HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-6-21, Page 3It Makes a Nicer Co®I Drink gfffgE ZEA TESTED RECIPES Picnic Cake Easy To Make Easy Ta Take Now Ohiat the •picnic and outdoor eating season is definitely uuder way homemakers will be casting around for ideas for the lunch bas- ket, 'Sandwiches in endless variety are standard equipment an such occasions but the ,problem is to tranepont a beautieully iced 'cake to the destinations. Such dainties are not very good travellere, so it is better to decide on un.dceth cakes and small cakes, They will weather any kind of packing and, turn up freele This Date Nut Loaf is a partici- tarty good bet for outdoor meals, especially when sliced and put to- gether like sandwiches with cream cheese tilling. DATE NUT LOAF • 3 cups sifted flour 3 teaspoons douvlt-aotinig bak- ing powder % teaspoon salt r4 cup brown sugar, firmly packed ?t cup chapped walnut meats 1 cup finely cut dates 1 egg, well beaten 1 cup milk 4 tablespoons melted butter or other shortening Sift flour once, measure, add bak- ing powder and salt, and sift again. Add sugar and prix well; then add nuts and dates, Combine egg, milk, and shortening; add to flour mix- ture, and blend. Baine in greased loaf pan, Sx4x3 inches, In moderate oven (350 Degrees, F,) 1 Stour, .or until done. ,Store overnight be- fore slicing. Another good picnic cake is, APPLE SAUCE CAKE 1% cups sifted, cake flour 1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder r/ teaspoon soda yi teaspom salt 1 teaspon cinnamon r/e teaspoon cloves tie cup buttes or other Shorten- ing 1 cup sugar 1 egg, well beaten 1 cup raisins, finely eat and floured 1 cup nut meaty', chopped % cup ,hoot thick 'apple sauce. strain ed Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder, soda; salt and spices, and sift together three tines, cream bat- ter thoroughly, add sugar gradually, and cream together until light and fluffy, Add sugar, raisins and nuts, Add flaw, mixture, alternately with apple sauce, a. Small amount at a time. Beat atter each d'clition until smooth. Bake iv greeed loaf pans, 7x5x3 inches, In moderate oven (350 Degrees. F.) about 1 hour. Strawberry Cream Pie It will be only a short time until the housewife wild be able to pro- cure luscious strawberries from her grocer in, large quantities and at a moderate price. The strawberries season would not be complete un - PERMIT CITY CONVENIENCES r;a If your home is in the country or in a town or village not served by a Community Water Supply System, a Duro Pump will supply running water under pressure to all parts of your home, barns, dairy -build- ings, etc. Without running water your family cannot have bathroom facilities and other conveniences so nec- essary to their comfort, health and daily work. • Duro Water Systems and Emco bathroom and kitchen equipment are made in designs and quality to meet the needs of every type of home. Emco Products Are Reasonably Priced • ,The four pieces in the bathroom illustrated —Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and Lavatory— with all Trimmings, ready for installation, cost only (Soil pipe, iron pipe and fittings extra) Other complete Bathroom Equipment as low as A Duro Special Pumping System complete with 25 gal, Galvanized Tank, 25 or 60 cycle motor with capacity of 250 gals. per hour, costs only eeetteeeetrettetee .." a :�:It�t►- $132.00 $ 76.84 $ 87.00 Modernize your home NOW. Under the Government Home Improvement Loan Act, or Duro Finance Plan, the cost of doing so can be spread over a period not exceeding three years. Full in- formation and free booklets on request. WILTON & GILLESPIE �"""^'. puro•Speoies 1 , Cen also be suesetilleefor Gasoline Engine Operation Hardware Store 'PHONE 68 BRUSSELS, ONT. EMPIRE BRASS MFG• CO., LTD. London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver 289 THE less It had Its Otay.wberry Sheri - cake, s'trabeeriele and smart and strawberry cream pie. This recipe for the pie is easy to follow, sad wild pmave itself to be delicious, 1% Cups milk 2 tablespoons earn starch ?k eup granulated sugar '4 teaspoon salt 1 egg Ye teaspoon vanilla 2 teaspoons butter Baked' pie •obeli Whole fresh strawberries Gurremt or sta,wbe'ry jelly. Bring milk to scald. Comb:Me corn titan*, sugar and salt. Slowly stir 1n hot milk. Stir over boiling water In double boiler until 'fixture thick- ens. Cover and, cook, with occasional s'tilli'ng, until no raw starch flavour refrains. 