HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-5-24, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST Wl}DN.JS'1Qt, MAY 2441,.19(19' FLAGS FOR DECORATING at 10c, 15c and 25c STREAMERS OF 5 ASSORTED FLAGS 35c VERY LARGE FLAG 34 -in x 22 -inch WITH CANADIAN ENSIGN • • • • 75c Moth Proof Your Garments Now Handy Sprayer and 16 Ounce Bottle of Elkay's Moth Killer and Moth Control Liquid Regular ,$1.00 value -- BOTH FOR 79c Kodaks Are Busy MANY PICTURES ARE 'BEIN•G TAKEN We have planned for this and have 'a Good Supply of All Sizes of Kodak Films Including the Verichrome kind that gets the picture, in spite of weather conditions FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED PORCH PAINT— for SEE THE NEW KITCHEN WALL PAPERS—in Reds and Greens, also the Sanitary Waxed Tiles We Carry A Full Line Of Sun -Ray Poultry & Hog feeds For Bigger Prof its and Better Results Change to Sun -Ray 'hick Starter & Growing Mash F. M. SAMIS Phone 80 Brussels King George's Replies to Addresses Of Welcome iQUEBEC', May 17—Here is the t text of the King's reply to Prime Minister Mackenzie Iiing's address of welcome at ,the Dominion 2 lundheon, 2 Mr. Prime Minister: I am deeply moved by your 1 words of welcome to the Queen and myself on behalf of the Cana_ dial] people. I recognize that this moment is historic. It is the first time that a British Iiing has crossed the At- lantic. 1 stand today on the soil of North, America. Here, in the past two centuries, through loss and Outside Steps through, gain, the British Common: and Verandah Floors wealth of nations Inas been largely Best Quality moulded into its: present form, $1.25 Quart This is also the first visit of the Sovereign to one of his overseas ,,.,, _ ; dominions, It is fitting that it should be to the senior dominion of the Crown. I am particularly pleased that, on the day of my arrival in Canada, I should have the pleasure of meeting, not only my ministers, but all the mannbers of my Privy Council forCanada. You, in Canada, have already ful filled part of the Biblical promise and obtained dominion from sea to sea, You are now engaged in ful- filling the latter pant of that prom- ise is consolidating government from the river to the ends of the earth, from the St. Lawrence to the Arctic snows. 3 CAR LOAD OF EACH TO ARRIVE ABOUT MAY 26th Me Queen and I are looking forward, with anticipation too great S FARMER'S SORE 'phone 46 BRUS5EL5 for expression; 4,o seeing all we possibly can of this vast country. Particularly do we welcome the opportunity of greeting the men. and women who are its strength it and stay, and of seeing something 2 of the younger generation so soon to become the guardians of its futu1- Reply To Quebec's Premier The King paid tribute to the loyalty of the Fr•enchrCanadian peope and to the spirit of tolerance in whichthe two great Canadian races live as, he replied to an ad- Chipso, large box23c dress by Premier Dupiesais of Lynn Valley Tomatoes 3 tins for20c Quebec at a legislative chamber "It" Shoe Polish per canlOc welcoming ceremony, Wheat Berries per 5 It, bag22c The King's reply written in Large Bar Castile Soap each7c French was handed to tine premier Calumet Baking Powder per tin 10c A Grandlatiou of his text follows, Brock's Bird Seed per box 15c I most cordially thank you for Salada Tea Bags 20 bags in box25c the loyal sentiments expressed in Corn, Beans & Peas 3 tins ..•. 