HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-5-31, Page 3RHO ONCNS ANO OX C. WHITE IRONS
Baby Chicks Baby Pulfets
Barred Rock started chicks
Pullets week old. Two, Three, Four
Five and Sian weeks of age
These birds are started
under ideal conditions.
Of the 150,000 chicks
RAISEDhicks we hatched we
did not have one complaint
of range paralysis
You Are Welcome To Come And
See How The Chicks Are Started
It will pay you to get our prices before
you place your 'order.
* as * * * � * � w *
* * * * * 4: * * * *
Whether apt lea family meal ar
a festive party, the inclusion of
cream somewhere in the menu will
add greatly to the enjoyment deriv-
ed from the fade served. It may
be a spoonrtta of whipped; cream on
the ,h,ot tomato soup, a cream dress-
ing with the Pewit salad, or ginger-
bread garnished with: sweetened. &
flavoured wtipped, cream, Better
still would be a real ',Cream Dee-
sert," am ice. cream, a mousse, a
parfait or a moulded, delicacy. Fol-
lowing are a few suggested recipes:
2 tablespoons butter
sup brown sugar
1 tablespoon flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 eggs•
11/2. cups hot milk
1 cusp whipping Dream
1 teaspoon vanilla
Melt butter. Add: brown. sugar and
cook one minute: Stir iu flour and
Estate Agent, Conveyances
and Commissioner
General Insurance
Main Street, — Ethel, Ontario
.salt,' Add hot milk to beaten eggs
and ,stir into sugar mixture. Cook,.
stirring constanetly until mixture
coats spoon. Fold in cream,
whipped, and vanilla. Pour into
freezing trays of refrigerator and
tireteee 2 to 3 hours,
1 teaspoon gelatin
2 tablespoons cold water
1 cep rank
n/Q cup sugar
Pinch :ot salt
11/2 teeepon, vaniPa
1 cup whipping cream
Soak gelatin in cold water. Heat
milk and desealve gelatin in, it. Add
sugar and sant, Cool, Add vanilla
and wrheni mixture is ,partially set,
fold) in whipped cream, Freeze in
trays, of mechanical refrigerator, or
put in mould; cover with buttered
,paper and dieletdlittiuig cover, and
pack in ice and salt (6 parts ice to
one part salt). Let stand 4 to 6
S's cults mapte syrup
3 egg yolks or 3 egg tiwleites
11 cups whipping cream
Pinch of salt
Adel' beaten, egg yolks to maple
syrup' and coops in top of double
boiler until mixture thickens, Cool
and ,fold in whipped cream. Freeze
iu trays of mechanical reeriget ator,
or put in mould; cover with butter-
ed paper and itigiveatting cover,
and pack in ice and salt (6 parts
- - The
Rose Brand Wa
'00 105.W11 01 Pececo
"REIM elrtel•te 5340
MAT[ r1IaM
e'"•. 4346
Gr4NAMt[[r 41 elliI3
PI O5IX 1r8 P5 4R ssa rR
wintracma6 .
E. S..111TT &rSONS
You will have these
1. Only the Best Ingredients
money can buy are used
m the manufacture.
2. We have Proven you
get Faster Growth
Better Feathering and
Stronger Bones.
3. ' Lower Mortality and
Better Color in Your
(Look For the Tag ,on the Bag)
Rose Brand Starter is scientifically
blended to provide the essential proteins
vitamins and minerals so necessary for the
uniform growth of Baby Chicks, Ask
your dealer about. • •
Growing and Range Mash
Brussels Agent . .
ere to one part reale). Let Stand 4
to 6 hours, It egg whites are used,
Court merle syrup until it rapine a
tht'oad. Weer rsiewiy over beaten
egg whites, rOool and fold in whip-
ped creator,
1 tablespoon. granulated gelatin
2 ca'pcold water
1 exp fruit juice
OUP sugar
1 sup canned fruit, diced
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 cup ttalatppin!g area=
Soak gelatin in cold water, Dissolve
gelatin and sugar in hot fruit juice,
Cool. When mixture is partially set,
add lemon juice and diced fruit.
