HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-7-5, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST
Written for the Post By Our Ckiirg COrrespondent3
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Johneton and
baby 'ape* Srndey 'wJNi Mr. and I
Mrs, Wan. Bishop of Grey.
Mite Wale Matters spent a taw
days iu Toronto will, her sister Mise
'Pearl Metile'rs.
Mrs, Rudd attended the Rudd re-
union. at Palaiieetotu on Saturday.
Mises Dona Stnith, n ireethetealm
big of Clinton hospital is siienddng
bee holidays with her mother and
brotlh•er, Mrs. Milton Smith and sou'
Mr. 2nd. M.its, Melville Mothers
arid; ,sou Arnold %edited avl.tili Mr. and'
Mre. Jas, Moses and sons one even-
ing last week.
Mrs Neil McLean and on of To-
ronto visited with her parents, Mr,
and Mrs- George Thornton and
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Patterson and
song of Toronto attended the shower
aw Wedlne ray night in honor of Mr,
and' Mrs. Josegb Marshall.
Peter D. IGlug, a lifelong rest
dentt of Turniterry, died at his home
tJn Blnievale on Monday atter a long
illness. He was the son of the
late Duncan King, one of the early
settlers. and farmed on the family
homestead until he retired to Blue -
vale some years ago,
Mr. Kling was twice married, his
lire= wife being Miss Mary Harriss
daughter of Mr. and Ml's. John
Harris, In 1201 he married Miss
Mina Jamieson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Jamieson, who
survives him, ,Also surviving are
one daughter, Mrs. William Spear,
of I1'Lor•ris, and two 'brothers,
Thomas, in Manitoba, anal Robert
of Toronto The late John W. King,
formerly Progressive Member tor
North Burow In the Federal Hous,e
was a 'brother.
Funeral services were held with
interment in• Foriln;ich cemetery.
Bridal Pair Honored
,A large number of friendis gathered
at the C.O.F. hall on Monday even-.
The Bray Chick does the trick.
Let me show you the proof. Place
your order here. No writing. No
bother. Call or phone.
Gilbert Nethery
R. R.'5 Brussels
ing to honor Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
"'1uua1•e I erho were reeeartl7 mer -
vied. The young porkier were pre -
seated with. miseieellarne'ode chewer.
Mr. "stnosp. catpgesse4.'Revolts end
aprpreodtutsion on be110,14 ni litms'elf
and Miis, Mundell, The evening
nu; spent dancing.
I?tcv. C.ansiabebl ''avenet• prcaelicd
lila ne•e. •sermon in the tnited
Church on 'Smutty Morning, speaking
from the text, "Go ye into a desert
place and rest a while." showing
how conenunibe with Cod is a prep-
axation for the battle of life. In th,e
evening the BLuevale L.O.L. pat..
acted to the dhareh and Mr, Tavener
conducted the anneal service, Rev,
J. K, McGillivray, formerly of
Aabi[ield, oonitluoted the service in
Knox Presbyterian Church, speak-
ing on God's message to the Seven
Chrtiehes as described in Revela•
tions, Misses Jean and Lois Elliott
sang a dhiet,
Visitors; Mg. and Mrs. James
Clegluocni and daughter, tPaultne,
Port Colborne, with Mr` and Mrs.
W .kb: ham and friends; Mayor
'Phos, 1?. Henry and ,Mrs. Henry,
Stratford, at the San:derson home;'
and Mrs, C, H. 'Coulees, Lis-
towel, with Mils. Coultas and Mrs.
Grace Snell; 3. 'Wesley Beattie and
dlangihters. Ethel and . Florence,
Seaforth, with Mee 9'14 Olive Scott;
:less Mae Davidson, Wroxeter, with.
her brother, W. 5, and Mrh, Dabtd-
sou; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walton
and son from 'Cleveland, Ohio,
called on their mole, William Mc-
Lecd; Mr. and Mrs. Mack fiefc-
Gowen and little 'gr'ancleaughite•,
of Detroit, with Mr, and Mas, Sohn
IIockeridge; Mn•, and Mfrs. V, A.
Mowbray and son, Lucknow, with
Mr. and Mrs. A. Monvbray; Miss
Geneit'eve Smith, Greceflelcl, with:
Mr. and Mrs, A, D. 'Smith; Henry
Fowler and family, Joe, Frank,
Hilda anal Birk, London. with El-
mer and Miss Florence Fowler;
Misses, Edna. and Margaret Procter
spent the holiday with their par.
ants, Mr, and Mins, Miller Procter,
and leave Mondry for Kingston and
London settee .they will pursue
treir studies.
