HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-7-19, Page 4THE BRVSSELS. POST
vie 1ty sppeon retool eat Westerndat
�% -,t11e waex•eud at
Alas, J. Stonehouse and Miss Jean
Campbell of Neeparwa, Alan,, Were
visitors at M. and Mrs. Robt,
Cochrane's, the latter part et last
week, Mrs. .Stonehouse and Miss
Campbell are sisters of Mrs'.
Raspberry pickers are on the ;eel
in this 1'ooallty, with good results.
Earlier produces of the home gar- •
dens such a9 lettuce, onions, rad-
di$h, rhubarb and strerberries are
being eupPlemented'sith green peas
and beans, new potratoeg, beets and
carrots, raspberries and other tasty
vegetables and fruits making the
preparation of a menu, a delight for
the busy housekeepers, instead of a
John Oomeey, of Con. 5, Grey twee,
was among the first in this locality
at fall wheat eutbmg, baring a field
standing in stooks at July 15. Hay-
ing is pract.easlly completed and
wheat cutting will become general,
ebout the middle of this week.
The combine machine for harvest-
ing and tbseshing is being favourab-
ly spoken of by a number of farm-
Last Monday on the tarm of
Geo, Addy, his team of horses at-
tached to a bay rake suddenly
started, throwing the driver Annie
Franklin off the seat in front of the
rake, When extricated from this
perilous position atter being taken a
considerable distance across the
field, it was found sbe had sustained
severe body bruises, lacerated face
and sore abrasions of arms, and
legs Fortunately no bones were
broken. W'Orile suffering from shock,
if there is not any other serious
developments, prompt recovery is
looked for.
Mary Hewitt will have the pleas -
are of the company of her cousin
Cistt,Hess bur
pY 47
You can still get Bray chicks
in most breeds. But last reit-
far 1939 hatches are now to in-
cubators. Act quickly if you
want July chicks of famous
Bray quality—sty'rciy ,fast-grove-
ing, early laying. August hatches
to order only.
Gilbert Nethery
R. R. 5 Brussels
Jlosephine Squires for part of the day.
midsummer school vacation. E Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bosnian and
A rein Monte oe Union and Ethel sons visited' on Sunday afternoon
Sunday schools of Ethel circuit with Mr, and 81r+3• Sperling John -
United church has been arranged ` ,ton and sone.
for to be held' at Harbor Beech, Ma Mr, and Mrs, awe, Coulter spent
God'erich Friety of this week, July , Sunday with their mothers', Mrs.
21st. Invitation to attend is extend. Chas. Coates and Mrs, Snell at
ed to the cougregation of the church Bluevale,
as well. Any members desirous of Miss Mossie Milligan haw taken a
going are &eked to interview : position With Mr. Lloyd Tareey in
the transportation comniittee, Ethel , the store.
members are Roy Hall, Harold Love The farmers are busy et their hay,
and Fred Cole. The pastor Rev. ' most of them are through haying
H. Snell would also be acquainted end report a good crop and some
with the order of arrangements. are starting to cut their fall wheat,
Doctor Richmond and ,bride ar- it is also a good crop.
rued home after an extended Dir. Wm Blackmore ras receiYed
honeymoon, at the end of last week the appointment as teacher of the
A hearty weleoane is extended to
public school at Biuepale` succeed -
Mrs. Richmond as she becomes a Ing Mr. G. G. Wheeler, who is going
oitizeu of Ethel. to Wingltam.
Mr. and Mrs, P. N. Carrie of At -
woad were vistorr with Doctor and Rev, C. T. Tavener illustrated
M,rs. Richmond at the drat of the the text. "Love Never Faileth,' 'in
week. i his Sunday morning service at the
Fred Keifer of con. 7, Grey Twp., United LIlturOb, Mrs. W. J. Johnston
near Ethel met with a severe In and Miss Donna Smith sang a duet
jury when he hurriedly dismounted Rev. Eric Tarsen occupied the
from a motorcycle on which he had pulpit In Knox PresbYtterian Church
been riding in company with leis at the morning service, compacting
brother Lloyd, as the machine skid- the church life of today with the
ded towards the ditch, Dislocating
broken: walls oR Jerusalem and how
an ankle and breaking the bone a they were rebritit.
short space above the ankle.
D. McKinnon spent Sunday with
A. E. and Mrs. King.
'rhe regular meeting of the W,
M. S. of tote United church was held
on Thursday, July 6, at the home of
Mrs. Ince Ring. The vice-presi-
dent Mrs. Jas. Pearson, presided at
the meeting, There were fourteen
ladies present. The meeting open -
el witb the Doxology, Lord's Pray-
er. Minutes of last meeting read
and appr'o'ved, Business. Hyman 502,
Scripture reading and prayer by
''trs .H. Seedran. 'Pamphlet on
"Christian Stewardship and Pin,
ance" read by Mrs. Jas. Pearson,
The first chapter and preface of the
new Study Book "Frontiers of Ser-
ervice," was given in an interesting
manner by Airs. Snell, Hymn 499,
Mr. Donald Robertson' visited on
Sunday with his mother, brother
and sister on the 1st line.
