HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-7-19, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST
The Ride Prover
The RIDE PROVER its the toughest, sturdiest grease'gun
ever built. It was (perfected only . after t: painstaking re-
search by Cities Service experts in an effort to achieve -
a perfect grease gun that would insure a car riding
qualities never before realized!
Trojan Lubricants
The very finest lubricant -built especially for the
RIDE PROVER—is used exclusively in this powerful grease
gun. It took years to develop the .TROJAN line. The
testing laboratory was a fleet of 4,000 Cities ',Service trucks,d
buses and cars -operating daily on the highways
every known kind of weather and road condition. Blister-
ing heat, produced in wheel bearing by hard braking, has no
effect on its lubricating value. And iii is so tenacious that
once pumped in by the (RIDE PROVER it would literally take
a small Niagara of water to wash it out!
Individualized Lubrication
Our RIDE •IMPROVING SERVICE is unique in that
Individualized Lubrication is one sof its important features.
When you bring your car into* service station, •the 'attend-
ant works from la chart which shows the exact lubrication
points on your car. - • When finished, he checks against
the chart to he sure that every point has been thoroughly
lubricated. At the conclusion, you receive the chart as a
finished record of a perfect lubrication job
Gordon Sanderson, Proprietor & Manager
'Phone 73X Brussels
"THE WHITE CORNER"—Where the lubricants contain
the finest qualities and the attendants have been
schooled to give service that is unsurpassed.
Hon. Ohaartea A. Dunnling, Mum-
t'a.-ter of bduanece in the federal
Government, may be forced into
retirement by poor health. Of all
'members In the cabinet he would be
the (hardest to replace. He is
entad in itis views, reasonable but
certain in his outlook, and right
now ananidal problems are press.
74ir, Dunning Is an organizer by In-
stinct. When :he came to Canada
in 1902 ,he had to make hits way and
look out for his' own advancement.
In the province of Saskatchewan he
became Interested' in the problems
of the grain: growere and organized
the co-apeltative elevator bustnes;
he went to Europe to see what could
be done about marketing grain. He
was minister of three or tour de-
partments in turn in the Saskatche-
wan, legiglabive, and lie was finally
premier. He was Allinister of Hail -
ways. and Canals in the Federal
„govet'nmetut and since 1535 has been
Moister of Finance,
liver it there,
Take the case of wheat after it is
landed at Moltetreaut for which the
Wheat Beard' wo%ild pay 70 cents.
The emit of sending a bushel of
what to Siverpool is 7.65 cents,
Which would Make It necessary to
sexy the wheat or 77,05 newts per
bushel in order to break even.. If
sales were glut through at the latest
quotation tout Liverpool It twomld
mean a lona of 26,40 cents on each
bashed of Omtanlo wheat hanNdled by
the Wheat Board•, We believe
Ontario farmers can work the, probe
lem amt themselves to better advan-
ig e tthnn leaving the Wheat: Board
:l e a hand at it. Offering n fixed
prlee an dtllen Wing freight rates
,,uleh knock the op orf .that fixed.i
price is not at all abtl'aobfve.
Budness must be good In Western
On9aro for we noticed where one
man took in $36,000 on one dory.
He was the tax collector,
When It is very hot and think o3
the dey5 when it was very cold, It
"ably will ]rat help at all, but it
costs nothing.
Carnival performer et Stony
Point, N.Y„ gives an exhibition of
siva+flowing live snakes, bat beta •no
worse than the suckers who pay to
watch 'hem,
Tokyo reports another air battle
wtltth' tare Russians in which. 53
Soviet planes were Shot down and
the Janes lost not one single ma-
chine. And that df course is just a
little too 'good to be true.
Hon. J. G. Gardiner, ,speaking
in the West, referred, to the Libeata.ls
as beinig the free trade panty in.
Canada, Well that's a least inter
eating because ht's a bit of news.