There will be an airplane at
Brussels on Jul=y 12th, to take up
Passengers- The plane wilt come
from Sky i•Iarbor, Godieaich It wlil
be the thrall of a IJfetime for thosee
who go tip.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Currie and
son Warren of Haaniltom, spent the
week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Russell
There will be an airplane at
brussels on July 12th, to take up
Passengers. The plane will come
from Sky Harbor, Ged.ertch It will
be the thrill of a lifetime for those
who go up.
All Accounts owing to
R. A. Brown - Blacksmith, Ethel, Ont•
.must be paid before July 31st
to Wm. Spence, Insurance Agent,
after that date outstanding accounts
will be handed in for collection.
Having taken over the blacksmithing
business formerly operated by Mr.
R. A. Brown, I am prepared to
carry on ,with the...
Blacksrnithingl and
General Repair Work
It is my desire to continue in the same
manner with courteous service tc all-
ll -
Mr. Roby - Ethel
Mr, anal Mos. Hugh Slimmer% spent
Vile holiday with the hittel•'s brother
Mr. 3'. Iiumphries of Winter -011e.
Mies Beet Shannon spent the
bolitiuys with Mr, and Mrs. D.
Shannon, of MMKillop and' attended
tate hurl' reunion at eIllvertou.
Mr. W, Ballon and Miss Dorothy
of Rocthaster, N.Y., are visiting the
former's stater, Mrs, W. 3. Tlumptm
Mr, and Mrs. Elliott of itobltn,
Man,, are visiting the latter's sister
Mrs, L. Cumandngs.
:fir, and Mrs, Ken. Ferg and Max-
ine and Mr, Hyde of Stratford and
Miss Doris Gill of Ethel spent the
week -end wrttlt fidende in London.
Mrs. P, B. Gadeuer of Torantt°,
who !has been visiting in the village
has returned home,
"She says here,
she'll be home
to -night ! "
Is there anything
more worrying than
waiting? One voice
inside you says:
"Don't he silly,
she's all right .
And another voice whispers:
"Perhaps she's had an accident
.. oh deur, what shall I do?"
"I would have
stayed up an
• 8,45'\
But when you hear
Iter voire tet the
telephone you
know all is well--
, you thank heaven
for Long Distance
service you realize how ea,y
it is to keep in touch - and
you like people who do.
"She didn't realize
that 1 couldn't
get away"
Sometimes yon adult older
people are foolish to worry -
but somehow you feel better
when you've brought eohn and
peace to anxious minds -
And it's so easy too. Your call
is on its Way in n foto second's,
your destination reached in the
twinkling of an eye. tJse tote
Night Rates applying every
evening after seven (and all
day Sunday as well), and place
"Anyone" calls.
5th, 1239
Promotion Ssaminationa
1, Names in alphabetical order.
2. Numbers indicate the number of
eubiects, failed, to be repeated
next term.
3, =u indicates pupil completed
grades IX rind X in full,
To Grade XI
131111e Brenner 1
Jim Dunbar a,
Elwin Hall *
Leslie Jardine 1
Edythe Pearson 1
;Helen Pearson 4
Elmer Sletglithobe. e'
Douglas W1rltflali 4
To Grade X
Brice Bateman
Isobel Payton 3
Muriel Engler 1
Elsie Franklin 1
Ralph Meehan. 1
Florence Pearson
Jean T:unnistrll 1
Kenneth Thompson
Ti Grade IX
Lorean Engler
Billie Ziegler
To Grade VIII (Sr. IV.)
Maureen Browny Honour=
Donald Dunbar, Honours
Both Cunmdngfam
,Muriel Heibetin•
iVIerltn' Love Honours
To Grade Vil
Lawrence Dobson Honors
Reta Mail
Mari el Kreuter
'Dorothy Lake Honours
Beatrice MoDonnald Honort
.Maurice Speiran
'Shirley Thompson Honours
To Grade VI
I3llhie Browne
Mary Amber Honours
Billie Erlomier
Lorne Engler
Leonia Engler
Laverne Vorden
To Grade V,
Bob Bateman
Marie Eakniier
E, Fear
M. Stephens --Teachers
The annual community memorial
set -vice was read la the Bran'don
cemetery, Betrrave, en Sulnday
aftern=oon at four o'clock A large
number gathered to take part in the
service Rev. J. B. Townesd of the
United Church actedas chairman.
Rev R. eI,'VTeeke!L: of Trinity Angli-
can 'Church read ,the Scripture
Leeson and Rev. A. til• Boyle of the
Presbyterian Church gave a very
WPPrOpriate address. The service of
song was led by a united choir
from the three. churches. with Miss
Nora Iran Carup as organist and
convener. Pwo well known hymns
were sung by all anal a ladies' quar-
tet, .Mrs. J. McGill, hers. N. Mont-
gomery, Alms. N. Geddes and Mrs.
Weekes sang a 'ember which was
mueli •endoyed. A double quartet
with Mrs N. Keating, Mrs. J. C.
