HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-5-31, Page 5an11•8"i/O/Oprosareadmeoragarmar THOMPSONS Brussels, Ont. Phone 70 WEEK -END SPECIALS 8 GRAPEFRUIT for 25o Royal Cut Salmon Supreme Mince Meat P & G Soap Soap Flakes 2 tin s for 250 1 pkg , . 15c 25c 25c 24c 25c 12c 25c 25c 15c 10c 10c 25c 22c 25e 20c 7 bars for 4 tb for Supreme Shortening 2 ,lb for • • • a Pride Valley Peas 3 tins for Golden Wax Beans 1 ti>for Supreme Cocoa 2 large tins for BrunsWick Sardines 6 tins for Chocolate Cookies 1 Ib for Dutch Cleanser 1 can for Pride Valley Pumpkin 1 tin for Walker Sodas 2 Ib pkg for California Lemons Klenzine Eatmore Wheat Flakes 1 dozen for . 3 pkgs for per 13`..7g TRY OUR .FRESH STOCK CF ORANGES, PINEAPPLE AND BANANAS MRS. W. J. JOHNSTON DIES A SEAFORH Seafortlt, May 30. --The death oc- curred: on 95onday mottling al the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert a , • Marriage Prohibited Without a proper license If you Issue Marriage Lic- enses, tell the young folks about it In ourClasslfied Ads. • They all know a license Is necessary. but they don't all know where to get one, This paper is popular with the young people. • Hogg, in McKillop, following a fele weeks illness of Margaret Grieve, a highly esteemed, resident and wife of the late W. .7. J.:hnston. The departed roman, was bori9 in 1VIcaiillop being a daughter of the late William Grieve one of the pioneer residents, Five years ago Mirs. Johnstone suffereda severe shock as the result of a gasoline explosion and had never been strong since. She was married nineteen years ago. She and her husband lived in TilLson:burg and Part Burwell, Atter .his death she made her home with ter sister, Mrs. Hogg. She is survived by two brothers, Dr, John Grieve and Mr_ Thomas G'rie've, Seaforth, and two sdstens, Mns. John E. Hominuth, Wing3 am, and rMs. Robert Hogg. McKillop. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon from bhe residence of her sister, Mrs, Robetr I-Iogg, do McKillop Interment was made in the Malt - landbank C'enietery, Rev. R. W. Craw offiiat.ed. VISIT OF THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING AND QUEEN STRATFORD TUESDAY, JUNE 6th SPECIAL TRAIN SERBICE Standard Time A. M. 8.35 5.51 9.86 9,15 9.30 9.40 9.53 10.04 10.10 10.15 10.30 10.40 11.25 cLt'. Kincardine Ripley Luoknow Whitechurch Wing'ham Biuevale Brussels Ethel Heni8ryn Atwood Ar. Listowel Lv. Listowel Ar, Stratford Children 5 years and under 12 Half Fare - 12 years and over Full Fare. ^... Fares. Return Limits, Train rnlormatian, Tickets, consult nea>ti,t Agent. See Handbills. .Round Trip Adult Bargain Excursion Fares to STRATOORD P.M. Ar. 7.40 7,21 7.09 6.57 6,45 6.35 6,22 6.11 6.05 5.57 Ly. 5.45 Ar. 5.35 L'. 4.50 52.20 52.00 51,30 $1,00 51.50 $1,40 $1,20 51,05 51.00 .90 ,75 .►ANAOIAN NATIONAL • • 0OD SAV E TH E K I NG T -174D SEED cc• N NOW ON is l5 ND Early Learning Wisconsin No. 7 Golden Glow White Cap All the above varieties are No. 1 Government Standard Certified Seed Place your .ORDERS NOW and avoid disappointment IT PAYS TO FEED THE BEST: Feed NEW (LIFE A full line of New Life Feeds always on hand CHICK STARTER CHICK DEVELOPER GROWING MASH CHICK SCRATCH Bowler's Feed Store Brussels THE BRUSSELS POST WRONLISDA.T, MY 3 ;19 Visit of Their Majesties the King and Queen 'A oouat the above, cetreln trains are being CANCELLED on speaiflc: days and the schedules of other trains ale being changed. Extra train service 18 also being arranged. For full particulars apply to '.Picket Agents, Canadian National AD ■ Notices m this column cwt. 25c up to four lines; Sc for every extra lute. Cash joust accompany ad. Orden taken over 'Phone 35e. FOR SALE - Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower and Pepper Plants, 50c per