'Stir Into sIightly4beaten egg, return) to double holler and stir until egg thickens. Remove from heat and add manilla and butter. Cool slightly, then. turn into baked piI Me obeli. Arai -lige whole steam - points up, over filling, Fill In wi•bh, jelly. Serve very cold. Note: For a plain ceeam pie us - Mg no fruits, increase amount of filling by ralf the recipe, Ontario Business Showing Upward Trend Business in Ontario is on the ,nave! And it's moving in the right direction—,toward larger pay ro11s, What might be called the most significant anonuncenrent of past few weeks came from the factory inspection branch• of the provincial department of labor last week. It revealed that the department had approved nearly two million dollars worth. of planus. for new factories or addition's to existing factories and at'flce buildings du,rtnig the month of May, This total might he passed over without mach notice, were it not for the comparison that goes with it. The exact total for May this year was $1,507,000. For the same month. Fast year, the total was only $130,600. The inference to be taken from this bald "report Is plain, 17nrai takably, Ontario leaders in the man- ufaotnring field can see increased mrkets ahead, and they are pre- paring to get their stare of the new business, It doesn't take much imagination to foresee what the effect of this ruauufactuu'ing expansion is likely to mean to the peovbsce generally. The increase in factory payrolls should increase the consumption cf farm products this. fall. And then cartes the cycle, with the farmer turning back some of his suivlus to the manufacturer for new equip- ment tor his farm and hie home. There are plenty of other signs in sight to back up this inference. One of the largest baking companies in the )u'ovince has had to step up Production • sharply in the past two weeks to keep up with the demand. For this first time in several yearn. the employees of this eekpany have had to work overtime to get orders out. ' This trend toward better business has been in the making for ewe or three Months, of course but it is in• teresting to note that the situation has become markedly better since the public mind has been rid of war fears, The determined stand of the Bri- tish Goveanmuent against the dictat- ors, and the apparent backing down of Hitler from his aggressibe moves has a great deal to do with the bau- ish'ment of Ohds dlstuebing war dread. But as far as Canada is concerned, the visit of the King and Queen has been even more ef- feotive In its influence ort the public, .Canaddan citizens have been so absorbed, in the royal tour, there has been little time left •to worry about what ncightt .happen in Europe, Aieter many false Punto"+s, it now appears almost certain that this fall will bntng a federal election, Octo- ber has been mentioned by the Ot- tawa guessers as the month for the ballotoasting, CRANBROOK the annual Garden Party of the Presbyteran Church will be held on THURSDAY, .)UNE 29th Supper Will be served froiiin b' to 8 p.m. to be followed by an ENTERTAINMENT by the Lambeth Concert Party Concert to start at 8.30 p.m, Admission ---Adults 35c Children 20c BRUSSELS POST I LET US LOOK • AT THE, PAST LFero Are Item. Tek.te Preen Paleeofthe Pon ofq oro Si roars Are 26 YEARS AGO BELGRAVE Jebel Stewart I's away to Quebec attending the C, 0, le. High• Court as the representative of the Betgi•ave Court. W ROX ETE R Wan. MeLenaren returned from Montreal on Tuesday. • • • Miss Jeanette Ritchie attended the House Show in Galt last week, • • • Miss V. Moffatt, of Kent City, 'loch,, is, the guest of her grand- parents Geo, and Mrs, Barnard, • r Mists Edna Edgar, who has spent the last two years in Manitoba, is at present visiting her parents, J. and Mrs, Edgar, o3 Howtck. CRANBROOK Miss,, Thelma and George Small - don are vetiting relatives in St, Thomas, * * * Mrs, Milton Sharpe and son Gleeson of Toledo are visiting' the former's parents Geo. and Mrs. Smalldon, JAMESTOWN Miss Elate Stras:ban+ went to De_ troit last Frddoy on the excursion on the steamer Grey Hound, • • • On WYedneeday of last week Mrs, Frank C. Wright, of this looalfty', was very muck pleased to see her brother, John 12. Smith of Brandon, Man. WALTON Mr. Gray, Mr. Arthur and Mr. Halton, P.C., of London, motored up to Walton an Thursday at last week to spend the day with their old friends, W. 11, Sholdiee and family. GREY A brick addition is being complet- ed by Jno pearson, 4th line, Grey, which will add' materially to the ap- pearance and comfort of the home, Mrs. Jno Laine returned on Satur- day last from a week's visit with her mother Mrs. Edward Bosnian of Wingham, BRUSSELS James Burgess is away to Quebec atending the C. 0. F. High Court as representative of Court Princess Alexandria, Na. 24, Brussels. Miss Zetta \1, Ferguson and Miss Anne Hunt McCabe, New York, are sdrevcling the week -end with bins, Juo, Ferguson, 50 YEARS AGO W ALTO N Jno,. Berry bus gone on a trip to the West. • • ■ Andrew Morrison left for a visit Io Manithea and the Northwest last Tuesday, He