The Brussels Post, 1939-7-5, Page 1POS T,. PUBLISHING HOUSE Proiwtst �4�t Wednesday, July 5th, 1939 Orange Celebration To Be Held Here Ala roads: wil lead to Brussels on the 249th :anniversary of the Battle of the Bayne, July 121.h', for ,tete Grand Orange 'Celebration to be held here, Splendid arrangements have been made to acconnodate the large Puma ber of Orangemlen. True Blues and all otlrerrr expeoted to come to Dinneen, to participate in the cate- nation. of the "Glorious 12Th," There will be the grand parade of lodges .at 2 o'elock, 'followedon their arrival at Vittoria, Park by a Baud Contest 1vtUh various contelst& of interest, planned for, S•peechee' will take paloe follawiug the Band Can'tetst, 'There will be bail games for the sport enthusiasts inoluddng football and glens' softball, Ripley vs. Brun. nets, There will be music all day pro- vided, by prase and pipe bands, In the leven:ing there will be a midway and dancing. Dontt miss the big dray planned in Bruss'els.% July 12th, See the advertisement in this issue also large ipostens fon full info matt :k - 0 * 0 0 ' * 0 1 * * SEE YOUR TOWN n' r • FROM THE AIR * Enjoy One of the Thrills '0 of Life WHILE IN BRUSSELS * :k —FOR— * WEDNESDAY/', JULY 12th * * AIRPLANE FLIGHTS FROM * • DAWN TO DUSK • Plane From Sky Harbor, * Goderich * - * , * * * * 1 * REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYINfi The Lady Vanishes MON., TUES., WED, Errol Flynn Olivia DeHaviland Dodge City Bruce Cabot Alan Hale "Dodge City" melting pot of adven. turers, settlers, gunmen t e in gorgeous technlcolor w Leanne NEXT THURS., FRI., & SAT. Frederic March Joan Bennett Trade Winds Ralph Bellamy Ann Sothern Thrilling romantic escapade as boy chases girl through glamorous tropical lands --with a warrant for her arrest COMING— Moonlight Sonata • Ethel Improves Play -Off Chances Northern Division W,L,T,P.i Blruisseia 5 2 1 /11 Atwood 3 8 1 7 Manny 3 3 2 8 Ethel 2 3 3 7 Listowel 2 4 1 5 Southern Division W, L. T. P. .St. Coolunnb'an ,,,. 3 03 • 9 ,Seaaori,b 2 3 1 5 Walton 2 3 1, 5 Winthrop - 0 4 2 2 Rain played havoc with the games antedated. in the Huron, Football on Fi iday, In the only gaane that was ,played, the Etihel teaan improved its :play-off chances by bantling the Brnssels team Its second defeat of the season. The game meent northing to Brussels, which has climbed first ,place in: the north division of the league. Cliff Dunbar gave die Ethel team a lead in the first half, Louis Russel/ tied' the score for Bruse.el, before the halfway mark was scored by Roy Pearson of Ethel in the second half. By its victory, the Ethel team moved up into a tie with Atwood for second' niece, The game be- tween AUwrood and Listowel was called off. St. Columban and Wal- ton, who were to have played the first game of the .semi -finale in the southern division also were rained out. Proctor Re -union Excellent weather conditions fay - owed these who gathered' for the eighth annual prooter reunion bend at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Wil- liam, Procter, Brussels, on Saturday ofternocn, July 1.1, 1939. Despite i21e fact that a number of the rela- tivee wer.•i.u.tlallle to. be.:.presemt, sixty-seven Persons registered dur- ing the aDterntocn. About 4.30 o'clock the group assembled et the Binesels. park where the sports committee oonductde races anal a softball glare. Followling the slports in the park, delicious re- freshments Were served on the lawn at Mr, and Mrs. Will. Procters' residence, • Axion bflsirness meeting was held from Which resulted the an pointuient of Harold. Procter as president and Miss Edith Prooter, secretary treasurer for 1940. A hearty vote or thanks was =tended to the host and hostess* for their hospitality diming the day. All Joined int singing "God Save the King." Relatives were 'Present for the re- union from Clinton, London, Fort Frances, Wingham, Belgrave and Brussels. 