Fold int whipped Bream, mould and
chill. Canned pineapple, 'Peaches,
cherries, strawbeteles or a (=-
Wootton of Fruits may be used,
Household Pointers
• • •
Marinating is allowing flood to
stand In a comntatnatioa of lemon
juice (or vinegar) and seasoning.
* * * •
Parboiling is simmering for a
start time prelim,inar•y to another
method of .heat,
• • •
Broiling is cooking by direct beat
as front hot coats, a gasflame, or
an electric element,
• • 5
Rub ,the hlands with half a lemon
aright and morning 1£ the skin, is dal
rough or cracked This 'whitens
remtobes, serine and nitrates the hands
* X: *
To clean a burnt pan, ' sprinkle
taking sada over rburned parts;
allow to stand for several hours.
e • •
Dresser drawees will slide easier
if *he pants that stick are rubbed
with laundry soap or paraffin.
• * •
A pimento .ie a spantslr pepper,
while a pimento is made from the
fruit of the pimento tree.
* * a<
Do you have a bad taste inthe
mouth in the morning? Drink the
juice of one, lemon in a -glens of hot
Neater half are haur before breakfaet.
The salts, and addle in leptons are
netusial digestive aids, An, orange
at brealdfaslt will add to this: treat-
* *
•Stains on tinware or teacups. Dan
be retnolbed by dipping a damp. cloth
in commonsoda and cubing briskly.
Wash and wipe dry.
• • •
Head lettuce leaves ;may be re-
moved wddth.out breaking by first
outing around the core with a knife
and then holding 'etre head of lettuce
under running water.
* * *
Onions, held under water while
being peeled, wril•1 not •make you
weep, because the fumtes are thus
Prevented from geeing.
* * *
To remove linger marks on a
highly poll:hee piano, wipe with a
wet cloth in pure cold water, then
wipe dry. Thee restores the new
look at once.
To clean egg sda1us Brom spooue,
first rub them with a little salt
them wash them in soap and water
and dry with, a soft cloth.
• •
An excellent .sa.n!dwictt tilling is
tuna fish mixed: with p;trs,ley, lemon
juice, seasoning and a bit of onion.
To make eleelia*toast, cut bread in
one -eighth -inch slices and twist
until it is ctsip,
* * *
Meek almonds, used for soup, are
merely erou•tons• sifted Ike a1.
"Cafe 110„lett" merely means
"coff ee wtu11 ,nelIr," while "on re
noir" meant "black coffee,"
Resident of McKillop,
Mrs, George Kerr, Passes
Sentare, May 23,—Mfrs, George
leery, a highly reslteetetl resident of
1geI2illap, ixuraed nnvay at her home
onthe sixth, concession or Str10llop
after an illness err two weelrs from. n
lt.eert condition 'following the flu,
Before her marriage see wee, Miss
Elizabeth Crawford anti she was
born, in Scotland. She came to
this, country and married George
Kerr in 1.896, Mr. Kele :predeceased
hair by a Peau years. They settled in
Mrcshlhlop, wluere ,they spent the re-
mainiier of their rives, Surveying
are two sons, Jetties Crawiot'd Kerr
on like
homestead, sake
mid d Jahn
on an
adjoining fauns, The funeral
took piece Tuesday from her late
eeeidemoe to the Mnttlandlbank cem-
etery, Rev. R, er, ,Craw or Datf's
United Clsurch, of which Mrs. 'Kerr
was a Member, wilt officiate,
Wife's Intuition
Highly Praised
Judge of Toronto Pamlly Re -
rations' court Says "We
Great Asset In the Home—
Women Like to Be Appreciated
Those who ecoff at the notion
women gain, knowledge "by intui-
tion•' wilt get em0onmagement in
their skepticism from Judge H. S.
Mott, bead of the Toronto Famliy
Relations remelt.
