HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-5-24, Page 7THE BRUSSELS Melville Church Corner Stone Laying a MostAuspiciousEyent Everything Moved mon* oNe,,, Donald, of Toronto, expl'eaahog the Clock Work plea/Mae and 'honer On his eoming to BreeseIs 4n the midst of so Rev. Dr, McDonald's Address matey tataagemewbs and. Important events and hoped he laould long be spared to so efficienitly parterre 'hie pant 1a the world, and requested the Rey. Dr. to prooeed with the note- wonthy part of the program is lay- ing the Dormer store, asking him to accept a beautiful Sliver trowel, whish was presented by Elder Alex. en•^.rt, It bare the followring in,. eaription in tasty lettering;—Pre rented to Dr. J. A. 'MacDonald at the laying' of tile corner ,Stone of 1 Melvllle churolt, Brusea'le, May 25th, 1914.,' The fiat box containing the eus- tonlary records, papers; etc., was placed in the atone and the latter put in •position tapped With the trowel and declared well and truly laid. An adjournment was at once made across the street to the fine lawn. of Druggist Fox where chairs had been placed and a dais arrang- ed, on the verandah and above from' sttepe when the fine program of acklrelesea and music was presented. Belore ea`erinig upon it Hymn 139 in the Presbyterian Hymnal was sung in anslwer to a request by Elder Thomas Sitradhan, a veteran menlher and officer of the chorea, who was unable to he present. owing to his serious illness. Rev. Dr, MacDon^" wts the first speaker and we are sorry we have not space to give a verbatim report of his address, 1t brhstleci with strong swell vuallfiedl statements, sparkled' ;with wit, thundered out specially Appropriate Taken front the Brea* Pout Plea of 25 years ago, [Sunday night's rain and Monday morning showers looked anything like Queen's weather for an outdoor event that had .:een so well Planned Tor anid not a few more vueiGul eounten:ancea over the doubtful prospects- for the imlpont- ant event of laying the corner stone of the new Melville church. About 7 a.m. Old Sol peeped out through the clouds and there was ushered in a most beautiful day, and al• though roadie were muddy In places there was no dualt, At 2,30 qpm. Rev. A. J,' Mann B. A., the well known pastor, took his place on a carpetedplatforms in front of basement atone wall and called the company to order and an- nounced Psalm 100, The familiar words were heartily saing following which Rev. D. Wren, M.A., Metho- dist pastor, Brussels, read a suit- able Scripture. lesson. and Rev. J, L. McCulloch, of •Cranbroolr, offerea pllayer. A few timely and congratulatory sentences were spoken by the pastor, who rpreslded daring the afternoon with much acceiptability, following which he read an interest- ing historical .sketch Of 'botilt Knox and Melville churches before ttnd since their happy union, Rev. Mr. Mann then addresed Rev, Dr, Mad., the plain duty or vire eintrebee and toreecldted the better day when the love nate of the Chtdet Ibeits the world and dom'lnertes• society, Ile said he regarded It se, a blglh honor to be invited to :Brusels to per, forma the ceremony of corner atone laying, This wags his finest visit to 5ausrselal 01 which he bed often heard, but the 'MaoDonalds and Grants had found their way to Brucefi•elcll and locality, after a stay 1n Nova Scotia and Carolina, as far back as 1'324 and they had clone their ,part In. extending Presbyter- ianism and tree good old Gaelic language ass they had known It In the HUghilands of bounce :Scotland. No part of Canada is better fitted to produce god men and women than gland old Huron mad if they are not they can't blame 1t an the soli or the climate, Lt was an honor to eotabnslh a netw church: and ePecial- ly so on Enitpire Day when our thought tu1-rrls to Empire bulkPlmg and our duty in correction with it. The speaker then launched Into an enthusiastic and well directed actness on "The relation of the Churcta to the progress of the Nation.°' We are here as churches to solve sdcial ,problems and to live (healthfully and helpfully In all relations. He pointed out , that seh0shnesls caused the trouble in Eden, with" Cain and multitudes of others who putt the machine out of gear and. ,brought disaster in the world. Jesus ,had to face the Problem and after 40 days absence He presented the new program, "Love one another,', and there is no other way to take selfishness out and make it a lovable world than to sacrifice and serve. The Master spent about three years in this campaign organizing anti teaching the people. Peter said, "Thou art the Messiah," and Jesus said to IN SALES THROUGHOUT CANADA Because it's FIRST in PERFORMANCE! It's faster on the get- away ... it's stronger on hills ... it's a much better all-round performer than other cars in its field ... and it saves you money every day on gas, oil