HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-5-24, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
WEDN1tISDAR, MAY 340, 1939
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
CRANBROOKI the +holiday.
Mrs. L. H. Gordon was home over
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Switzer and
daughter, of St, Marys were visiting
with friends here during the Week-
Mr, and Me. Jacob Fischer and.
fan ily attended the funeral of IAA's.
Fischer's brothel Wesley Chapman
at New Hamiburg on Friday of last
Rev. T. E, Kennedy who hes car-
ried on a highly svccessul ministry
for the past six years in Knox
Church, Norich has received a
hearty call to the Janetville charge
In the Presbytery of Peterborough.
This Is a large and historic charge
and it is expected he will -accent
the call. Mr. Kennedy was minister
oil the Cranbrook and Ethel congre-
gations from 1919-1924,
The service held in Knox Pr•esby-
temian church ta> t Thursday even-
ing was well attended. The special
speaker being Rev. MoGilvery of
Lueknow. Stew. Mr. Kerr of
Brussels assisted in the service.
Mr, John Noble of Hanover spent
Sunday with his parents and with
Mrs. John Noble and Yvonne,
Mrs. John Noble has been attend-
ing to Mrs, James Noble who has
not been enjoying yr usual health
the past few weeks. But we are
pleased' to hear is gaining back her
health again,
The Annual Garden Party of
Knox Presbyterian church is to be
held on Junre 29th watch for further
Hillcrest Shortening
Royal York Tea 1/2 lb pack.
Ginger Snaps
Garden Potch Corn 17 oz.
Brown Sugar
Clothes Pins
Crunchie Sweet Pickles 27 oz,
Stock of Mangel and Turnip Seeds on hand at low prices
Bath Towelling 2 yards for 25c
Boy's Jerseys, cotton
Girl's Anklet Socks, all colors and sizes •
Men's Fancy Rayon Socks
per lb 10c
each 31c
per lb 10c
2 tins for 15c
4 lb for 25c
3 dozen for 10c
per jar 23c
each 39c
per _pr. 15c
Phone 22-11 Ethel, Ont.
Store will be closed Tuesday & Thursdays evening at
6.30 p.m. and open the remaining evenings
I Used Cars
And Trucks
1938 Ford Special Deluxe
Black, trunk, heater plush upholstery
14000 miles. specially priced
for quick sale
Deluxe Ford Coach
Standard Ford Coupe
Standard Ford Coach
Master. Chevrolet Coach
Standard Chevrolet Coach
Master Chev. Coach
Frontenac Sedan
Ford Coach
Ford Coupe
Durrant Sedan
Ford Coupe
Chevrolet Sedan
Chevrolet Coach
10 Good Used Panel Trucks
Light Commercial Panel Delivery
Heavy Duty Trucks "
2 Riding Plows
1 Oliver Tractor Plow
Hecandi feed Fordson Tractor
.Represented in Brussels by Claire Long
New Cars on Display at Ford Garage
Jackson Motors
-Service With a Smnile-
Wallace St. 'phone 161 Listowel
Mr. arud Mrs. Arthur Shaw spent
the week -end in Toronto with Dr,
Art. and Mrs. Shaw and to see the
King and Queee there,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris and
Vo same visited on. Sunday with
her parents and brother Mr, and
Mrs, Ed, Johnston and Carl, let
Mrs, Chas. Bosnian and sou Jack
,leant the week -end in Toronto with
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon McKinney and
sots and other friends and to sea the
King and Queen on Monday.
a�Irs, Clorine Higgins spent the
week -end in Toronto with her
brother-in-law and sister and also An
see the 'King and Queen on 'Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith spent
Sunday and 'Monday in Toronto
with Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLean and
to see the King and Queen there.
Mr, and Mrs, Wilbert :Mothers
and Doris. and Helen spent Sunday
with his father, Mr. Geo. Mathers,
also 'Airs. Rudd with Mr. Henry
Mothers and, Chas. and the Misses
;gathers, 1st, Iine.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston react
the sad news that his sister
had 'passed away on Wednesday.
