HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-7-26, Page 1a.r••
* * * * * * * * *
Wabasso Cotton
The Brussels Town 10a11 Was fill -
Doreen Stepheason is visiting
Windham cite Rosie Ohms,
• • •
ad on Friday aftermwor with McKee eine,, W. porn*? Is, viedtiing in
of the, village and community, who I inoar'dine .fat a few days
attended the <kitten. 'Style 'Show • • •
condudted by Mrs, Ball)ngall, repro- Mas, Jae Sluar,P of Toledo is a
seniative of the Wabassc Co., under gnneblt of her sll'eter, Mrs. E. Plum
the auspices of the Brussels We. { and other • relativ-es and friends.
meals Insibi'tute. It was n most '
helpful and interesting demon -
While 'the audlienoe gathered Mise
Margaret 'Sclotb contributed piano
nnnmbers. Mrs. W. Sr. Scott, on be-
half of the local institute welcomed
the ]allies and inroduced Mrs. Bal
lingali. •
After a brief explanation of the
name. and trade mark of Wabasso
Mrs. Ballingall opened her demon-
stration vaith! a bedroom display ot
prirxted poplin. It concluded drapes,
spread; cushions, laundry bags,
ru9[I4ty bag's; pyjama bags and the
Wabasso cotton monogramed shoots
and pillow oases; a most attractive
' bedroom outfit made entirely of
Cotton 'materials. Also displayed
were quilt blocks of various
tyes, ihanrllketehief hags, the cutest
of pot 1loidens and lovely tea cloths
of beach cloth,
The fashion show was a triumph
in cotton and inbleded clothes for
ell and every occesiom. The messes
teethes were modeled . by 1o'cai'
young Metes.: Misses E. Bakker, J,
Vanelorms D. Armstrong, M.
Davison and M. Gibson. Morning
frocks .of delielouey cool printed
,piques and, plain broadcloth, dainty
• • •
Mr. G. Northwood who has been
vreoationing at their Summer home
at Victoria I'ilarbour has returned
* * *
Misses L. and T, Dickson of the
variety store lett on Mos (ay for s
motor trbp through the 'Canadian
* * *
Miss Addie Cardiff lift on Moa
day for her 'mealtime .Sheintends
to visit at Belgrave, London and
Port Stan)ey.
• • •
'iIr. and Mrs. E. Groves and. fam-
ily of Windham were Sunday visit-
ors w'i'th Mr, and Mrs. Garf. Hen-
s • •
Mrs. J. Watson ,has as guests on
Friday, ,her nephew, Thos. Watson
of Kincardine and George Thornton
of Blueyele.
* * *
Mr. E. Hurtndek •o'f Use Canadian
Bank of Commerce staff ant Mr.
Chuck Lowry, .spent the week -end
at the former's hoane in Windsor.
• • •
aprons in various styles, were 1 Miss' Evelyn Ounntingham, Brant -
Shown, Sh)»Jt and beach togs 1 ford and Mr, and Mas. David Cun-
Showed a wide radge of choice in ningIham1 are visiting bhis week with
Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Pascoe,
* * s -
Visitors at the home of Mrs, Gor-
don Hulley on Sunday were Mr.
and etre J. T. Ward and
Mrs, Wilfred Ronlnemlburg and
Miss Lose Ronneuburg all of West
latest 'styles and colorings. A.
number of 'the dresses had the new
gored skirts wlidch are so *fashion-
able. .Oce beach outfit of printed
pique in a petbhtwork quilt design
way molt striielntg. Lovely house
coats and quilted negligee were ire
eluded in the dexplay. Afternjon
dreeses showedmodels in Plain
broadcloth combining various •shad-
es, in the n.ew mode. One of these
vias an ',Anita Louise" dress in the
latest 'tri-oalour effete. Lovely
eben4ng dresses were of printed
poplin and printed percale. Child-
ren's school and better mite' and
frocks ieere displayed by yaueg
ree'iderds of the village. Junior girls
and Misses: M. Bell, D. Willis, J.
Gemmel, G. Stratton and P. Sands
and the boy's. suits by Edhrrin Kerr
and Inn 71'Iatlhesson, Tme 'style
show concluded with; a bridal pro-
cession in cotton. ff
et 1s really amazing what can be
done with Wabasslo tattoos, a fer-
tile imagination and deft hands.
