HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-6-28, Page 4d
WEDNESDAY, JUN12 28th, 1939
Take ,Advantage of the
Big Used Car Sale
Jackson Motors Are Featuring
From NOW till July 15th
Hand Bilis will be out this week.
If Hand Bill presented with the pur-
chase of a Used Gar, you will receive
25 Gallons of Gas Free.
Take Advantage of this Opportunity Now
Watch for Ad. in Next Weeks Paper
�- i
Jackson Motors Ltd.
Mr. and Mms. Charles Elliott,
Bluevale Road, were host and
hcstess at a social function at their
home on Wednesday evening, it
being the fourtieth anniversary of
their marriage. Mr. and .airs. El-
liott were m+anried at Wingham by
:the Rev. Mr. Free, pastor of the
B'pjtiet Church. Twenty-one rela-
:taves enjoyed dinner and spent the
.eventing dancing and playing cards
Guests incladee ilhe imanediate
SamilY, 3Fr. and Mns. Leonard
Elliott, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Elliott,
Mr, and Mrs. Freta Ellrott, Mr a.nd
Mrs. Cowan, Mr. and Mts. Eugene
MacDonald and Mr. Ted Elliott also
ten grandchildren'. Mt. and .Mrs.
Elliott received seberal beautiful
gifts and many congratulations.
Mrs Jack Tirynne and Miss
Adella Thynne visited on Sunday
wtlh YIr, and Mrs, W. J. Johnston
and Mr. Thos, Stenvart of, Bluevale.
Mr, and Mas Robt Warwick and
Miss Viola Matters visited on Sun-
day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.
Melville Mathers.
We are sorry to her Mr. Peter
King has had Pneumonia. We
hope to hear he will soon be
better again.
Many congratulations to Mr, and
.Mrs. Les. Breckenridge over the ar-
:deal of a baby boy
Some of the farmers have started
;to cut hay this week it is going to
be a .bumper crop this year,
Mrs, Henry Robb of Bosavoin
Is visiting with Mr Chas Frest and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forest and Mr.
and Mrs, Graham Campbell and
other friends,
A delightful surprise :party was
held at Bonnie Prae Park ,residence
n! Mr. and tilers, George Gannett, on
Saturday afternoon, when their fatn-
Ily and Mende gathered to celebrate
h .0 their silver wedding an-
r;�•n:r;e Gannett and Miss Annie
Service With a Smile
Mundell were married 25 years ago
by Rev. Crawford Tate, minister of
Bluevale Presbyterian Church. On
Setuaday the ceremony was re-
peated, conducted by. Rev. Mrs.
Carrie Merlett, pastor of Sian Dyke
Read Church, Detroit. The vows
were changed and made suitable
for older married folk. The bride
and groom were attended by their
son and daughter, Charles Gannett
of Detroit, and Miss Cora Gannett
or Wingham. The bride was gowned
11P grey lace, with corsage of pink
carnations and the bridesmaid wore
slue fioweerd sheer.
The home was beautifully decor-
ated with roses, carnations and
Scottish blue bells. Following the
ceremony, tea was served to about
forty guests from Detroit, Blyth,
Wingham, Teeswater, Belmore,
Gorse, Wroxeter and Seaforth.
Members of the Y. P. U. and of
the Miaison Circle of the United
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
A wedding of interest took place
in Knox Presbyterian church, St.
Thomas et high non, when Agnes
Grace Janet Broadfoot, youngest
daughter of Mgrs. Broad!oot and the
late W. G. Broadfoot of Tucker -
set, was united in marriage to
George Thomas Flew•it, eldest son
of Mrs. Hewitt of Goderich Town-
ship and the late G. T. Flewitt of
Loudon, England.
The Rev. F. Id. Laird officiated.
After the ceremony the happy
couple lett on a motor trip to Otta-
wa and points east. On their re-
turn Mr. and Mrs. Flewitt will re-
side on, the groom's farm in Gode-
rich township,
Miss Agnes Btoadfoot was a
former resident of Brussels and vac-
'Indty. Her former friends wish
the happy couple long .life and
Church. gathered" at the parsonage happiness.
