HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-6-28, Page 6The Perfect Thirst Quencher "SALADA" SLBTEA TESTED RECIPES PREPARING FOR PRESERVING Check List of Equipment Necessary Before the crop of summer fruits has arrvved, cheek over the preserv- ing necessities. Four success with jams and jelliest will depend a great deal on your equipment as welt as the method you use. Here is a list of the various things you will need: Jars, paraffin, labels, rubber bands, large preserving kettle, measuring cups, wooden spans with long handles, 'annals, bowls, ,chap knives, and a colander. Your jarsmust be perfect, free from imperfections which would interfere wilth, sealing and the rubber bands must be new, never- use those of previous years. With these items on hand, you are ready for the strawberry crop. The following recipes for straw- berry jam and jetty can for mottled fruit peetin which -will give your jams and jellies just the right con- sistency. There is no longer bolt- ing to fruit preserved this way and you can depend on obtaining Per- fect erfect results. Crushed; Strawberry Jam 4 cups (2 lbs. prepared fruit 7 cups (3 lbs, sugar lit bottle fruit pectin To prepare fruit, grind about 2 qts. fully ripe berries, or crush complete- ly- one layer at a time so thet each berry is reduced to a pulp, Measure sugar and prepared fruit into large kettle, ntix well, and bring to a full roiling boil over hottest fire, Stis constantly before and: while boiling Boll heard 2 minutes. Remove from lire and stir in fruit peetin. 'Then stir and skint by turns for just 5 minutes to cool slightly, to prevent floating fruit. Pour quickly. Paraf- fin and cover at once, Makes about 10 glasses (16 fluid' ounces each,) Strawberry Jelly 4 cups (2 lbs,) berry juice 8 cups (v1/2 lbs.) sugar 2 tebiespons• lemon juice 1 bobtle fruit pectin To prepare juice, crush thoroughly or grind about 3 quarts fully ripe gens(es. Place in jelly clout or bag and squeeze out juice. Squeeze and strain juice from 1 medium lemon. Measure sugar and juice into large saucepan and [nix. Bring to boil over hottest fire and at once add pectin, stirring constantly. '1hen bring to a full rolling boil and bail rand 112 minute, Remove Zrom fire, Skim, pour quickly. Paraffin and cover at once. Makes about 12 glasses (16 fluid ounces each.) rLET US LOOK AT THE PAST ear. iro !;pm. Take* Prow 10.s of the Post of M .id 15 Yours Ir. 25 CEARS AGO MONCRIEFF Mrs, Flora McNair and ,ehild:ren are visiting many old friends in this neighborhood, • • • Geo. Hianley 05 Owen 'Sound is ' spending hist vaea.tiou. at his home here. • * • Mists Mina Pette and lvis-s. Boyiug- ton and children, Hamilton, are visiting in this locality. While en route from attending the Presbyterian General Assembly at Woodstock Reb. Robt, A. Han- ley. of Nesbitt, Mem, spent a few days at the ,home. of lids uncle, Geo. Hanley, 14th eon„ Grey. WALT'ON Mfrs, John ,Stnlillie is visiting friends near Woodstock this week, taps McGaviu, Vancouver, is visit- ing his former friends here for a few days, • • • Mrs. Jas. Bennett and Master Clarence took in the trip to Detroit on the steamer Greyhound, BELGRAVE Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Boyle and Miss Testate Halliday took pant in the Art exhibit ,which was held last week in Wingham in Miss, Mulvey's studio, 1 John C1 * M e(gg and wife, J. T. Bell Customer: ""That chicken I 1 and MTiss Find¢ater, A. and Mrs. gought yesterday ivad no wish- I McNeil and daughter took in the bone," ' excursion to the Mo -del Farm last Butcher (smoothly): "It was a Thursday and report a pleasant hhpF5' and contented f (Chicken, time, madam, awl had nothing to wish • • for." Mrs. George Taylor, Galga.ry, is visiting her mother,,VMris. Anderson wC7��wn�<,sar�: MODERNIZE HOME DURO Water System and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures Visualize your own home with these fixtures and equip- ment installed. Try to realize the countless number of steps and tiring tasks that running water, under pressure, will save you. A Duro Pumping System will provide water at the turn of a faucet and 'make it possible for you to modernize your home. Emco Fixtures are moderately priced, Fixtures complete with trim- mings, as illustrated, ready for in- stallation, cost: Bath Tub . 