Prizes in .the sewing mutest were
awarded to Miss Jean Scott, Marion
Lake and Mary Davison. The door
prizes were won by Mrs. Russel
Bryan Miss Evelyn• Lake and iris;
Jean Sporran.
The United Church
REV. 14. J. MAHONEY, B.A., B.D.
10 a.m.-Sunday School
11 a.m.-Morning Worship
7 p.m. -Evening Worship
Roy Rogers Mary Hart
Shine on
Harvest Moon
Melvyn Douglass Virginia Bruce
There Goes that
Woman Again
Mars. Trueman •Power, Mr, and
Mos, Claret Alliin, Mr. and ItIrs. Ears
Osborne, all ot Bown',anville, event
the week -end with their cousin,
Mrs. Geo. Lowry.
• • •
Sldsses Mary K. aswl Marguerite
Rowan with 'their two friends
Misses' Rosemary Lytle and her sis-
ter Patricia of Detroit are visiting
with the termer girls' grandfather
air. Sam Wilton and other friends.
Rev. H. Mateney' Bill Eckmier
and Mrs. R. W. Kennedy were iu
Waken Wetdnesdby of last week
when they contributed to the pro-
gram presented at the Ice-cream
social of St. George's church.
• • •
L. Russell was absent from busi-
ness ,for a fere days. Following the
A1twIoddlaufs5ells football game on
Friday evening he suffered a col-
lapse due to over -fatigue and was
confined to hate hone,
Wreokliag you with ;laughter
as they solve is Ssertes of baffling
Jewel robberies
John Wayne ,Ray Corrigan
,Loulse Brooks
Overland Stage
The mesqultiers leave the earth
for the air
Only Angels Have
1i Wings
rufiseto poot
Wednesday, J y 26th, 1939
Where Your Money Goes For School Purposes Barley Club
Teacheri'o, s Crop Judged
Sabatietr Te L i ors Salaries
C. S. P S Mill Rate
ExlrSniliture Expenditure School Tewu' Session• •
1'920 53620,85 53104176
1921 4282.78 3605.76
1922 4838.11 4359.58
1923 5132,01 4184,98
1924 58D0.2i 4896,41
192$ H 58'66:-58 ,......., 4233,85
1936 4282.63 3980,01
1927 ................ 4143.49 4092.84 .
1928 6451,71 5996.29
1929 4452:45 4077.03
1980 459:3:57 4313,74
1933 4551.27 4330.29
193.2 4210.7 ......•• 4678,86
1933 33411,74 ... ,.. 3904.71
1934 4090;59 3461.10
193'5 4560.92 3469,82 '
1936 5297.61 4257.21
1937 4812.13 ....... 3061.48
1988 4885,83 4081,81
12,5 17.5 2142 $3200, -...•.....+ 2 52960. 3
14. 16,5 22.25 3100. 2 ......,, 3000, 3
2324 4450. 3 1850. 4
24-25 .,.,.....:„ 54900.............3 54000 4
11.5 22.7 25-26 - 53250 2 53100, 3
10.4 22,5 26.27 532+50. 2 53400. 3
9.3 19. 27-28 531150 2 53400 3
10,5 24.3 2$,'29........,.. 53150. 2 53500. 3
10.5 14. 29-30 53500. 2 ,,.a.,. 53400 3
10.5 13.4 30-31 53650. 2 .....,.. $3700 ........ 8 x
10,5 13,9 31-32 $3850. 2 53940 3 x
9.5 13.3 32-33 - 52900, 2 $3990 3 x
7. 14. 3'e-34 $2860, 2 53610, 3 x
10. 15. 34-35 53600. 3 52710. 3 x
9. 15. 85-36 53600. 3 52710. 3 x
12. 85. 36-37 53900............ 3 $2810. 3 x
14. 12. 37-38 54030. 3x '52810. 3 x
15. 14. 38-39 54080. 3x $3010. 3 x
18. 12. 39-40 54890 4- ........ 53160 .... ....3 x
Irl view of the increased until rate
for school purposes nlor this year
and the obvious conteu*ion that a
greet increase bas taken 'place iu
school exinendlture, ,the toile -wing
figures for expen'ditere ere very in-
teresting and anyone can, explain
therm as they see ftt. 'Bhe big in-
crease is net there.
In 1925 the sew fleeting and light.
ing systems were installed.