Friday evening to spend the evening
writh. Rev. to V. Robb and Mrs. I RICHMOND—LYONS
Robb before their departure for
their new charge. After games
were played on the lawn, George
Johnston on behalf of the young
people, read an address of apprecia-
tion and Miss Daisy Hodm'es present -
date. and Mrs. Robb with a silver
anti crystal hors doeuve tray and a
silver rose bowl. tMr, Robb replied
infriendly words of thanks.
Refreshments were served and a
sing song enjoyed.
Rev A. V. Robb spoke on "Les-
Lessons from the Transfiguration," at
the Sunday morning service in the
United. Church. The Sacrament of
the Lord's' Supper was observed,
In the eventing the sermonwas
based. on the thought of God's guid-
ance of His children on the journey
of lire. Mr. Robb sang a solo and
spoke of his continued interest in
this khegre, which he Is leaving
after a pastorate of six years, to
serve in the United Church at Cam -
tech' e.
ThA.Reid, R.O.
Sight Specialist for
More Than 20 years
21 Sownie St,, Stratford
Brussels Office-
Miss Hingston's Store
Every Wednesday
2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
PHONE 51 Brussels
tlueen+a 'purple, and corsage of
Preanlen' roses, Litter Dr. And. hire.
Eidetic:ian Pelt for a utotor trip,
anti on their return will (live in
Ethel, For travelling tate bride .
will wear a eroek of ehertrease
crepe veiled by a printed chiffon
kcal In. striking ,shades of char
ti'eus'e ansi violet, turban of the
crepe and cotzsage of violets.
it 5' * * * * * *
* * is * * sa * * * *
Mr's. McQueen and Mrs, Forrest,
of Brucefleld were Sunday visitors
with Mee. J. Robb, Mrs, George
Robb ansMiss. Fairy Robb of 'St.
Catharineswere also her greats.
Mr. aura Mrs. Stewart Smellie of
Toronto visited their mother Mrs,
John McIntosh over Sunday.
:else Isabel Thynne attended the
Ghtous lir Ste'at2ond oat Saturday'
D. McKinnon was at Stratford on
Satdrday and attended the Circus.
Mr, anal Mae, J. D, aleCutcheon
and son of Toronto, and Mrs. T. W.
Kerney and Mrs, E. T. Bell all of
Toronto at the home of Mrs, Jas.
Mr. and Mits. G. T. Flevvdtt of
Godeaech Townathip spent SundiTy
with Mrs. Best and Miss Betty and
other friends.
Mos, W :Ii. Kerr, Misses Ella and
Mary Hellen spent part of Sa'tur-
day in Goderich.
Bowmen Galbraith, who ig at-
tending Toronto Univensity was
successful in his examinations this
year .Congratulations.
Miss M. Potts, of Omaha, who
has been viei1ing at the home of
Mr. and Mugs. D. R. Cunningham left
Monday for Montreal, from which
place she sails on the, Duchess of
Bedford, on June 30th, ifor an
European vacation, She will re-
turn on the Empres of Britain,
Mr. and Mrs. R. W, Kennedy and
son Roibert are visiting with the
termier's parents, air And M'r's. A.
R. Kennedy, of Peterborough, this
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Cunningham
and Moss Potts .were visitors In
Kitchener on Sunday, where they
spent the day with arise. Evelyn
Cunningham of Brantford.
Ken. Ashton., or the public school
staff is in Wingham hospital suffer•
inf from a severe attack of
pleurisy. Mrs. J, S. Wilton has
been, substituting in his absence.
Mr Fred Lowry of Port Huron
was a Sunday visitor at the home of
his brother, Mr. W. A. Lowry.
MuCnrdty Lowry spent a few days
in Toronto Ia.st week.
The names of Mary Huether and
Jack Bates were among the sun-
cessiful eandidates of Stratford
Normal School having secured
First Clss (interim), certificates.
Mr. and Mrs. 'arm, Anent, Sea -
forth and Mr. and Mrs. Coates, of
London were Sunday visitors wit*
Mr. an dMrs. Philip Anent,
Mrs. Benson Wheeler of Hamil-
ton is visiting friends and relatives
fn and around Bruseis..