1 Why Suffer ? When Nature has provided in her ,great vegetable laboratory— the fields and Fonsets—a remedy for your complaint YOU CAN BE HEALED if you obey the Law1s of Natryre **-•`• DISEASE CANNOT EXIST Everything you eat to sustain life has gob to grew, a.ted all medicine tbitat will Heal, Purify and Strerngitien has got 10 grow, It must contain the get29 of life, IF IT WONT GROW, IT WON'T HEAL There's Matey 8 Person Lies Burled Within a Foot of the Herb that Would Have Healed Them COMING! - Mr.Murfin Expert on Herbs, Will Be at t'ie Queen's Hotel, Brussels Thursday, July 1 3th ONE DAY ONLY—ALL DAY AND EVENING Special Herbs for the Telateret t Diseasen -Asthma, Aeller2tie Anaetnaa, Bed Wetting., Bladder 't`rowbiee, Boils, Filets Catarrh, B*anlcluttie' Constina'tiou, Hay Fever, Kidney Troubles, Lumbago, Neneetis, Nerve Troubles, ibheumatisnl, Stoanach 'Troubles, Skin Diseases', Sciatica, Tonsils Removed Without olseration,'Female Troublea 'Worms, etc. REMEMBER THE DATE—THURSDAY, JULY 118th And ;Meade 'nettle `Early CANADIAN BOTANIC GARDENS Box 513, 1t;dHb&4, coWrAliltb 1 t BRUSSELS, ONTARIO 11 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS New Massey -Harris Will Hold Tractor TLave yow• had a look at the new Massey Haines tractor on display at elm Massey Ha•r,•ris shop in Brussels? • Jt is well 'worth Deering a look all Its smart appearamoe is only sur, passed by its unequalled efficiency, *You ueed one of them. Herb Expert a Conning Mr. MUifln, the espent on herbs, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Brus- sels, on Tbeiusebty, ,linty 131'1. lie iris had over 20 years' experience in ,treating with herbs. CARD OF TlIANKS We wish to thank all our neigh- bours and Stientle, -and special Llttllks to Rev. W. A. Williams, Zoe their deeds of kindness and sym- pathy et the, time of our resent be- reavement. It win all be grate- fully remembered, The Jeschke Family. NOTICE JESCISKE—en Listowel Memorial hospital, on Wednesday, July 1939, Luise Thode beloved wife of Paui Je*dhke, 111 her 61st year. The funeral will be held from her late home in Craubrook on Sat- urday, aturday, Jelly 5211, 1-19, Service at 2 p,m, ll»te*nrenit will be made in Cranlbrook cemetery. Belles Lassies Defeated Teeswater Ou Monnay mien Belles lassies defeated Teeswater to the tune of 20 to 5. Bkntsselts battery of Jewell and Lowrie Played 'a sensational game, and, from, the Hirst Brussels held Teeswwter back from getting many runs, Brussel being short - blended had to use their two subs, M. Fox and: 5, Jewell, who carne tboruglh withflying colors. and turn- ed in a very good gaTe. Brussels, ldnatup.— J. Jewell, D. Jewell, W. Lowrie, M. Backer, E. Baelcer, V, Fox, M. Fox, H, Rowland and •C. Russel,' GORSELITZ REUNION A very pleasant time was. spent on Sunday, June, 2 at the home o2 Mr, ante' Mrs. Melvin Carnochaan of Ethel in the tom of a reunion with the following members present: Mr. and Mrs, Henry Gorselitz of Crane brook; Mr, and ere, William Gorse- litz of Ethel; Mr. John Gorsetitz and family; Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hay- den and daughters. Mona, and Joyce all of Oranbroolc; Mrs. Ida Pabst (nett Ida Gorea,litz) and daughter Grace of Buffalo, N.F,; Mr. and. Mrs, Ed Collis (nee Caroline Gorselitz) and their fancily of Henfryn; Mr. and Mrs. Elsner Collis and eon Billy of Ethel and Men. Melvin Carnoohan of Ethel and Mildred at liome. The afte'r- DOOn was• spent in music and social chi after Which a dainty itrnch was served and all returned to their rospeotive homes, * * * * * s. * * * * • WEDDING * * * * * * * * * JOHNSON—EDGAR "Under an arch of evaegreon trim- aped with orange blaseolns, a pret- ty