HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-5-17, Page 7START YOUR CHICKS
- The
Rase Brand Wa
aD,1RAni[[tl A11A1.YN15
FAT 4% fBRE 6%
E. S.WATT & 1,11./.1110000 SONS
You will have these
1. 'Only the Best Ingredients
money can buy are used
in the manufacture.
2. We have Proven you
get (Faster Growth
Better Feathering and
Stronger Bones.
3. Lower Mortality and
Better Color in Your
(Look For the Tag on the Bag)
Rose Brand Starter is scientifically
blended to provide the essential proteins
vitamins and minerals so necessary for the
uniform growth of Baby Chicks, Ask
your dealer about• • • •
Growing and Range Mash
Bruss4Is Agent . .
Walter Rose
Many women get a "perrnranent'
around June. 'Whether you do
or not, your :Nair certainly needs
extra attention lavishing on it
during Spring, to give it a lustre
you can be proud of.
You must brush vigorously and
often. lit is Important to brush
right down, to the ends of the hair,
and not only near the roots; aad
always brush a way from bite norm-
al panting. Clean your brushes
frequently, to remove dint and keep
free of Infection.
Duping the next few weeks give
yourself a weekly shampo, using a
mulsillied cocoanut oil shampoo to
root out the grease and data. Before
each .shampoo, however, treat your
hair with warm olive oil. Massage
particularly behind the ears; this
has a. stimulating effect on the en-
tire scalp,
Dull, faded hair needs toning up
with a good vaseline hair tonic.
Go about it systematically Sit
down) at a table with. elbows resting
on it, and sprinkle some tonic over
your w'a'rp and hair. Begin the
massage by lasering the hair from
the scalp. then, (placing your fingers
firmly on the scalp, rotate the scalp
itself, without rubbing. Finish up
by vigorously brushing the hair.
Detailed/ leaflets on the following
subjects are avalilable for 3c stamp
each: Hair, 'Face, Eyes, Hands,
Feet, Bust, Reducing 1m Spots, Slim-
ming, Underweight, 'Superfluous
Hair. Write me for confidential
advice do your personal beauty
Please write to: Miss Barbara
Lynn, P.O. Box 75, Station B,
Montreal, Que.
Market Demand
Keen For Fowl
Highlight of the poultry market
at the present time is the keen de-
mand for ,well fleshed bens; Prices
have kept at a relatively high level
and on 'principal eastermt markets
hens are bringing as much or mole
than chicken's,
+Market supplies of hens during
recent .months have been light in
contrast with the past two or three
years when supplies were steady
•thn•ougthout the late winter and
spring months.
This year, producers. have not
been mnnlceting hears. Lowered
Baby Chicks Baby Pullets
Barred Rock started chicks
Pullets week old. Two, Three, Four
Five and Six weeks of age
These birds are started
under ideal conditions.
Of the 150,000 chicks we hatched we
did not have one complaint
of range paralysis
You Are Welcome To Come And
See How The Chicks Are Started
It will pay you to get our prices before
you place your order.
prices may be expected for ileus
once broilers and roasters become
plentiful on Canadian markets, say
officials of Poull17 Prodaucciit In-
spection and firm:ring Service, DPM -
inion Department of Agriculture,
Producers area advised to take ed -
vantage of the ,present strong mar-
ket if bhey wish to realize on. bens
wchteh babe gone off production and.
are in 'lit condition for market,
Methodist of selecting such birds are
well known to Canadian prod'uce's
and birds which) have gone off pro-
uetion, can be easily picked out,
It Is not necessary nor atLvisahlo
to 'market the entire flock at once,
If a few birds are selected each
time the producer goes to market
systerns tie marketing and a mini-
mum of price fluctuation would re-
Honey Stimulates Roots
Ordinary honey may be usedwith
good efleot in floriculture in the
sidmulftion of roots of cuttings,
Preliminary experiments by the
Division of Horticulture, Do -minion
Bxlperimental Dorms, proved the
utility of honey in this respect, and
a thorough test which was concludt
ed do March establislhed the fact
that a 25 Iter cent solution of Jamey
had/ a definitely stimulating effect
on roots of both cedar and chrys-
anthemum cuttings and teontpared
very favourably with any of the
hormone chemicals used for drat
Soil fertility may be defined at
tlbe crap -producing power of the
soil. It depends 011 the amount of
plant food in the soil and on such
factors es the physical and biologi-
cal condition, of the soil, climate
and seasonal conditions (moisture
and temperature) and sutural
Five -Year -Old Girl
Gives Birth To Child
Six -pound Bafy
Boy Delibered After
Caesarean Operation
LFMA, Peru, :May 15—An Indian
girl said by physicians to be fl:ve
years old has (given birth to a six -
pound baby at the Liana. Maternity
Hospital—to the amazement of GO
physician witnesses.
The baby boy was delivered In a
35 -minute caesarean operation yes-
terday. The infant Was said to
be welltformtel and today both the
child and .his mother were reported
by the hospital to be in excellent
condition. The caesarean was per-
formed by Dr. Gerardo Lauda and
Dr. Alegandro Busalieu.
The child mother, Lima Medina,
was born, Sept. 23, 1934, according
to her parents, and that Is the
date on. her birth certificate, But
Dr. Hipolito Larrabure, chief sur-
geon and director of the Linea Ma-
ternity Hospital, said the birth
certificate a'PParently isus in error
because Line still has her milk
teeth and the molars are just
emerging—Che dental status of a
child more than five but under six
year's of age.