Mrs. J. Lake has returned home
from a two week's visit at Elora
and Fergus,
Two graduates of Queen's Unl-
vers4y were married Saturday
afternon in St. George's Cathedral,
Kingston, which was decorated with
masses of peonies and ferns. The
bride was. Miss Marion Helena Ly-
ous, daughter of the Blehop of On-
tario and Mrs. John Lyons, and the
bridegroom, Dr. Clifford Rowlands
Richmond of Ethel, son of lir. and
Mrs R. R. Richmond, Hamilton,
The bride's father officiated, assist-
ed by Rev. W. W. Craig, Dean of
Ontario and Mr. J. E. Tumetall was
at the organa
Mr. L. L. Bolton of ,Ottawa gave
lets niece in marriage, and she
was attended by her cousin, Miss
Barbara Bolton. The bride wore a
gown of white suede lake in scroll
design, made with sweetheart
neckline, long sleeves with lily
points over the hands, and full
sweeting skirt edged with a pleat-
ed net mill, Her another's tulle
veil was caught with orange
blossosns and, she caroled a shower
of Briarcliffe poems and: lily.of-
the•valley. Mfsa' Bolton wore sea -
foam mousseline do sole, delicately
patterned In white embroidery.
Her small flower hat was peach
color, and elle carried a colonial
bouquet. Dr. John W. McDougall,
Buffalo, was grooenernan, and the
ushers were Mr. Kenneth Ride.
mond, Hamilton, another of the
bridegroom, and llu Ralph Lep-
per, Toronto.
At the, reception at Bislree's
ti ,,, rey weI.a rtx.:cived
by 'Biehop Lyons, leis daughter,
Mrs, J. H. J. Anderson of mil -
ford, Mr and Mrs. Richmond nee
the bridal party. ildes. Anderson
wore blue organza with large brat
and coiislage of Briarcltffe roues;
and Mlia, Rtebanond. French grey
chiffon with Lacey straw hat of
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Marshall,
Miss Jessie ElLiotte and Mrs, Mae
Riehardls, spent the weeds -end with
.aims. Jas, Cardiff and Mr, and Mrs.
Jae. Armstrong.
Among those who visited '`mends
dulling the week -end and also attend-
ed the 75th anniversary of Melville
church, were: Misses Margaret N.
and Ella Dickson and Mns. Jas,
M, Dickson, ler. and Mrs, .Gordon
Dickson cif Atwood; Mr, and Mrs, D.
A. Clark, of Hamilton; Robert Rug-
gles of Toronto; Mms, P. McEwan, of
Bluevale; Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Marshall and Miss Jessie Elliott, of
Seaford; Mrs, M. Tayor, Belgrave;
Mrs, H. Glazier, Stratford; Mr. and
Mrs. Sidney Bhiiantyne, Theme' -
ford.; Mr, anal Mee. W, J. Hueter,
of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
MeCutc'ireon, i-Tafilton; airs. E.
Wllilarnson, Misses Clare and Agnes
Elliott, cit Guelph; Mr, and Mrs,
Charles. Smith, Belgeave; Meas.�.. E.
Joitneton, of Listowel; Mr. and ivrrs.
J. ,'Galilee' and daughters, Port
Elgin; Miss ;Munn Hamilton, To-
ronto, and Ales, N, Hamilton, At-
wood; J. D. Ferguson, Toroth o;
Sir's. George Robb and Miss Fairy
Robb of ,Sit, ,Cbthaninest; Jack
Backer, Toronto; Donald. Mcile,
London; Mr, and Mrs. ll 0.
Macdonald; Cromarty; air, and Mee.
B. S. Scot and Mr, and Mrs. ,Ino. H.
Ctinneeom, London; Huglt Kennedy,
Toronto; Me, amdt Mrs, lewar.t Me-
1Cen chmr, Wroxetter; ;vii•. and Mas.
1y. ef, Scott, iiaooll'ton; Mrs A.