wending was solemnized at the home of Mr, end' Mrs. Arthur Edgar, Morrie Township, at high noon on Wednesday, June 2811, when their daughter, Olive Winrwt2red Dageat, of Toronto, became the bride of Mr, Donald Charles Johnston, of Toronto, son of Mr, Win, Johnston mid the lade Mus, Johnston, of Rene', Rev. A. V. Robb, officiating- The bribe, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor -length; dress of blue chiffon with white shoulder length veil trimmed Witi, orange hlossloansi lvitll white stems lad gloves to match, anti cttrn'ier Drier - claire reeds girth nlaidernhabr fern. The bride's sister, Miss lelen Edgar, wan bd•ileeanaid, and Wove a fioordengeli- dress of ri-nk chiffon. With 'w0nbte accessories.' The wed icing matron Ivan [plana' 'hY the bride's• Carlin, Mise Framielm ridge. Mr. Mr. Alvin Proctor WIes groomsman, The brides'* tn'aveleing contents Was of yelloµ lace Chiffon, with white and Jelponica• accessories, 'POIO sing the wedding trip they w i11 reside in 'Toronto. Church Service 'Pre members of the Brussel* -Orange Lodge No, 774, will attend, in a bodee", divine service at St, John's Anglican church newt Sun- day morning, Jiuly 9t1i, at 11 0'- *lock, NOTICE It is i$nf*Wft0 for anyone to shoot black and grey eklulrrels, The penalty for same is a flee of not lexis- than $10.00 for •eatdh offence, Wingham Band Will Present Concert -Mere Members of the Wdnghain banld will present a eplenklid concert at.. Vietoraa Park on thus Sunday even- ing. Be pwesent •to near it and show Your appreeiwtiAn, A large crowd win no doubt ati sed Yo enjoy it. Painting Being Dona Each week brings, about brighter cloaking Banns in the business sec- tion with Ole painting of store trains apI other business 'places. It gives .the ,town an entirely sew and cleanly aspect, making it nicer for the people of the community and visitors to carne to, a large Crowd of which is exepected to be stere on the 12th of July for the cele- bration, CHURCH NOTES Morning service in St. John's Anglican Obwrch was conducted by the rector, Rev. H. J. Hendry. At the Sunday morning services at the United Church dlte Lord's Supper was served and. new mem- ders received. At the evening ser- vice impressions were given od the World's Fair 'whieh the minister Rev. H. J, Mahoney and Mrs. Ma- honey, attended recently. Former Bluevale Pastor Passes In Toronto There Passed away on Monday at the Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, Rev, I B. Welwyn, beloved husband of Francis A, Welwyn and father of Marion, Arthur, Bearce and the late Dr. William. M*L, Welwyn. Mr Wolwan was a former pastor in the Methodist C1 urdh here and 12 was dulling his pastorate that the Methodist Church was erecter, that is being wrecked at the pres- ent time. DON'T MISTAKE Oheapnese for value, When you buy an unknown product for a few cents less, what are you saving? Noticing Insist on the Nationally known product -The product that has always. given you the best re- sults, Then yon are ' ,sure of gettinlg exactly what you pay for, Borden's, a Nationally mown ice creatn is solei at ti'rewar's in Brussels. only, insist on Borden's, its got to be good. A. GREWAR. Garden Party Much Enjoyed The garden- panty heal on the lawn, of B. 13. Walker, under the attendees, of Melville Presbyterian church on Tuesday evening 'MS a spleedid sueess, Supper was serv- ed to over 600 people, A much enjoyed program was pre- sented by the Shields •fancily of Mount Forest, Mueipia1 seal'etlon'e by the Brussels Cltidens Band were alupu`eciated, • fine grounds were beautifully lighten for the oceaslo•n. Some were o•yerheaud to remark that it was the best garden party they had ever attended', It was (1w closing tea -tare of the nth anuivensaly of the church. Another Atrocity For (Cars The latest