'Ism 1930-31 and „thereafter the 3x
teadheti* for 'bh.e public ,school
means pant time music teacher was
addled and in 1936 the same applied
to the Continuation school. Next
year this w421 be -taken in the time
01 the one continuation school
teacher and so save this cost.
In 1933 the low expenditure was
due to e STEW low in teachers'
salaries. everywhere far many Years:.
The general level has ajsenl co'nsld-
enably everywhere now,
In 1936 the sanitary system was
* * * * * * * * * *
Library Closed
Brussels Public Library will he
closed from Aug. 1st to Aug. 15th, ra
while the Librarian is away on
Saturday night, in front of the
Brussels Dairy, a gold watch case
stainless steel back, black cord i
bracelet attached.
Finder please
PHONE 51•r-6
United Church W. A.
On Tuesday '•atiternoon of last
week the W. A. of the Undtel church
held tb•eir regular meeting in the
forms of a 910841c. Theer was r
sJkort business session atter Which
games and conheelts were enjoyed.
Lunch was served.
Presbytery Meets
At Ethel
At the Presbytery meeting held
an Tuesday afternoon at Ethel Pres-
byterian church: Rev, W. A. Wil-
liams declined an levitation to re-
main as pastor of the Ethel and
Cranibrook churches. He leaves is
September for Valetta. Rev. S.
Kerr Ives appointed moderator to
succeed Rev. W. A. Williams.
Passes In
Musical Examination
The following pupils' of Velma
Wheeler have been spec-eels/tut in
the recent Toronto Can'servatory of
Music examinations:
* * * Plaonlfort:-
!Grace Kerr, little daughter or Geode 141E Eleanor Taylor.
Rev, S. I6err and Mrs, Kern, sniffer- • .Mary Wheeler
ed a severe injury when she fell Grade IV -Ross Procter
off a chair. $he received a gash in Grade VI-rpora6he Wade
her right leg which required seven. Theory:-
satciies. She to getting along fine, Grade II -Miss Viola Turnbull.
• * * r• Tr._
Mr, amk11 MM. G. Bracy anti son BELOW ZERO
Wilton and. Mr, and Mns. 3ohy
Johnstone and VOID Sack of Royat
Oak, M'dcii„ vdedted with Me, and.
Mrs. Wm, Wilton. Mrs, letbisetone Is
a Meter of Miss Wilton end. Mrs,
Bracey a n4eee,
* * >F
iM'r, and '-lido. A. A. Affleck, ot
Loudon, Ont„ Mrs, (Rev.) Poole of
Detroit, Mich; Mr. George Roe, and
daughter, of Plymouth, Mich.; Mrs,
Josellh Sherpa of Toledo, Ohio,
were loot week's visitors et Mrs.
ala Lowry's.
* * *
Ivir. los. Sbew was rushed to
Listowel hospital for a appendix
operation last 'week, He is making a
satisfactory recovery and will be
able to relate. Weisetl$s ween.
• •
Mr, and' Mrs, Howard Matinee,
114ise Jean Flninues and Lloyd Speir•
o4 Stratford and Mr, and 'blrs.
Arable Holmes of Windham, Mr,
Carson Wo,taon, Janet Watson and
Alma Ga1balth of Gerrie were Sun-
day 4 14.0140 ad, the honk8 et Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Swaim. and with Mrs, J
Ineiup•es Sou 012 gettlflg Borden's
the Crease Beake in 'A-1 shape
vastest you arrive (fame or if Fon
leant lo keep It an hour or so
Grewar's can wrap it. 'Our Special
Bruit Ireezeal it extra hand. Have
you tried lube oosn9)dnatiomt fruit
Bleck? Ask for Bordenf* Ince Cream,
Cheat you know you are getting the
Sole Agent
Phone 5
* %k * * *
* * * * e * a *
In accordance with our
usual custom of having a one
week vacation do each year
there will be no issue of
"The Post" an Wednesday,
August 911h. The office will
be open for job week ss
. * *
Henfryn lPostoffice Now
Located At C.N.R. Depot
-: RE -UNIONS :-
* * * * * a' * * * *
w Om .Sunday, Judy 23rd the .home
* I•
ot Mr, and Mus. Wilson Marks,
•Brussels was the scene of a family
k •
reunion at which 27 sat down: to a
T. 0, Sheerer, Ageleuitlut'al Rep-
reaentlati've, accovipamded by Ed.
