HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-7-19, Page 1the 14.40.o..4.0. Vogt POST PUBLISHING HOUSE leeeeeeeem Wednesday, JULY 19th, 1939 wig BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Brussels Gets The Advantage Of Home Games Atwood !Falls To Score In Opener; Seaforth Meets Saints Next The chsampion"sdtip of the nombh group or the Huron Football League welt be deckled an the Brussels field. In the first game of the two - 'in -three settles played at Atwood, Brussels and Atwood battled to a scoreless draw. The second game vv411 be played sat Brussels on Fri- dley ndgdit, Brussels also wtlI get the third game at the seides, by virtue of having finished on tqp in the resider soh edu Both teams missed some nice scoring chances In the seventy minutes of football last ndhgt. Ln the last ten minutes of play, Atwood en- joyed an advantage, but was unable. to get the goal thait would have meant victory. The teams; Atwood: Goal, Hymer; backs, Hanna, Robb; halves, Nind, Val- lance, J. Gordon; forwards, Ted Holmium, Walter Holman, R. Dan - brook, E. Dan"brook, Liebty; sorb, C. Gandon. Brussels:: Goal, Riley; backs, Pearson, Nichol; 'halves, Bryans, King, Fox; forwards, Bawler, Rus- sell, Farquharson, Baker, !Stelae; sub, Lowe, Referee. ,pack Armstrong, Londe-, born, i ,t Winthrop Out. Seaforth, July 19.—In the second of the nein(finals of the Huron Football League's south group, Sea - .forth defeated Winthrop by the score of 4-0 Seafoiith wild now meet St. Colnmban in the group finals. I Played before one of the largest crowds of this season, the game was fast from the start The first goal of the game was scored by IL Nicholson 46 seconds after the kick-off. From then on, Seatortb had the better of the game, having better co"mlbinatdon than Winthrop. F. Sills scored the second goal of jhe game on, a pass from J. Holland at the 24 -minute nark. Winthrop missed one goal when T. Ross went in on Bell, only to kick the ball over the top of the goal, The Seefonth von started strong in the second ,half and atter four minutes of play around the Wine throp goal, F, Sills again scored on a corner Irick from A. Nicholson, Seaforth made it 4-0 when J. Hol - kind took a penalty kick and scor- ed on. G Dorrance. The game was fast and clean up to this point, when both teams All Tip Scales At Same WPlFht; „SIX ,Member• 00 Famly Weigh Exactly the Same Dulaganon, Jbtel 117p—iF(ew faun des can make the boast (that all members tip ,the scales at exactly the name weight. But such can be said of the Balmily of Mr. and Mrs, Brunton Roach, Nine, wits their only daughter, Mrs. Reuben Brewer of Godei'ich, ail weigh the same. BELGRAVE 'Miss Jean, Pearson of Toronto is spending her vacation with her cou- sins!, Ches. R. and Alli. °pu tee'' and ianullies; Mr, and Mrs, J. G. Ander- son, Lloyd and Donna, accom!pamled C. R. •Goutites to 'Weston Sunday where they spent the weekend with relatives; Miss Martha and Gertie Armstrong of Windsor spent the past week wd'bh Mr and Mrs, Willard Ammcstrong; Rev and Mrs. IJ,' B. Townend and Kay spent a few days at Oakdale, a former charge, and Rev. Townend . took pant in the Jubilee services' held in that dliarglu on Sunday; Rev. Mfr„ Wylie of Oakdale took olharge of the ser- vices at Brick fraud Belgrave Church; Nell Montgoenery of Lon- don spent the week -end at his home here; Mabel Coultas and Anna Grasiby have returned from Goder- iola where they attended bhe Young People's summer school; Mr and Mrs Gordon Wallah spent the week- end! with relatives at Fort Erie and were accompanied, home by their daughter, Blaine, who has spent the past two weeks there; James Vane Comp of Exeter spent a ,few days with red"atdves here. Ice Cream Social Tuesday, July 25th at the home of Angus Brown Con. 14, Grey Twp. Girls Softball 'Game at 6.30 p.m. Ethel Vs. Union Followed by Group Games and a Good Progranune ADMISSION