HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-6-14, Page 5WEEKitlD iPE(IALF 1 Ib. pkg. Puffed Wheat 19c Canadian Beauty Pastry Flour Olu Dutch ,Cleanser • Supreme Shortening Gold Medal Coffee Tooth Picks Raspberry Jam for 6 lb for • • • • , . • • 22c llc 24c 48c 5c 25c 24c 38c 24c for 43c 24c 25c 17c 25c 2 fib for 1 ib tin Gold Medal Jelly Powders Crown Brand Corn Syrup per pkg 2 lb jar 5 pkgs for 5 lb for Moody Lye 3 tins for Broows 5 -string Rinso Large pkg Square Deal Peas 3 for •. Pacific Pastry Flour 6 Ib pkg Royal Cut Salmon 2 large tins for • • .. Graham Flour 8 lb for 25c Canadian _Honey . 4 'lb for • • • • • • 25c Tomato Juice 3 tins for 25c TRY OUR FRESH STOCK OF STRAWBERRIES LETTUCE, TOMATOES, BANANAS & ORANGES W A N T ADS. FOR SALE— Cabbage, Cauliflowers and Toma- toe Plants also flowers. apply to Mrs .Chas. Workman or Mrs. Harry Workman. THE BRUSSELS POST * '191. GSDAY, ;RINE 14th 1938 Atwood Shares First Position With Brussels 'a. Race Tightens In Huron Football League; Listowel In ;Cellar B•russeiis moved up to share first Place with Atwoodin the northern codon of the klurou Football Lea- gue, by drubbing Mildmay last Fri- day night, Tthe standing in the northern seotion was further tight- ened, when Ethel handed the 145 - towel team its second loss of the season, The defeat idit Listowel in the cellar, In tin, southern sae Bon, Walton improved its standing by blanking Winthrop. Winthrop Blanked Winthrop, J4une 10, -01d -time football fans were thrown into tem- porary gloom here last Friday night when. Winthrop took o 2-0 defeat at the handle of its rival, Walton. The game was well -played, bat the score was a disappointment to the ,'home fans. Winthrop's team will get a chance to redeem itself when Sea - .forth plays here next Friday night. Tough Break Listowel, June 10. -Before only a small crowd of spectators .here last Friday night, Ethel scored a 3.2 victory over Listowel in the Perth. Huron Fotball Learue. It was a lueloy win for the visitors as one of the goals was accidentally scored WANTED— Lawn. mowers ground and repair. ed. All work guaranteed, Haringey's Repair Shop, Brussels (Call at Frances' Dress Shoppe) WANTED — Cattle to pasture about 6 or S head, goad grass. phone 39-r-6 Wd)llatu Jackitu R. R. 2, Bluevale Notices in this column oust 25c up to four lines; Sc for every extra line. Cash must accompany ad. Orders takes over 'Phone 35c. 'FOR SALE - 1923 Chevrolet Sedan, Reasonable apply to The Posit FOR SALE - 1 Dunham Heifer, 2 year old, due to freshen on, June 10th; 1 young Durham ICow, enilking also 12 chunks of Pigs about 70 lbs. phone 56-r-4 W. H.Mauntlers FOR SALE ----- ' ALE— ' 1933 Cltevt•olet Coupe in good condition, phone 23 -r -S Rae Houston FOR SALE— �f Silver Hull Seed Buckwheat, 60e. Per bushel,• also a kood Durham with calf at toot, Phone 43•r -2G Cow Jos, R. Ilamilton Walton 'NOTICE - 1 sell the DeLaval Separator and Mtiicers also the repairs for the De - 'Laval Separator. Repair Binders, Agent Thomas Grant. lidtone 442E -t•- 2 Brussels FOR SALE— Toiva,to, Cabbage, Cauliflower and Pepper Plants. 