'Stratford has a record of dour
years without a street .fatality from
motor traffic, and Stratford, like
other cities, has Its full .share of
odd street corners whee, racclt.demts
might be expected. A cleat* record
for four years is highly to be com-
At present the freight rates which
the Ontario wheat producer would
have to pay for mowing his wheat
are higher than the rate carged to
Western farmers for the same ser-
ervice, and higher than the rate paid
by foreign wheat coming down from
the West or being moved in. this
province. The Ontario rate Is 21
cents per hundred pounds, yhile the
Western rate is 13 cents,`
Y1"�I P Sin •7C, TUiy 'l9ttrt' i±'8,
Nero An now Takes /span
hien of th. Poe* of N
and .11 Years M
Jmto Canllpbell, 16th trona raised a
ispnin+g lamb tlurat dressed 55 pounds
How is that?
Binbhttaiy Tise y4Aemerry party of
old and young assembled at the
commodious reslIdence of Jno, Bill
bhe other evening to celebrate lois
63rd bintltday, Out -door amusements
were provided for the company and
were taken part in with great zest
until +twILigtut. After a bounteous
repast, speeches were given by Rev.
R. Pawl, S. Fear, B. Gerry and W.
H. Herr. Music was slrapp;ted by
the Methodist choir,
Wen. Hunter, Kincardine, is visit-
ing at Geo, J!ohasten's Since the
* * *
A "callow bee"was held at James
Spear's one day last week. Atter
the work was done a party Yellowed
at his residence.
Itir, Smith, .former President of the
University of Lomfs4ama;, now under
arrest for taking $10D,000,, says be is
not going to be made the goat. The
man of intellectual attainment
seems to be falling back on the
language of the dtty anter getting in
In Htamiiibon men and women• are
woulsdrng with 'pdok and shovel dig-
ging the (foundation ,for a new
church. And the dare Say there
are a number of churches, In bbie
city where 'the mimistens would: be
glad to have them come and fill
stone of the vacant pews.
In the shrike of auto workers in
Detroit tate pickets, are all ' armed
with clubs, and so are the police on
day. Possibly they contend that
being armed. is ,She one sure way to
have industrial peace.
At 21 cents per 'hundred pounds
' it wou.d mean paying 12.6 cents to
move a bushel of wheat to Montreal.
That would bring the price- to the
grower down to little more than 57
cents per bushel, and Idulet would be
for the highest grade, That freight
rate does not look right, and wary
an Ontario farmer should be made
to pay 21 cents tor a service whldh
is extended to Western Canadian or
Michigan farmers at 13 cents is
something wtluidit requires more
than explanation. dt needs a cute.
Re'adintg reppets' of debates In. the
House of QOan'mpns elle Cannot but
be. impressed) by the shop which
310r. Dunning has of ,lbs whole
financial strudttire, anti of all the
substitutes which are advocated to
day to replace sound methods. One
pan well wonkier where he secured
hie training because his was but a
psblllc srhool edltecatton to start 0111
Its right enough. to Spears of trim as
eut ,teetlthtg,
The fixed price of 70 cents, e'er.
bushel for - •t
be Best Ontario wheat
is based/ on delivery ,at Montreal,
aurid lite owner of •rho Wheat will
Jlave to pay to lfmve it delreered 9111
that port.
As the Post understands the case
the fixed rate will not mean much to
the Ontario farmer, When wheat
Prices are lea, the farmer haS 'lo
recover mom.., than low price Ivhich
he would Orcure by sealing his
wheat as such. He takes his .low-
priced' wheat as he wain! his oats
and bailey and turns• it into chop
stuff for feed. He produces, bacon
and beef and tut flits way is able to
realise a higher ratlu^n titan the
grain market would ever Provide
for hint. If he dill' not follow ,that
plan chances are Ontario farmers
would have to go pail of business,
The condition. of the world wheat
market at tate moment is trot good.