r-- 15c —Booths On Grounds— Mrs. T. Dougherty, Pres. Rev. H. Snell, Pastor. REGENT THEA TRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING Gene Autry Smiley Burnette • Blue Montana Skies MON., TUES., W.ED, Constance Bennett !Roland Young Topper takes a Trip Billie ,Burke Alan Mowbray Here's Topper again—Having more hllarlous : adventures With an amazing, unpredictable ghost NEXT THUR"S., FRI., & SAT. Roy Rogers Mary Hart Shine on Harvest Moon Lulu 'Belle, Scotty & Radio Team Singing Cowboys, Rustlers, Romance and Revenge c0MING— There Goes that Woman Again MORRIS Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Brewer, of Edmonton, called on relatives on Sunday, at' the home of Wm. Wilkin- son and Alex. Brewer, 41h line, Morris. Randolph is the son of the late !Harty Brewer, going to the West some thirty yearns ago. It looks as though the old Midway ds, gone for aver from the Canadian National Exhibition. "Petty" Conk- the, onklin, ace Canadian showman and Carnival operator, has made such a success' of the new Frolexlend—the Exhibition's own amusement area— that it is going to be continued this year and of course, it will be bigger and better than ever. started arguing wthtcg ended in a free•Igor-ail, The mutt was both teams were penalzed one man each for the next two minutes. Winthrop tried .hard; in the last minutes of the game to score but were held back by Bell in the Sea - forth goal. The Nue-ups: Seaforth — Goal, Bell; backs, Kruse, D. Sills; halves, Gemmell, Holdandt J. Nicholson; forwards, F. sale, T. Silts, 3. •Cansitt, A. Niche olsou, E. Nicholson; snobs, J. Flan- nery, Winthrop—Goal, Dorarnce; backs R. Dolmiage, H. Dolmsage; halves, B. Dolntage, K. Betties, R. Little; forwards, A. Kerr, S. Brown, K. Beattde, R. Dolmage, B, M;ongom ery; subs, L. Doimage, T. Ross. Referee—E. Malone, St. Colum- ba n, ol"um.ban, The United Church REV. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., B,D, PREACHER 10 a.m.—isunday School. Keep in Mind Our Annual Picnic 11 a.m.—Spiritual Unity Vital 7 p.m. ---In the Footsteps of the Master, Civic Holiday BRUSSELS To fall In line with other Mimic'. palities in the Province, the bust- hese people ask that Monday, August 7t1 BE BRUSSELS CIVIC HOLIDAY And 1 hereby proclaim the' same and ask that all citizens observe It as such. Walter Kerr, 'Reeve, S�O PEOPLE WE KNOW Brussels Tax II LOCAL NEWS ITEM LOST— 'Saturday night, in front of the Brussels Dairy, a gold watch Case etainlesb steel !balk, ble.clk cord bracelet attached. . Finder please PHONE 51'r-6 Hannah Russell Injures Finger Miss, Hannah Mussell, gave one of her fingers a severe gash while operating the meat slicer in the L. A. Russel store, It was severe ensousgih to require invmeddate medi- cal attention, Band Concert , Another of ,the much appreciated Sunday evening bank; concerts was given by the Brussels ,Citizen'e band et Vdctonia Park onSunday evening. The crowd was not as large as is usual. Game and enjoy the band concert to be held. a week trout this, Sunday evendng, Temperance Speaker Is Heard At Brussels Services in Melville Presbyterian Church Sunday were conducted in the morning by Mr. Potts of Toronto of the Ontario Temperance organ- taatoin, spoke on, the evils of the &guar 'tra'ffic, The evening service was conducted by Rev. S. Kerr who took his text from John 3-19: "And 'tlhis is the condeanaiation . that light has conte into the world." Mrs. H. A.. Craven of Delhi, cousin of the organist, Mrs. W. King, contributed a solo. :Services In the United Church Sunday were conducted in the morning by a member of the O•n- tarda Tean,perance Organization and by Rev. H, J. Mahoney in; the even- ing, 'National Conservative Basket Picnic The execitive and members of the National Conservative Assodn.