Praetor, Miss Nora Iran Camp
Miss Freda Jordan.. .i. M. Coultas
James McCrea, Nomnan Keating,
anal George Johnston as members,
sang a very appropriate number.
The. committee intends to hold this
memorial service each yearn on the
first Sam,day in July. The thanks
of the consnititee are extended to
31. 'r, Rann of Bauustedls and Harry
Fryfogle or Wtng'ham, for the loan
of their chairs and also to Harry
Jackson' tor the use of lois truck to
take the organs tip for the service
anal its use as a piatfalui.
Miss Kay Towneoud of London
s=pent the holiday wedk-end al her
home here; Miss Helen MacKen-
zie' was, a visitor with her brother
R, S. Ma0Kenzfe and family before'i
reitiu•iidutg tzi Toronto; Goldie
Wheeler who h=is tthught in Blue-
Without a proper Ilcense
11 you issue Marriage Lic-
enses, tell the young folks
about it in ourClassi led Ads.
• They ail know a license is
necessary,but they don't all
know where to get one:
This paper is popular` Witt/
the young people.
Rinso, large per pack 22c
Maxwell House Coffee It's per tin 36c
Aylmer Tomato Juice 10.1/2's 6 tins for 19c
Helmet Corn Beef . 2 tins for 27c
Hemphill's Wheat Berries 5 111 'bag 20c
Weston's Normandy CreamBiscuits per 11b 1$c
Tomatoes, Lynn Valley 21/2's 2 tins for 17c
Ladies' Corseletts .. each 79c
Ladies' Brassiere ... • each 25c
Ladies' Crepe Hose , . • • per pr 59c
Boy's Strived Jerseys 3 colors each 29c
Men's Summer Combinations
Ladies' Canvas Slippers
each 49c
., per pr 98c
Phone 22-11 Ethel, Ont.
rale school, has secured a position
on Weigham Public iScho0J staff
and will have charge of Grrde 8
when school ccnnmenceu in Septen-
ber; Miss Eileen McCallum of Lon-
dan gthe Slaliday with her
parentis peut Mr. anki bIls. J, E. Mc-
Ca+llatgn.; Chris Nethery returned
home o•n ,Saturday from Sarnia,
whea•e he spent a. week with his
brother, Alex, and fancily; Charles
Scott and Borden Seioet returned
from Faloone1dge on Friday, ac-
companted by . and Mls Peter
M. Scott andMr' daughter, Gwen;
Peter Scott leftt:on Saturday for
Kinustr.n: where be will continue
his' studies; We are sorry to report
the illness of Fred• Logan who is
u=nder the clootor's care at patent;
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hayes and fam-
ily of Ellytie, Olrio', are visitors
with. relatives here; Mrs, C.
C.oultes retutueel on Friday fnoau a
week's visit with relatives in Car-
sonviile and Battle •Creek, Mich.,
and Varna, Ont.; Hugh Frisby and.
Mae Frisby have returned from e
visit with relatives around Hunts-
ville, a 'erre number from here
attended) She special services at
Westfield on Sunday.
The animal Orange church Par-
ade service was held on Sunday to
the Trinity Anglican church, Bel -
grave, The rector of the c hureh,
Rev. R. M. Weekes was in charge.
of the service, 0
Capacity Days
It's a Sale, and oh boy, what a sale
All Roads Lead to Listowel
Dresses on Sale
Beautiful Summer prints in cool washable materials, also
flowered and printed sheers, with separate slips, size from
11-20 3841, reg. Value from $2.95 to $3.95
Any 2 for $5.00
Cool rayon sheers with separate slips, better washable
sharks.kinand rl'ahtitl materials, Iso•2-piece suits, size 13 to
19, 14 to 20, 38 to 44, reg. values $4.95 and $5.95
Any 2 for $8,00
Better Sheers dl-esses with slips, better crepes, polka dots,
duce dots, novelty materials, lace dresses and Bembergs,
Regular values from $6.95 to $8.95
All better dresses not mentione=d above and selling at from
>$9.95 to $18.95, et a reduction of 25% 'each
one fourth off reg. price
You do not have to buy 2 dresses for yourself. Bring your
Mother, sister, friend or neighbour and split the saving.
GROUP 5. & 6.
Racks at $1,00 and $1,95
Desses which sold formerly at much higher }prices
No Try -ons on Saturdays.
Spring Coats
about one dozen coats, all Misses sizes from 13,2o,
beige, grey green, navy, blue and tweeds, reg. prices from
$10,95 to $19,95
Any Coat'$5.00
NO Layaways Please
New Purchase
Of White Hats
Leghorns, rough straws, rayon crepes and lines, also
'matron hats in black and navy, reg, values from $1.96 to
$3.98 also goad asosrtment of felt hats
$1.49 to $1.95
MI Roads Lead to Listowel, to the
Paris Ladies' Shoppe