HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-7-5, Page 3Ontario Garage Operator's Association Safety Campaign Cars Will Be inspected In IDEAL, GARAGE NOMINAL FEE 50c Association Stickers Will Be Presented tAfter Inspeet'ton. HAVE YOUR CAR INSPECTED AND BE PROTECTED POLICE CHECK-UP WILL FOLLOW MOTORISTS TAX THEMSELVES Mechanics and tecilnticians whose business it 1s• to now a great deal more about motor cars than the average deliver continue to find that it coots more in actual cash to cover 10 milers at 60 miles per hour than, it does at a lesser speed. They say •there is a speed tax which drivers. Inflict trpan themselves.; and what's more they prove it. It you have a car which. costs around the thousand ,dollar mark, and most people have; it wilt give you 20 miles out of a :gallon of gas. T1uat is, on an average when driv- ing around 25-30 miles an hour. It you step that same car up to 70 miles per hour—and in most cases it can be hone—then you are getting 11 miles out of your gallon of gas - 12 yon. have ahigh-powered car which does abont 12 miles. per gal- lon at a fair speed, wthen at 70 miles it Is giving you 8 miles per gallon. The consumption of oil is even more marked. To 2nd tittle out there were 600,000 calculations made with tlhirteen different stakes of cats andit was found that you can expert to use nearly seven, times as much- odi at 00 ,shires an hour as at 20. The findings include wear on tires and brake linings et high speed. For the most part they are given in technical terms, but in a general way they tell the same story. Here is ane point way to understand, If you stop quickly Prom 60 milers par hour the wear en brake tilling is four tees as rattail itis stepping from a 30 -Haile pace. These figuree and findings are not something worked out in this office. They have been arrived et by en- gineers who are exports and who seek to inform drivers on how to get moist vein for veifor their driving money. They make it abundantly clear that there is a 'speed tax which motorists can—and do—in- indict upon themselves. Cider Soused Sow Sick After Sipping Spree -,Aring1hanu, Ont., June 2,9.—Farmer Peter Rey was chased around his own barnyard by a cider-aoused sow last Thursday and glen had to call the, veterinary to attend the sow uthen. Its alcoholic spree wore oft. Yesterday Hey looked at a 20 go.11on kelg of what was to be hard cider. Bait it ltadturned into sornetlbing too potent for human consumption. So he put the keg in the yard, intending to dump it next day, ',During the 'night the sow and eight buckling pigs overturned the kelg and indulged. IHey "let the fercedotte'looking sow as he stepped Into- the barnyard. She chased hizn and he went aver the fence and into the barnby a more circuitorls route. Tho sow had everything else oitased Ibom the yard except her own inebriated brood, Now. Hee, has eight suckling pigs that wont eat because of a hang - ober and a sow that has. cost Man three dollars for a veterivary's at- tention. NOT ALL SETTLED YET The lash has net been heard. of the errors. in connection with the visit of Their Majesties to Canada, The O.N.R. tailed to get trains from Sarnia to London in time to see the royal visitors, and the C. N, R. was rade to run the trains to Niagara to oaiteh up ,with the royal procession and also, pr vide lunches for the children, At Stratford there was another bad bungle. Alter thousands of school children had "vatted in the heat for four or five horn's, the royal train, instead of passing through those lines at from three to five utiles an hour wltih Their Majseites standing at the rear off the tt'gin; went through at from 15 in 20• miles an hoar with the royal guests inside of the train. School child, went front the farthest point int' Barite had been. brought down, for th.e day, and• now there are plenty of a4pplicatian a being made to the C.N.B. for a refund of the cost of transportation, Front reports received by the Post it appears that, several officials of tite C.N.B. 0110 tbltemaoivaa in a rather uneosaidontabie position, Thousands of children who travelled ' miles to see 'their Ding and Queen flailed to got their anueh-expected opportunity, and apparently th•edr elders are not whirled to forget about it and let it pass, Report Game Numerous In Huron County Bush One can scarcely go into the bush along Lake Huron's, shore line north of Goderic2l without coming upon a fox, deer and other wild game, game wardens report. The crop of poung foxes, and fawns is particularly heavy this year. Parn- ell along the lake shore are sager- ing "heavily from raids on chtcice'n houses. The foxes Are so smart and fast that they 'liaise their prey and are away before the farmer has time to grab his trusty gun, Young deer are also most plenti- ful along the laye shore and in the valley of the Maitland river, so much so that an open season may be asked for this year. They, too, are dodng emelt damage to grain fields. The township of Howick bas already asked the game and fieireries ' detpatttm.ent for an open season, PORTABLE HOG CABINS THE BRUSSFI S POST s'ilould be used %or rho flooring. Wileme feeder hcio at° ehoused to banked celony louses and kept well bedded and dry, very little trouble V The 249th Ann ersary - of the IS