- tion of Western Ontario extend am tangent and cordial invitation to all to attend a Basket Picnic to be held on Invereite Heights+, Port Stanley ore Wednesday, July 26th. The Hon. Dr, Ru J. Manion, P -C., MP., National Conservatbve leader and Lieut. -Col. Geo A. Drew K,0„ M,P,, P., leader for the province of On - toile will address the gathering. .A. full programme of sports, has been. arranged'. 'Sjpedtal prizes to be awarded for the largest conserva- tive family (present, oldest obnserva- Uve man present and the oldest conservative woman present, Speeches wd1l be given by piomrinent conservative workers inaludim.g A, R. Douglas; K,C„ preelden't West- ern Ontario Conservative A:ssocia- ton and Mrs, Geo. T, 'Co0kahtutt, president Western Ontario Womeu's Assoolation Alt 8 pen, there will be a Conservative dance in London and Pont Stanley Ball Room in charge of the Junior Clubs, , Hon. and Mrs. Manion, and Col. and Mrs. Drew will be present at 9 p,m, to hold a shont reception. Came one. Come all! Suffers Heart Attack While ,Driving Auto Daniel Beddes, 67, Well Known In This District As Daniel Geddes, 67 Wdngbern, July 19. — Daniel Geddes, 67 -year-old resident of Wingaranty suffered a fatal heart attack early Tuesday while delving a car near W,hitedhnditch. He died within a few milnntes. Well known throughout the dis- trict as a former Belgsrave store- keeper, he retired to Wingham in 1928. lie was predeceased by his wife In 1937" ITeklgn a keen inter- est in sport actiaiities• he was' well known In bowling circles, There ere no immediate relatives. Funeral services will be conduct. ed T iiiieley at two o'clock from tre Geddes rosne in Winghant, and will be in charge of Rev. J. F, And - emote of Winghan United church Interment will be in WlnSihusn cem- etery, Collar Bone Child Breaks Kenneth Wood; young son of Mr, and Mre: A. Wbod, had the nrisfor- tune to break hs collar bone when he fell from his trtaycle. The break was not discovered until eeeesel daye, after it occurrel, making ft all the more painful, • ATVvUOD VS BRUSSELS One of the finale for Lite North Group football, Atwood visits Brus- sets• will be played at Victoria Park here on Friday, July 21st. ;the game will be called at 6.30 p:m,, sharp, The game played by these teems in Atwood, Tuesday night wes a tie, Came and help the bays win. Give them your support Let them know you are anxious to see them, keep the cup they won lest year. SEEK PENSIONS The saturation point has not yet been reached in Huron County old age pension list, for there still are more names being added than are being streeken off by reason of death or otherwise, Fridgy, July 7th, fourteen applications. were heard. ,Six' were deferred. Five were for decreases. There also were two appidoations for reinstate- ment by former reoypients of moth- ers' allowanoes heard by Huron County old age pensions and mothers' allowance boards. —s—• r Bright Prospects For Bountiful Harvest Haying has been completed by the fawners in this district and many are already well aheadwith the wheat harvest, and when one drives, through the country these days and is attracted lay the beauty of the risppling seas of golden grain, It seems almost a pity that it has to be cut, but in this case beauty must be sacrificed to necessity. The harvest this year acocrding to the farmers, at present Look bounH&ful indeed. COURT DUTY ONLY Word that county constables were again being sworn in without their knowledge or consent brought the newly formed county police commis- sions into special session. It was explained that most of the new officers appointed are for court duty only. The oommittee bas just been instrumental in heeling 80 county constables dismissed and the appointment of a salaried force 'in an effort to eliminate the much abused fee system. It was made clear that no mondes• would be paid to constables whose appointment was not eutlhorizel by the com- mittee. Cotton Style Show To Be Featured Here Mrs. ,M. C. Bal ingall, special