'l'hat is twist ,rakes the extension
of the fixed price to Eastern Can.
ala a greater risk. pile LIVerpeoi
price yesterday donvat to
cents per llnisliei, and' that is the
lowest price quoted there since the
year 1652; In order to sell wheat
at Liverpool it -le lreceseaa'y to de -
The Misses •IUin,g,•Detrobt, daugh-
tens of Cadnton King, a former rest•
dent of the township, are visiting
Mise E. E. Kerr and Fred Calbdck
were injua•ed: In going to the picnic
last Tuesday by tailing foam the
wagons 'they were in. The torm.er
caught her dress as she was getting
,out and Fred got his bump by the
board breaking 011 which he was
Geo, and Samuel Mooney lett last
Tuesday morning for Indian Head,
N, W. T. on a prospecting tour.
Alex Stewart, Queen street intends
taking a trip to the Northwest and
Dakota next week.
Burglars in Cheney, Wash.,
smashed both back and front of a
safe and them ,discovered tate door
was not Locked because there was
notating of value In It That old
advice about doing your Investigat-
ing before investing could also be
applied to the burglary business,
Toronto ohurdhee will feed 200
homeless during luty and August,
but together with the good offer
goes the warning ,that• if othens
from the outside would seek to get
in on the provtietons they are liable
to be eremited, Jest why an ameba
Mould be made is mot stated.
In one Western Ontario court
there tv'a state Case of a. young man
wtho was •earn.;ng $3.5 per month and
paying 00 per months oft, a car,
Clourt gave him. a few weeks to see
if he emend get rid oP the car as he
was stealing to keep tip the pay -
111091 S. Tate deader Who said tie
oar sluonlcl also be asked to give
answer as to why lie sold the car.
James Stewart, of Turmberrp, left
on' Satuaidbty for a trip to Cleve-
land, r
• • •
Thos. Savage, jr., has erturned
from Durham where ;he has been
employedi by J, H. Harding, former
ly of this place for the last 8
* J, J. Davis* and f�'ntlf left last
week for Alton before going to their
future home in Alma, where Mr.
Davis hras been appointed manager
of the Rofal Bank.
Wlio says freekIes, aren't useful?
They twill being hoarse tacky young.
010115 mice prizes Ulna summers—•that
i1 they hive enough at them!
Which nteatts that tate Freebie -Fan
ad KIsis- competition is on again a9:
Cantadittn National Exhibition, Se
better write away Ron an entry
foreu—entries close Aatgnet 24th,
Farm stooks of b091510es, Michela
Mg seed supplies, i1Catn da
Marsh 31, 1539, amounted to 9,568,-
568000 ewts„ as contpat'5cl witch 13,878,-
000 otwts„ at the eorres,ll0ndiu$
lilts i1t 1935,
Alvin Sabine, London, is a holi-
day vttsitor at hector MOQuarrIe's.
'Liss Patterson, Brantford, spent
trite week -end et the home of J. P.
—ALWAYS—•• . .
Try a Willard
Available At
t 11
Ideal Garage & Service Station
N. S. VAN CAMP, Proprietor
* * * * * * * *
* * * (By A, R. K.) * * *
11y COMM Emig. reads a lot, he
seems tied. up In deepest thong'ht, he
looks expectant too; he puts his
handl across his brow, as though it
seemed to him somehow, he knew
not 'what to db.
¶ He longs to be In public life,
and join •the .din, the noise and
strife, on conquest he is bent; tate
country needs. dviin .he is .sure, oar
nations ills to nurse and cure, and
sit in. parilemiemt.
¶ Tillare so many parties now,
they pmt their mark on Ezra's, brow,
that's sp• he worries tot'
wRly hewadhantts his htymn ofo; hatehat, diles
wands to pick the 'winning slate,
when voting day is through,
¶ For years around election
time, my cousin's almost wrecked
his .spine, ale's worked both day and
night; he's longed to speak out
here wad there, and really ,sniff the
battle air, and figure in the flight.
¶ But Ezra hasn't any luck, he pinks
the party that gets shuck some-
times the margin's thin; he longs to
have a chance to 1'11111 he's itching
for the startling gun; and that's
what bothers him.