Bryams, Councilor of 'M'orris Town -
shit), judged the standing crop of
No -Barb Barley belonging to the
mem1b,ens of the Brussels District
Barley 02ab, July 15, The eighteen
members are farmer's sons from
Morrie. Grey and. McKillop Tonvn-
ships, as folliowe: Ronald Gordoe
Besseels; Ross Bennett, W>adtou;
Walter Bewley, Sieh; L. Lamont,
Brustsie'is8; Jae. Irelanld Brussels;
Stuoit Stevenson, Brussels, Wilda'
3, Turnbsull, Bruese.ls; J. Seer,
Brusisels; K. MinDonate, Brussels;
Stene. McCall, Baylis; Robt. KirdebY;
Walton; Jack W. Breams, Blyth;
Everett Behinisoe, Brussels; Gordon
Stevenson, Bruesele, Clarke .M. Car-
diff, BrneRsels; Robt, Gordon, 13rnus-
eels; Earl Coutes Wanton; Harvey
Bradubaw, Biuen^ale.
sumptuous re5rast, served by the
host and hostess.
1 The day was spent in .selections
of music and remi4niseing.
Among those 'present were Mr,
:k Mark's taro sisters Mrs. Mare
1 Maher, Oavea Somn1 and Mss. A. E.
Hardman, Waslhngton, D.C. Other
relatives were portent from Brus-
sels; Windbamr, Walton, Wallace -
The Henli'yn post offloe, which v111e, Owen Sound; Timmins, Sag -
was located at George Michael's inaw, IMiah„ and Washington; D.O.
general store, Heantryn, that burned At the -close of day a vote • of
to the ground on, Standee morning, thank* wee tendered to Mr, and
,hap been movers .tem0ao.reri iyln the Mrs. Merits for a very deligluful
Henfry11 C. N. R. station. Mr. Mich- time,
ael has, not made a d'ecisdom yet
Whether he will rebuild his store
and the past office will be occommo-
detect in the solation until an-
other location can :be obtained.
There was little loss other than
postal records with the destruction
of Store/and post ofiiee as all mails
had been removed from the build-
Standard Of Teeswater
Fall Fair Is Raised
The Teeswater Agricultural So-
ciety has been notified: by the Do -
'Wilton deparitment of agrlonturel
that the high quality of its fall fairs
lips' been recognized by raising its
elassificatiorm to that of the junior 13•
cleats, Preeleasly it has, been group'
ed- in the C class. As a 'Nether
lu816-004don: of the d*partlneu4's ap-
proval of the gnatity of exhibition
Int on by the s'ocdety, a grant is
being nva.de available for Umprove
Mint 40 the society's property.
Son of Grey
Summer Resident Drowns
McQuarrle Family Hold
Reunion at their
Mount Grey Home
Mrs, Charles Pringle (Emylene
1McQuarrie) entertained on Sunday
afternoon at her home in honor of
her Western guests. Mrs. Herbert
J, Maber, of Vulcan, Alta„ (nee
Gladys lecQuarrie•;; William L. Mc-
Queen -1e, Sasikatoom, and his son
sack H. elcQuarnie, L.L.B., who ar-
rived. by ainplane Saturday mounting
Donald OOanbbes, seven'+year-old from Vhnoauver.
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ooonmbes, Dinner Wes sewed est fora' o'clock.
of London, was drowned in the The 'table set for twenty looked
Thames river on Tuesday afternoon m'osit inviting v*4t'h red and Pink
Firemen, and, doctors worked for an rase decorations
amour with a namotor lin an attempt Mrs, Peingle's guests were Mrs.
Lo revive tlhe boy alter lids body had' Mabel-, Vulcan; Alta.; Mrs. Clara
been discovered. The lax! tad Sabine, Mists' Catkeine Sabine, Olara
been under water for a hell an
hour before tlhe body Masi looaded.
Donald had gore swimming with hie
eight-year-old brother, J,bm0118, and
a chum, Franck JoShmston. When
the children failed' in a rescue at-
tempt they s1mmmeeed ;the mother
v"ho matte frantic efforts to locate
her son's body.
The boy was the son of 3. A.
C'ooanbes, ate -Aunt ddvisdonel engin-
eat of the department of highways,
wire has a summer home on the 16th
con,, of Grey tonvnbihip, Sympathy
is extended to the bereaved cannily
by friende and acgvairutance* in
this' district.