Wabasso representative, will be at the Town Hall, Brussels, at 2.30 Fri- day afternoon, July ,1st, under the auslplces of the Brussels Women's Institute, There will be a style +show featuring the latest fasbdons in m.arning, afternoon and evening were beach and sport togs. Also brgltt interior furnishings, attractive bed coverings etc., in ,tact a Cotton Carnival featuring Scores of new ways to vise this popular labile, Mrs, Ballingeld is an aantilority on the latest in 'fashions; of all kinds and welt be pleased to offer You her expeait advice. A11 the women of the village and vicinity are urged to attend, a special invitation is ex- tended to all teenaged titles bbeY will find the style show moat inter- esting and will gest many a ,helpful hint In planning end completing their wardrobe. The models will be local women and girls, The conclusion of lite fashion show will feature a bridals party, Admission is free end iucky doer prizes. will be given., Get your ticket at the Mise Dlcloson'a store or at the hall, for eaolt person present Wabass+o people make a donation to tite local Women's Iusltitute, All ladles and girls over twelve are Cordially in- vited to attend, If you miss thtr Cotton Style Show you Will miss one of the most interesting and 1101)- &11 afternoons yon have ever had the opportunity df enjoying. This le made 'possible thee:Mei the court- esy of the Wobaese people and the co-operation o3 the Miss Dickeons' store of Brussels. Mess Beth Healthy le vacationing; Rate Is Set At with Mends at Grand Bend, ' ' ' 34 Mills For 1939 Miss Myrtle Hunter of Trow - was a vistor in town tor the Village Tax Roe Lowered 12th of July, I 2 Mills, While the School Rate is Raised 3 Mills Mr, and Mrs, Hehib Craven of Over Last Year Delhi were week -end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. W, King. Brussels, Jnly lith, 1939 • • * ` The regular ,mbnithly meeting of Miiss Pearl Backer, Toronto, is the Mundclpal Council of the Vol - holidaying here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,. Wm, Braker, Mrs, D. Ewan" hadthemisfortune to tall and fracture her nip. She is in Clinton Hospital. Helen Ieabel ;blips of Toronto, is spending part of her vacation at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Dark. * • • Mr, and Mrs, R. W. Kennedy and son Robert were Sunday afternoon vdeitors at Bayfield with Rev. Jahn Graham and Mrs. Graham. • • •• Mr. and Mre, Chas. I•Iayeook and Mrs, F'. N, Burke o3' Ingersoll spent the week -end with Mr .and Mrs G. H. somas. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnstone and family of Pomona, Calfornia, have been visiting wth L. W. and Mrs. Eckmier. Constable Geo. A• .*Casmkpbell and wife called at Wdngham General Hospital on Sunday to visit their niece Mdsss Annie Campbell. • • • • Mr. and Mrs. F, M. Santis and twin daughters Marian and Tenet visited with Mr, and Mrs, D. M. Scott of Hamilton this week, Mrs, A. H.eMa* cdonald and son Burton were in Owen Bound on Monday attending the funeral of Mrs. M•acdonals3,!a uncle Geo. J. Mills. ;Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mee, Mr, and Mrs. Boat Mee and Mr, and Mrs, Fitz -George of Stratford weer Sun. day visitors at the "home of Mrs, W. Wilbee. Constable Geo. A. Campbell and family spent Sunday at the homes of Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Mundell and R, .S. Campbell, also W. 3'. ,Ciaanp. bell, Wingdtam, Miss Evelyn Cnningham, Brant- ford; who spent the week -end at her home here left Monday to enjoy a vacation, cruise on the Northern Great Lakes., * x • !Miss Helen, and Winmifred Mc- Kinnon of Fort William end John McKinnon, jr., lett llhursday to take in the 'World's Fair at Neve York, they are returnng to Brus- sels, • • • Sorry to report Mrs. Mary Gord- on who has been meking her theme with Mrs. Dark le very sick and betty little hope is held for ber re- covery. Miss" Agnes