HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-6-14, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST I d'onwood, Eden MIDIS, Elmiwood, The biidtal eoulilet left later N'ew Yolk, tits bride aveatdng for NEWSOF Eden MIDIS, W ID.N06SDAY, JUNE 190'A ; 1933' enlwemltb a navy honeysuckle crena with white 'lbxo straw het ,. ria matching accessories, Upon their Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents return they will reside in Bruseele, ETHEL school ground Ladles bring lunch. EirerybodY welcome, Come early, With plentiful moisture and waranith., Rapid krciw th of crow's has caused farmers and gardener{ ' tQ get busy with the scuffler and the hoe. Wm, Hampton and family ata resident again on their farm a cavort distance west of Ethel on Con, 7. M. Hewitt, G.N.R. agent, at Ethel will oecupo the House In 1 the village vacated by the Hamii- bon family, Trhe thoughtful kinliness of 9.thel ihntted church flower committee of last Sunday, in seroma a basket bouquet of lovely flowers to Mrs. E, A. Maquire a former regular attend- ant, but who is now unable to do ao. Was much appreciated. Mr. and airs. Proctor of Straftord are being esltablisbed in the respon- Witty* of 'waiting on and caring for Mrs. W. Stem= who as an invalid of many months requires constant and attentive care. The patient was privileged last week in suitable weather to be given by the use of a Wheeled cbait', several outings which proved to be beneficial and enjoyable, I.Sa.turclay, June 10111, John A. end Mrs. Wilson celebrated the twenty - firth anniversary of their wedding day'. Ethel -Listowel football . fame played at Listowel Friday, June 9. resulted in a score of 3.2 in favour of Ethel. Percy Stephenson refereed tbe Brussels.Mildmray game of league football at Brussels Friday, June 9. Fp to date our football team hes played three games in the league schedule. With the following re- sults. Ethel -Mildmay at Ethel, tie soore 1-1; Ethel -Atwood at At- wood 1-0, in favour of .Atwood: Ethel -Listowel at Listowel 3-2 for Ethel. The Atwood -Ethel game at Ethel wan on the schedule for June 13th. Mrs. Dilworth has had the east side of ,her barn roof resbingled and the 'west side repaired. Exterior and Interior painting and decorating has been in order al the residence or Doctor Richmond, air, and Mrs. Henry have the dis- tinction of being the oldest couple in Ethel and also that they have had more anniversaries of their wedding day, having arrived in this present month, at their 64th, An eagerly expectant crowd of adults as well as children, left Ethel by motor or train enroute •a Stratford Tuesday, June 6, hoping to see the Kung and Queen, Some of the group, who with 'hundreds of others were disappointed in not get ting a view of their Majesties at that point, went to London tine fol- lowing morning, +where under better carried out plans' by the lnan- agiing cumandttee, they were satis- factorily rewarded. - GREY Council Minutes of Council Meeting held June and, Members all present, . Minutes of Last meeting were react atsd approv- ed on motion of Thos, ,Dougherty, seconded by T. C. Wilson, 'This date having bean sat as court of revision on, the assess- ment roll, the following appeals were heard, Archie McCallum, Lot N pt, 16, i Con, 16, too high assessed; E. J. Parks. Est. S 3Ls 15 N pt 15, Con. 2, too high assessed;. Clarence Ella. cott, E 14 22, Con, 11, too high as- sessed; J. Richardson, Lot 2, Con, 14, too bigh assessed; Norman Stet:Manson, Lot 12, Con. 7, too high assessed; Charles Cleaver, Let 19, Con. 6, too .high assessed; Telford Keifer, Lot 15, Con, 3, 16 W 3z 17, Con. 7, Ey 16, Coo. 6, too high assessed; Fannie Dames, Lot 21, Con. 15, too high assessed.; Dan Huether, Lot 19, Con. 11, too, high assessed; Russ Wilbee, Lot 13, Con. 6, too high assessed; W. Sharpe E 3z 23, Con. 11, too high assessed:Edward Higgl ns, Lot 8, Con. 14. too high assessed Geo. McDonald, Est., N i!a 1718.104 Con, 1, Charge to Robt. Stocks, owner. Verne