HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-5-31, Page 4THE BRU$SEI,,S POST
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
.:lthel Presbyterian 'Church Gar
den (Party wilt be !held on 'Mors-
aul-day, June 22nd, Watch for further
Following t'he recent showers of
rain and warmer 'weather the couu:
by presents a beautiful and ,pro-
gressive appearance,
The many friends of Kit, E. A.
Maguire are glad to know that
there is noticeable Improvement in
her condition and 'that there is
,faveral)le response to treatment
Jahn King is on a fair way to
regaining customary ability after a
recent critical illness..
Mrs. King although not up to usual
good form still takes an aottve Part
in the required duties Of living,
IVIrs. Mary GNI Who 'was fre-
quently sick tinning the whiter
motions la again able to undertake
the management of home responsi-
Mr. and Mrs. Patterson of Arthur,
farmer residents or .tinsel were 1'e.
hewing old friendships In th evillage
last Sunday.
Carden: plowing 1n Ethel was com-
pleted Mat week with the exception
at one plot, where potatoes will be
planted ata later =date,
14, W. Bryans of Watton and Doc-
tor Prank Bryans of Hermit..
ton spent past of May 24th holiday
with Ethel friends,
On the 241h of May, Helen, Bate-
man came tram Listowel by train
and spent the afternoon•. in She vie-
inity of Walton, enjoyably, with
per jar 22c
2 btl, for 25c
per lb 36c
2 tins for 17c
2 pack for 19c
• • - 2 tins for 15c
2 1b for 19c
2 lb for 29c
Ladies House Dresses, new styles .. each 98c
Ladies' Voile Dresses, to clear at • • each 59c
Window Blinds each 49c
each 15c
each 89c
Aylmer Orange Marmalade 32 oz
Aylmer Catsup 12 oz.
Maxwell House Coffee lis
Ayhner Pork & Beans 21 oz
Quaker Puffed Wheat
Aylmer Peas
Broken Sodas
Mixed Sandwich Cakes
Men's Straw Hats
Men's Work Shirts
Phone 22-11 Ethel, Ont.
Store will be closed Tuesday & Thursdays evening at
6.30 p.m. and open the remaining evenings
Cars, Trucks & Tractors
1938 Standard Ford Coupe
10.000 Miles
1937 (2) Ford Coupes
1936 Ford Coupe
1935 Ford Coupe
1935 Deluxe Ford Sedan
1934 Master Chevrolet Coach
1933 Frontenac Sedan
1932 Willys Sedan
1931 Ford Coupe
1930 Buick Sedan
1929 Durant Sedan
1928 Oldsmobile Sedan
1927 Ford Coach
1938 Ford Light Delivery
1936 Ford Light Delivery
1936 Ford Heavy Duty Dump Truck
1936 Plymouth Sedan Delivery
1933 International Panel Delivery
3 Chevrolet Stake Trucks
Rend iaued Fordson Tractor
15 Private owned Cars from 1935 to 1938.
Represented in Brussels by Claire Long
New Cars on Display at Ford Garage
Jackson Motors
-Service With a Smile-
Wallace St. 'phone 161 Listowel
relatives and friends.
Ed. King and hoe mother Mrs, Job
King of Grey Twp, wero Sunday
afternoon callers at the Moine of
Alf and Mrs. King,
With Ethel 'supplying the bride
for one wedding and the groaul tor
another, why wouldn't we be in-
terested in June weddings.
The consent given at Ethel Unit•
ed church last week by Winglrear
United church choir under the aus-
piees of a ways and means com-
mittee of Ethel W. M, S, was not as
well patronized as had been, hoped
for. That fact did not apparently
deter The talent from an efficient
presentation of a well selected pro.
Jos. and Mrs, Antes and Bryan
acc•omhpan4ed by Cal'] and Mrs. Ames
and children, 74h con, Grey, attend-
ed the Wan. Bayans family annual
assembly on May 94th, at the farm
of E. W. and Mrs. BrYans, 8th con.,
Morris Twp, The time was happily
paused in Mende ;fae7rion, on the
spacious grounds. Aproximately
threescore persons. were entitled to
partake Of a bounteous lunch sere'
ed before departing for their sev
eral homes,
Week -end visitors at lite home or
Mr. and 'Mrs. Ziegler, Ethel, were
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Sperling and
family, Detroit. Mr, and Mrs. John
Leitch' and Bessie, Mr. and Mrs,
Dong. Leitch, and Mrs. C. McLaren
Norwich and MMus. Alex Leitch of
The Women's Institute will meet
on Wednesday afternoon; June 14th
(4natead of Thursday, June 8), at
the home of Mrs, L. Sinclair. The
Roll call will be answered by 'Some-
thing you think most interesting
about the King and Queen's visit to
Canada," The topic will be The
importance of rest and recreation
in the life of the Homemaker. All
ladies interested are invited to at-
tend and' spend a pleasant afternoon
with tate W. I, Please note the
change in date..