25c the address of welcome presented Sea Gem Salmon 2 tins 25c to are in this ancient and historic McCormick's Fancy Cakes per Ib • • • • • • • 19c capital his morning and wish, to Pinapples 2 for 29c state that the Queen and myself have been deeply touched by the reception, The allusion you have ,made to the memory of my venerated Fath, er and Mother also touches me Profoundly. I wish to assure you T. R. SMITH 2-$fOrs x•F:I FPHONE NO. 82 «.- DRUGGIST awl STATIONER TELEPHONE NO. 62 SCREENINGS AND WESTERN OATS FAR RO W'S= P. Economy Store Specials for Thursday, Friday & Saturday Satisfaction At Economy Prices HIGHEST GRADING PRICES PAID FOR EGGS We Deliver Phone 55 Brussels `Every Order, Large or Small Receives the Same Attention Red Band Store Coleman Pure Lard 2 16.19c Aylmer no. 4 Peas 3 dins.25c Clark's Pork & •Beans 3 tis • • • 25c Rose Baking Powder • • • 1 lb tin • • • • 15c Jell -A Milk 2 for 19c Butternut Peanut Butter • • • 24 oz, • • 23c Tiger Catsup 26 oz. bottle . • . • 17c Mange! Seed ........per lb 25c Turnip Seed per lb 29c Sweet & Juicy Oranges • • • 2 doz. • • • 25c We have a few Rinso Specials left • • 25c Orange Marmalade 25c Christies new Honey ;Graham Wafers , + • •. • . 1 lb pkg 21c Christies Excell Salted Sodas 2 Ib pkg 25c Libby's 10 oz. Tomato Juice 6 tins • • 25c Old Dutch Cleanser 2 pkgs • • • • 19c We have a wonderful assortment of Plants at a saving price Red Rose Black Tea 1/2 lis . • • . 28c Schneiders Boiled Dinner • • 2 this • • , 35c Large Bologna • per lb .• • • • • • 17c We carry a full line of cooked & cured meats kept strictly fresh in our new Kelvinator Counter LEWIS A. RUSSELL, BRUSSELS that th'e late King entertained 'a deep love for the people of the Province of Quebec and the Queen Mother is sin\ early denotedto the Quebec people. The spirit of tolerance in` which the two great races dwell side by side 'in: this province is an example to the entire world. This harmony augurs, well for the future of Can- ada. 'Canadians of French origin are proud, and justly so, of their traditions, customs and language. Associated with their- compatriots of o+thier origins; they are united in. a love for ,CnnadFa, loyalty to the Crown and devotion to, the ideals of democracy and libeuty so dear to eveuyone diving Under the British flag. The. Queen and myself are de- lighted to be in Cauadh and we assure you we will cherish this visit to your historic city. We thank you again for your kind wishes and extend the sincere thanks of Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret Rose for the kind thoughts and sentiments, you enter- tain for them, In expensing our sentiments of affection for the people of the province of Quebec, the Queen and myself pray taltt Providence may continue to guide you safely through the future. Replied In French The, King spoke in, French when replying to Senator .Raoul Dan, durand, government leader in the Senate, at the Dominion Govern, meet luncheon. A translation of his text fololws; I wish, Senator Dandurand, to offer •m ytribute to the ancient, province of Quebec and, this beauti- ful old city in the language of the, pioneers who brought civiliza- tion to the •shores of the St. Law- rence River. It was here that the door to Canada was first open- ed and it was here that the, Cana- dian nation' was born, It was here that great exploits were uccondpdished—leaving records that will ever remain, glorious for France and Great Britain, It is here today that two great races dnvell happily side by side, The spirit of Quebec is a happy fusion of vigorous spirit, proudly guarded. It was also from this, old sec- tion of Canada that great n.urn- hers of early pioneers trekked to the west and northwest and Join- ed with the sons of the Britielh Isles and continental European nations, to