Mr. and Mss. Jas, Moses and son
Slay visited on Sunday with her
uncle Mr. George Mathers and Mrs.
Mrs. Samuel Woods spent a few^
days with Mr. and Mrs. Melville
Mather, and son,
A large nurnber celebrated the
1211, July in Brussels fast Wedne -
Miss Ruby Duff and Miss Watson
of the Woman's College ,Hospital
staff, Toronto, and Mrs. Ida Wilson
with Miss Duff and ears. Aitktn;
Miss Ruby Duff is leaving in two
weeks' time on a .trp to England
and will visit relatives in Ireland:
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyds Snell, Winne,
peg, and Ahs. C. H. Coulter, Lis-
towel, with their mother, kers,
Grace SastT,.
Andrew Grey's Property
The farm, rivestook, implements
and household furneshimgs belong-
ing to the estate of Andrew GreY,
who was accidentally killed on June
1 when his horses became unman-
ageable were sold at a largely at.
tended auotion, Good prices Pre-
vailed. Black Brothers, of Blue_
vale, who already own over 1,000
acres, bought the 150.aore farm for
$4,200, The Grey farm was first
settled by- the father of the late
owner, Andrew Grey, a native of
Scotland, and had been in the fam-
ily for 80 years. Nieces and neph-
ews inherit the estate.
The Utopia of universal 8reedomt
and peace seems to be Par distant
but such an ideal is still in the
heart of Aran. "Utopia" at the Can -
adieu National Exhibition this
Year, graphicaliy setting forth the
struggle of Great Britain through-
out the cenutries toward bhir grand
H.F.A. Finals for the North Group
Atwood - Brussels
VictoriaPark, Brussels
Game Called at 6.30 Sharp
Admission Adults 15, Children Free
Come and Help the I3oys Win
her home here,
Mare. R. R. McDonald and Mies
Alice J. Forrest are visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. J. Cameron in London.
Mrs. Clara OLntsted and niece
Miss HeQeat McCallum of St. Thom
as are vltelting relatives at Oshawa.
Mies Ilene Dark, 1i'lngham, is
visiting her little cousin Gordon
Mrs, ;sok Noble and 'daughter
Yvonne, who have been risItipy'Mr.
and Mrs. A. Higigns and other rela-
tives have returned to their home at
Mr. and was, J. McCallum and
daughters, Helen- and Louise of St.
Thomas were Sunday visitors at the
Hunter hone.
Rev. Wan, Moore and M'rs. Moore,
Puce, were Sunday viS4tors at idle
manse wilth Rev. W. A. and Mier.
1'1 �iAiems.
(Intended for rant week)
The Judy meeting of the W.M.S.
of Knox Presbyterian church was
largely attended at the home of Mrs.
C. Oineetead, with the president,
Mrs. W. A. Williams, taking charge,
opening with singing o2 a leYnn,
Mrs. C. Knight read the Scripture
lesson from Mathew the 5 *hap.
tore, Mrs. It. K. MoDonald led in
prayer. The menntes of the prev-
ious meeting were given by the sec-
retary, Mrs. M. Engel. The roll call
was answered by the first verse of a
favorite hymn. The offering was
then 'taken followed by a much en-
joyed piano solo by Miss Alice Pope
Current events, in charge of Mrs.
Wm. Pernie, were read by Mrs.
Petrie, Miss Jean Camerons Mrs.
G. Evans and,Miss mice FArerst. A
Kann was sung and Mrs, J. Huether
read the topic from the topic book.
Mrs. R. Scott gave a very nteres•t-
ing story. After dinging of a
hymn Mrs. Williams 'closed with
ptayer. It was not decided where
the August meeting would be held,
Mrs. A. Cameron invited the ladies
to her home for the September
Copy shall be wrlsten only by
those who have personally Inspect-
ed the goode and talked with the
Each advertisement shall be
checked for accuracy of statement,
languape, terseness, tone and tact.
Editorials and institutional copy
shell be prepared well is aceanoe
for use as needed.
Commonirlave and trite heads
abali always be avoided.
Understand and never exaggerate,
If a mire staiteruen•t is likely to be
unbelieved, explain to establish con-
Always give the reason for a
special price or extra quality.
Use short, direct, vigorous sen-
tences -- unbackneyed, though plain,
Remember ,that advertising costs
more than a cablegram — save un-
necessary words,
Don't use such small type that old
people cannot read it.
Refenilber always, that, next to.
mercthanlise and senbice, it is the
advertisement that adds to or de-
tracts form a store's repmtation and
Advertise each article ter the
good of the store, not merely for the
good e8 the article.
CHILDREN of all apes
They never tire of its dellel.
rite flavor and it really is so
flood for them--eo give the
children "CROWN BRAND"
every day.
Leading physicians pqrro
CORN SYRUP a most satis-
factory carbohydrate to .use
e l A milk modifier in the
feeding of tiny infante and
ae an energy producing food ,
for growing children.
