Mrs. W.
J. Miine and daughter Mary, Mrs,
W,tbifaau Laidlaw with Rev, and
&Ins. Telford, Oshawa; Miss Kath-
leen Togan, nureettat-traii1dng at
Guel1tt General B1oslpitail Is Spend'
in,g her holidays at her home here,
Eadheru farcaly reunion at 'Mount
Forest; Mr, and tMns. Will Griffiths
and Fred, Montreal, are at their
home here, Mr, and Mrs. Milton
MOVittie and Jack, Flint, Mich„
wilt Mr, and Mits. W. S. Dabtdson;
Mr. and Mrs. C. H- Garnisst Brae -
sella, with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Jenk-
in, Mks. R. D. Phonies, Toronto,
with Mrs. Ina Lockhart and Miss
Agnes TJbomdas,
,Mrs, W. S. Davidson was the hos-
tess Wednesday afternoon for the ..
monthly meeting of the `Mortis
Circle of the Ladies' Add of Knox
Presbyterian Church.
Mr. and: Mrs. Robert Colley and.
SOD *hence with Dr. and Mrs.
Cassels at Romeo, Mich,; Mr.' and
Mrs. George Edgar with friends at
Grand Rapids, Mich.
alias Loreen Hamilton, at grad-
uate of Stratford zv'onmal""'adhool
eats year, has been engaged"- as
teacher at S:S. No. 10 'lhirnierry
(Powell's School). .;
Miss Mae Orr and Stater, Mrs.
'Rove. McCarron, Toronto, With Mr. ,
and, Mb. George Donaldson;' Wil-
ford MkacEtwen, Detroit, with 'his!
parents. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Mae!
Ewen; Mr. and Mrs. S, liolph, De-
with Mr. and Mrs: W. W.
Manan; Miss Reed, Detroit, with
Mrs, Fred Flolleribeck, •
Mrs. Fred Brewer of London visit-
ed with, Miss Luella Brewer and
brothers. a
Miss Viola Ma+then5 and Miss
Evelyn Scott visited on Sunday with I
1 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moses and sons
of Grey, l
Miss Evelyn Turves Is spending a
a while with Mr, and Mrs.
Harc'.d Voddeu ane Miss Jean Tur-
vev of Blyrth,
Mr. and, Mrs, Richard Jo'lttston and
Miss Mlangareh Ramsay of ,Cali-
fornia, is visiting Iter nephew Geo.
Ramsay and, other 9nlends. It is 17
Years sinice Mies Rratmsay Maid her
last visit so she seers many changes.
Mr. Gordon Helllamkl spent Sunday
with Mends in Detroit.
Mr. Jlas. Bishop spent the week-
end with his daughter Mrs, R.
Mdetlson, of Nertlt Bay.
Mr. Cameron Dennis of Month
Bay spenit Tbmngday with 'his father
Mr. John Dennis.
A avocesaful ice cream •social was
held under the awspices of St
Georgaes Ladies Guild: on the lovely
and spacious grounds at the home
of Mr. and 1.41rs, Bert Anderson on
Wednesday evening of last week.
A delightful •yarded program Al
musical selections, both vocal ,and
inaitrnmentall, Nnp+drancinlg, reading's
and nava broadcasting, was much
enjoyed by the lenge audience. Rev.
W. Hendry, rector of the church.
pre ttle,d, .At the close of the pro-
gram a generous lunch was Provi 1 -
ed by the ladies. A booth aspens.
Jug Chocolate bars, ;popcorn, sac
drinks, ice cream, etc., was gener-
ously pattnondzed,
New Rural
Hydro Station
In Use
Typical of scenes witnessed at
cinemas in some of the principalcities .
above in
hBritain raph, showing Ese das nglish
schoolboys trooping into a theatre
at heading, England, to see a spe-
cial screening of films provided by
the Dominion Government. One of
the many activities tof the "Canada
he films depict
Calling" campaign,
farm, fishing sand industrial scenes
which emphasize the importance of
Canada as the food basket for the
United Kingdom. The campaign,
which covers the major population
centres in Britain, is being conduct-
ed by the Dominion Government's
Department of Trade and. Com-
merce, Regarded as one of the most
carefully planted efforts ever
launched by a British Dominion,
Ethel, Oat.
Phone 22-11 • per jam. .
Raspberry; ;lam 32 ox. • 16 I per far 23c
P & IG Naptha Soap • • • • c
•per tin i
Tomatoes, ,Maple Leaf'21/z's �' • • � tins I7c
Garden !Patch Corn 117 lox. pers for 15c
Summertime Cakes • • , .,
Hemphill's Wheat 'Berries 5 lb bag .....'y.. for 25c
Bath Towelling ...... • •
oyr 25c
Sateens 36 -inch wide, all colors • • • ' . -• ' ' -•
per yd 25c
Dress Rayons, plaids & stripes (D$1.25
per yd 15
Light (Prints
Ladies' Bedora Voile Dresses I 2
Ladies' Elk Sport Oxfords • per pr. $1.911 $1.15c 5
Power Switched •
Through New Station
Early Sunday Morning
Ottawa July 24—TJve new trans-
former station Installed here in con-
nection with the rural byhro service
wws put into dcmm+ission Sunday
morning, The connsdtion with the
Oldniton 'hydra service was srwitohed
off and the connection to tate new
installation made at 4,30 aan. and at
6.30 amt. the 'current passed to the
rural lines •ttur-oagh. the new .enation,
In addition to the local rural staff
of wilvidb A. aI. Knight is superin-
tendent, Harry ,Martino Stratford,
and hila abet of linemen were pres-
ent fpr Ube Switch over, The check
up on the naw station, was made by
S. Bellow's London, with also super-
vised the transfer of current to the
new .station.