336.30 "Toilet 23.90 Basin, I7"x19" •15.60 Sink, 20"x42" only, with faucet 29,75 Sink and Cabinet, with faucet 57,15 No. 30 Range Boiler , 10,00 Septic Tank . 30.00 Pump with 37.1 Gal. Tank 57.00 :Soil P,pe, Leon Pee. an;. Fitting, extra) Enert:efes win receive prompt atten- t,n, Lea est:states will be furnished ttiee.:t charge .ruder t:he 'atm Horne rorer:trut Lear Ara !t ::at of it ernizing yam home can he spread aver a three year period. 2.s WILTON & GILLESPIE, Brussels, Phone 68 338 / EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED -London, Hamilton, Toronto, Sudbury, Winnipeg, Vancouver nd rela,tiveb anti friends. BLUEVALE Mies Vina Moffat, of Kent City, Mich„ is visiting mitt her cauda m6iss Bessie Millar. GRANBROOK John Bothwell. and Mesdames Rlsteen and Clutpman are Siisiting Mende here, w * * The foundation ha slbeeu excavat- ed for the new reeddence to be erect- ed by Alex Perri°, West of Oran - brook, * 3, 6. Cnm¢>llell tof*Viceroy, Sask„ 10 here coubining business and pleasure. Ire will take a new Ford car back with him, st A welcome ialsitor to Csanbroollc is Will J. •Con Bron, 13,A„ son of Wm. and Mrs, Cameron, wlto has been at ]lost Orange, New Jersey, for the last year or so, Ho has seoured a fine position at Raleigh North Carolina, as Deputy Com- nuissioner of Insurance. GREY Mr. and hair. Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Finlay, of Bellmore, motored to Sue Lakes last ,Sunday, Mrs. Finlay and daughter Minerva, •re- mained, for a longer visit. 9Misses, Jessie and Cora Alcock, 14th con„ were at Clinton this week where they wrote their musi- cal exam Miss Beatrice Whitfield was at Toronto during the past week writ- isg at the Conservatory exams in vocal music, MORRIS A. H, and Mrs ,Cochrane, of Waterloo, were here this week on a holiday with relatives, and old Mende * * * 3, A. Knapton, wife and family and Miss McKenzie, Parkhill, spent .Sundry at the home of Wm Moses. BRUSSELS Ms. Cleve Baekex' is away on a visit to Galt, Preston and Toronto, * 5' * Miss Mina I-Iunter, who is in the Post office staff at [Stratford is home for a holiday visit. Misses Belle and Mary McDonald were at Molesworth for Sunday and Monday attending the Jubilee 01 the P'r'esbyterian church, John Preston of *•Tawas, Mich., was here during the past week bisitiug .his, sister, Mrs, Jarvis, Sr. Richard Roe and * his daughter Mrs D. Ctieh, are away on a holi- day visit wit hrelatives at Sault St. Marie, Mick. is :i: * G. W, and Mus, Wilson and children, of ,Spokane, Washington State, were visitons. with Council- lor and. Mns. Muiroan, lash week, 50 YEARS AGO ETHEL Miss Davis is Nome from Ripley, Mat. Richardson has opened up a tailoring establishment, in D. Dun - bar's shop, Last Sunday atternon. Rev. Mr. Ferguson of Denver, Col„ ,occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church, ! r 4litI<' BLYTH Mesens, Metcalf and Phillips are attending the Grand' Lodge of I. 0. G. F, at Toronto, Messes. Freeman and Watson, shipper} a couple of oarloadls of fine cattle, Wednesday, for the Old ('oUn,ily. Rev, Mr, F• orcey, •of Cowanaville, Quebec., has been appointed to the incumbency os,' Trinity rhdreh here, * * * Reeve Kelly was In Monrteal am Toronto last weed[. BLUEVALE Professor IMe ,several horses In training here at present, come of them, promise good spend. The cheese factory le now' com- pleted and 18 10 full blast. 