The Brussels Post, 1939-6-28, Page 1The
,Morris Council r-
Holds Meeting
!Minutes of Council meeting, Mor-
ris held in the Township Hall on
Monday, June 13, 1939, Members
ail Present ,the reeve Presiding,
Minutes of last 'meeting ware
read and adopted. At the adjourn-
ed meeting of the Court of Revision
on the assesinent roll. Now continu-
ed the following decisions were
E. iSmith, $2.00 lower on land,
Sam. Atomic, $400.00 off barn on lot
Roderick McLean Farad reduced
David McLean Laird reduced $100,00
Sam Appleby land reduced $100.00
Pearl Lowe, buildings reduced $500.
in the case of Mins Mary Mowbray,, H. Purdue, Walter LowrY,
W, F, Armstrong, no action.
The. council. invested in insurance
for property damage by the power
trad'et•, in Llloyds, London. Premium.
324.70 limit of property ,damage for
one pelt -son $5,000:00 for more than
one 310,000.00.
Also compensation for men work-
ing for the Township in Lloyds,
London, Premium $50.00.
The council decided •to spray
weeds and bushete on part of the
Township roads.
A resolution was 'passed granting
Permission to the Bell Telephone
Co„ to reset poles and trim trees
on ,township roads under supervs-
lion of the Road Superintendent.
The Court Of Revision on the
assessment roll was closed.
Accounts, paid.
Mervin Granger, refund
dog tax 2.00
Howard Smith, 61 tile 30.50
20 bags cement 13.00
Dr, Jamieson, relief services 8.00
Allan McKercher, relief
for Delays 5.41
John :McGill, Drain
ipapector, steel tape
Jas. Peaoock, equalizing
Union saihocls
County of Huron
Hospital charges
Village of Brussels,
Wings of the Navy
George Brent Olivia De Haviland
Constance Bennett Vincent Price
Service De Lux
Helen Broderick Charles Ruggles
Mischa Auer
you'll revel in the charming
escapades of the love expert
who learned there's a lot to
be learned about love—by
falling in love
Margaret Lockwood Paul Lukas
The Lady Vanishes
The strange disappearance of a
goberness uncovers a spy plot
Dodge City
Wednesday, June 28th, 1939
75th Anniversary
of MelvilleChurch
The annitvreraary services in con,
necrtlon with the 75 year celebra-
tions pllanned by Melville church
gomjnuenced Sunday Morning when
Rev. Dr. Inkster of Knox aura To-
ronto, was the gueet ,preacher,
dellbering two splendid discourses
speaking in the morning on. "The
Church," what the church is, the
work of the church and what God
Would have us do. Dr. Inkster-
spoke of tote church as being a
Living organism, the bride of Christ.
He said the word: of the church- is
not bo reform or 'convert the
world: but to evangelize it. Christ's
command' wire "Go ye into all the
world and preach the Gospel." It
Is the work of the church to tell the
story of Christianity hut it is up to
those who hear it to do .the rest.
God would have us see the vision
of a perishing world, Dr, Inkster
stressed the importance of a strong
home base, The home church
must be strong financially and,
spiritually before it can do its best
work abroad. In the evening Dr.
Inkster spoke on the subject "The
Rich Young Ruler," preaching a
splendid sermon urging the young
people to devote themselves to
God's work; to live clean upright
lives. Lives• acceptaible to God.
At both morning and evening ser-
vices two guest soloists, Miss fairy
Robb, of St. 'Catharines and Mr.
Walter- MlcCautoheom, Hamilton, both
former residents: of the community
delighted. the congregation with
their vocal selections, In the
morning the choir, under the
capable direction of the organist,
'Mrs. W. C, King, contributed en
anthem, "Christian, The Morn
Breaks O'er Thee' by H .11, Shelley
and' in. the evening "For All The
Saints" by B. P, Couper.
Rev. S. Kerr, pastor of the church,
who conducted the' services. read
messages of congratulations and
good wishes on the ocasion of Mel-
v111e's.75111 anniversary from two
former pastors, Rev. A. J. and Mrs.
Mann, and Reb, W. Moore and Mrs.
Large congregations attended the
services, The anniversary will be
continued next Sunday.
relief Shield 5.75
The council will meet at the Hall,
Monday, July 17, 1939.
A. MacEwen,
Ethel vs, Brussels '
on Friday, June 30th
At Victoria Park, Brussels
Game called at 6.45 p.m. sharp
Admisison—Adults 15c.
Children Free.
Come and help the boys win.
Tim lam" CHURCH
10 a.m.—Sunday School,
1 ia.m.—Communion 'Service. The
Lord's Supper will be served
New members will be received.