and upkeep. Because it's FIRST in VALUE! Dollar for dollar, it gives you more for your money than any other car in its price range. That's why the new Chevrolet is the biggest - selling 1939 model automobile in Canada! Because it's FIRST in FEATURES! Steering Column Gear -Shift with "Vacuum Assist" • Chevrolet's Famous 85 -Horsepower Valve -in - Head Six • New Aero -Stream Styling, New Bodies by Fisher • Perfected Quadro-Action Hydraulic Brakes • New "Observation Car" Visibility • Advanced Knee -Action Riding System with Shockproof Dual Cross Steering (On Master De Luxe Models) • Tiptoe -Matic Clutch • Safety Glass. Low Monthly Payments on the General Motors Instalment Plan. OLE CH EVR The only low-priced car combining "ALL THAT'S BEST AT LOWEST COSTI" C-1499 Orval Whitfieil -Champion's GaraBe BUY FROM A BUSINESS LEADER ... YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER. POST FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently. Simply phone "COLLECT" Ile WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED' PHONE 21 - iNGERSOLL BRUSSELS PHONE 72 him and to us "Go and do It,' Dora't wish to be anybody else but be charged with this vital idea which will turn the world upside down, Pt took 21/2 centuples to change the hietoty and churches were organiz- ed, hound together by service and love but ,the fatal .step was when the Church, tied itself up to the State. The Church is and must be aggressive or it loses Its power for G Canada of applying Christ's Plan of good. Despite the greasy selfish 0 w.1eDN47SDAMR, MAY 240, 1938' (n 0=0=10=0=:–...a.......0=0). ias0tar--� O 1 MOTORISTS 0 O p O granter of today Uhe hope is the Church will ac:ceart the chance in loving one another. Same strife as to clam, and uphoavel across the Continent nod the day is not distant when. this land will have to face a great industrial problem --to give a man a chance. The church will ha.ve to help solve it, being aided by the larger libelrty We have. There's a new idea abroad today viz: ',That a man must justify himself if he Is a millionaire," It is a revolution in American life, They talk of Progressive legislation but it came n out of the heart of the common (LI people and it will reorganize poli- O tics in Canada and the women's i fr•enthrse 0310 help clo it. Greatness of life con5Usts in service. Cut out settnshnless by vitalizing it with the power of love. The power of life dependO on the measure of life's resources. Dr. fttacDonald's peroration was What might have been eapeoted from tUnisgifted son of Canada who fills so large. a place in aiding in the solution of the great questions of the day. The siplen¢lhd -address wall not soon be forgotten, 0 0 0 D After a well sung anthem by the choir with Mrs. Wright as director, Barrister Proudfoat, of Goderidis M.P:P., of Centre Huron; A, H. Musgrove, of 'Winghwam, DLP,P., for North Huron; James Bowman, M. P., for East Huron; A. H4s1ap, ex- M.P.P.„; Rents. D. Perrie, Wing - ham; It, A. Lundy, of Walton, T, A. Bela, Moldawortla; T. M. Wesley, Wroxeter; J. L. McCulloch, .Cran- brook; C. Tate, Bleeva)e; Wren and Page, of Brussels, nead'e brief, con- gratulatory, reminlseiat and well timed speeches and before all had expressed cordial greetings and good wishes surer time had arriv- ed( and people were finding their way to t'1e 'Town. Hall where the lona tables were filled again and again. 3'o faithful band of women could work harder than did the Ladies, Aid in their efforts to cater to the wanta at the public. That they succeeded admirably in str1•.`'rg a No. 1 meal on a very hot evening cannot be gaio•soyed, •Ree•;.e Leckie before the plattorml meeting conducted, returned thanks to all who had had anything to do with the success of the gathering. Ili adoIOtiou, to a ladies choice Quartette, a. beautiful solo was rendered by Miss Beatrice Whit- field and a well timed one by L. Eckniler. .Financial paroeeds of the day tc"a11eal about $600, made up of 3400 Ira the offering at the corner stone laying; 3175 from the supper and 335.00 from disposal of badges, eta, by the Lihle 3tarss Mission Band. One of the pleasing featureis is the suitability and eligibility of the ste rendered particularly interest- ing from the fact that the former IIeR'i]ie church .01003• on the same lot for over 42 years, viz on the South East corner of William. and Princess streets. Building will be 0.1 x 9 feet standing, on stone basement walls The structure will be of modern architetoture, wails beim:: of red pressed brick, with neat tower on the. =South East corner ill x 10 feet, Oil feet h'gh, eruct church will have a slate roof, atail ed glass windows, .circular 1%ews, Pinel: in. the, Nel'td1 Went corner and choir• gallery being lo- cated 10 the North, end. 