If its good fresh fruit or vege-
tables Grewar's have it. It is gold
for less, because we sett for cash.
Mrs. W. R. Lundy and son Robert
of Westdale Hamilton -spent the
week -end at the home of Mrs. A.
Mfrs. H. Bone and grandson, Ken-
neth were recent visitors in Toronto
seeing the King and Queen.
Mrs. M. McLean' of Hamilton,
spent a few days with Mrs, -Crooks
and Martha Currie,
The many firiendis of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Smith will regret to learn of the
death of their infant db.ughter
sympathy is expressed for the be
reaved parents.
Robert Currie .has returned
home after spending a few weeks
with friends and relatives in Ham-
Glenn Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs.
David Smith Ia0. last Friday tor
Vancouver and will motor home
with his uncle from there.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Currie enter-
tained about twenty guests, neigh-
bours and friends, at supper on
Monday evening in honour of the
foruner's: father, Robert Currie, on
'Ire occasion of his 77111 birthday,
During the salpper a lovely birthday
cake, made by Erre. finnrie, was
lighted by 77 candies. A delightful
social evening was enjoyed., Mr,
Robet't Clurrie received many gifts
and a flood of good wishes in which
the "Post" joins,
31•", 'Wm. cook was honored 011
Friday night of Inst week at his
home iu. Brussels where the recent
1y moved from the "fifth line of
Morris, by old friends and neigh
hours, A pleasant social everillt
was spent caring the enures •,'
which Mr. Cook was ;glade the re
('Ment c.4 11 I.n"ae -,i I1'n'.••v, Air-.
Cook made a suitable reply fb:urk
ins all for their kindness and good
wishes. The foll*winz address was
also presented to Mr, conk:
D[ar Mr. Cook.
I1 was with 11e111 r,'rrr.f ilia! we
(calami or 3.11or nn to ieave
mfr neIghhr,ltionrl
1'c'ince 1,0w. ,rp r.iated Your
nelghdlrmhun 0111 151 str.'m'e
miratlon for the quiet worthwhilei
life you livers a)••1 we ill reel yrn
WM be .sadly inlayed at our s0cial
gatherings 5'pecially :by the many
friends you have made during the '
Lime you 'halve sapent among us. 1
As we meet at this time we must I
confess that :mingled with the regret
WEDNESDAY, MA'X flat, 10Z0
we feel as you leave tt8 is a reefing
of hominess arising iit'nm the
kaoww)edge Qat in Your new amine
you will be 'undertaking easier
tasks which should make Your
life longer and 45a2))uler.
We are also consoled at your tie-
Partaire by the fact that you are
not going far, and we truss, that in
your 005 environment You will
welcome the onen1013 of old friend-
ships. and assacdatleos,
On this ocacedotk we would like.
•to present you with a small token
of the regard we have ;for you, and
hope that in your future you will
have many fond recotlectlon,s of
happy hours spent with .those as-
sembj:ed here to bid you farewell
to -night,
'Signed on behalf of your neigh-
bors and frlendis.
Robert Michele
Alwin Anmstron6,
Mai. Janes Sellers, nutse-iu-braiu-
,General hospital Beneral hospital
attended the celebration of his
grandfather, 'Ms, W, J, Scuch's
birthday last Friday.
If its good (testa fruit or vege-
tables Grower's have it, It Is sold
for Less because we sell for cash,
Mr, and Mrs, R. Sperling of Van-
couver, visited over the week -end
with, Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Johnston: and
can anti with air. and Mrs, Spar -
ling Johnston, 1st line,
Mts. 'Van, Dobie returned' to her
home at Auburn after spending a.
week with Mr. and Mrs, ,Dins John -
Mrs. Harold Hartds and sons
spent a couple of days with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston and
baby visited' on Sunday with Mr.
anti Mrs, Chats. Soueh and family.
Glad to hear Mi'. Richard John-
ston is able to be out again after
getting his knee hurt.
M. David Jewitt lett last Wed-
acidity to visit with his brothers in
the West and other friends.
The Steadiy and True Misx,'on
Circle under the leadership or Airs.