The peacemalrer 1n a hundred
Family betties be warned hrt*banes
hast week that however quick they
themselves are at reasoninig, their
wives' grower of intuition Is "a
great asw,et in. the bonne,"
"I want to say to you men," be
declared, "that while your wife
doesn't perhaps seem to reason,
sire arrears, to have been given, a
special sews of the .truth that can
look forward to what's going to
hande'nt ',lid get clover to ft than
ail man's reasoning,"
With Sons And Daughters
Reoal•ltng that In the souse n£ his
woric quer had, "seen a Pot of human-
ity's, mistakes," Burdge Matt said
that s sense of being appreciated
wee the motive eat led women to
go (heave Push of the drudgery
of the hlouseh'ord,
Fatltelns who want to manage
their teereage daughters will also
hove to appeal to their love of
apnre'ciation0 'beteuse "authority
will antagonize," he saltie whereos
the confidence of sons at the same
time of life can best be gained by
encouraging their natural intgtulses
toward "doing and! planning,"
Even Hat Makers
LaughThis Spring
Think That Millinery For
Women Is Beyond
All Hope
You've probably already noticed
- monoen's hats, have become even
more peculiar then spring,
That's. the coroisenere of most
men, and, bat manlufarrturer Jack
Page, ei St. Louis,, agrees, Let hien
relate a few of hie worries:
"Sales one up? I should say n•otl
"Even, the retailers don't like
"Nett try selling these hats in
small towns, in. Illinois, Missouri or
"Salesgirl open a box of hats,
,tape one look and burst out laugh-
"—Atter 37 years in the millin-
ery bubinaas--
"One customer Writes.: "They're
hardest to wear and most difficult
to sell. We've come to the concha- h
sloe that, if we cannot offer some
sensible bratst we world rather not E
wear ouelves out trying to sell
them. and, lose .money tote', f
"Then, lietenl to another letter
from an, old customer: , m
Want Something Matronly
"Received your box of bets. f
Some of them are the darndest fa
hats I ever saw. I have seer. lots rir
of there In. Europe, Ethiopia, Asia, e
and Attica. but none Like these an
they are wearing now. Send me al k
dozen nice matronly hats in black id
and. navy. Something a grand- ra
mother can, wear without looking Chi
like Cleopatra," W
W JSPNU28DAY, MIM! Beet, 1839
Excels I n Quality
Walt Disney ,To Pay
Visit to Old Home
In Morris
Walt Disney, famous. creator
animal canteens, whose motion p
tures, have relented near trends. in t
fen.findustry will visit Morris t0
ship this summer to see the old D
ney h�amesltead, where his gre
grandfather rattled In 1848,
He will be accompanied by
fr,thee, Rt as Disney. The fame
cantondet was born) in, ,Obecag
but this dietrtot regards, him as o
or 'le native carep, ju
Mortis towarteist two mil
franc Wdngham, is Wait Diane
cense-dons, The dlog awned by Sa
de' Metlewen, who now farms th
Disney homestead., answers t
the name of 'Pluto. Dawn the road
there is a real Donald Duck, H
M's ajeulty'nail Is drawn by a hers
answering to the name of Horne
Induction Of New
Rector Held
At Gorrie
An inupasing and well attended
of ' .service was held In. the Mulch of
lc- England, Gerrie, ODTuesday even.
he ing, 16th Inst,, when the ongrega-
wn- tion, of Foa'drtvieh and Wroxeuter join.
is- ed with St. Steplhen's In the witnes-
at- sling of the Induction tato this
ParkeParof their melwly appointed
lets Rector, Rev. J. L. Bail, B.A„ lathe of
us the Parish of Nottingham, England -
o, In the absence (tbromglh illness) of
IleI Right' Rev C, A. Seegers. Bishop as ,t
Huron, the service waaken by'
es Rev. Archdeacon Doherty of Lome
y dont assited by .the dirfeeen,t clergy
n• throughout the Deanery. A. thought --was
• fu1 . and praetioal sermon as
o preached by the Rural Dean, Rev.
Dr. R. P, D. Hua'fomd of ,Seafortly,
is 1 taker:,; for his text, Ache 1:8.
e li Dunirtg the Jerre up or ,the Offer -
e tory, an'appropriate duet entitled
"True Homeland of My ISoul" was
effebiively rendered by Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Earngey, Brussels. At true
D close orf the service a pleasing ae-
ception was tendered Rely. and Mj+ts.