50c per hundred, 'phone 19X H, Qderin Brussels, Ont, .by a 1,istowei player. Spence. In the first period. lack of Listowe moored on a lass from Wilson, `In the second) Roy Pearson tied it tin' audt then Spenoe acaldontaliy scored again rfro m!Greer to nxa'ke t 2-2 and the tie was broken when Snider of Ethel scored, The teams.; Ethel — Seal, Dandtrook; backs, Rev. Snell, Ted Gill; haltbaoks, Rowland, Dobbin, - „Ames; oeetre, Snider; wings, Willson and Bower, 'Earl and' Pearson; subs, Dunbar and Snell. 0.isrtowei—Goal, Bedard.; backs, Spence anti Hill; halfbacks, Weber, Greer and Beacom; centre, Jack' wings, Scott, James, Bowery and Wilson; subs, Bean, Sargent. Referee --Ted Holmes. Moving Up Brussels, June 10.—Brussels de - defeated Mlldlnoy 4-0 here last Friday night In a Perth -Huron Feor- ba11 League scheduled match. 1t was a good game and the visVors gave a good account of themsetve- despite the score. Nichol opened the scoring and Louis Russell was credited with two goals, with the fourth one being scored by Jack Lowe. T71re teams.: iMildmray — Gia1, Arnold; full- backs, Howard, Kunkel, Bergman; half backs, F. Sehnsaltz, R. Sch- walm; for,w0rd line, E. Schwalm, G. Sehnert, A, •Yentsen, 'wetter, fl.. Notice To Creditorlf 'Lleslednet'; subs. 11, Schmaltz and 17; Yraeelx, In the estate of ..Robert ,Wanwloik IBxwss'e1e1--G0al, BJ6ey; tailbacks, fate of the Township tof 'Morns lit G. Nichol, H, Pearson; Shalt backs, the County of Huron, farmer, de. i3ran, King, B4.0.n4 16. road; for- wards, Z• Russell., Farquharson, . Bteise, Baiter, 111eArtrbur; subs. J, Lowe, Bowler, • Referee—Stevenson, Ethel, Notice To Creditors In the estate of ; Annie McGregor MoNaughton, late of the Village of Brussels In the County of Huron, widow„ who 'died on or about the twenty-second day of April, A. D. 1939. '11AiICE NOTICE that all p'ar.ties having claims or demands against the eStrate of the above-mentioned deceased must mail particulars and H17LL, proof of same to the solicitor for by his Solicitor ELMER• D, the undersigned executors on or Brussels, Ontario. before the third day of July A.D. 1939, upon. which date the said ex- Union United Church ecutors will proceed to distributewill be held on the assets with regard only to those TUESDAY, JUNE 20111 clai us utricle they shale then have Supper will be served in the reeceiceived, basement of the church 73ATED .at Brussels this lath day from 6 to 8 o'clock of June, A.D. 1939. CONCERT—will be put on by a Thomas Thompson McRae highly recommendedonCOoncertnt Donald Munro M•acTavish , Company from Ldon, Executors will be held in the shed by their solicitor ELM17R D, BELL. Admission — 35c & 20c Brussels, Ontario. Don't Miss Union Garden Party ceased, who died on or about the twentyuthird day of March, A,D„ 1835, TAKE NOTICE that', all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above rpeltfloued deceasedmust mall particular' and proof of same to the soitoitor for the administrator o1 the said estate '' 0R or before the t'wen'ty-third day ox June, A.D, 1939, upon which date the administrator of the sand estate will proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to 'those claims which he shall then have received. DATED at Brussels this twexyty- ndnth day o1 May, A.D. 1939. Thomas Warwtok, Administrator NOTICE— Stray heifer -on Lot 1.5, on. 4, Grey, found 2 weeks ago last Mon- dry can have same 'by paying ex- penses. phone 39-r-6 William Jacklin 13luevale RR 2 NOTICE— Mrs, W. M, Sinclair is putting ou a sale of all her household