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The Brussels Post, 1939-5-17, Page 8
THE BRUSSELS POST Protection From Moths. nin . rg&tals� • ,�.... , 39c ,Elkz3ty s IVloth �{ • w alr,p • < • ,... 25c iced Cedar F'lalk�#,r"' •t,� . Large Moth -Proof Garnl,R►�O;.gs - opens at side • • — •• •49c ,.... 39c 'Death to Moths (in tins) • ' ' Moth Balls, Gum Camphor, Oi1 Cedar and Moth Sprays Bisra .Rex As Advertised through your Radio, :on sale at the Rexall Stores 75c Martin Senuur'S floor Enamel FOR INSIDE FLOORS Dries Quickly with a Firm Elastic Surface to Stand Hard ]Wear 14 Colors to Choose From $1.35 Quart Staunton's Sunworth; )earl Papers Nothing hike them for lasting Quality Style and Beauty PRICES ARE MOST REASONABLE THIS YEAR LARGE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM �O _. -- See Our Attractive Line of Lower Priced ;KITCHEN AND BEDROOM PAPERS Comencing at 9c and 10c Roll •^.rN T• R. A.JM1 T 1 i PHONE 14©. s2 '"--' i ; WPM'S DRYGQQU STRRE one Day only -,Friday, ,May 19 OUR SPECIAL MAY SALE THREE PIECE SUITS— Samlple✓s only in sizes' 14, 1a.l n 18. Regularity prided at $ MAY SALE $8.95 DRESSY COATS- Sett fabrics, n.ew colours, and beautiful tailoring Itegvilar0Y priced a,t $2600 iq,96 MAY .SAJ E ... $ NEW SPRING COATS— Amazing low prices, Material, cut and style sure to please. MAY SALE $8.95 NEW SPRING DRESSES— Chefrons, Printed & Main Crepe's, ail tlhe wanted shades 1OPr;ING CLEARANCE $2.95 QUALITY DRE�SSES— Printed Chiffons, two (piece nsemble. size 161/ to 241 MAY SALE $5,96 ES' FROCKS— hi'any American samples. MAY SALE $3.95 DRUGGIST and STATIONER TELEPHONE NO, 62 II f 2 Court of Revision A Court a Revision on the assess• anent roll of the To�vnsihip of Grey will be held at the Township office at )Ethel on Saturday, June 3rd, at 10 o'clock a.m. 'Parties initerested will please take notice. J. H. Fear, Clerk 'F. F Holviu H Analytical Optometrist guarantees you the Best Eye Service Harriston, phone'118 Brussels (Second Thursdays) Phone 26X =FARROiN'�= Econ�r�ny More Specials for Thursday, Friday '& Saturday Economy Soap Flakes 3 for Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes 3 for Patterson's 'Soda (Biscuits per box Maple Leaf ,Javel Water 3 for Beans, Corn & Peas, large tins 3 for Good Old Cheese per lb Supreme Pickles Per quart jar Sunbeam Seeded Raisins • • • • • • per box McCormick's Cookies per doz Matches 3 boxes Golden Net Salmon 1/2's per tin Mengel Seed per lb 25c 23c 10c 25c 25c 20c 25c 15c 15c 21c 17c 25c Satisfaction At Economy Prices HIGHEST GRADING PRICES PAID FO.R EGGS We Deliver Phone 55 Brussels 'Every Order, 'Large or Small Receives (the Same Attention i A. Wood Phone 24 — Brussels ins ®r BEEGRAVE The W.M.S. and W.A. of the United Church Belgrave held a combined meeting in �tthe cbu•rch on ,May 3rd. With Mrs. Herb. Wheeler and Mrs, J.M. Coultes presiding, atter the us- ual business and discussion the del- egate's. MIs. Jas. Anderson. and Mrs. Carl Psoc•ter gave. splendid' reports on the Presbyterial meeting which was held in Wing'aram. Mrs. Toan- encl preeentes a chapter in the study bouk. 'It was decided to hold a Garden Party* on' June 1'eth,. Meeting closed by singing of a hymn. aucl benediction. Mather•%& Day service was follow- ed in Knox United Church on Sun- day when the •slpecial iprogrami was followed, Anna Grasiy read the story, Flowering plants was pre- sented to the oldest mother, .Mrs. M. A. Wheeler wlro is in her 55th year and' a regular attendant at Sunday School. to *lie mother with the largeslt number of children presen0 Mrs. N. Hi�g�ginis with seven of her children present, and to the nm•ther, M`rs. J. S, Procter, with the youngest child present. Mothers' Choir [Sings For the church service a Mothers' choir lead the service of song and sang two anthems. A young mission- ary, Mr. Fetid gave the address at this service. Miss Mabel Coul' es who was a patientt in WIngh,am Hospital has returned :home; Miss Mae Frisby and• Anna McDowell attended the Girds' 'conference at 'the O.A.C. last week; Mrs. R.J6. Collins spent the week end with her parents Mr. and 'Mrs P. W. S_ cott; Bernice Thompson, dnughlfer of Mr, and Mrs, William Thomtpson, Morris, was •taken to a London hospital for treatment; Nora Wheeler of Lon- don spent the week end with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Cecil W'hee.er. Order Bray Chicks now, and be "lucky" when egg prices climb next Fall. See me, or phone me, right away. Personal attention, prompt delivery. Gilbert Nethery R. R. 5 Brussels RED BAND STORE P�j=E SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY This is Pineapple Week Quality and Price No.1 21hs, 23c Coleman's ]Pure Lard 2 lb 19c Tip Top no. 4 Peas 3 tins 25c York Brand Tomatoes 3 tins 25c Christie& Excell Salted Sodas • • 2 ,lb • • • 25c Mangel Seed per lb 25c Turnip Seed • • • . •' • • • . per