A. aV. Robb, sponsored' a bazaar ha
the school Croom of the United
Clhurcih an Saturday afternoon. The
bc'11119 and tables of hone sleds
candy and baking, rut flowers and
Potted plants and aprons, 'cushion
tops, pct holders and other useful
a:tic'lec were attractively decorated.
Afternoon tea was served. The
proceeds armosmted to over $30.00,
Rev. A. 33, Robb and Mrs. Robb
are attending .the annual conference
"1 the United Church, 1Ir, W. J,
South of Ebenezer le representing
the congregation.
Changing Hours of Service
Oa Sunday, June 4th, Bluevale
amid Ebenezer charges of the Unit.
ed church will change 'their time of
service for the animmer. 'Munch
service wilt the held at 17beoezer
at 10 a.m., with Sunday School
following, llhie.vale 'Sunday Schon
will open at 10.15 a,m,, yith chruoh
service following, Rev. David Mar-,
shall of Toronto odsupfed the pulpit
in Knox Presbyterian churob, on
Sunday and conducted communion
Service. Mrs. Nelson sang a solo,
Next Sunday Rev, Donald MacHGay
at! London• wild preach.
If its goods fresh fruit or Vege-
tables Crewel's have it. It is sold
for less because we sell for cash.
The Y. P. S. of the Presbyterian
Church emtertfa.ines the Brussels
N.P.S. on Priddy eventing, The
president Mee Henry, welcomed the
vi:. tars after which I b e Brussels
:•or•iely took charge and ln•eaenteil
a very enjoyable program of muss"n1
sslootions and readings. At the
''1ns" of the program, games were
conducted by ;Mrs. (Rev,) 'West
and MIIRA Mae Henry. Community
singing was led by WIlliam Eck -
of Brussels and Airs, (Rev,)
West, Dainty refl•eatinnenis were
served, Al the close 1r bnr.inesa
1netinr W(— held 1%111m plains we're
nha,1 to miter'o1lt ono( her 505115(.3
and also plana to play softball.
Ill. the Untied C'hurc'h on tiurrfoy
morning, nob, 1'. Ti, Ackert had
charge of the service and deliver-
ed an interesting 010seen with tite
theme, "haw anal Love."
Two Elders Ordained
iiev, T. K. 'West had charge of
hh5 e")wR•ea in the Presbyterian
Church on Sunday, Al the Moe',
of the Morning service ordination
if two eiders, 'Mitred Smith and
Karl Stoffen, woe 11 el
i'si:t:n,•s; T>r.
Lavvson Leake and
Denny Camnn of ,(ooksville, with
Mr, and Mrs, Benison Leak(); Mrs,
Stevens trf Rochester, N,Y. is
R. A. Reid, R. O.
Sight Specialist for
More Than 20 years
21 Downie St., Stratford
Brussels Office
Miss Hingston's: Store)
Every Wednesday
2:00 to 5:00' p.?!
PHONE' 5'1 - Brussels
spending the .summer with her
daughter, Mrs. William Worth;
Myrtle Ellaco(14 spent a few days
If its good t1•esh -Omit or. vege-
tables Grewar's have it, It is sold
for Less beoause we soli for cash,
King George's
3 Birthdays
During 1939 His Natal
Day Will Be Celebrated
Thrice Over
Ming George VI wilt celebrate
three birthdays this year because
tai: bhe royal visit to 'Canada and
the United States.
The King's real birthday is De-
cember 15. But, so that good weath-
er will be available for pages"ta,
lawn parties and military cere-
monies to celebrate the day, June
8 was fixed as his "official" birth-
Officially June 8
The King is scheduled to be in
Washington on June 8. So he well
celebrate hie "official" birthday
while in Canada some time before
that date, in, order to tparteipate
in some cont of British 'military
ceremony similar to the traditional
"training of the colons," while the
rest of the British, Empire will cele-
brate June 8 as- usual.
The annual birthday honors list
will be published on June S while
the Klug ankli Queen are in Wash-
1agton, he giving his approval by
Calling good salesmen only! Sell
Famhilex spices, egtarots, alimentar-
les, medicines, stock and other
farm products, Monthly FREE
gifts open every door, Every per-
son a user. Good protected terri-
tories open, Tay and succeed or
give up without risk. Steady,
pleasant anti profletable work for
honest hard worker. FREE plan
and eatalopue. FAMILEX, 570 St,
Clement, MONTREAL.