furnish 'nags on Saturday 2419. June at 2 o'clock, FOR SALE - 2 7.toot Binders, 1 Heyloader, as good as mew. phone 777 :Sylvester Fox, Bonssels WANTED— 'School Teacher for S. S. no. 3. Morris. State qualifications, ex- perience and salary. Applications close June 20th, phone 54-r-6 Joseph tuill R, R. 5, Brussels FOR SALE - 1 Good Top Buggy with rubber tires, like new, also 1 open buggy with .steel tires in good repair. phone 75-r-10 Martin SlcN th• ...,....w....... FOR SALE— Lady's Bicycle, looks like new, phone 43-r.10.. Selwyn Baker ACTIVE MEN WANTED— Get in', on, this big money matiting '. opportunity now with nationally known • concern, IJxcellent pt'ono- sition fol sincere dependable ratan. No experience necessary, We assist in !selling fittest fast selling Lino of necessities everyone—,rich and poor---htustt have, 900 men succeed aetuaidy to make good living, Tor details, and catalogue FREE-- FAMILIA, REEE—FAMILIA, 570, St. Clement,. MONTRI:AT„ FOR SALE— Four sticlas of timber, flattened on two sides, Two sticks 20 feet long, Ono 22 feel long and one 24 feel bang , Also a quantity of second- hand 3 -inch plank at 915 e thousand pthon'e 15-,r-9 Gilbert MaiCnllunt Walton WANTED— 'Cattle to pasture, a limited quan- tity, running water, plenty of shade and lots of grass. phone 47-r-17 Robt. W. Mcltay FOR SALE - 4 Little Pigs, six weeke old. Geo, Snlnlidon, f Vinbro;tk FI MFR 1) RFI i R A Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phone 20X Brussels; Ont Here's a few Cool, Comfortable Suggestions fjpr Hot Summer Days. The lists below only 'partly cover the tremendous selection of fine Sumner wear- ables we're showing in all de- partments. Come here for Qual- ity Merchandise at Lowest Prices! Summer Wear For Men MEN'S SILK POLO SHIRTS $1.00 MEN'S COTTON POLO SHIRTS 75c, $1..00 $1.50 $1.25 $1.59 up $2.95 up $1.95 $3.50 25c, 35c, 50c 95c to 51.95 MEN'S FLANPWILL 'SPORT SHIRTS MEN'S VELVASUEDE SHIRTS MEN'S COTTON WASH PANTS MEN'S TROPICAL WORSTED SLACKS MEN'S WHITE (DUCK PANTS MEN'S WHITE TROPICALS MEN'S ANKLE SOX MEN'S STRAW (HATS MEN'S COTTON CAPS MEN'S WOOL BATHING TRUNKS 95c to 51.95 LASTEX SATIN TRUNKS $2.95 MEN'S SUMMER SUITS—Special • • • • $10.95 MEN'S LIGH WORSTED SUITS $18.50, $20.00 BOYS' COTTON SHORTS 75c, 95c BOYS' POLO SHIRTS • • • • 50c BOYS' SILK POLO 75c SHIRTS BOYS' ANKLETS • • • 25c, 35c BOYS' WASH SUI'YS • • • • • . ' . 39c to 95c BOYS' WOOL TRUNKS 95c, $1.25 BOYS' WOOL SWIM SUITS 69c BOYS' SUMMER JACKETS $2.95 25c l;• 1 SummerWearfor Women and Girls VELVASUEDE SPORT SHIRTS $1.00 SLUB BROADCLOTH SPORT SHIRTS $1.00 WHITE SWEAT SHIRTS 98c GIRLS' COTTON SWEATERS 69c GIRLS' SHORTS -8 to 20, Navy and Copen 60c NAVY TWILL SHORTS (zipper) 95c GIRLS' SLACKS, 8 to 20, Navy, Copen, Brown .. 51.00 KIDDIES' O'ALLS—Check Gingham 59c LADIES' OVERALLS (Floral) 51.39 LADIES' OVERALLS (Navy Twill) 51.50 KIDDIES' SUN SUITS -2 to 6 49c KIDDIES' ANKLE SOX 15c, 25c GIRLS' ANKLETS 15c, 25c SILK HOSE 29c, 39; 75; $1.00 Service Weight and Chiffon LADIES' 1 -PIECE PLAY SUITS $1.95 White Pique With Extra Skirt $250 KIDDIES' BATHERS (Wool) ..... 79; 98c LADIES' WOOL BATHERS - - • - 51.95, $2.95 SATIN LASTEX SWIM SUITS $2.95 DRESS MAKER BATHERS - • - - $1.59, $1.69 WHITE PURSES $1.00 KERCHIEFS—All coi'ors • 25; 35; 50c PANTIE GIRDLES $1, $1.50 Stewart Bros. SEAFQRTH