hundred. phone 19X H. Querin Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE - Cabbage, Cauldflowens and Tema - toe Plants also do -wens, apply to Mrs- :Ohms. Wo>ikunan or Mrs. Harry Workman. WANTED- Ca.tLte to [pasture, running spring water at all times, phone 36-r-4 Saar Alcock NOTICE- S will he sharpening and repair- ing lawn mowers again this year, Also have a SC166er and knife sharp- ener. I have some good used lawn mowers for sale. phone 53-r-13 Harry at miss FOR SALE- ✓ Silver Hull ,Seecl, Bu,cknv,beat, 60c per bushel. phone 4S -r-26 Jos, R. Hamilton Walton WANTED - Lawn mowers ground and repair. ed. All work guaranteed. Earngey's Repair Shop, Irussels (Call at Frances+ Drees ShapPei FOR SALE - A quantity of good Seed Barley, 6 - rowed also some Dooley Seed Pota- to, also 2 Dunham Heifers 2 years old. ,9 Chunks of York Pigs, phone 42-r_26 Baxter Stephenson SEED GRAIN Banner Cats; also mixed }lamer and Two -Rowed Barley, Price 51.50 per cwt. phone 55-r-16 J. M. Knight & Sons FOR RENT - Mrs Sinclair would rent half of her hone or sell the house, will ;c turn to Brussels at any time upon request. Grace R. Sinclair, 00 Gosvenor Ave., Hamilton, ACTIVE MEN WANTED - Get. in on. till, big money malting opportunity unw with nationally known, concern. 'Excellent propo- sition for sincere, dependable man. No experience necessary. We as-isd 10 ,selling. i•'iusst hast ;citing line of necessities' everyone -,rich and 11001 1110.,1 ha VV, 800 11eu succeed actually to make good living. For details' and catalogue PEEK - 570. St. Clement. ,MONTR AI, F. F HOMUTH Analytical Optometrist guarantees you the • Best Eye Service Harriston, phone 118 Brussels (Second Thursdays) Phone 26X MAY HAVE REASON Don'u't ge trued at. the hiss. "Comm Can't know what lets, wife said le lis mbeifore he left alpine. Furniture Sale 0=0CHANGES IN F(00=10r----'01=0) 4 r•-• TRAIN SERVICE I tttQyyy E • . Th. Cid lOal<ley Property If WE Turnberry, St„ HAVE IT Brussels 11111 11 SATURDAY, JUNE 3rd NOw O The following will be ,offered 0 - NE - Mil for sale at 1.30 p,m, 11 14 3 Beds & Springs S. ,Mattresses (Spoof Beds) 4 Dressers 3 Washstands and pass the word on to you, that we now have installed an . - . . 8 1 Large Cherry Wardrobe I u O 1 Oak Sideboard 1 Knechtel Kitchen Cabinet 1 Extenston Table 1 Kitchen ,Trable 6 Cane Bottom Chairs 1 Four -Burner Oil Stove & ,Oven 1 Box Stove 1 Eight-day Clock 1 Large Cupboard 1 Drop -side Bed Couch and Mattress, as good as new 1 Couch 3 Small Tables 1 Oak Parlour Table 2 Feather Ticks 1 Book Case 1 Bench 1 50 -gallon Oak Barrel 3 15 -gallon Oak Barrels 1 Flour BM 1 No. 2 Daisy Churn with splashers (new) 1 Dash Churn 1 Small Bake Trough 1 Soda Fountain 1 Wooden Butter Bowl & Ladle 16 Quilts 1 96 -piece Dinnerset 2 Toilet Sets 1 Earthen Cuspidor 1 Grey Granite Roast Pan 3 ,Large Meat Platters 2 Small Meat Platters 1 Cast Frying Pan 2 Steel Frying Pans 1 Saskatchewan Robe (good' as new) 1 Fancy Lamp & Shade 1 Coffee Mill 1 Set Sad Irons 1 Large Electric Lamp Shade 1 Ironing Horse 6 Feather Pillows 6 Large & Small Bread Pans 3 Quarts Russian Oil 4 Dozen pint & quart & %2 gallon gems 12 Stove Pipes 1 Axminster Rug size 3V2 yds, by 4 yards 1 Quebec Cook Stove with warming closet and ney copper reservoir 1 24 -foot Extension Ladder Other Articles To Numerous To Mention TERMS - CASH Sale will go on Rain or Shine F. W Kemp, Auctioneer and Monument Dealer Motor Accidents At Night The fatal motor accident rate at night, on the baste of traffic, is more than three tunes. the accident rate of daylight. .Motor vehicle fatalities in the United States dur- ing the hours: of darkness have in- creased 43 per cent, since 1930, The entire increase in traffic deaths in 1937 over those in 1936 resulted in increase