"The Church Exists to Show
The Gross"
7 p.m.—Impressions of the World's
Fair at New York.
Melville Presbyterian
Church, Brussels
Services Sunday July 2
11 a.m.—Rev Dr. Palmer of Palmerston
Visiting Soloist : Mrs. Cline Scott of Regina
Worship after the Old Form
Praise Led By Precentor
Preacher : Rev. Dr. 'Palmer.
You Are Cordially Invited to Attend These Services
GARDEN PARTY, Tuesday, July 4th
Supper Served from 6 to 8 o'clock
In case of rain the supper and programme will be
in the church
Chivori Couple
Recently Married
A noisy time was enjoyed by
those who ,piertioipated. in e chdvari
given i/vir• and Mr's. Leland Procter
who were recently married.
On account of July 1st being Do-
minion; Day, stores will be open
Fridlaye evening, and closed alt daY
Mr. and Mrs. G. Henderson
Honored By Friends
Mn. and Mrs. Garfleld Henderson
were guests of .honour at a social
gathering held in the Grange Hall
on Falldlay evening. A delightful
time' was spenit in dancing . During
the course of the evening the newly-
weds 'were showered: with many
lovely and useful miscellaneous
gifts. A dainty hunch was served,
Read Inside Stories
Read Inside Pages
Tie Post publishes an inside Page
of this issue in honour of the 75111
anniversary of Melville Presbyter-
ian church, There is a summary
of church history and various. pic-
tures of interest in connection with
All the news is not on the front
page. Read all eight pages each
week, and, really enjoy and benefit
by the issue or your local paper.
Brussels Liberal Women
The Women's Liberal Club met at
the home. of Mas. Robt. Thomson
Thursday evening with the pree.,
Ma's. A. Strachan in the chair.
After the singing of "0 Canada"
and the "Maple Leaf Forever;' Mrs
J, Wilton, treasurer, gave her report
and Mrs, Henderson gave a report
of the entail meeting held at Niag-
ara Halls and Me'. and 14Lre. 11. J.
Beechnut/1 conducted a period, when
questions were asked and answer-
ed. A. piano duet was given by
Mas, W. Scott and AIrs, W. King,
after which lunch was served.
Celebrates Silver
Wedding Anniversary
A very happy occasion took place
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Beirnes on Friday, June 23, who
,gelehalated their .silver wedding
anniversary. About 250 friends
and relatives -prom surrotmding dis-
brier and also from Detroit,
Galt, Preston, Kitchener ,Waterloo,
Gorrie, Goderich, 'W3ngham, Exeter
were present. The home was beauti-
fully decorated with pink and white
Peonies, Congratulations were ex-
tended to the couple. Mr. J. Cregg
read the address, to which Mr.
Beirnes responded, They were
Presented, with a purse anti many
anent and beautiful gifts. The ev-
ening was spent in games, a muse
cal program and clancing. A sump -
thous lunch was served after whicly
dancing mous, continued,
New Uniforms
The girls of the,softball team
are very nifty looking In their fine
new uniforms of yellow and .blue.
Just ]seep up your winning score
gteis, and everything will be lovely,
House Moved
To Kintail
The house owned by the late
4t'm• Cook, 'l'urnbea'ry street, north,
was purchased by Jan McDonald
who moved it Saturday to Kintail
Willi slight improvements. it will
make a very In, esummer cotage.
Runaway Team
Comes to Sudden Stop
A team o horses, owned by Stew-
art McLaughlin ran away with the
wagon to which they were hitched
when the lines came unfastened
from the ring at the Logan mill,
They came to a sudden stop on the
lawn of Mrs. Messer, after running
between'two trees and into another
The Wagon and harness required
considerable repairs before Mr. Mc-
Laughlin could go home with them.
United Church
W. A.
The W. A. of the United Church
met Tuesday evening, June 20, in
the schoolroom of the church with
a good attendance. The meeting
was presided over by the Pres„
Miss M. Robinson, and opened with
a hymn "Take the name of Jesus
with you," and was followed by the
Lord's Weyer in unison. During
the business it was decided that the
July meeting should be in the foam
of a picnic, the committee in charge
being, Mrs. E. Brewer, Miss Down-
ing and Mrs. W. 3. Stewart. It was
also decided to hold a reception for
Mr Mulroney and his bride on Mon-
day night, The meeting closed
with the mizpah. benediction.