FeDonald, tenant. The following whose dogs are dead; Bert Evans, Harvey Hulley, Orville McNichol, Clarence :Ella- cott, Wm. Perrie, Ralph Tamtr son, After hearing the several appe1 tants, the council decided to look over the several properties com- piaaned of and on 133011011 of 'Chos, Dougherty, seconded by T. C. son, the Court of Revision was ao- journed till June 15111. Moved by T. C. Wilson, seconded by Alex Alexander, that in future our township assessmlent be made between April 1st and Sept. 30th of each year as provide -a tey Section 59 of the Assessment Mt and the clerk have a by-law prepared in re- gard to same. --Carrie.. Moved by Leslie McKay, seconded by Thos. Dougherty, that we con- cur inthe request of Elma Town- ship Council for permission in vary- ing asaesement of Grey Drain. —Carried. Moved by Alex Alexander, second- ed by Thos. Dougherty, Mat 111 ap- proved accounts be paid, —Carried. Moved by Leslie McKay, eeoond- ed by T, C. Wilson, that we do now adjourn to meet again at the neg: regular meeting or at tae call of the Reeve. —Carried. , Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher of Los Angeles; Cal; accompanied by Mr, Fisher Uncle anal Aunt. Mr. and Mra. Alex Ianlay of Detroit also Mr. Fisher's cousin, Mrs. Chas. Hopper of Wingham called on the Mann's. on 16th con. of Grey also on old friends and neighbors in Ethel. School Picnic The annual school picnic of S. 5 no , aril S. S. no. 6 will be held on Saturday, June 17tH on S.S. no. 3 The following accounts were paid: • Nctm, Stephenson, snow roads John 'Huether, grading Ed. King, rep. culvert Ben. King, rep. culvert L00 1.20 1,00 1.00 Anderson, since .,,,,.,••,•, J. H. Fear, June salary A, E. Jew/tuga,traaei orta- Mon Dr. C. R. Richmond, tis year •M. 0. H. salary Dr, C. R, Rioltanond, accounts B. 0, I3, Dr, C. R, Richmond, B. 0. H R, J. Hoover, B, 0, H. J, H, Fear, B4O:H, 5,00 41,65 3.00 75.00 75,40 2.00 2,60 2,40 2.00 J. H. Fear, Clerk * * * * * * * * * * WEDDING * :I: * * * * z: * * l McTAG GART TU RV EY At the Presbyterian Manse, At- wood, on Saturday, Rev. J. R. Greig united 1,1 marriage, Margaret Sel- lars Torrey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turvey of Morris Town- shiP and Mr. William Neil Mn - Taggart, son of Mr. Robert Mc- Taggart, Grey, and the, late Mrs. Mclf"aggant, The bride wore a dress or Bali rose elbser with white ac- cessories and a corsage of Briar•- elirfe roses and cornflower. Tho bridesmaid; Miss Marie Baker was dressed in sea blue: sheer with white accessories. The bridegroom was supported by Mr, Douglas Hamilton of Astwood. Following the marriage a reception was held at the .home of the bride's parents. Guests were present from (Delaware, Atwood, Goderioh and Bluevale. 1141', and Mrs. McTaggart Ieft later for a motor trip- through Ontario, the bride travelling in a vrey tailored suit with japonica accessories, They will reside on the and concesslon of Morris township. Donald Riehl, rep. culvert ,. 30 W m C. Harrison, dragging 3.20 Can. 011 Co, gasoline 70.15 Dom, Road Mach., two blades 9.72 H. E. Burrows, rep. grader 4.30 Stan. Alexander, operate maintainer 34,37 Jolun Kreuter, equalizing 'Union School Sections 20.00 Municipal Worid, subscrip- tions 9.00 R. J. Lovell, supplies 2.10 School Section No, 6 200.00 Bulbs for Ethel Streets ...... 20.00 'Prean. Tamp Downie, relief account ,.. 6.72 Wm, Elliott, sheep killed ..,.., 12.01 McPherson, Thompson & 1 SUPERIOR STORE QUALITY SERVICE. FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, Royal York Coffee l's Belle City Golden Corn 17 oz Maple Leaf Salmon 1/2's Granulated Sugar Sugar 'Cric*a Corn Flakes Peter Pan Peas 17 oz. Summer Sandwici- Cakes CIrrk's Vegetable Soup Broken Sodas •• •. 