¶ He sees new patties now ad1.
mace, and wonders if they have a
chance, I know it worries him; he'd to proomtote health generally, there
join a new ar older one, and with it is' .gntoh a thing as danger _ from an
he would gladly 1Un- tf he thought I excess of sunlight. The skin awn
it would' win, tare eyes should be guarded) against
too much strong sunlight. Twenty
Summer Warnings Minutes to ane half hour to sat-
flonent for most people to expose
Warning signalsiliave been pat ip I themselves the first day out in a
by the Health League of Canada in bathing suit,
the Nape of reducing the number of I * i` s
preventah.he dee ths of summer vacs- Do not didnk water from an un-
tionists, known source without first boiling
or chlorinating it, The Depart-
ment of Health in Ontario and some
other provinces supply chiorimating
materials, for oamtpers at a nominal
oh4t.rge on, request,
* * *
Duncan M'etDonadd, 'teacher at
Birmtngheni, Sask„ tst home for a
holiday visit, on the 4th 0011.
* * *
Percy and Mr*. Annett are batik
from an enjoyable visit tin Detroit
with, Alex and Mes. Ansett, '
Misses Ruby and .hen's Clegg
have gone to Muskoka fora month's
on those in charge of supposedly
drowned persons to continue efforts,
Jor frowns, if necesctary. • + ; ..1 sx,
• Norman. Hall, Toronito, is here on
a visit wall raiatives. HIe is a
grandson. of James Hall, 0th, line.
Johan Shnu:nie, 31+d line, and James
Shtorrie, Bnttssels were visiting
relatives, in Ouiross township.
• r •
Mrs, jos. Clegg end daughter
were visitors at Kincardine this
'Phan, Itlhere have been. the
League's many warnings against the
use of raw milk,
* * *
In .additon, at this Season it is
pointed oat that every care 'shouad
be taken to endure the utmost sani-
tation by the burning bf waste, •
with care lest the fire spread. No
waelte material should be allowed
to reach the waters of sviing, river
or lake.
Poison ivy lauid be avoided an&
summer living quartets screened
against fifes .and mosquitoes. All
food, of course, should be screened,
and if possible, refrigerated. ' ,
I: * *
Diets should be given attention,
green vegetalbles replacing many o;
bhe gug+ars+, starches and fats„
light-coloured,loose-1iitting cloth-
ing shouki be worn, cbant;es of un-
derwear should be frequent, with
the daily use of the ba)tbhub.
* * *
tonally, there is the warning that
while sunlight supplies the valuable
Vitamin D and is knotwa W increase
one's power of resistng disease and
First, there is the resumption of
the campaign commenced last snnn-
mer to extend a itoc'wledge of art.
ficial respiration, and to impress up -
Dr. Haeserk, of Inrnerkip, was a.
Waiter for a few days last week.
firs. Hossack and baby 111110 were
visiting here for a fes' weeks re-
turned with lhim,
• , •
Misses Agnes and Margaret Ful-
ton 'Krona Detroit ani? Ma.', Harry
McAteer, of Brownsville, are here
on a visit at the home of Mrs, Sas,
Fulton% 'their Mother, et G mese e.
• • •
Alta S T1, Jaaaleson and daughtees,
biistses Olive and Etta, sof Mo-ose-
Jaw are bete on a visit with rela•
Lives• end old titch a,
"Not tomorrow or the next
day ... but
Tom Watson emphasizes the fact that he
doesn't want delay, but intends to get the
answer right away, by Long Distance. So a
call is put through and a deal, which nnight
have hung fire for days, is closed promptly. l
As Tom Watson puts it: "With Long Dia. i
tans, there's no room for misunderstanding,
It gets results. And the cost? An insignifi-
cant part of out operating budget, although
we do use it so frequently!"
Reductions in telephone ratans—local and long
distance — in1935, n36 and '37 have
ve of
savings to telephone users in Ontario and
Quebec ol nearly one million doars yearly.