Ball. Refreshments were served,
followed by brief adalreew,els. by the
visiting clergymen, Rev'da, A.. C.
Calder, Godeniclu, A, H, O'Neil,
Clinton, Dr. Hanford, Sea oath, J,
Graham, Bayfield; R Weekes, Blyth
W. J. Hendee, Brussels,; E, O.
Gallagher„ Wiagham; H. Naylor and
B. H. Bamford; Listorwei; H, A,
Watt, of es United Church, Gorrie
and Mits. A. C', Calder, Goderi4h,
President of the Deanery Wontanes
Auxiliary, Mar. Ieaae Gannhle, or
Fordw•ich was the e8floiemt chair
Big Reception Planned
The biggest and: most elaborat
reception in the history of Morris
township is planned. for Walt Dia
nee, and his father. Plans are al
ready being made for the "wel
conte home." celebration.
The first Disney arrived in
Huron Oty in. 1848, and tha
was the present 'Walt Disney's
great-grandfather, Elias Disney, He
settled at Holmelsvdlle, about six
miles from Go:derich. He started a
grist mill and a sawmill. Elias Dis-
ney raised -sixteen, children, among
theKeppel Disney, who was Walt
Disney's grandfather, lie was a
strong and handsome men, over six
feet tali with the best crop, of
whiskery and ,the blackest hair in
Huron county, Keppel was 25 when
he married. Mary Richardson, and
moved up into Morris township,
Keppel hod a. checkered career,
trypug everything from drills g for rimming in, Lareton to mning a gait
well in Goder'ich. But the family re-
mained in Morris township, ea then
mile that Keppel befit when he
vas first married. Eighty Years ago
rias Disney II was. born. He was
d.e*tdmed to have the famous Walt
or his, son.
In 1879 Ketrpel Disney deodied to
ove, Ile did this just after re-
modelleng the old log horns* into a
came one, Keppel took ups wvheat
riming in Kaneas and after the
ought forced' him out, he took to
e,tatde raising. Keppel died in. 1881,
d his, son, Elias, went an to Da•
ata, From there he went to Flor-
a. and after 0 try at the orange-
isiug business, he, Landed up in
sago, where he married. There
Yalt was barn
~NI Ale.14.1.111111MMEM•Mmp
Broadcasting 1-leadlights
Thursday, June 1-6,15-6.30 p,m,
Comtmenubary on Royal Visit, from
Friday, June 2-7.00-8.00 span.
Their Majesties, at Edaaoniton,
10.15-10,30 pm. Edmonton Sees the
Emig, Prom Edmonton;
.Saturday„ Jane 3 — 2.30-3'.00 p.m,
Handel Festival, from BBC, London.
5,00.5.45 p,m. Their Majesties, visit
Your neighbor may have some-
thing to buy, to sell or excban,ge----
Adh'erti,ee it through the claslsffied
James McFadean
Howick Mutual Fire insurance
Hartford Windstorm
—Tornado insurance
—Automobile Insurance
'Phone 42 Box 1, Turnberry St.
Brusesls, .- Ontario
Typical of scenes witnessed at
cinemas a 1
n some t e of the principal
tot sal
1 t
cities inBritain B turn th .es e
s the
Y o
above photograph, showing English
schoolboys trooping into a theatre
at Reading, England, to see a ape
Bial screening of films provided by
the Dominion Government. One of
the many activities of the "Canada
Calling" campaign, the films depict
farm, fishing and industrial scenes
which emphasize the importance of
Canadaa, s
the f
o d basks
for r th
United Kingdom, The campaign,
which covers the tttajot' population
centres in Britain, is being conduct-
ed by the Dominion Government's
Department of Trade and Com-
merce, Regarded as one of the most
carefully ',tanned efforts over
launched by a British Dominion,
this trauu crusaue also embraces a
0 1 c '• altere.
n dd
vas and exten-
sive sive newspaper advertising and
marketing operations. In addition.
it is supplemented by lectures to
schools, women's clubs, domestic
science classes and other organiza-
tions, and has enlisted the support
of thousands of merchants who are
giving special displays of Canadiayt