After the birth Dr. Larrabure
recounted the history of the case
which had been In .medical hands
for several weeks.
A few weeks ago !her mother
brought her Into the hospital at
Pisco for examination, beliveiug
tire child had an abdominal humor,
Or, tt, Lozada found her to be preg-
Family Fears Curse,
Dr. Larrabure said it had been
impossible to determine who had
assaulted the girl. Told that the
child was pregnant, the mother
voiced Indian superstitions,
°Sthe believed her slaughter was a
victim of the/ 'evil eye' or possessed
by a snake wed "Piranha' which
acocrdinng to the Indians, Is able to
Impregnate women sleeping in the
open air'," Dr. Larrabure said,
Gynecologists feared natural de-
livery of Ole baby would be 'ton
dangerous, if not Impost0ble, for the
little gin+1 aiiei so decided to operate
arftetr Sri moutthe of pregnancy.
Four days ago Lina was brought
to Liana from Pisco. She weighecp
32 kilograms (70;55 pounds). The
exact weight of her child was 2,7
kilogl'tms (1,96 bounds), The
motitea• is just under 37 ,inches In
Huron Oil Well
Reaches 3,020 Feet
Interest in Hurons first nil well
in Increasing as cullers our Wednes-
day reached 8,020 feet, The drill
is now in the oil bearing or 'Trenton
Formattdml4 and there are 'already
very evid'en't signs of natural gas,
according to J. F. Daly, Seafontit,
vice-president of the company,
Drilling is continuing day and
might and it is espeeted that
delimit(' results will be known in
tho course of a few days,
WISDN1bSDAX, MAY 17bh, 1939
.1%, r'r'*w,
SERVICE in the implement field is no mere
appendage or fancy trimming.
Time and timeliness are the essence of success
in most farming operations. Great Toss may be ,
sustained by the farmer, during seeding and
harvesting, through machine breakdowns caused 1
by wear and accidents, if parts are not readily
available. It is then, that promptness in securing ;
parts has a definite money value.
Massey -Harris has always taken a pride in
the manner in which it has rendered Parts service.
Fit and quality may be taken for granted, for
replacement parts are identical with the originals.
Its extensive selling organization, with local dealers
in practically every town across Canada, brings .
this service within easy reach of every farmer. ,
No matter, too, how old the machine bearing i
the name "Massey -Harris" may be, spare parts
can always be obtained for it.
• Last Spring a farmer ordered a small part for a drill he
bought 30 years ago. No demand for many years for
this part resulted in the pattern becoming destroyed. To
make a new patfern and part cod 325.00, an expenditure
willingly undertaken to preserve the Company's Tong and
enviable record for service—although the port sold to
the farmer for only 15c.
Ft.A R R.1
Court of Revision
A 'Court of Revision on the
Assesmenf Roll for the Village of
Brussels 1939, will be held in the
Public Library on Tuesday, June
6th, 1939, at S o'clock p.m. Partes
having complaints to make please
attend this meeting,
R. S, Warwick, Clerk.
Stop Wanton Ruin
of Wild Flowers
Canada's climintdhirig succession
of lovely wild flowers from Styling
to Fall has mow reached' the point
that their ultimate disappearance
can be 'avoided only by the care
an consideration of the people.
Throughout the years, the greatest
destruction of wild flowers has been
the clearing of 'Che forests and laud
fad faran, anti habitations, assisted
by forest fires and the grazing of
mime Is. Still la ter, the want of
thought on the (pant of Persons,
partticularly in the vicinity of the
larger centres of population, has
hastened the ;possibility of wild
flowers sharing Phe fate of the
the buffalo, the mvsik ox, the great
auk, the carrier pigeon and other
wild life, for already some of the
fluent specimens in, the woods have
dis:,hlplpeared. 'Hence, appeal of
horticultural societies throughout
Canada for the prevention of wild
The preservaldon of atdld, flowers 1
does not mean tint no one Is al-
lowed to pick a bloom, but it does
remain a Lille thought from the
picker. For example, some will
flowers should not be pinked at all.
Plants like the white trillium, the
floral emblem of Ontario, are best �
left alone In all the glory of ddteir
original seining, because these
flowers cannot be plc+lced without
removing nil the foliage on which
11rpenda the ntmturing of tate bul-
bous roof far tine following seasons
crop of flowers, Other species of
wild flowers, ,such as violets, hepati-
cas and, the like whose flower stems
ruse directly from the roots, may be
picked at will, provided the 'met of
the plant is loft uncitaltutibed,
Tearing up a plant by the roots to the 'Canadian lands
gain a bloom is wanton destruction landscape, 1t if
and azreans only one thin—'the wil1dfl this reckless. (plucking of
g wild flowers that the luartdcuibunal
passing of beautiful flowers from societies make their appeal.
Modernize Your Home
Building Supplies of All Kinds
We have the Best and Largest Stock
—of .•
of All Leading Kinds On Hand
Cement Lime Gyproc Board Lath
Plaster Coal Wood and Cedar Posts
See Our Stock and Get Our Prices
Before You Buy
We have been advised by the
Local Bank ' that they will
advance money on the home
improvement plan and its the
Better way to do your repairing
or improvement as you can
always buy better with Cash
We deliver your job Free
anywhere within reason
D. N. McDonald
And Company
Phone 77 Brussels, Ont.