HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-6-28, Page 70 d r Melville Presbyterian Church Marks Long Record of Srevice In The Communit._tp . Over 85 years ago Presbyterian- ism In this comunity had its begin - ming and has been, a power for good. in 13epesele and vielnity ever since, For a few years occasional services were held, in private homes and in the summer season in the bush, From the filet there 'were two welldo-do and prosperous congrega- tione, one known as. Knox, atter the great Saeti,ish divine John. Knox, and the other Melville, named after anceher eminent Scottish divine Andrew Melville, and until May18- 95 ehe3n Union was oonsaunated these two congregatious worked side by side, Connected with the church there was the Sunday school, the W.F. M. S, argandzed in 1888, Out for three years previously was in union wiith Melville Auxiliary and the Young Peolnle's Society. The acting elders at the time of the union were Thoanas ;S+trachun, John Strachan, G. A. Deadman, D. Glassier, D. C, Ross and Philip Botts, Two of these elders gyre still session members The first preacher of Melville church was a student from Knox C'ollege, Toron- to, named Donold IVicLean 'about the year 1854, then followed Alex, Mc- Kay, D. H. Fletcher and other stu- dents who supplied d'uring the sum- mer months when college was clos- ed. Church Erected 1857. In 1857 an etre of land was pur- chased on Queen and Turnberry streets from Thomas Halliday and on this site eves erected a church 30'x40', 'Phe first elders were Don- ald McLauchlan and Gilbert McCal- lum. The congregation had no settled pastor until 1865, when Rev. John Ferguson, later Doctor Fer- guson from Glengarry County, was inducted and: spent 14 years of faithful and earnest service closing a most fruitful ministry in 3879. At Mr. Ferguson's induction Rev. Young preached, Rev. John Ross, B"ucelield and interim moderator addressed the miniister and Rev, Stewart the people. For a number of years Rev. Ferguson conduct- ed service at Wialton and Oran - brook in both Gaelic and English Cranbrook was separated 10 1872 and Walton in 1877. Melville congregation increased in size and strength until in 1872 the old church becoming too small, stern were taken for the erection FORMER PASTOR PRE:ENT MINISTER THE BRUSSELS POST REV. SAMUEL JONES SESSION +)F MELVILLE REV. SAMUEL KERR for a new church. The present site was secured from T, McMichael and upon it was erected a building 40'7G0' whioltwas closed on 1Vlarch 15, 1914. The contractor was Thomas Brown, Cranhrook, In Oct. 1879, Rev, John Ross, 13.A, later Dr. Ross, was ordained and inducted into the pastoral charge of Mel- ville church nd for 26 years gave the best of sati traction as preacher and 'pastor. He was a close student and thus his sermons were always full of food for thought. For many year the stinging was led by James Mitchell, he was followed by Don- ald Stewart, who was assisted by a choir which had oontiuued ever since to lead the service of praise. Before the establishment of a reg- ular congregation a Sunday .School was conducted, at first in private houses, and has been carried on most efficiently and successfully even' since. W.F.M.S, Is Organized. The W.F,M.S, which was organiz- ed May 1884 in union with Knox with Mrs. Rev. Ross as president, Mrs Jessie Kerr, secretary, `Airs, Robert Mnlcolm, treasurer. The Young People's Society was organ- ibed in 1591, always being an active working force for the betterment of the world. Acting elders at the time of the union were Gilbert McCallum, Alexa Stewart, Sr„ James Mitchell Hugh Forsyth, Alex. Stewart, Angus Mc- I{ay and Duncan McLauchlan, Rev. D.r Ross continued to minister to the congregation until ,1906 when because of failing strength he clos- ed a most successful pastorae to REV. D. D. ' FERGUSON REV, WILLIAM MOORE The First Pastor. of Melville Church ORIGINGAL MEMBERS •OF MELVILLE CHURCH Mane. Donald Currie • Mrs, G. McCallum 'Ma's, Wan. Rose For 20 years pastor of Knox Church anent an almost unanimous call to Pont Dalhousie. Rev. A. G, Wish- art B.A., minister of Knox church, 13eaveeton followed being hndwoted into pastoral charge In August 1506. The work or Melville congregation had now become such as to tax the energies of any man but Mr. Wish• art threw himself with great zeal and devotion into the wore which he so faithfully continued until Oc- tober 1912 .when, he closed a most successful ministry to accept an unanimous call to Calgary, Alta. In March 1914 the Rev. A. J, Mann, who was pursuing post grad- uate work at Knox College, Toron- to was inducted and proved him self au earnest preacher and faith,. fel pastor and was greatly hearten- ed in the work, Since the union of Knox and Mel- ville congregations a W.H.M,S, was organized in 1907 with. Mrs. Mc- t4aMebolin, piresident Ella Smilfh secretary and fi'iwce Stewart, tre Us- urer. The Ladies' Aid Society or- ganized in 1909 with Mrs. P, Anent, president Mrs, 7. C. Richards, sec- retary -treasurer and the Little Stars Mission Band organized in 1396 synth Mrs. McGowan president, Kate :Snitth secretary and May Dea:diman, treasurer, „These along with the organizations before the union not forgetting the union Sun- day schools at deferent rural points within the bounds of the congrega- tion have done much to build uP and stimulate the life and work of the congregation