Fulton is help- ing take claw of her. ele Miss Bessie Wright of Toronto is spending her vacation with cher Parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weight, * 5 * Rev. C. J, Moorehouse of London former pastor of the United Church called on a few trrends here on Monday, Mr. and Mrs, * A, E. Jackson, Grace and. Teddy of Iiarriston who have been recent visitors at the home of Mrs. J'obn Robb, Mrs, ,inscinson's, .mother retutlned home accompanied by Mrs, John Robb who epent a week's vacation "at their home, • • * Dr, and Muss. J. H, Buchanan and Lorna Roth, left for their home in Delorain e, Man., last Thursday„ go - Ing by Detroit and Duluth where I they will visit relattvee Moos, 13. 'I', Strachan 'actoTIpanded them in hopes the Western, air will. Yelp clear up her bronchial trouble • Mr, and Mr•s. A•.dans, Roe and; Mr. W. H. Roe and Mrs. Bud, Watson of Sault St, Marie, U.S.A., motored to Brussele+ to visit their slater Mrs, E. Crich dsho •s at present; in elle- ten hospital suffering from a stroke, Her many friends hope for a speedy N lege of Brussels' met In the Public Library on the above date, All members being present , The minutes of the lest meeting' being read it was moved 'by W. Cameron; seconded by F. Samba that tate minutes be adopted, --Carried The following bills were presented,: Elmer D. Bell, pupils Pare to Stratford 40,80 Russell Fox, planting trees4.00 Jas, Kernagaien mise. labor 14,50 Teanster to school 760.00 R, S. Warwick, June Salary 2.5.00 G. McDowell, June salary ,60.00 Geo, Campbell, June salary 43.50 D. N. McDonald, tile for ditches 7.61 Canadian National, rent of scales 2,50 Brussels Hydro, street lighting 108.00 Hall lighting 3.05 Ed•. Henderson, cwt weeds 42,50 Dr. T. T. McRae, convention expenses 12,00 leis Ballantyne, flowers for street 18.00 H. Champion, gas ane oil for Fire Deipt. 2.90 R. W. Kennedy, printing forms 8.50 Treasurer, Huron, County, Hospital account 22.75 Jno.' Kernagdhan, raking park ,75 Beacon Herald, advertising 10.00 Relief for June 22,77 Fait of this relief hill will be billed heck to a nearby mundeipaldy Moved by F, Somas, seconded by H. Bowler that the accounts be paid,—rearried, Moved by H. Champion; seconded by W. Cameron that Bylaw No. 4 be read the third time and finally passed, —Carried. This byelaw sets the mull rate for 'tate Corporation of Brussels for 1939 as followse— For local, purposes ,. 12 mills For County purposes. 4 " For School purposes.......13 " Total + 34 mills Compared to last year the total rete is one mill higher. However for school swnposes the rate was agndn raised, this Year by three` mills over last year making •school sate of 18 miller or 87000. besides the County and Provincial grants, Fol- lowing are the rates both for the • Village and school since 1930, Village School 1930 13.4 10.5 1934 13,9 10:5 1"932 13,3 1933 14 1934 15 1935 1,5 1936 15 1907 12 1933 14 15 1989 12 18 It was decided Monday, August 7th be declared a civic holiday. There being no further business the streeting adjourned, 9,5 7 10 9 12 14 recovery, • • • Ides. Jos. Wilton has been en- gaged as teacher of science on the etaff oe the Binzssele Continuation School. Callers at thio Oilonie of Mt s, Dark on July 124,11 were : Mrs. Robert Shine, V.S. of Monlotom; Johns Dark, Mrs. Cruioksnank, Mr, Cruickshank, Mrs. Ronlston, Bobbie end Murray, all at Strstdord; Mr ,Wm, S, Broad - foot, Mns, Turner, Mrs. Allexfandser or Tnucskersmth; Ben aid Mrs. Kerwin, I03 Clifford were also visitors with I Mrs, Dark. • • • Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Ksernaghan and Jahn and Ltoed, Mr, quid Mus, Jbaa McFarlane aid. Betty Lon, Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Keruaghian and child- ren and Miss Earl Ssholdtce at To- ronto, wttit their relatives visiting from the Soo., were Sunday viadtoes at the Born of Mr, and Mre, Me - Jebel of McKillop.