2 Ib for 19c Tomatoes 21/2's 2 tins for 17c Brooms, 5 -string each 25c Canadian New Cheese per lb. 150 Arctic Pastry Flour 24's each 49c NOTICE ---We have started the Put -a -Penny System and giving Rogers Silverware, We give it on anything in our store that is purchased. t, per tin 33c 2 tins for 15c per tin 16c 10 'b for 57c 2 pack for 13c • • 2 tins for 15c 2 lb for 29c 2 tins for 150 Phone 22-11 Mw ZIEGLER., Ethel, Ont. Mahoney—Jasber With a profusion at June flowers banking the altar, Mildmay United Church was the setting of a vers{ ploturessue an dinteresting wed- ding on Saturday, June 10th, at 3 o'clock p,an., when Ewa Mildred Jasper, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jasper of Car' rick Township, became the bride of Rev. Harry J, Mahoney of Brussels, son of Mrs. Blanche Mahoney, and the late Richard Mahoney of Guelph, Rev. W. J. Rayner of Belanore officiated and tbe wedding music was played by Mrs, Eric Goodcbild of Milton, sister of the groom. Given, in, marriage by Iyer gather, the bride was charming in a floor - length gown of white, embroidered silk organza, The skint was full, flaring into a 'train and fitted at the' waist with lacing of narrow w•llite velvet ribbon. The fan shaped neckline was accented by a lovely gold brooch which had been. worn by her garndmother on her wed- ding day. Long gauntlets of the same material fell in points over the hand. Her long, filmy veil of white tulle was arranged in a. cap effect, falling from a coronet of pearls and orange hlosaoms also forming a short face veil. The bride carried a beautiful white Bible which, with. a rope of pearls, was the gift of the groom. The bride had i two • attendants, Mrs, Stanley Graham of St. Marys was, matron of honour in a floor - length gown of aqua chiffon a white picture hat and white silk lace mittens'. She carried a nosegay of white carnations and ibouvartlihl with white streamers. Miss Dorothy Howe of Underwood tsaa bridesmaid wearing a floor - length gown of apricot silk organza and a shoal der length veil caught in a floral headdress. She wore. 'apricot silk lace mittens and ear•• ried a nosegay of white carnations and bouvardla with while stream- ers. The groom 'swag attended by hts brother, Dr, R. L. Mahoney of Guelph and acting as ushors were Mr. LIoYd 30'tper, broiirer• of the bride and Mn Sienlc:y Graham rtf St, Marys, blolher-tn-law of tire' bride 'During the signing or the 1 regietet Mus Marion Pollack of lit Marys as soloiY sane At pawning' P , 1,1'1.1 n ihO itis+ 1 at the home of the brides parent, the bride's mother received in a gown 00 navy and while sheer and hint 00 the same colour with n0r1i(1e of gnnd'enfa:s. Tho groom's moth,'r wore gray sheer and violet acces- sories with corsage of gardenias, Guests were present from Guelph, Brantierd, Detroit, Buffalo, London, Stratford, St. Marys, Milton, 1Jn- 37th Annual Meeting Held .By East Huron Institute ;Tire thiirtyaa'evenith annual meet - in bflof the East Hurons Dis- trict Womeuts Institute was held in the Church Hall, FordwIch on Fat - day. The president, Mrs. 3. Harold Speir presided' at 'bath the 'fore- nooa and afternoon' session, '1'he secretary -treasurer, Miss M. Olive Scott, reported 79 meetings, 1017 members and visitors attended and 11.2 -papers, 'auto addressee given, There are 7 branches to the dis- trict with 226 members. District receipts $137.06; expenditures, 71.- 46; balance on hand, 05,60; combin- ed Branch receipts, $22,g0; Expendi- tures, $625,61; balance $196,97. the auditors' report was presented by Mrs, R. J. MdLanc7tlin.. Nine convenors of Standing Com- mittees were present and presented' eplendtd reports of the work being carried on in the different branch. es, each convenor addling a sug- gestion where tire work might ge enlarged upon. The President In bier 'address stressed the study of the hand book and a thorough reading off Hon,e and Country suggested a good press reporter and- then gave some hints for a well balanced program. Ask For ,District Rally During the business discussion it was decided to ask -_.for a district Rally to be held the end of July at Ethel. The afternoon session open- ed with. singing the Maple Leaf Forever. Miss Florence