make Canada a land or: free men. It is the, mixing of the old with the: new that makes for a powerful city or nation. Harmonious accord and blending of the various,elements which cott- stitute Canada was the Ideal dreamy of the Fathers of Confederation. I cannot wish for you who hear me a more fortunate .destiny than the fruitful and happy accomplish- ment of this noble dream. BELGRAVE Misses Mlantlt4a. and Gertie Arm- strong, and Mrs, W, Messner, of Palmerston, were week -end visitors with 1VIr. and Mrs, Willard Arm- strong, Mrs. H, S, ITarlton, of. Parkhill, wan the guest of Mr, and Mrs, R. Yule over the week -cod, Sorry to know Mrs. J. A, Brandon is confined to her home with an at - Welt of rheumatism. Glace to know Mrs, It. E. McKen- zie fa able to ho around after a IOW weeks? sickness, Mrs, Bryant and MTs, 3, Grasiby o£ Blyth, are slaying with. Mrs,. J. A, Brandon.. Mr, Tim, Siroebottom has. been laisi up with pieurisy, Misaca Mucitis. and Gertie, Ileniry and ltoy .Armstrong of Windsor spent •the ween -end, width M.e, lad Mrs, Willard Anrnetrongi Mr, and Mit, C'. 11, 'Comites Worn visitors with Mr, and Mm, It. C. McGowaut Blyth; Mdsa. Mora McGowan, of Blyth, la teaching at No, 5 Marla SUPERIOR r0003T0RES Brussels _ = 'Phone 64 ., QUALITY and -- , SERVICE SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY' Garden Patch Golden Corn 2Tins 15c Chick Oatmeal 8 lb LAST CALL FOR GARDEN SEEDS IN BULK We Have an assortment of Tomato, Cabbage, Celery, and Pepper Plants also a good Variety of the different Annuals Royal York Tea 1/2 lb pkg 31c Infants Foods 3 tins . 25c Get the Rinso Deal at 1 small 1 Large ' • • • • • • • 25c Hillcrest Shortening 1 per tb, 10c• Heinz ,01d Fashioned Pickles per jar 23c Kellogg's Rice Krispies 2 pkgs 23c Grape Nut Flakes pkg 10c Hillcrest Soap Chips High Grade 3 Iii 25c Caustic Soda 5 tb _tin 69c Corn, Peas and Tomatoes 3 tins : 25c Mangold and Turnip Seed Assorted Richard's Carbolic Soap 2 cakes 9c London House Coffee 1/2 IIx • • . • 23c i ... 39c Dill Pickles per jar 17c Nonsuch Silver Cream' per jar 25c French's Prepared Mustard per jar 10c 25c' L. W. ECKMIER during the absence of the •teach'er, Miss Eddthi Loclrhlart of Blyth, who suffering from an attack of the Mr, and Mils, Angus Brown and mumlrs• Mrs. Bert ,Polirnson attended the graduation of Miss Madeloit Speir- for an, of the Toronto General Hospi- tal on Thursday evening. GREY Try tire Caassdffied, Column quick sales, BA SERVICE STATION • Take this opportunity of expressing loyal tribute to Their Majesties The King and Queen Jos. Kelly Brussels New Arrivals for Summer... Our New Summer Dress Styles are a: delight to see and wear. Lovely COURTAULDS rayons in beautiful pastel shades to delight any particular buyers. Every size and a host. of new styles and fabrics which make shopping m our dress department" $2.95 a pleasure indeed UP PORCH FROCKS of colorful prints guaranteed sunfast and tubfast •new novelty styles and patterns every size & colour at amazing saving .. $1.00 & $1■25 BUY CIRCLE -BAR, neva wet HOSE Neva Wet . . the million dollar process to prevent stains and waterproof the hose exclusive on Circle Bar Men's suITs ENGLISH WORSTEDS TWEEDS IRISH HOMESPUNS DRAPE MODELS FANCY BACKS CON'SERV'ATIVE SACS smart summer suits, darker all year patterns, everysize and style, the 'biggest clothing ■ $14 95 values ever, OUR WORK GARMENTS WEAR you'll find real satisfaction in the roomy crit and tough wearing fabrics in our work garments Overalls $1.50 Work Shirts $1.00 —UNITED PROFIT-SHARING SYSTEM 1 E, J, McTAVISH BRUSSELS "Hollywood Patterns" SEAFORTH