lis .. • • 29c Matches 3 boxs 20c Rose Baking Powder' • • • 16 oz. tins • • • • 15c CURED MEAT SPECIALS Ring of iBologna per lb Big Bologna per lb Back Bacon per lb Weiner& per Ib Headcheese per lb Sausage per lb '• Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage, Tomatoes Strawberries on ice at all times Ginger Ale sold, cold when you want it 17c 17c 30c 22c 16c 17c, and , * * SPORT SIDELINES * * *k******* Aft a niec.'in'6 of representatives of the various teaans in the North Group of the Huron Football Assoc- iation, toeld in the Public Library at Brussels on .Monday eveaning, 'the schedule it[h ch a'p'Pears on page 5 of this Issue All tenths with the exception of the Ethel Club were represented, and it is sincerely hoped titlet Iathel will nialce an effort and field1 a team thiis coming season, and our lades., report fr.onm Mr. Geo. Dunbar of Ethel is, that Uhey will have a Lean and George ought to know, es' he lras' long been• one of the main' cogs in 'the football machine out IDthel way. d•Pugh Pearson, see: treas., of the local club is a busy 1ad those' days, wihiat with having to "sign on" all playes's before the firsst game of the season, •May 26th and also ans ver- ing all corre'pondence, which, by the wuy, includes an• offer of an ex- hibition game d;rom Petersburg to be played at New Dundee, on Nay 24th Well the local lads are getting plenty of chances, ids, about tinge they were accepting one of these, to find out just how good they stand as a team. We are pleased to see that Alex. Anderson, the popular manager of the Football Club, is able to hobble around a lot easier, atter having his foot hunt while jacking up a ee , and by the opening of th'e season, ; May 261h, there is up doubt that, he will be -around with the boys again. It is probable that Brussels will again e.niter a team to the W.F.A, and we hear from a reliable source that Atrwood indenkls' to enter a teem in •the same affiliation, if so, that 'should ensure 'some, real games, as Astwood proved. the toughest oPP^sd- tion for the locals last season and slhould they he drawn together, with a W.F.A. refere officiating• \ rowie! let's hope. t LEWIS A. RUSSELL, BRUSSELS I 1 I [ WEDNESDAY, IVIA.Y 1?ttlt, 1939 QUALITY - SERVIC Sugar Krisp Corn Flakes 4 Pkgs. 25c Derby Cheese 4 Ib pkg Wax Paper in sheets per pkg Johnson's Glo Coat Wax per tin Our Own Blend 'Coffee. Groud Fresh 2 tins Hawes' 'Lemon Oil 12 oz. bottle Libby's Pork & Beans Handy Anvnonia per pkg Chick Oatmeal 8 lb Belle City Peas 3 tins Country Kist Golden Korn Lux Toilet Soap 3 cakes Aylmer Tomatoes, • • • • squats, :per tin per lir 2 tins Bo -Peep Sandwich Biscuits . • • • • per lb Cashmere .Bouquet Toilet Soap • • • • 2 cakes Fresh Tomatoes, Cabbage Celery and 'Lettuce Special Deal on Rinso, 1 Larg pkg 11 Small Hillcrest 'Shortening 2 lb Bartlet Peas Size no. 2's Per tin Mangold Seed and Turnip Seed at Regular Prices Sweet Juicy Naval Oranges 2 doz. McLaren's Nut Crush per jar Crothers Sodas 2 Ib 14c 10c 59c 39c 17c 25c 5c 25c 25c 17c 17c 5c 17c 11c 25c C3c 10c 25c 25c 25c BRUSSELS PHONE 64 1, W� . Eckmier THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY gave Ball's Lassies time oft to nnirse sore fingers and thiumbs, for be- lieve me, somie of the 'gals' have quite a reputration. with the bat, and if the fielders don't 'handle their offerings just. so, it means: another sore finger, so be careful girls. Ladies' Softballers; Baseball Player—"I wasn't out! While the repent wet sipell halted Umpire—"Well, Just have a look activities a.t+'the 'park •Lemtporarily, it at the papers tomorrow." •..2ser �- ® BRUSSELS BEAUTY SALON OIL PERMANENTS $2.50 wave .................... $1.75 $5.00 wave ...,_........_._....... $3.00 $7.00 wave $5,00 End Curls $1.00 and $1.60 each Including Shampoo & Finger Wave Dried Finger Waves 26c IRENE PEASE over H. B. Allen's Drug Store Telephone 55X for appointment McTavish Scores Again! 10� MEN'S SUITS REGULAR BV 14.95 o $20. to $30. English Worsteds ,Scotch Tweeds Irish Homespuns Drape Models ,Fancy Backs Conservative Sacs A well-known maker of quality clothing needed CASH— that is the reason ... we bring the b uying public of Brussels the greatest clothing values ever, Built to our own specifications and style and economy. E, For The Royal Visit A 5MART NEW fROCN COURTLANDS 'TIPPI TIM' RAYONS and novity crepes in the new Royal colours and patterns for Matron or Miss, You'll love these attractive styles and be delighted with the amazing values and exclusive designs ,$2 95 3, 50 Every size `I' ' FRESH AS A SPRING MORN.°, and colourful as a spring garden are the new print frocks for house and porch wear. Guarateed fast colors in smart new floral patterns and novelty designs. Sizes 14 to 50 $1.00 & $1.25 other suits MADE -TO -MEASURE $19.95 J. McTAVISH I Brussels Hollywood Patterns Seaforth