HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-6-21, Page 4WEEK'EMD PE(IALL Soap FIake4 lbs. for 25c ;Canadian Beauty Pastry :our Pacific Pastry Flour Walker Fresh Sock Libby's Vegetable Soups Libby's Pork & Beans Comfort Soap 6 pkgs 6 pkgs 2 for ••••••••., 3 for R;ce Pride -of -Valley Tomatoes Falcon Prepared Mustard Washing Soda • • • . Real Bargain Black Pepper Gold Medal Coffee Try Our Cooking Bran Pure Clover Honey 3 for .. 6 bars for 3 lb for 3 tins for 24 -oz. 2 pkgs for 1 lb 1/2 Ib Miracle Washing Fluid Gold Medal Marmalade 2 lb 10 Ib 2 for 32 oz. • • • . 22c.- 1Se 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 24c 15c 20c 24c 9c 90c 25c 21c TRY OUR FRESH STOCK OF STRAWBERRIES LETTUCE, TOMATOES, BANANAS & ORANGES AUCTION SALE HOUSE & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS At Residence • Mrs, W. M. Sincloir Turnberry St., South, Brussels, Ont. SATURDAY, JvNE 24th The following will be sold at 2 o'clock sharp Drawing Room Furniture; Rugs; Paintings; Steel Engravings; Mir- rors; Antique Chairs; Brio -a -Bra Walnnt Dining Room Suite; Sofa; 5 Walnut Bookcases; Rosewood Player piano, ' Mahogany Phono- graph; Bed Room Suites; Dressers; Toilet Sets; Drapes; Curtains; Etc. Felt Top Table; Antique Chest of Drawers; Combination Coal or 1 Wood Cook Range; Oak Secretary; I Card Table; Cut -Glass, Dishes; , Linens; Beddings and many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH—NO RESERVE The Property will also be offerer) for sale subject to a reserve bid, 1 Terms may be arranged Mrs. W M. Sinclair, Proprietress D. M. Scott, Auctioneer. MORRIS Herold and Mrs, Coulson and Mr, and Mrs, Coulson, Sr., of Milton also Miss Jean Marlin, of Georgetown were visitors at the hone of Robt. Michie on Sunday. M1•. Robt. Currie, Mooris, was a Mir. Robt. Currie one day last week, Mrs. Scott, who suffered a sudden heart attack, -at the home of Iter daughter, Mrs. Harvey McCuteheon, on Saturday morning was rushed, to Seaforth hospital in the D. A, Rana ambulance. WEARY WAITER ''Is any one waiting on you°'' finoUy aske dthe haughty saleslady condescending at last to notice the shopping person. "I'm a.farid not,' replied the tat- te-. ' My husband was; T left him outside, but I'm afraid he's became disgusted and gone home," 0 Completing the Picture of a GOLDEN WEDDING Mrs. Allen Quickfall, of Bridgeport, Ont., had just arranged a huge bouquet of Chrysanthemums, their Golden Wedding Remembrance from assembled chil- dren and grandchildren, when the telephone rang. It was a call from Kindersley, Sask., and the voice of Roy, her son, greeted her. What a surprise on such a day! Mrs. Quickfall writes: "We like to pass on to other sons and mothers the value and satisfaction to be obtained through the medium of telephone contacts, particularly so when the dear ones are scattered over the country." • Why wait for a Golden Wedding? Next time there is a family celebration call up by Long Distance. Make it a real surprise. And remember this, it costa so little, you tee, will be surprised! TIE BRUSSELS POST W A ADS. Notices in thii column cost 25c up to four lines; 5c for every extra line. Cash must accompany ad. Orders baleen over 'Phone 35c. TENDERS WANTED— For painting exterior of Bluevare school. Trustees will supply the pant. Tenders to be in by Monday, July 3rd, • R, H. MoKinuon, Secretary FOR SALE— - J. Good Top Buggy with rubber tires, like new, also 1 open buggy'. with steel tires in good repair. phone 75-r-15 Martin McNair FOR FRESH AND GOOD FRUIT— try \Voodrow..s, Strawberries, Rasp- berries and Black Currants in season, Phone 77-r4-. FOR SALE— A number of Oak Mower er Binder. phone 42-r-16 Tongues for Mark Cardiff FOR SALE— St•antiberries, let 4, Con. 11, Greg. phone 75-1-14, Mrs. W. Pennington WANTED— A Child's Crib apply to Post FOR SALE— Strawberries. Stanley Alexander's, Ether FOR SALE— Strowvberries, apply to phone 65-r-14 Luke Speiran FOR SALE— Strawberries, apply to Brussels phone 57X Ernest Dennis FOR SALE— Farm, Con. 3, East 1/2, Lot 1, W of lot 2, Grey 1'narp; 100 acres, large brick house barn 60x36 and straw shed 36x30 ft. phone 38-r-12. Crawford Strachau FOR SALE— Strawberries, choice quality. 'Orders filled as taken. phone 15-r-23 Stan. Speiran ,Ethel FOR SALE --- Choice home-grown Strawberries, orders taken now at Brussels phone SOX Harold Thomas FOR SALE— SLnawtberries, apply to phone 43r-25 Gordon Knight FOR SALE— Lady's Bicycle, looks like new. phone 43-r-1.0 Selwyn Baker FOR SALE— Four sticks of timber, flattened on two sides, Two sticks, 20 feet long. One 22 feet long and one 24 feet long . Mso a quantity of second- hand 3 -incl plank at $15 a thousand phone 14-r-9 Gilbert MoCallam Wallop WANTED— Cattle to pasture, a limiter) glum - Illy, running water, plenty of Shane and Ilse of grass. phone 47-r-17 1Lobi. W, McKay NOTICE - 1 sell the DeLaval Separ11101' and Milkers also the repairs for the De- Isaval Separator. Repair I31ndrre, Agent Thomas Grant. phone 42X -r- 2 Brussels FOR SALE— Tomato, Cabbage, ('auliflower anti Popper Plants. 