StrOedty with which the motor aocessonly faddists are or- namenilnlg' the rear portions of their aatoanobilea is what is known an the razberry Pace. This device .sc2eidme* Is perched over the incense plate braokeds of a car and When the driver of the tmutse-'witgoil wank* 'to healt chose Met -inlets follotwltng, he simply press m buttote. The Sae* lights up, the tongue stinks one and a booing Sound ie eluitted from the hade..ons apparatus,. The only ening t>be Guests were present from Luck- Inventor of Ibis ridiculous device• • • • how, Ripley, Biubvale and Wong- has forgotten is a stenchreimltting Mr..Nolnnan S1nitit and Misses bane :k :k * * PEOPLE WE KNOW * * * * * * * * * i Old -Fashioned Service Is Enjoyer At ,Brussels Dune McKinnon spent the holiday ' at Grand Bead. r • • W, A. Black is taking a summer course at London, • Jack Baelker has returned to To- ronto after two weekws vacation at ale amine. • • • Donald McRae of Toronto •spent Dominion Day with hiss parents, Dr. and Mae. MetRae. • • • Mr. and M'ns, Auntie Currie and mon Paul of Toronto are visiting reltives and friends in Brussels, * ** Mr. Dave Miller, win spent nearly a year is Timmins, is home for a few holidays, • • • Mrs. Benson Wheeler of Hamilton spent lite wealt,end' with Mr, and Mrs, W. Bell and banally. * * * lir. D• S. Manacle of Stratford spent a few holes, on Wednesday at the home of Mrs, W. H, Kerr. 5 * * Mrs, (Dr.) Moore and sister Miss Myrtle Hunter of Trowbridge spent Tuesday with friends. • •r , • 14Ir. and: Mrs. Harold Kerney spent the week -end with Heroin's parents .lir. and Airs. Franck Kernee. * * * Mr. and Mns, Frani: Oliver of Detroit spent the week -end with Mrs, Jolm Oliver. * • • Mies Margaret Hastings,. London, is visiting with her - brother Dave and' other friends in 'town. * * * Ed*. Ernest Midler of St. Thomas was a holiday bisitor with bis moth- er Mrs. Wen, Miller and other friends. anm, Mrs. • * Ward. Buoha>ven and Warn and Joyce of Detroit, are weakling a week at the home of Mr. Mark Buchanan, Mdse Olive Floody and Mr. Russ Brown of Toronto spent a short while with the latter's nelce, Alar, Helen Kenr on Dominion, Day. Mrs. • * s: Mr. and, Mrs, Geo. Ferguson their daughter Muss Jean and son Mr. Russell B., spent an hour d1 so Sunday calling on Mrs. Herr run Marty Helen. Mrs. Garry* 'Wilson* and daughter Mary of Cayuga spent the week -end With, the normler.s cousin Miss, Ella Heir, R.N., at tele home of Mary Helen Kerr. Airs. Procter daughter nits* Grace and son 1r. Grant Proctor are spetrdililg a few days with Mr, and Mfrs. Wes. Kerr anti other families of the Proctor relatives, Mr. and Mit ,7)aui Penman ac- compa.nded a41r. and firs, 3. A. Blyane of Fondwich on a week -encs visit to Strathroy and were guests of Mr. and Mrs, 'Clarence Bryans, r * • n1*'. ane Mrs•. Hemingway of De- troit, and Mr. and Mins, Carl Hem- ingway 01 Woodstock spent the week-emkl With their ,parents, W, J. and Mrs, Hemingway, • * * Dr, and Mrs, J. H. Bushman and Lorna Roth inn Mrs. R. T. Strachan anti Miss Flo, Btichanau motored to Hamilton on Friday to spend the visiting 11ou'rs with Miss Ruth Strachaa, Dr. and Mins.J• .k H* But:canan and Miss Lorna. 1111111 of Delomine, Man,, are visiting at the Thome of bis entbe7 Mr. Mark Bucbnnan and ,help him celebrte his ninetieth bil+thday on June 27th, • * u: Mr. and. .Mats. Gaill Long of Santa. Monaca, Ca:L, Mr. and 9Srs. G, Thomson and Von Pranks were visitors witlu Mr, and Mrs, Cleve Backer and Attended the ebelsch enunlverear7, • 5 • Visiting et the home of D. A. and Mian Annie MoDonkzld• are: Miss S. A. Mi-tclte'll and Margaret McDonald Toronto; Mrs, F*rleY and son, Bal- Talo; Mrs, Johnlstou and son Of Britton. ISlpcl.lial eerviees inn Melvdllc oluurclh on Sunday nandnoted by Rev. Dr. Palmer of Palmerston, wino