'ilio Club is s'po'nsored\ by the
Brussels Agatioultural Society and
an %debit of two bushel lots of seed
from eachmenthes. will be displayed
at the Beuiesels Fall Fair, Septemr•
ber 30.
On tee evening of July 18 a meet-
ing of the Barley 'Club members
and their fathers, was he41d on the
-farm of Wilbur Turnbull of 'Grey
Township. Wilfians Turnbull, 'pres-
Wemrt, acting as chairmen,, Brief
addreiss'ers were made by D. M, Mc-
Tavish, Secretary, Brussels Agrioul-
Lulea Society, Ed. Bryan, L. E.
Cnrdic, Reeve of Morris, Jack
Read, 'Clinton., gave a talk on "Solis
and 'Fertilizers." and Mr. .Shearer
spoke on "W'eedso end Their Con-
It was decided to hold the next
meeting in the. Library basement at
Brussels, August 2 to armee the
team to represent the club et the
cclnpe dee at Guelph in October
to *oleot the Ontario champion
grain, club_ team.
Civic Holiday
To fall in line with other Municl-
palittes to the Province, the -bust-
ness people ask that
Monday, August 7th
And I hereby proclaim the same
and ask that all citizens observe
it as such.
Walter Kerr, Reeve.
Krawiec of London.; W, L. Me-
Qnarrlo, S'aslkatoon; Mr. and, Mrs.
W .F. Stretbon, Brussels'; Earner
and Mrs. Charles McQuarrie, Robt,
and Mrs. ' Warwick, Brussels.; Jack
M1Quarrde, Vomcbvver; Mr. and
.ears. Herbert 'Stretton and Geral -
&rte., Brussels; Mr, and, Mrs'. Athol
MIQsurrrie, Teeonitto; Alien and Mrs•
Sabin, London,
Folllowing dinner the evening was
spemJt int music and social ohat over
old times, i
Atwood Defeats
Brussels Team
By One Goal
St. Columban To Open
South Group Play-
offs in Seafortb
In one of the biggest surprises of
the Duron Football season, )31u,ssels
was elian6na4ed by Atwood here lest '
Friday night. Atwood won the
game, 1-0, to take the cham1pdonseip
es the League's north group. The
first gone, in Atwood, resulted in a
scoreless dray*.
Because of the n*b1te of time pIaY-
off ..arrangements, there was con-
sddei'able coneustion as to whether
Brusseas had been eliminated, or
was- entitled to another game, The
play-offs had been announced 05
two -of -three. President Sutter or
Oldnton exifloined I2nlslsy might
that the arrangements, provided for
home and home games with a third
game in Brussels', 'Shontild it be
necessary becaluse of a tie et tape
end of two games.
A 2-moutbswld animal that is re-
putedly hale cow and half deer is
ithrleing on the farm of William
Wraith of Lan,gside, north of Luck -
none. Visitors from all over Bruce
and Huron 'Cbumties• have been
attracted' by they oddity, The ani-
mal leaps fen0es with all jibe grace
of a fawa and: has eons twice, as
Ierge, as any calif, Its rear quarters
are shaggy -coaled, bet in Iron\ it is
covered With silky hair. VIM
fanner Wraith was, burning eft the
horns 05 his mines be 'discovered
that '8Ferdenanen was sprouting
antlers, The animal was. been of
a D.ualllam cow 'Which bad been lost
the busht leg. fall, where it had
frequently been eeon in company
with a buck deer,
The •teams. •
Brussels: Goal, Riley; backs,
Pearson„ Nichol; halves, Fog, Bry-
ans, King; forwards, Bakeir, Stelae,
Rmst1e11, FlargtIliarson, Bowler; subs,
Lowe Stephenson.
Attwood: Goad, Hymens. backs,
Robb, Hamm; halves, :Mind, Val-
iance, Gordon; to: wares, Solman,
Lidhty, W. Hohuau, R. Denbrook,
E. Dantbreok; subs, Hart, D. Dan-
Referee: J. A'rmistrong Iiiaiburn.
Canadians realize the tette of
rea4p100*l foreign markets because
the response to the obertuees of
those 084810es weleih ban 'taken ad-
vantage of the facilities for trade of-
ered be the Canadian National EX•
hibiton hpe been most enoauarging.
This year these exhibits will enjoy
mere canardediee, quart•e11 1n. the
new International Pavilion.