They attended the funeral on Fri-
day and brought the baby home to
take care of.
Mrs. Wm. Roble of Auburn, is
spending a few days with Mr. and
Mrs, Jint Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Turnbull of
London visited on' Sunday with her
parents and brother, Mr, and Mrs.
Ed. Johnston and Carl, 1st line.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnston and
family visited on Sunday with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. George
Wheeler, 1st line.
Mr. Donald Robertson of Millbank
visited ou Sunday with his mohter
and brother, Mrs. Wm. Robertson
and Campbell.
Mrs. George Agar visited with
Mr. Chas. Agar and E(tie and Mr.
and Mrs. Wallace Agar and daugh-
Rev, D. Marshall, who has just
returned to Toronto from British
Guiana, preached in Knox Presby-
terian Church on Sunday. Mr.
M+arsball will preach again next
Sunday where sacrament will be ob.
served'. Preparatory service will
be heidi on Friday evening, \Tay
26thr, conduote'd by Rea•. Kenneth
MacLean, Rev, Mr. McConnelI and
Rev. Mr. Scott.
Several from this district spent
the week -end in Toronto Inc the
visit of Their Majesties, among
the number are. 'Mir, and Mrs.
Arthur Shaw, Mrs, Aitken, Mr. and
Mas. George Thomson, Mr, and Mrs.
A. D. Smith, Mr. and Mars. Jack
Wich_gtead, Mats. J. C. Higgins.
Fleming Black; Mr. and Mrs. James
Masters and daughter, Evelyn,
Parkhill, with Ar, and Mrs. John
Hall, Mr, and Mrs, Elston Cardiff,
Brussels, with Mr, and Mts. P. S.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Miasienary Society of the Unit-
ed Church was held on Thursday
afternoon in the +Sunday School
room. The presfideue, Mrs, George
Thornton, prelsided, opening the
meeting with the "call to worship,"
as ontined in the Missionary Month-
ly, and the scripture reading. "Tire
Parable of the Selfish Man."
Mrs. Rudd contributed a reading.
"The Always Faithful Few," An
interesting part of the program was
Oho report o4' the Huron Presby-
terialW;M,S., presented by Mrs.
Robert NIcLennon, The chapter
from the study book, "Beckoning
F,ontier_s; was read by Mrs. Rudd.
William Findlate,. ,Dies
William Pawl/later (lied in Morris
township on Thursday in hiis 73rd
year, He had been seriously ill for
some months. He was unmarried
""s'1 had .spent his life in live town -
shin. Surviving are two brothers
and Ilhrce sisters;: Genres 1n the
West., Lyon, ATI ie and (Dr,) Mary
of Morris, ne",, i.e of Detroit.
The funeral service was ]told at
Fryi.'ogle"s funeral home Win eham,
Friday. Rory. Tires.;,.,",, \T"rT,ea••,
of Wingttam Presbyterian Church,
cbnducte(1' the se- tllerrneud
telt place In i','lumpam c•art'etery,
Visitors: Mr. and \Mrs. Wesley
Srnilrc `r'•,,:., 1'., with fills.
Sinsa 11 1401111101t and Mr, and Mrs.
Alex Ivlowbray they were acoorn-
panied. by Mr. Smiley's father,
Thomas +Smiley, Port Huron; Mrs,
IA1low and two sums, Arnold and
Bernard, Miss Alia Mowbray and
MO( Mowbray, visito(t Niagara
All this Spring's
In Navy, Black, Suez, Rose, Violet and
Novelty Tweeds
Box back and fitted styes in all sizes
Every spring coat our store
comes under this big discount!
All Children's Coats 20 per cent discount
New blouses
Exact copies of - $2,95 to $5.00 New York
sensations. Made especially for us in
voiles, crepes, sheers and satins
They've been sensational sellers at $2.00
and we expect a big
rush for them at this
reduced price
We Celebrate National
All Sizes
We have received a huge shipment %
of Famous Arrow shirts to `f
celebrate National Arrow Week
Newer chalk stripes, cluster stripes 1
and fine woven checks that are truly
different. See the special arrow
display in our windows.