Brussels Belles
Outscore Blyth
On Monday, June 25th, the Brue
sets Belles took *advantage of the
Blyth lasslee and outscored them by
a score of 18-2.
rBussels got away to an eleven
run lead before Blytth came back in
the fourth, Moat g to bring hone two
Lowrie on the mound for Brussels
proved, to be In tip-top drape allow-
ing only nine hits throughout the
The line-up for Blyth was Bray,
Vincent, Shaw, Fai•rservdce, Vincent,
Thueli, Watson, Balaton, Philips,
Straw, Young.
For Ballssels—Miller, flaeker,
Jewel, Fox, Ruses], Fox, Rowland,
Lowrie, •Sttephenfsou, Jewel, Fox'
The batteries for Brussels: Low -
erre and Jewell; for Blyth: Vincent
and Shaw.
The Brussels Belles are playing
Teesnvaiter in Brussels on Thursday,
June 29th. Comae out and cheer
the girls along.
Huron County
Work Board
To Be Held at Goderich
Summer School Site
L. E. Cardiff Wins National
Conservative convention
Minister is Called
A unanimous call nos been ex-
tended by the joint congregations
of the St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, Dover, and the Valetta
Preehrterian Church, to Rev. W. A.
Williams, Knox Church, Oran -
brook, Out
It is expected Mr. Williams will
accept this call.
Clamping time again, and the
Huron 'County Boys' and Girls'
Work Boards offer a variety or
Casnips whose 'programsne are
suited to the needh, and to the
tastes of boys and girls 'both teen-
age end. junior. Camp Keemosar,
bee, fo rims 9-11, leads the way.
the young braves going into their
wigwams on Monday, July 17 and
remaining until Saturday, July 22.
Camp Hiawatha, for boys 12 and up,
comes next, from July 31 to Aug, 7.
Then the girls have their innings.
Camp Nalcawa, for girls 9-11 comes
first, from August 7-14, end then
Crain pMdnnehaha. opens its welcom-
ing portals to the big girls, 12 years
of age and up, from Aug. 14 to Ardg.
21. All canons will be held on the
Sommer School Site, which is an
the lake shore about three miles
north of Goderich Information re-
garding tree Gilts' Camps may be
secured from Mas. W. P. Lane,
Goderich, and concerning the Boys'
Camps front Rev, Harold Snell,
Ethel, .All camps are inter-d•enom-
!national, and all boys and girls of
the ages sp'oiflod will be heartily
Garden Party
Thursday evening, June 29th
The Happy Cousins Concert Co.
of Elmira
Supper served from 6 to 8 p.m.
Admission—Adults, 35c
Children, 20c
Newlyweds Honored
By Reception
Rev, H. J. L\iaboney and Mrs.
;Mahoney, who were recently mar-
nted, Were guests os honour alt a
social belt on their behalf on Mon-
onday evening.
After a reception on the United
Church lawn a delightful social time
was enjoyed with Rev. Harold
Snell or Etihei in charge of the rec-
reation 101100 at the close of which
Elmer D. Bali presided when en
enjoyable musical program was
Provided; piano cruet, Misses Alice
Pope and Maly Davison; solos, Mrs,
11, 0, Walker and Rev. H. Snell.
Rev, S. Kerr of Melville Presbyter-
ian church an dReb, H. Hendry of
John's Anglican church express•
ed congratulations and good wishes
or behalf of their respective con-
During th eeour:se of the evening
Air. and Mrs. Mahoney were made
the recipients of a handsome tri -
light lamp and the accompanying
address for which Mr. Mahoney ex-
pressed their thanks in a fitting
manner. •
At an eatthusiastio .Convention
held at Wi'ngtram last night .Friston
Caruldff, reeve of Momism received
a miajoity over ail other napirants
for th.e nomination as Conservative
candidate for Huron -North.
The Convention was called to
order at 8,30 pm, with. the president
of the Association Mayor Maclrawan
of Goderich in the chair, with more
than 600 present. The president
imsneddately called far nominations
and the following were nominated:
Mayor Macadam of Godenioh; John
Hanna, lbvmeyor of Whighaare;
Wilmot Hraacke, Reeve 'of Goderioa
Townstip; L;icbeat Bowmen, Ex .
reeve of Brussels; L. E. Cardiff,
reeve of Morris ;Elsner D Bell of
Bi'nsesle and Frank Donedly of
Gbderich, Prank lCbnnedpy and
Elmer D. Bell announced that they
would not contest the nomination
and withdrew their names.
It was then moved by Elmer D.
Bell and secon6lied by F. B. Darrow
that each candidate who allowed
his name to go before the conven-
tion should subscribe to an under --
taking that he would under no
,circunmsiianree contest tie! Riding,
of North Huron in oposition. to the
cboice of the Convention. This
motion carried and the candidates
then snbscrdbed to this declaration -
Viae -president Brans of Howdok
took the chair and each candidate
was allowed 5 minutes to address
the Convedtnon.