DavbS, Winnipeg, Math Henry Dane;
Mits. T. Kokes, Winvnipge, with. Geo.
Muir; Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Allen,
Rochester, N•Y., aks• Macdzarlane
and Frances, Cold Lake, Alta., with
Mr, and Mils. Geo. Allen. Mrs. Bev-
ilagtboni, Mns, ISidlrodb', 'Cleveland,
Ohio, with Mrs. S. Matnro; Mrs. Alec
Santieastrn, Otwet Sound, with Mrs.
McDougal; Misses Elsie and Mta.
Son Gibson, Winnipeg, &Ins, John
Gibson, Chicago, George Gibson,
Siudarurp, at their home here; Mrs.
M. Rogers Detroit with Mrs. E.
Ptamlint; :Mise Gertrude !Sangster,
Detroit, with Hr. and Hrs. 3. Sang-
ster; Mr. and Mrs. T, G. Hemttiillill,
The animal picnic of Knox United
Church Sunday school was held at
the 10th tine bridge. Ball games
were enjoyed and( races,
Visitors: MISS Florence NetdterY
returned, to Toronto; Mus. Clayton
Prolter, Grace laud, Grant, Fort
Francis, with relatives here; Neil
Idontgoarrery, Mm, and 'Mays. W.
Smith, London, mitt Mr. and. &Irs.
W. X. Cole.
C. R. Conites shipped one ear of
cattle to Buffalo Friday and im•o
carloads to Toronto, Saturday, and
spent the week -end in Buffalo. His
son, James R•, nes in 1°oronto dur-
ing the week -end.
— More than 400,000 chicks have
been, sold in 1939 by the approved
hatcheries, in Noda Scotia. This, is
the greatest number o2 chicks sold
In one season as yet recorded by
the Nova Scotia havtcheries.
this trade crusaue also embraces a
series of localized drives and exten-
sive newspaper advertising and
marketing operations. In addition
it is supplemented by lectures to
schools, women's clubs, domestic
science classes and other organiza-
tions, and has enlisted the support
of thousands of merchants who are
gr pnu
special displays of Canadian
Notice To' Creditors
Mists Martie 01.1(8011, W. ,Stwteil at
Dyer's Bay; Mr. Dust, Ainya and
Mae at Elmira; Meta. Durst, Joyfe
and, Dorothy aft Ingersoll; Mrs, Phil.
Durst ht Toronto; Mielses Velma
and Minerva Higgins in Detroit; Dr.
Campbell at Swu:ble Beano; Miss
Lucille White in New York.
All persons tavinag claims against
the estate of Eller Sealers late of
the Township of Morris int the
County of Huronn Spinster, deceas-
ed; who died on or about the seven-
teenth day of Apadl, A.D. 1939, are
notified to send to J. H. Crawford,
Winghaan, Ontario, on or before the
twelfth day of August, A.D. 1939,
full particulars of their claims In
writing, Iannnediately atter the
said twelfth day of August,
the assets of the said de-
cettsed will be distributted amongst
the parties entitled. thereto, having
regard only to claim% of whaddh the
administrator shh.11 then have
Visitors: Ed, Rana, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Ram, Illinois, Dr. and airs.
Wan. Spence, Toronto, with Mr. and
Mrs, 11, 3. Rauh; Mrs, McCabe,
New York, :sirs, FalJteisom, Toronto,
witis Mr, and Mrs, Clarence White;
Mas, Wm, Doan, Biggar, Sask.,
with Mr. and Ms, Lorne Gadke;
Mrs, lief—man' Depen- with Mr, ant'
Mrs. Stocks; Miss Vera Durst, In-
gersoll, Miss Agnes Durst, with Mr.
and Mrs. 1, S. Domer; Mrs, Wm.
32.50 wave , ........ $1,75
$3.50 wave , ,-.....,•,,. $2,25
$5,00 wave ..... .•,.. $3.00
36.00 wave ..........„.,....... $4,00
37.00 wave .....•,... ,_.-... •.... $5.00
Maohineiess Wabes $3,95 & $5.00
End Curls $1,00 and $1.50 each
including Shampoo & Finger Wave
Dried Finger Waves 25o
over H, B, Allen's Drug Store
Telephone 66X for appointment
Weeds are Unsightly and a Public Menace.
Destroy Them Before They Go To Seed.
To make our Town More Attractive.
The Ontario Weed Control Act states "every occupant of
land CO if the land is unoccupied the owner shall destroy all
weeds designated noxious bythe regulations as often in every
year as is sufficient to prevent ripening of their seed."
G. McDowell, Weed Inspector,
Village of Brussels