50c per hundred, phone 19X II. Querin Brussels, Ont, WANTED— La wn ANTEDLava n :wc..1 ground and repel r• ell. All work guaranteed. 19arngc y's Repatr Shop, Brussels (('all at for; noes+ Dress Shoppe) WANTED — Cattle In pasture about 0 or S head, gond grass, phone 39-r•0 William Jacicdr It. R. 2, Illnevale WIDINIZSDAY, ;JUNI) 21st, 1309 e re's the Sale You've Been Waiting For 5 -2L --'h REE EXTRA PANTS WITH EVERY `HOUSE OF STONE' Made -to -Measure SUIT "House of Stone" Clothes are offering for 10 days only, free extra pant with every made -to -measure suit There's 200 lovely worsteds & serges of every color to choose from, exquisitely tailored to your individual measure, Don't miss this big suit event. You save from $6.50 to $10.00• PRICED AT— $22.50 .25.00 $30.00 $3500 With Extra Pants FREE Special Discounts On 1 Pant macje-to-measure SUITS If you feel you don't need two trousers, we offer you these same suits with one pant only, at theexceptional savings listed below , , . $22.50 For $19.95 $25.00 For $21.95 $0.00 For $25.95 $35.00 For $29.95 olowwwwwtrApirwi NEW ARRIVALS ! LOVELY VOILE DRESSES Here's another big shipment of these most popular summer dresses. Daintily made in this summer's most popular short puff sleeve effect with full skirt in polka dot a 'd small figure patterns. Colors are Navy, Light Blue,. Wine and Black In All Sizes A REAL BARGAIN $ 1.98 Stewart Bros., Seaforth FOR SALE - 2 7 -foot Binders, 1 FIayloader as good as new. phone 777 ISybvester Fox, Brussels WANTED—' A girl to keep house; than 30 years old, phone 50-r-23 not Inure Hugh Doherty, Bluevare, R'.R, 2. NOTICE— New and renewal Stvbscriptions taken for all 'Canadian, Aanerican and British magazinets, at regular subscr'tptilon rates. , The patronage of -Subscribers is solicited. Wm, Spence, Ethel, Ont. Representing the Fidelity Circulation Company of Canada, Notice To Creditors In the estate of Annie McGregor McNaughton, late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, widow„ who died on or about the twenty-second day of April, A, D. 1939. TAKE NOTICE that. all parties ,ruing clarlms 00 demands against the estate of the above-mentioned deceased must: mall particulars and proof of same to the solicitor for the undersigned exeru4ars On or 1510)'e the third day 01 July A.1). 1039, upon which dale Lbe said ex-. cru tors wild proceed to dish -11)111e ; Hie assetai with regard only to those claims whi(,h they shall then hay) received. ThVI'1,17 411 10015a018 this 9341 day of June, A,D, 1939. 11 Thomas '1'luompsolr Mellae -Donald MIInro 1)f'ac'favlslr Executors by their 501101100 lILMTon T)• i.L;I.L Brussels, Ontario, MEN WANTED— Successful men wanted' to sell for ,successful Company. Our deal- ers progress because we must in- sure their success first. 200 easy sellers, low prices, attractively packed, -Quick repeat orders permanent ooneetion and steady year round income for capable sten. Several localities available, just now. If qualified to become your own boss, .h:NQDIRE WIT!HOD'C OBLIGATION. FAMILEX, 570 St. Cleaneatt, MONITIREAL, • ALAS i If In days gone by- when I was young 1 hadsome dollars in my sack, on(1 they were earned: by manly- toil that put u crimp across my- back. ¶ The village thankershowed me how that 1 could save my (tale b 1 there and how it would look aster me. when. age dabbled grey upon my 1 ale, 11 lit would be long, he warned m0 then, nor would I be a wealthy guy, but just the scan I'd have sonic kale in rainy days, to keep me dry. ¶ In atter years promoters coal,, and saleeken followed in their train, they said I was a foolish jay with three cells, missing from my brain, ¶ Ali join with us, they cried to me, associate with, brainy men, for every kopeck. that you have we'll gladly promise you'll get ten. ¶ And thus it was I wallcel across and pulled my cash from out the brine, where 1 had pickled it atimeway against old age and qul11111' . ¶ Since then no dividends have come nor are there ]copecks in my jeans, 1 only :have one pair of paints and live on pickled hocks and 50 t beans, NOTICE All Coal, Fuel Etc. accounts as at April must be paid at once. We gave you the Fuel when you needed it. Now we need the money to pay our debts Please give this matter prompt attention. D, N. McDONALD