All Sizes
Arrow Neckwear at 50c & $1.00
Stewart Bros., Seaforth
Baron's Sandy 24031
Lea.ves'Lot 15, Con, 5, Monday,
'Mar 29th; goes south to the 7th
line Morris, East to Phillip Ament's
barns for noon; then to 14th Con„
Grey, to Jho. Alcock's for night,
then to 12th eon, Grey; then West
to tlhe 6th line Morris, to Dave
Snnt,th's for noon and home for
night, North to 3rd line Morris,
West to Jno. Garuisses' for noon,
to Gilbert Netthery's. for night.
South through Hopper's sideroacl, to
Jas, Miclute's for noon. Home for
+Sa4urdtcy morning, goes east to
Ezra. Welsh's, Brussels Inc noon.
then home till +following Monday
Barons Sandy 24081, hay, four
white legs, loc„ star in face, bred
by W. H. Groat, I3olstein, Ontario,
is a horse of good size combined
with'show quality with extra clean
Baron Sandy 24031—Copernicus
14054 (17000). The Comet, 9665
(13224) Solway Saphire 20215 (315-
90) Ideal 4002 (1057) alidhero
Nettie: 2nsl 18426 (17097) Guinea
Gold 761 (13020) Diamond (19111)
Prince of ('errucha.n (8151) Mary
Glent.urky 4024 (12545- Prince
Stephen 7903 (9363) Cstithero Nettie
7194 (11036) Marcel/hie 4683 (11110)
(9 •away Mary 13957 (16760) Mac-
gregor 4+86 (1487) Darling Erskine
(31536) Prince of Wales (673)
Ducltes of 'Chhllock (4180) Top
Knot 3438 (5360) Nancy Lee 4925
(2596) IPantagenet 4334 (6142)
Anita 3174 (7359) Garnet Cros (16-
62. 1-1'adijak 7195 (5204) Hiawatha
3430 (10067) Merry Sunshine 5973
(13953) 'Macgregor 4486 (1487)
Mabel of Kerrlanrae 12737 (11465)
Darnley 449.1 (222) Sally 5794 (601
Darl l ng,
Rosie France 20811 (28531) Cin-
nuemalli' 7258 (11011) Rosie of
Stoup (28809) Montrave Mac 3087
(9958) Mary Miller 1175 (19150)
Rosedale 3548 (8194) Jess 2nd of
Corthills (28811S Macgregor 44S6
(1487) \•tontrave Maud 3219 (117-
86) Sheinorlle 2902 (4027) Dell
Sterling• Maclelan Atlas Newton.
ands (4564) Mary of Femingland
3985 (7441) Jess Darniey 4491 (222)
Sally 5784 (60) Prince of Wales
(673) Miss Rose (6203) Top Gal -
(1850. Bel of I3o'uland (2092)
Young Duke of Hamilton Bdll Royal
Chortles (728) :gaggle of Fleming -
land (2447),
To Insure a foal •810,00 payable,
when mare proves to be In. foal,
Parties disposing of their mares be-
fore foaling time or not returning
them regularly to Ute horse, will
be changed Insurance. whether 1n
fond or not, All accidents to snares
at owner's risk,
Thos. Clarke, Prop,
Dates, figs and raisins give vitt'
ety to fruit salads
Premium B. No. 243
Enrolment No. 3039
SULTAN 14552
Pure bred black Percheron
Stallion will stand for service at
home barn, lot 28, 16th conces-
sion of Grey Township, 1/2
mile west of Moncrieff.
To guarantee a living foal one
week old $10.00. Payable with-
in 20 days after mare
foals. After that time 10%
extra will be charged. Parties
disposing of their bred mare be-
fore foaling time must pay for
service of horse whether in foal
or not. • •Stallion owner will not
be responsible for accidents to
mares or to persons in charge.
•Leslie Chambers,
lit • a Owner
phone 47-r-12
R. R. 2, Brussels, Ont.