gave two eplea,did discousels, The evening service was atter the old form, the singing being len by pre- centor MacDonald, of K1020551 who has filled that position there, for the past 54 years. All stood, for player and remained sitting for the singing on 121e 'Psalms, No e11Odr was re - mired, The collection also wan taken up in the old way with the long handle with the Uoxee on tb.e end. It brought the older people bank to bygone days when the organ wee unknown in the church. At, the morning eerwce two anthems were contributed by the chair and Ma's. Cline Scott of Regina, a former resident, was guest singer. Atdlh5tentts, memlbers and friend's who attended service in Melville Church on Sunday included: Isabel Stra.ohan Scott, Regina; Marion Scott, Jim Scott, Regina; ,Mr. and Mrs, George Tlromeon and Franke. Tot -onto; Mr. and, Mrs, Gare Long, Santa Monica, Cal.; Mrs, J. M. Gneiss, Winthrop, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs:.J. Blanehford, Walton; Mtn - Kate MoDouald ,Toln,ston, Britton; Mas. Jessie Farley, Buffalo, N.L Mrs.' Jennie Jackson, Harriston; Mrs, Vina Bow•.nian Scott, Bobsay- geon; Mrs. William Wiedemann, Wingham; MSS Margaret Mac- Donald, Toronito; Mrs. E. T. Bell. Toronto; 22111, John Keeney, of Toronto; Alrs. 'Chas. McGavin, Wal- ton; Mr, and Mrs. Frank Oliver; Detroit, Mich,; Georgina Keri Wit son, Mary and Billy, Cayuga; Aims. Carrie Dunbar, Kitchener; Jean Stewart Heaningwey, Toronto; Iso- bel Streeltan Youmans., Detroit; Margaret MacDonald, Clinton; Mrs- Artbair Smith, Detroit; Mrs. Mar- garet Wilson Lawson, Canton; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Work, Toronto; S. V. MacLauglilan, Miss Mary and Editr, Toronto; Mrs, Louis" Eclender, Mr, and Mrs. LIoyd Her- ber, Tor'OnIo: Margaret Scott, Tor_ onto; Mas. Thomas Turnbull, Ethel; Mr, and. Mrs. 11. J. Thuell, palnrera- ton; Nellie Jardine, Horulby; MTS. S. M. Wheeler, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. George lirLauolrlin, Van- couver; Mr. and Airs, A. K. nage. Toronto; Mer. J. P. Scott, West Lorne; Archie Ballantyne, London; Mr, and airs. E. Cardiff, Atwood; Ales.. Franck S 5inaer, Halifax, N.S„ Mns, Gordon McGavin, Wal- ton; B. S. Hemingway, Toronto; Ii, C. Thuell, Palmerston; Mr, and 9Tre. W, J• Cameron, Palmerston; Mrs. J. R. Wheeler, Goderich; Mr, and Mrs. V. Grills, Robert ani June. Elizabeth, Flint, Mich„ Mr. and Mi*, G, A. Menzie, New Lon:. don, Iowa, U.S.A.; lir, and Mrs. Jas, Meanie, 4lolesworth; Mrs, W. 51. Herr, Ainleyville, Huron School Fairs Arranged Prize lists and rules are out for the Huron School Fairs, to be held d•utdng the month of September. The series opens at Belgrave on September 11th and will •conttinne through the week until Friday in the, fallowing order; Foldnwicb, Sept, 12; Sit. He1•ens, Sept. 13; Curtie's- Corners, Sept. 14; Carlo , Sept. 15, Miter the week -end, Hetinall Pair will be held Monday, Sept. 1S; Grand Bead, Sept. 19' Holmmesvine, Sept 20. There is. a prospect of two or more additional fates being arranged. nozzle, Dora and Rabe, =Smith of Borden Sask., 'rho have bean on a trip to the Eastern States, arrived in town Wednesday and are visiting at their home here. 04Tr. Smith was dele- gate from S editatchewan to the Shreniev's 'Convention, for Nort . Amanita at Baltimore. * • * W. A. Black, teadlter in Glenan- an public School and former pupil Of Brussels, High 31'hool was sun- ceseiiul in winning tenons, an has recent enamel on British and 'Carr salae. History, which given him -a standing Of 4 orekllte on his. first year lad Univesedty words, 'lura cotire,e Wan taken up in Wingham dhrr4ng tone past school term EOtt' gitabulationte 13111, The United Church REV, H. J. MAHONE?, 19.A., 11. 19, 10 p.m.—Sunday Sehodi 11 amen -Morning Worship p.m. --.Evening Worship fee r