in night ac- cidents. ccidents. Seventy-eight per cen4, of the ac- cidents. in. HUM the ditver hail been drinking occurred between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. Improved lighting of highnva.ys ,p O 0 0 Alemite Greasing System ... making it possible for our mechanics to give you a , , , Perfect Lubrication Job Adapters For All Fittings Oils & Greases inserted under pressure. ALL parts of ALL makes of cars Perfectly Lubricated 0 O a u p 0 Elliott's Garage 'phone 82 helps to reduce such accidents, In Michigan reflector buttons were placed 100 feet apart and S feet front the edge of the pavement on 80 miles of the road between . Lan- sing and Detroit. In the first three months of 1835 there was a redue- tiow of 79 Per cent, in accidents on this stretch of highway, whereas on a control stretch of highway with- out such, lighting the reduction was only 19 per cent. The night pedestrian too Is sus- ceptible to accidents. Night ped- estrian, fatalities in Philadelphia in- creased from 56 per cent, of the total number of night fatalities in 1935 to 73 per cent in, 1937. In New Jersey in 1.936 67 per cent.. of the urban pedestrian fatalities and 53 per cent. of the rural pedestrian fatalities, happened at night. 7f it is necessary to walk at night in rural areas the pedestrian should .parry a light. Even carrying a 'haudkereihief helps. Because a walker sees the motor's headlights does not mean that the motorist sees brim. 33icycle riders are in special danger, Tiley should carry rear lights. Drivers at night should avoid alcohol; they Should drive at lesser speed San in daylight, Safe dirtying at night is a dhallenge to skill and, good sense of the motorial, 'who must ever be on the alert for every indication of objects ahead or changes' in the road, Over Again Sambo: "Don't you start uo tight with me. Ah was decorated for brabery in the Spanish War." Rastas: '\Maytbe you was, but in. rah, 'pinion it's given yo' such, a smell head yo' is 'bout hila to be redecorated," Brussels 0 (0=0 0=110 Auction Sale At Lot 10, Concession 15 In the Township of 'Grey, On • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1939 of Registered Shorthorn Cattle, Fully Accredited, Clydesdale Horses and Farm Implements CATLE: 1 Herd Sier, Glenburn Magnet, bred by Col. F. H. Deacon 9 Cows, Fresh, or safe in calf 2 Heifers, two years old, bred 7 Heifers, one year old 1 Bull, 12 months old 2 Bulls, 6 months old 5 Heifer Calves The Herd Consists of MARR FLORA'S, ROSE'LEAFS and a few Choice ,Breeding SCOTCH -TOPPED FEMALES HORSES: 1 Registered Clydesdale Mare, due to foal June 25th to the service of Royal Footman • 1 Heavy Draught Gelding, 2 yrs. old 1 Heavy Draught Filly, 1 year old (Eligible for 'Registration), sired by Favorite Again 1 General Purpose Horse, good single or double IMPLEMENTS: 1 John Deer ,Disc, 16 blade 1 Massey -Harris Cultivator i Oliver Single Riding Plow 1 Oliver Double Riding Plow - 1 Cockshutt Manure Spreader 1 Washing Machine 1 Cream Separator 1 Walking plow 1 Land Roller 1 Massey -Harris Mower • TERMS - CA$t4 No Reserve as Farm Has Been Sold; Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. Oliver Turnbull, Proprietor. Sir Edward Beatty Chats with King and Queen Just before leaving Montreal., Their Majesties Bing George VI and Queen Elizabeth met and shook hands with several direc- tors of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way, They aro seen here chatting with. Sir Edward Beatty, G.B.E„ KC, LL.D., chairman and presi- dent, Canadian Pacific hallway, and Sir Herbert Holt. Other di, �ersy���:•z=i. rectors presented by Sir Edward were Sir Clatries Gordon, 3.13.1;., D, C, Coleman, vice-president, trig. -Gen, P. S. Meighen, C.M.G., (toss McMaster and M. W. Wilson.