'There will be three public enh'auces, 2 from William street ant nne from Prineese, a wise precaution for a large Congregation. Modern heat- ing and lighting systema will be ll' teIlett Wisdom is 'being shown, in making the (attach of ,snunh Pro- p0rtiona that It will provide for O11te rou'tli of the 111emben.ehip, whielt is now 460; and will also prevent Overcrowding 011 500eial oc'eaeimns. There wit! .also be a. gallery which Ride in SafetyIn 0 NOW—is the time to change your oil for JJ summer driving. Below is a partial list of .accessories. Selling at Competitive Prices Mufflers Fog Lights Mud Flaps Grille Guards Door Handles Fender Guides Wheel Spinners Horns—air blast Clearance Lights Head Light Lenses Fans—co'ol the air Radiator Ornaments Rear Vision Mirrors Steering Wheel Muffs Jacks—hydraulic, etc, Tail Pipes for exhaust Hub Caps—of all kinds Flash Lights & Batteries Gas Tank Caps of all kinds IF YOUR BATTERY I'S TO BE REPLACED TRY Exide Batteries NOW—is the Time to Replace those worn tires with NEW Goodyear Tires & Tubes MAKE DRIVING SAFER and FREE FROM TIRE WORRY Call and see them — you are under no obligation to buy — Acetylene Welding — Licensed Mechanic — on all makes of cars Elliott's Garage 'phone 82 Brussels Dao- o to of toe sl O w11.1 afford seats for 150. contract wars' let to John Hunter, of Craubrook, who bias had years of experience, at $25,000. Stone and brick work was sub -let to Mes'ra. Parti: & Bronvn, •weld seasoned mechanics, of Cromarty and Euler - ton villages respectively. Contract is supposed to be completed by December lit, 1914, which. will keep the contractors hustling 010 less season is specially ihvorable aro supplies avaiISble when desired. In the meantime Sabath and week services are being held in. the Town. Hall and Public Library. The new edifice has a roomy stone baseanenit, with entrances from William and Princess streets and the intention la to make Indi- vidual class rooms and it will be modern, and comfortable Por Sab- bath School and the various ser_ vices the,t may be held during the week. A cement horse .slued has replaced jibe old' open sheds and is 01 x 220 feet, with metallic bow roof, and 1\111 cost, ween completed about $3,000. John Adams, & Son of Wroxeter, have the contlmct, There is a door way at either end of the betiding, the Northerly entrance fronting on Queen street. it will be a g' -eat improvement on the former aecolioclation, especially in the Winter season. 'Financing a contract of such a church ant shed is no small enter- prise but the large congsega:tion tak- ing hold' of the matter with liberal- ity and minima:am. plus the varied ways and meally, tnlstduted by the various organizations has given the assurance to the' Building Comanit- tee that the money will be forth- coming s required. About $16,500 was subscribed before it was. decid- The ed to build, The Building Comittee, upon whose shoulder teats considerable responsibility coll5 510 of the follow- ing:—Rev, A. J. Mans, J. Leckie ('Cliairmlan. A. Stewart, W. Yuill, J, Fox, D. C. Rases, W. Work, M. Black and A. McGuiae, As several of the m0nnbens have had considerable e-vpea-ience do building operations, backed! up by well s'easoned' contractors they will give the various elepantluents of the work careful con0idet+ation. The corner stone is a nice block of granite. prepared by A. E. Hersey, of Brtonsela Marble Works, and bears' the inscription "Melville Church, BrusiseIs, 1+364-1914,” nicely chiselled. It is placed about the centre of the front stone with and in the receptacle in the stone were placed specimens of Canadian coinage and Postage stamina, copy of Meyville cbmreb Financial State- ment for past year, copy of the Presbyterian Hymnal, hnsltorical, sketch of the congregation, church perfoddcals, Toronito Daily Globe and Mail and Brussels Post, The '"Little Stare h'Ilealon Band macre hay while the sun shone by the sale of ribbon badges bearing the historical fact, ice eaeam and cantly. The .Silver trowel was procured from W. F. Striation., Jeweller, of Brussels, and was a nice one. Rev, Dr. MaoDonald could not re- main for an evening meeting as he was due to deliver an address on Thursday at , Fayebtville, Carolina, H. S„ where be is President of the AlnenccanrScorttislh Society. The celebrated Fiona MacDonald, who is related to Dr. MacDonald, lived at. Fayetteville years ago. 1939 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE BRUSSELS at Listowel • at Mildmay at Ethel at ,Atwood May 26kb June 16th June 19th June 27th MILDMAY at iAtwod at Ethel at Brussels at Listowel May 26th May 30th June 9th June 19th LISTOWEL at Mildmay at Atwood at Brussels at Ethel June 2nd June 16th June 21st June 23rd ATWOOD at Brussels at Ethel at Mildmay at Listowel ETHEL at Atwood at Listowel at Mildanay at Brussels May 31st June 13th June 23rd lune 30th June 5th June 9th June 28th June 30th Read The Post ALWAYS Read The Ads,