0 0 * J, a i. Monday eventing n ntnnber of friends of Rev, A. Mdleibbon as- sembled at the residence of Mr, Smith, and presented the Rev, gentleman with a valuable writing desk, ass a squall expression of their W19D2( DAY, J13N,141 28011, 1839 Aumagam.iimma Capacity Days At the PARIS LADIES' SHDPPE It's a Sale, and oh boy, what a.sale All Roads Lead to Listowel Read the ad. carefully, watch the bargains and come early. If you can make it at all, come in the morning when you can shop around in cool comfort. And please remember: This sale does not last forever. Dresses on Sale GROUP I. Beautiful ]Summer prints in ,cool washable materials, also flowered ands printed sheers, with separate slips, size from 14-20 38-41, reg. Value from $2,95 to $3.95 CAPACITY DAYS SPECIAL Any 2 for $5.00 GROUP 2. Cool rayon sheers with separate slips, better washable sharkskin and Tahiti [materials, also 2.piece suits, size 13 to 19, 14 to 20, 38 to 44, reg. values .4.95 ,and :$5,95 CAPACITY DAYS SPECIAL Any 2 for $8.00 GROUP 3. Fetter sheers tresses with slips, better crepes, polka dots, duco dots, novelty materials, lace dresses and Bemberga, ,Regular values from $6.95 to $S,95 Any 2 for $10.00 CAPACITY DAYS SPECIAL GROUP 4. All better dresses not mentioned above and selling at from $9,95 to $18.95, at a reduction of 25% 'each one fourth off reg. price ,You do not have to buy 2 dresses for yourself. , Bring your Mother, sister, friend or neighbour and split the saving. GROUP 5. & 6. Racks at $1.00 and $1.95 ,Desses which sold formerly at much higher prices No Try -ons on Saturdays. Spring Coats about one dozen coats, all Misses sizes from 13.20, beige, grey green, navy, blue and tweeds, reg, prices from $10.95 to $19,95 Any Coat $5.00 NO Layaways Please • New Purchase Of White Hats Leghorns, rough straws, rayon crepes and lines, also matron hats in black and navy, reg, values from $1.95 to 63.95 also good asosrtment of felt hats CAPACITY DAYS SPECIAL $1.49 to $1.95 All Roads Lead to Listowel, to the Paris Ladies' Shoppe II-LISTOWEL'S LEADING LADIES' WEAR STORE - WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS 'MORE. estimation of him. reply was made. MORRIS A suitabi were this The fruit and vegetables entirely spoiled by frost in vicinity. • •� • e l caught It by tate head and ran to the house where Mr. Stevenson had some trouble in getting its claws unloosed, Patsey said he thought it wee an evil spirit that was after trim. Mrs. Bennett, of (Megan, is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. E. Snell of Juanestown, Mas, J. Marrin *and two children of Gland Rapids, Mich,, are visit- ing at her father's, S. Calbick, at present. She purposes: staying till hall or probably winter, * * * On Wednesday, 01' last week Mot - hew Wilson, 2nd con., and Miss Stokes were united! in matrimony. GREY ,Ina, (;lark, son of Geo, Clark, 37th con., has gone to Michigan and is doing well, . t bast week T. A,• Avery and G. Shaw left Bettssels for Dakota. The fouler goes db Harwood and the latter to Manuals, * * • Some time ago an emiglint nam- ed 'Patsey MhT'alinil bad an sctigen- inr with an owl in Thaii, ,Steven son's bush on the 10111 0051.. 'he was working ink the bush when the. owd flew tit himand chased 111111 ss'ounrl through the hush, and finally stuck it scla;we in, hie arm and he • • • David Campbell, 17th con., and John Bain, 14•th con., arrived• barns from the West last week, • • • Tinos. MoLtuchiin was away this week attendlul a meeting of Stokk- men in Stratford, BRUSSELS Chats. Holland has gone to Port Heron, His family will join film shortly, • • • IVIrs. 1.3aeker of Zurich, is visittnb her daughter, Mrs. Geo, Baeker, • • * • 16. Tompkins and: family leave for Bay City, Mich„ on ,Saturday, where they purpose musing their home. Last Felday Imo. N. Kneclutel left Bru,seais for his seicond 4;rip to M'anttaba, He took 6 mules and a marc WI till hdn, besides agricultural imlpleunentsand' other necessities, ff.'? • 1 • The officers appointed Monday night in connection with. the Young Peotrtes, Aaaoclm:tion or the Metho- dist church were: -Ilion, Pres., Rev, S. Sellety; Pres„ Geo. Rogers; 1st vice, 5111 Shiba; 2nd vice, Mdse Maggie McNaughton; Sec: Trews„ Miss Minnie Gen-ry,