Court of Revision
A Court of Revision on tate assess•
ment roll of the Township of G1 eY
will be held at the Township olice
at Ethel on Saturday, June 3rd, at
10 o'clock a.m. Parties interested
will please take notice,
3. H. Pear, Clerk
Premium B. No. 243
Enrolment No. 3039
SULTAN 14552
Pure bred black Percheron
Stallion will stand for service at
home barn, lot 28, 16th conces-
sion of Grey Township, 1/2
mile west of Moncrieff.
To guarantee a living foal one
week old $10.00. Payable with-
in 20 days after mare
foals. After that time 10%
extra will be charged. Partics
disposing of their bred mare be-
fore foaling time must pay for
service of horse whether in foal
or not. ••Stallion► owner will not
be responsible for accidents to
mares or to persons in charge.
Leslie Chambers,
phone 47-r-12
R. R. 2, Brussels, Ont.
Notice To Creditors -
In the estate of .,Robert Warwick,
late of the Township p1) Mo-rrie in
the County of Huron, farmer, de:
ceased, who died on or about the"
twenty'•third day of March; A.D,
TAKE NOTICE that all 'parties
having claims or demands against
the estate of the above mentioned
deceased must ]nail panbiculars and
proof of same to the solicitor for the
administrator of the said estate ,on
or before the twenty-third day' of
Ante, A.D. 1939, upon 'which -date
the administrator of the said estate
will proceed to distribute the assets
with regard only to those claims
which be shall then have received.
DATED at Brussels this tventy-
ndnth day of May, A.D, 1939.
Thomas 1Varwiak,
by his solicitor ELMDR D, BELL,
Brussels, Ontario.
Baron's Sandy 24031
Leaves Lot 15, Con. 5, Monday,
Mar 20t11; goes south to the 741
line Morris, East 40 Phillip Ament's
barna for noon; then to 14th Oon.,
Grey, to Ino. Aloock's for night,
then to 12th con, Grey; then West
to the 6111 line :Morris, to Dave
Smith's for noon and home for
night, North to 3rd line •Morris,
West to Jain. Garndsses' for noon,
to Gilbert Netihery's for night.
South through Hopper's sideroad, to
Jas, Miohde's for noon. Home for
:Saturday moiling, goes east to
Ezra Weish's1 Brussels for noon,
then home till following Monday
Barons Sandy 24031, hay, four
white legs, los_„ star in face, bred
by W. 31. Groat, Holstein, Ontario,
is a horse of good size combined
with show quality with extra clean
Baron. Sandy 24031—Copernicus
14054 (17000). lihe Comet, 9665
(13224) Solway Saphire 29215 (315-
96) Ideal 4002 (1057) Glittero
Nettie 2nd 18426 (17097) Guinea
Gold 781 (13020) Diamond (10111)
Prince of •Carruchen (3151) Mary
Glenturky 4924 (12545- Prince
Stephen 79§3 (9363) Glithero Nettie
7194 (11036). Marcettus 4653 (11110)
Getaway lay 13957 (16730) Mac-
gregor 4436 (1481) Darling Erskine
(31586) Prince or Wales (673)
Duobes of Matlock (4130) Top
Knot 3433 (6350) Nancy Lee 4025
(2596) 'Pantagenet 4334 (6142)
Anita 3174 (7350) Garnet Oros (16-
62- Hatdijak 7195 (5204) Hiawatha
3430 (10007) Aierry Sunshine 5973
(139413) MV'aagr'egol' 4486 (1437)
Mabel of ICerilnnrae 12737 (11465)
Darnley 4101 (222) Sally 5794 (601
Rosie risme 20811 (28331) Ci1'.
gaewa11i 7253 (11011) Rosie of
Stoup (28309) Montrave Alec 3087
(9958) Mary Miller 1178 (19150)
Rosedale 4643 (8104) Jess 2nd of
C'old)dI1e (28808 Macgregor 4436
(1487) Msfltravc+ Maud 3219 (117-
86) Skemntlie 2902 (4027) Bell
Sterling 11ctclelan Alias Newton-
aircls (4564) Mary 01' vomin011.117
3985 (71.111 Jt'* ))arnl''y 4.191 (022j
Sa.ily 5794 .(661 Prince of Wiles
(670) Miss Rose• (6203) 'lop mu-
1185(1- not of Bore/and (2092)
Young Duke of Idann11.on 13011 Royal
Chortles (728) Maggie of Fiemtng-
hind (2447),
To 1ns111T a foal 910,00 p(tyabler
when mare proves to be to foal,
1•"rtrtien disposing of their mares be-
fore foaling time or not returning
111010 regularly to the horse, will
be charged insurance, WWII:er in
foal or nod, All accidents to Maros
et owners risk,
'rhos, Clare, Prep,