Srliinbein, Mrs. ,7, Moore, Listowel;
Mr, end' Mrs. A. K. Zapfe anti Mee
ray and Betty Lou of Toronto; Mr,
and Mrs. L. Pringle and Mbn'garet
and Maxwell of Toronto; Misses
Margaret and' Belle 3TeLauehlin,
Play a game. Get into ate r
of sport. Shams ad1 really
make] this -mu enjoyable
summer and a grantable
one from a standpoint of
your own health.
The newest smartest thing
that happened to cool
canvas sp'ort shoes. They
come in flat heels with
heavy crepe soles, cork in
sole for coolness, and you
can wash them, clean
They come in military'
heels with steel shanks,
creep soles, cork insoles
and washable uppers.
Kedettes are real
Priced at
Saddle O.tfords
White buck flat heeled
oxfords with tan or blue
saddle trim. This is the
biggest selling sport shoe
in the store
White Shoes
Cool dress white shoes in
a wide variety of styles
and prices
$1.95 T° $8.00
Barge Oxfords
The biggest selling sport
shoe for men, Tan and
brawn oxfords with heavy
crepe soles. These are
very comfortable & great
for sport wear.
New type canvas footwear
for men. Tan or white
canvas barge oxfords with
heavy crepe soles and
cushion insole. Smart,
cool and long
Men's Whites
White shoes are the proper
summer dress shoe. They
look and feel good on the
feet, All white and tan
and white combination, in
a variety of styles.
Priced to suit everybody.
$2.45 $3.00
$3.50 $5,00
Toronto and George MicLanrhldn, of
Vancouver; Mr. A. McCall, Myth;
alas. E. Bryia.ns, Blyth; Mrs. It. J.
Naylor, of Rochester, N.Y.; Mrs -
James Shaw, Walton; Mrs, P,
Gardner, Toronto; D. A. McDonald
and. Mise Aanie McDonald, Ethel;
Mrs. R Lennox, of Detroit; J. A.
Ba.LTntyne, London. 11is. Mae
Richardson, Stratford.
Mir, and Mos. Ebner Eastman of
Detroit spent the week -end with tltr.
and Mrs, Leslie Beirnes.
Mr. Glenn Smith took in the
Circus on Saturday in Stratford.
Lenv. Armstrong and Tom, Miller
spent Satutrday at the Circus in
Fjrnetsit, Geonge, . and, Blaaabare
Michie, aso Ma's. Lorne Nichol,
spent fast FTrdday in. 'Guelph and
visited relatives in, Georgetown and
Milton over the week -end.
The garage of Ed, Jardine has
recently been painted black and
white, bile colors of the Cities Ser-
vice Oil Co.
A number of farmers in this area
have 'made a slant at haying. Despite
the late spring, growth has been
rapidly abundant.
Garden parties, picnice and family
reunions have been Irequent hap-
penings' during the last week.
Charlie Keifer 1s placing the
equipment on his big truck, neces•
sary for spraying to destroy noxious
weeds. The municipal council is
sponsoring this experiment to
check the weed menace of Grey
Mr. Parker of Stratford was a
Sunday visitor at the home of Mrs,
W. Simon with, his parents, air,
and Mrs. Parkes., who, are nurse
oonrpanion sof Mrs. Stenlmon,
The honreanddiome games of
softball played between Ethel and
Molesworth' teams :resulted int a
win' for Ethel on each ncasion,
Hthel-Biusesis scheduled league
game 02 football played on Ethel
grounds last week finished in a
score of 1-1.
Ethel Presbyterian church held
their garden panty on Thursday
Tune 22 on the &lurch property,
where a bounteous and tasty supper
was' served' to the throng of persons
presenit. Atter Which a program
was +presented in. which each parti-
cipant dirt their part well, making
misery entertainment. The .booth
was busily ;patronized and the man-
agement is to be congrateleted on
the success of the occasion.
Some cattle running at .large
damaged se/veinal gardens in the
village one night recently.
Russel King has ,bad a prolonged
extra bad attack of estlmut during
the past week.
Phone 22x114 Ethel, Ont.,
Coal, Coke and Cement
Blue Coal our Specialty
(There Is None Better)
Hamilton By -Product. Coke
The. Best and Cleanest
Alberta Coal
Midland -- Rosedale
St. Marys Cement
We Deliver Anywhere