The ballotting followed and sn
the fourth ballot Elston Cardiff
eli'mll ated the rrnner-up Mayor
MacEwen of Gude ic3 by a large
majority. When the result was
announced cheer's, rocked the hall
and the candidate was given a
splendid ovation by those ea-
servied. Robert Bowman of Brus-
sels then arose and moved that the
nomination. of M'r. Cardiff be made
unanimous. This 'ryas seconded by
Mayor 1i11aciwan of Goderich and
all other contenders, arose in turn
and promised their complete :su'P-
port to the Convention's choice and
predicted a splendid victory at the
polls, Mr. Cardiff thanked the
Conveaution for the honour they
had thrust upon him. He stated
that he would put his whole heart
and soul into an effort to win the'
forthcoming ,election and ,stated if
elected his watchword would be
At the meeting were too well
known speakers. •Cecil N. Frost,
K. C., the president of the National
Conserbative Association in On-
tario. and. A. R. Douglas, president
of the Western Ontario •Cion.serva-
tive Asociation. Brilliant address-
es were delivered by both speakers.
ll,r, Doty;1es dealing particularly
with the organization necessary' in
order to assure a heavy vote at the
polls and Mr. Frost discussed the
issues of the day and submitted
that with proper leadership and
initiative in the Dominion Govern-
Cointin'ueid cf' -Pane 8
Brussels, Ont,
June 26, 1939
To the, Reverend H. J. Mahoney i
and Mrs, Mahoney:—
We ,the members, of your church,
are assembled here to -night to weir
come you back, and especially to
welcome Mrs, Mahoney to our
We have enjoyed three years of
fellowship with you, Mr, Malmory.
and now we are looking forward to
the added joy and blessing which a
minister's 'wife brings to the congre-
gation. All of us realize something
se the responsibilities which are
yours as a 'minister of the gospel
and '0w that youhave taken unto
yourself a help -mete, we earnestly
pray that Christ's richest blessing
any continue upon you as you
work hand in hand in His Ivingdor.
'We hope, Mrs. Mahoney, that
yon have already begun to feel at
home amongst us. The ladies of
the church, the Sunday School, and
the Young 'People ape all eager to
welcome you into their different
organizationsr-into that type of
Christian service do which M'.
Mahaney is already ,so actively en-
Now on behalf of the Official
Board and the congregation
of Brussels United Church we wish
to extend to you both our most
sincere wishes for your happiness.
May you be blessed with a long and,
bilateral tvedlded. life, We ask you
to accept this iamyp as a ,token of
our best wishes.
Signer on behalf of the Official
Board' and the congregation.
Percy Mitchell,
Margaret Robinson.
Parents, make d.t possible for that
boy. that girl of yours, to enjoy the
valuee of camp, Under careful
supervision they will learn to swim
and dive on ,one of the safest bath-
ing bead:ere in Ontario. In the new
comradeship of maim they will en-
rich thelr t'riendship experience,
Tlulbug'h Interest Groups in such
things, as Firs Add, Campy Craft,
aloud anaft, Dramaatics, World
Friendlship, Musical Appreciation,
err„ they will become better e0n6p-
ped far the business of Jiving, In
waken and, field sports,„ in team
games and group games ,they will
find fun at its best The conplire its
stunt and song and -story will be the
"high light" or the day. Best of
all, InGo'd's first temple, the out of WALTON
do...,through the Morning Watch,
the Bible Study snci! the Vesper Ser Dirff's United Church are holding
vice, tl y -will find ]raw very near' a pie and ice cisa,nl social on July
-God oan came to young people alto 2nd, On the acne l grounds o4 S.S.
invite His prddenet. no. 9, Mtltiilapi �4.y� r�
the annual
Garden Party'
of the Presbyter= Church
will be held on
Supper will be served from
6 to 8 p.m.
to be followed by an.
by the Lambeth Concert Patty
Concert to start at 8.30 p.m.
Admission—Adults 35c
Children 20c
Strawberry Festival
at Roe's United Church
Thursday evening, June 29th
Bluevale United Church Y. P.
will present their 3 -act play
"Behind' the Press"'
featuring the following caste:
Elmer Scott—a newcomer to town
—Carl Johnsen
Joe Hudson—an old,timer returns
--W. J, .Peacock
Sam Barnett --A politicol boss
Geo. Hetherington'
Petunia Bloom --a humorous
coloured girl—Geo. Johnolotu
Jane Cooper ---owner of the:
"Chronicle'—Mossier M11flgan
Ruth• Roberts ---a friend, of Jane
--lsobei McKiitnors