will be away about 46 days. BLYTH A, Smith shipped a carload of cattle and. hogs. to Montreal last week. * * * The masons comeuced the stone foundation of Stater and Sim brick hlook on Monday. • * r J. Johnson returned Friday from London, where he had been. ahtend- itMg the High Cotlrt oe Foresters. F. Metcalf and G. B. Phillips, leave on Saturday for Toronto to attend the Grand Lodge of the I. 0, 0. le ETHEL Miss C. Lai.ls is visiting friends in Ripley, It. McKelvey alas•returned from Dakota where fie has been for some tlinh, CRA'N8ROOK Miss Minnie Tuck and Mrs, laminae it;,unis lett last week for ,Manitoba on a pisasuro trip, tieor,. A, MkNair, the genial postmaster was at the Queen Oily last week, Ile Is having his store well filled with seasonable and damnble goods, • • • Rev, Mr, Gibson bas been appoint- ed os successor to Rev, J, T, Legear R. A. Reid, R. 0. Sight Specialist for More Than 20 years 21 QQwnie St., Stratfc rd S'V'OA.4YF.SD Y, JUN,B 21st, 1039 441•••••••••••••1 COMPLETE EYESIGHT SERVICE EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED MODERATE PRICES ,Brussels Office- I Miss Hingston's Store Every Wednesday afternoon 2.00 to 5:00 p.m., PHONE 51 - Brussels as pastor of the Methodist church for next year. M, Legear goes to Durham. MORRIS David Maxwell, 7th cone has rented his fame to Jas. Cockrely, 01 the S,tlr con., for a team of 4years. John Walker, 621' con„ is huildlr.,,; a new ,house on the farm beside his mbther's. It is a brick veneer, • r • Wm. Bruce and daughter Mary, of county Oxford, were here visiting his son-in-law, Jas,! Evans, 7th con.. Mr. Brucke, left for home Wednes- day, Mars. Evans accompanying him to her old home. * * On Wednesday of this week Joe. Shurrie raised his new barn. Reeve Mooney and el. M. Cardiff were the captains, the latetr winning in the race. The born is 54x56 feet, will, stone stabling underneath. Geo. Proctor was the framer and Robt, and Tbuel the masons, BRUSSELS Chris Peller and family have re- moved to Preston. • s • Capt. Kennedy and Lieut, Mal holland are now in command of the Brussels corps of the Salvation Arany, Funeral Of Paul Doig Many friends and relatives at- tended the fuueral yesterday eif Paul L. Doig, former London al- dernran,.who died suddeuly at his home, 14 Balmoral avenue, on Sun- day, fallowing a heart seizure. Funeral services were conducted at 2 o'clock Wednesday In the A. L. Getman funeral chapel by Rev. Muieety Stuart, of Colborne Street e nited Church, Pallbearers were five brothers, Peter, John, And"ew, Robert and. Ross Doig, and Moody Kiucaide, a brotherinlaw. Inter- ment was 10 Motint Pleasant Cem- etery. Most of us are sun-evorsitippe •s but, unhappily, Old Sol is less mer- ciful to same than to ohtres, Our skins de not all react alike. Start your sun-bathing moderately at first. Indiscriminate dawdling in the sun's rays is harmful; you might easily ruin your skin and se'orch the nutriment out of your hair. Don't forget that no matter how nicely the ,sum treats you, your skin will lose some of its natural oil during the sun-bathing process. There are two things you musk be sere to do to help protect your skin against isle drying tetndencies of tha sun: (1" cleanse your skin with palmolive soap, which derives its goodness from soothing olive and palm oil (2) maseage tihe skin every night with a good tissue cream. ;paying', pariieular attention. to tate skin about the eyes, mouth and throat. It is advisable to wear coloured glasses to protect your eyes. If your eyes are pale grey or bine, wear tinted green glasses, as light eyes are more sensitive to glare than dark ones, Use non -oily suntan lotion, screened to prevent the dangerous actinic rays of the sun harming the skin, and which atthe same time give you a smooth all-over tan. Succeeding articles will deal with other important angles of Summer beautifying. In the meantime write me about your personal 'beauty problems, enclosing 3c stamp for my reply and detailed beauty leaflets. Please write direct to: Miss Bar- bara arbara L}nun, Box 75, Station B., Montreal, Que. W FARMERS ATIENTECN e want to meet a limited number of progressive farmers who wish to increase their annual income by several hundred dollars growing one acre of a fancy variety of Red Raspberry. The berries to be shipped to a large Toronto dealer for chain store and canning factory use. Government certified root systems furnished for fall planting on attractive payment terms. Last year, in Ontario, many of our plantations yielded over 10,000 pint boxes to the acre. This offer is limited. You, must own your farm. Mail your reply to Box 50 'the Post' before June 22nd. A personal visit will be made to your home to explain the business. Have plenty of ELECTRIC OUTLETS.. REWIRE