generally experienced' with either j d nickels or rlt,atrrn• Battle of the Boyne,Grand Orange At the I,1`rcpeu•itizetntme tal Makin.at Rosth r'n, tests bob eproved that the "A" type of cabin is, rat no suitable CELEBRATION WIDDNIZ"SDAY, su1 X Ptu, 10 44 and convenient as the colony homhe with 30 to 36 Inch sides and a plank floor, The latter is easier to clean and disin@eot, more durable, perfits better bentilation, ands the some floor area gives more ample aecom- modatiou for heavy sows. Harrowing tests have proved that pr'egtnant sows housed in colony houses dtnrinlg winter weather and early spring gabe sitronge rand rove vigorous' litters 15114111 sous hotuse din ban;, with oche livestock, •Pynnte and specifications for a hog cabin are contained in Circular No. 78, "The Ml Yeo' Hog Cabin." is- sued ny the Dominion Detpartmetlt of Agriculture, Ottawa, and obtain- able anytime. Tihe portable hog Cabin is• gradu- ally finding a distinct place on near- ly every mixed ascan where hogs play en important role, states A. H. O. Colbert, Condition Bxperl- men•tal Station, Jlosther'n, Saslr, It is convenient, cheap, simple 1n con- struction, durabie, adaptable, and readily anaved from place to place to permit rotation of pasture lots doting the summer months, If the sides are ]rigged so that they open up from the bottom and are sup- ported in line with the eaves, the cabin may also take the place of slladp trees in the hottest weather— he pigs will test in comfort on the floors while gentle breezes play over them. .With the comb* of winter, the cabin can be moved to a ciuventenrt pine neear the farm'builtlings and• if the wether •Is severe the aides and one end, banked with straw peeked in between. the wells and a flame - work off tuitmber or wire constructed bout eighteen inches away. The en• trance end may as a rule be lett un - banked, Tlte house can be canstrtrotesl, of Inugh lumber at a cost of $15 to $25 In this kind of weather you can't fir materials. If it Is clesIred to very well insstit a men by telling paint the guildtnc and lengthen its btm to go and tate a jump in the period ad usefulness, it yoti1. be ed. Takt e. 'doable to use planed boards Planlce NOTE AND COMMENT Man was arrested in Toronto with was guilty of having rabbed nine silk hosiery sltope. He'•d had a sort off run on them. • We read again that another war would: destroy civilization, But is it not title, tiling we carp civilization which plans for war and engages in it? A loyal citizen obeys the laws even if he does not like these. Then he proves, his loyalty try seeking to change these be believes to be wrong. A young man has invented a scheme by which the saxophone can be played! by eleetnicity, and of oourse there is always the alluring possibility that at some time or other the power may be off, Two Indians were arrested for smuggling two Chinese into United States Sort rot a red, yellow and white carer scheme. A young man off 26 in Ottawa learned' how to fly a plane in a day. Possibly one of those ambitious felolus who utas bound to go up. A student w0hen, asked to describe a happy home. said it was one where every person wanted to help with the dishes, .Simple and ac- curate. A Czech obtained' a patent for a bath tub 11 icli, can also be used for a bed, in which case eve suppose the water would come from the spring. Man in Meanlnhis matte .the dis- covery be led been made a Colonel in; the Conlfederate Atony 75 years ago, and if there has been. pay or pension attached he wonld probably Have made the discovery before tide. Singer at a garden party in Inger- soll had to stop when a moth flew in his, open mouth. Come to think of it there would be difficulty in going very high or very low with a moth playing about in the open trap. Seattle man alter working for a railway for 30 years has taken his first train tide. Well there are druggists who have been, seiling Poison' for as long as that without taking any. In. a Western Ontario court two men were, fined tor selling "teat which was described as being unlit for human consumption, and at the moment we can think of no good reason tor objecting to the verdict. Under Auspices of the County of North Huron, to be Held at RUSSELS WEDI., J= Y 12th - Wiblioau C. Bailey of Veirmou,t, 86 years 06 age, Passed through, e section of Ontario tiding on itis bicycle, He »as not score ox the entire length of his journey as he headed off toward Chicago, re- marking he bad little to do and had ridden thousands• ocl miles in recent years, We mention that far the benefit Of plenty of people, not hall that ago who dislike waikinip down town. Jrilite, Sopchuclt, a lawyer from Chicago,, was• under arrest in Lon - dent Ont,, for passing comttemfeit note% and had been sent to the On- tario Haspibad :for observation, He escaped, The superintendent et the Hospital tvilem asked how the patient got away replied; "I can merely soy that he managed to evade supervision and made his escape.' Well tvelil A candid statement like that snakes the situation just as oleac as mud. SPECIAL SPEAKERS Band Contest Open To All Meais & Lunches Good Accommodation for All FOOTBALL GAME Eff LADIES' SOFTBALL GAME Ripley Vs. Brussels BRASS BAND . - PIPE MUSIC in Attendance All Day Midway and Dancing in the Evening