The. 1'58
iVIODNl0liPit lf, elfin` iI til ll[YLIP
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
Helmet Com Beef • .... ' • , • ' ' ' frit* ilio
Pearl albite Naptlsa Soap a %N fill
Libby's Pork & Beans 21, loz ' ' per th 7
Peanut Butter Three -star 24 otc.ret', J alltf
Salted Peanuts ......... ....................•.•• per 11i! 120
Cuba Cereal, new cereal with one sample pkg "2 pack for gso
Table Linen, white or unbleached, wide • : _ . • • • • per yd 590
Pillow Cotton ...........................per • yd 250
Ladies' Vode Dresses, to clear at :. • .. ' •
Men's Shirts, collars attached for dress wear.
Men's Shirts, without collars
Boy's Straw Hats ' ,
59c each
• each 175o
each 1490
• • each 15c
' Phone 22-11
Ethel, Ont.
Currie Merchant
Died Suddenly
Mr. Russet Grainger, Weir
Known. in District, Stricken
Wednesday While Orr ,
Road With Truck
t1 being born in M;oleswort11 in De-
cember 24, 1882. Ile was welted
In marriage to Miss Ethel NOdito'. oR
Gorrie on, February 9411, 1921, who
sureives. Two sisters, Mrs. Hama
Spenee, IWoleswIorth, and Mrs,
Jetmes Moth, Harveer, 111., also aur-
The deceased was a member and
official of Gorrie United: church and
Itis pastor,. Rev. Mr. Watt ,will con -
Had Conducted Store at MofeawortYva duct the fen rel service an tete
church on Saturday aftenoon at
2.30` p.m, intervent, evil' aka
place 4n Corrie cemetery.
Gorrie, mihen lie was stricken IOU a If you were asked to name the
heart attack. wrhi•b• one with the top --ranking dance bands of radio,
tnlc0t about two miles from Gerrie stage and screen your list wound
He had had an a taott the Previous include TommyDorsey, Glen Gray,
day but yes feeing much: better on Benny Goodman; Guy Lombardo and
Artie Shaw. All five wtl1 be appear -
Wednesday and went about his
work as usual,Ing in the Dance Pavilion at the
Canadian Netionti Exhibition this
;And Gorelte
Death came suddenly on Wednes-
day nvorndntg,. July 12th t'o' Russel
Grainger, general store merchant at
For the past twelve years Mr. year.:.
Grainger has condisoted a general
store in Gorrie, and for three or
four year& prebious to- that had bee&
in partnership with, Mr. Hugh
.Spence at Molesworth, and so was
well known• throughout the district.
Mr. Grainger was the son of Mr.
Harry Grainger and the late Mrs.
Grainger and eves in his 15th year,
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of . Rebecca .,Smith,
late of the Village of Brussels In
the County of Huron, Widow, De.
All persons baying claims against
the Estate of the above deceased
are required to file -the same with
the undersigned Solicitor for the
Administrators, William ):tear audi
James Leslie Fear, ore or before
the 31st day of Jetty 1939, after
which date hate assets will be distil -
bided amongst bbe parties entitles
thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which notice shall have
peen griven,
DATED at Clinton this 101.11 day
of July, A.D. 1939.
Administrator's Sale
There will be offered, for sale at
the premises of the late Mrs. Re-
becca Smith Estate on John
street in the Village of Brussesl an
Saturday, July 22nd, A.D. 1939 at
1,30 pm. The following estate:
Dwelling house and lot situated
on John Street in the Village of
Brussels. The diwelting house is
said to be one and one -ball stony
frame dwelling with an addition
thereto and cellar, Also the follow-
ing articles:
1 dining room. table; 6 . dining
room chair^,; 1 sideboard; 1 writing
desk; 1 kitchen cupboard; a num.
bei oe Mobair chains; 1 leather
covered chair; 3 roching chairs and
number at kitchen chairs, 2 couch-
es; 1 bureau; 2 dressers. 2 starves;
3 beds springs and mattresses; 1
wooden chest; 1 eewing machine;
2 rugs; 1 role of carpet; Linoleum,
11xlee; 1 clock; 1 cook stove; 2
,heaters, coal or wood; stove pipes;
washing machine; law u mower; tub
bolter; dashes; beddiulg and obher
articles too numerous to mention.
Reserve on Real Estate.
F. FINGLAND K,C„ Clinton, Ont. 0080 H. ELLIOTT', Auctioneer
Solloitor for the Adminietratons, F. FrNGLAND, Solicitor for the
William Fear and James Leslie Fear Adanluistrators
R. A. Reid, R. 0.
Sight Specialist For
More Than 20 years
21 Dimple St., Stratford
Brussels Office -
Miss Hingston's Store
Every Wednesday
2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
PHONE 51 - Brussels
ti . H. FEAR
Phone 22ri4 Ethel, Ont.
Coal, Coke and Cement
Blue Coal our Specialty
(There Is None Better)
Hamilton By -Product Ctgke
The Best and Cleanest
Alberta Coal .
Midland-- Rosedale
St. Marys Cement
We Deliver Anywhere