Douglas, President of the R:utnam Girls gave the address of welcome to which Mrs, V.icitar Stara replied. Miss Hopkins from the delparbmewb at Toronto oapiained; bhe co-operative program and bhe value of a sum 'mery day. There will be no district project this year, Mrs. L. G. Crozier, Provincial Board director in her address, spoke of the visit of Their Maleaties and suggested that the mcauhers of the W. I. be gt(acious and. gentle and' natural following the exbmple set by Queen Eliza- beth: Misys Flora Durnin, Huron, Conn ty Coach, in speaking of her work mentioned the strong link between the girls; and members oa the sen- ior branches; Mmsical nsnnsbera were contri- buted by Mrs. West and Mise Jean Brynns and Mrs, W, C. King, Brus- hels, led in the singsong, Miss Margaret 'Purvey contributed a rending Officers Are Elected J. H. FEAR Phone 221'14 Ethel, Ont. Coal, Coke and .Cement Blue Coal ,our Specialty' (There Is None Better) Hamilton By -Product ,Coke The Best and Cleanest Alberta Coal Midland --Rosedale St. Marys Cement We Deliver Anywhere Sellars, Wroxeter. At the erase of the meeting, mem- bers of the Putnam Wrist' branch served delicious retiesl'nmenta and alit entibyedl a social tient: WILLIWILLIAM gPriWyg AM Iua,LatuV. Estate Agent, - Conveyancer and Commissional. General Insurance Ofrice Main Street. — Ethel. Ontario 1 ry Clinton Lions Club 4th; ANNUAL FROLIC - L arattillrafilD Wednesday, June21st Recreation .Park, Clinton Afternion Programmer 2 p.m.—SEMI=PRO BASEBALL GAME London vs. Port Huron (Regular League Game) 4 p.m.—GREYHOUND DOG DERBY 7 races to determine winner of New (PLYMOUTH CAR MIDWAY AND OTHER ATTRACTIONS Evening Programme: Presentation of car and 35 Modern Dancing Old Time. Dancing BOOTHS GAMES other consolation prizes — Town Hall — Legion Hall ATTRACTIONS No, H. C. Lawson, Pres. M. ,J. Schoenhals, Sec. All Proceeds for CHILD'S WELFARE WORK INN IMOINN111•111•11...1ft Phe election of officers conducted by Mrs, Crozier, resulted as fol- lows.: Honorary President, Mrs, ll, L, Wardlaw, Ethel; President, Mrs. J. Harold Spier, Brussels; let Vice President, Mrs, F. C. Demerit/1g, Fordmich; and Wee -President, Mrs. Pearl Keine, Corrie; Secretary - treasurer, M. Olive Scott, Bluevale: Federated Representative, ` Mrs, Spier, Brussels; Alternate, Mrs. F„ C. Demeriing, Fordwieh; Distri:t Delegate to convention, Mrs. Ward - law; 'Chnwenors of Standing Cour mitteee; Health and mild Welfare, Mrs. Tont Wilsons Fordwich; Edu- cation, (Mrs . Runes .Atrmsti•oug, Brussels; Horne Econgmios4 Airs, M. L. Aitken, Bluevale; Legislation, Mrs. Roy Gadike, Fortbwich; Agri- culbure, Canadian Industries, Mrs. James Bremner, Ethel; Hietrocial Research and Curernt Events, Mrs. Elmer Gilees Clifford; Relief: and Community Activities, Miss K. Gioodtfellow, Wroxeter; Cana(lituriz•. a'ion, Miss Minnie Mclllwain, Ford- wich; Peace Education', Mrs, M. Cr.3iitme,“ 444 pRitytp�y Phone or drop in, and let me show you how Bray Chicks made real profits for poultrymen last year, Personal'attention, prompt delivery. Gilbert Nethery R. R. 5 Brussels BE WISE! Get a Goad Used Car NOW! 35 Choke Cars 1935 to 1938 Models. 25 Lower Priced Cars 1927 to 1934 Models. All within the scope of your budget May We' Suggest -- Before you goon your trip let us check Brakes, Lubrication, Motor Igniiititon Lights, Carburetor, Timing Tires Spark Plugs, Oil & Gas, Windshield Wiper Transmission & Differential amaiiimsaarekremme It's Wise to be Safe For Guaranteed, Economical Car & Truck Service, Come To VIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINN!!NiiilN!IINIfNNilm!!N!!Nlm L■ & W. il!IIII!Illllllllllp!1111111!NIIIIIIIIIhIIiIlNlllll!NNINIi!➢II!IIIIN JACKSONT O O RS tal Ll Limited Phone 161 Listowel Service With a Smile .4'I1!iVhfl!I!'!..i.l,'IU.IIIIINIb!Iilillill'16'!I'?NhhNl!Illllllt!!Illllllli!I!NI!INgi!!iK(Illfil!NNIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNIIIIIYd�dlllllllfIIIIhIINIIIINIIIIIIIINNI!IIIIIIIIIR Amoinnav