and the communi- ty, Atter nearly 42 yeass of service as a place of Divine worship, Mel- ville church closed, its doors, in March 1914 and the workmen re- moved the huddling, replacing it that stammer by a more handsome edifice. The congregation amus- ed for the use of the town hall and the public library intervening until the new church was completed. The usual morning and evening services were held in the town hall and the Sunday school met there in the afternoon, The midweek ser- vices were held in the library. On May 24, 1914, the ceremony of the laying of the corner stone was carried out and at 2:30 Rev A. 7. Mann, B.A„ the well-known pas. tor, took place on a carpeted platform in front of the basement stone wall and called the company to order and announced Psalm 100. The 9amtliar words were heor'tedly sung, following which Rev, D. Wren, M,A., Methodist pastor, Brus- sels read a suitable Scripture les- son and Rev. J. L. McCulloch of Cranibrook ollfered prayer, A few timely and congratulatory sentenc- es were spoken by the pastor who Presided during the afternoon with much aceentnbiltty, following which he read an interesting and histori- cal sketch of both Knox and Mel- ville churches before and since their happy union. Rev. ,Mann then addressed Rev. Dr, 1VICDonald of Toronto expressing the pleasure ancb honor on his coming to Brus- sels in the midst of so many en- gagements. and important even is and hoped he would long be , sewed to so efficiently penforan his peat in the world' and, requested the Rev. Dr. to proceed with the noteworthy part of the program In the laying of the Conner stone, asking hint to accept a beautiful trowel which was REV, DAVID MILLER KNiDX CHURCH PASTOR ,F'alESBYTERIAN CHURCH WEDNI IN 1914 AX, JUNE 28th, 1939 D, McDONALD G. A. DISADMAN P. A, McARTH117R JAS, GRANT u'ALJOR YUsLL D. C, ROSS REV. A.J. MANN ALEX.STEWART A, D. GRANT S. C. V 'T:S.('N 1i REV. DR. ROSS 26 Years Pastor ofMellvile Church presented by elder Alexander Stew -1 It bore the following inserip_ tion, "Presented to Dr. J, A, Mc- Donald at the laying 'of the corner stone of .Melville church Brussels. Allay 25th, 1914." Records Placed In Stone, Phe tin box containing the cus- tomary records and papers were placed in the stone and the latter Put in position tapped with the trowel and declared well and truly laid. After the laying of the stone tailed about $000 made up-ui 5400 c.: the offering at the corner stone laying, $175 at the supper and 535, from the disnoeal of badges by the Little Stars Mission Band. A cement horse shed has replac- ed the old open shed and is 51'x.20 with metalic bow roof and cost ....53,000 when completed. Financing Big Enterprise, Financing the building of such a cllurch was no Small enterprise, about $16,500 was subscribed before it was decided to build. On the first Sunday in Apnil 1915 the first service: was held in the new church, the mdn'bSter Rev. Mann conducted the Introductory part of the wor- ship and Rev, Dr. Rossof Toronto well-known former pastor for more than a quarter of a century was the preacher. His text was taken from Matthew 16-18 his subject being "Christ. and H4s Ohurch," whioh sermon will be long remem- bered by those who attended. Ex. Celient music was rendered by the choir, and the offering totalled $725, A Daily of the Sabbath school was. held in the afternoon and an excellent adidlress was given by Rev. Dr. Rose. He took as his tonic "Learn of Me." At the evening ser- vice the church was fitted to the e ". .., , ....LL' ,.e l.,.,. •. a.�A.a 450111 preached his subject being "The Book of God in ::r.: Ic;se. of God." Offerings for the dog' totalled 5885.. The ladles of the congregation made pceparetions for a large crowd on Monday evening, the tables were set in the Sunday school rooms and would accommodate 175 people at one time, nearly 100 peo- ple sat down to a ep1enddd repast. Shortly after 8 pan. pastor Mang took the chair and until mid -night an attractive programa was given, Tuesday afternoon an "at home" was given for Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Ross. 1t was largely ateuded by the meaniber5 of the congregation and numerous visitors .and was' a delightful function. A tasty lunch was served and musical selections were given, The boys and girls of the congregation were invited to eat supper at the church and thor- oughly enjoyed, it - A. new pipe -organ had been order- ed from Edward Lye and Son of Toronto, to cost around. 51,250. Ministers who have filled the pulpit since the church wasbuilt are Rev, A. J. Alan, Rev J, P, Mc- Leod, Rev F. Fowler, Rev. Wm, Moore and Rev, 'Samuel Kerr the present minister. all adjourned across the road to FI RST the gronncls of James Fox, where the Rev, Dr. McDonald gave the opening speech, followed by songs and short speeches from many M. P.'s and ministers, etc, until sup- per -time when the Ladles' Aid of the church served. supper Financial proceeds of the day to - REV. A. G. WISHART, B. A. ! A well known Melville Church Pastor now In Vancouver CONGREGATION MEMBERS OFQUARETTE OF KNIDX CHURCH Andrew Simpson Mrs. Thos. Strachan Mra, Jas. Ferguson Ronald MC aughton MELVILLE CHURCH BOARD OF MANAGERS OF 25 YEARS AGO P, A. McAntletrf Jas, BallantYne Ale. Fox A, Strachan Relit. Strachan 0, C. Rose, John Davidson M. Black Win. Armeth'ong Walter Yuill Andrew ',monk Allan Adams O. Smith