HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-5-17, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST WEDNESDAY, MAY 17th, 1939 THoMPSPN S;. Phone 70 Brussels, Ont. WEEK -END SPECIALS Gold Medal Jelly Powders 6 for 25c Pure Canadian (Honey • • • 4 Ib for • • • • • 25c Good Black Tea 1 I6 for 50c Tomato Juice 3 cans for Supreme Shortening • • • • 2 Ib for . 24c Forest City Baking Powder 32 oz. jar Peter Pan Ketchup • • • • 2 bottles for • • • • 25c Durham Cornstarch per pkg • • • • • 9c 25c 34c Chocolate Cookies t 1 tb for 5 -string Broom for California Lemons • • • • 1 doz. for • • • • • • 22c 15c 29c Scrub Brush each Planting Peas • • • • 1 Ib for Orange Marmalade 2 it) jar for Wonder Washing Soap •••• 5 bars Sunkist Oranges 2 +doz. for Soda Biscuits 2 pkgs for 10c 15c 25c 17c 35c 25c WEDDING Harrow—Ballantyne Langside Farm, Atwood was the scene of an early spring wedding when Mary Agnes Ballantyne, sec- ond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John I. Ballantyne, Atwood, became the bride of William Nelson Harrow, second son of Mr. and Mrs. David Harrow, also of Atwood. Rev. 3. R. Greig, minister of Atwood Presby- terian Church, officiated. The bride U4' A'u4Wt~4Fp VOlab.. .1,01`travel- ing the bride wore a Suez crepe dress With hat, coat and accessor- iea to =atoll, aril wC"e a silver fox fur. On their return they will re- side, on •M,ain street Attwood, Obituary Mrs. Charlet Watt There ,passed away at her fate residence, In Ourdes, Elizabeth IMcOrae, beloved wife of Charles Watt. Mrs. Watt, Was born in Morris Township, 6t hilae, on the form now owned by John G. Spear. Some 154 years ago she was married to her now bereft partner, who with one daughter, Mrs. D. Cameron, of Toronto, are left to mourn a devot- ed wife and mother. Also surviv- ing are Lhree sisters, Mrs. Jas. Spelr, Brussels; Mrs. Geo, Robb, St. Catharines and Mrs. J. W. Kerney, Toronto. Much sympathy is felt for the faintly. who was unattended, as charming in a slipper -length gown of white crepe with a' fingertip veil caught with orange blossoms She carried pink carnations, tulips and snapdragons. Dur- ing the .signing of the register Miss Irene McCuttcheon, of Attwood sang, After the ceremony a wed- ding breakfast was. served to about 40 guests. The couple left on e motor trip to Niagara Falls and Changes In Train Services Visit of Th(r Majesties The Ming And Quern Account the above, certain trains are being CANCELLED on specific days, and the schedules of other trains are being changed.. Extra Train Service is also being arranged. For Full Particulars Apply to Ticket Agent. T-153 CANADIAN NATIONAL �i Announcement G=1 ICO I wish to announce to the public and farmers particularly that I am now acting as•.•• ri i Dealer for The Pedlar People Ltd of Oshawa Roofings and Sidings (Both ,Steel & Asphalt) Barn and Stable Equipment. Metal Lath Water Bowls Pipe and Fittings Harald Thomas Brussels, Ont. Phone 80x Mrs. J' K. 'Brown Sarah Francis Buttery, widow of the late John K. Brown, passed away at the home of her son on Wednesdia.y morning, April 261h, In her 790. year. Although in. fwaJlinlg health her death following a sudden heart attack was a shock to her friends and acquaintances who have known her for fifty-three years, Tine deceased was born in Vaug- han townshSP'on October 18, 1859 and was the daughter of the Sate Henry Buttery. She was married some 53 years ago to John K. Brown who predeceased her 24 years ago. She leaves to mourn 'her lose one son William . at home and one daughter died 37 years ago in in- fancy. She had 2 brothers lSanit- ley and William also 2 sisters, Mrs, John Snider and Mrs, William Snider .of Vaughan township all of whom predeceased her. The funeral services were largely attended and were conducted hi Rev. W. A. Willta.nts, of Cranbrook, she .was a member of the Presby- terian resbyterian church, Ethel. A short service ones held at her home at one -thirty and service at the church at two o'clock. The flowers were from the family, the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian church, the Buttery family, and Dunbar's and Cunn.inghams. Flower bearers: Ross 'Cunning- ham and Stuart Brown. Pallbearers were: George Dunbar, Stan. Dunbar, Mir. J. H. Fear, Wil- liam McInnis; David Brown, Murray Brown. Intenment was nude ,in D1ma Centre Cemetery THE CLARION Apple Crop ;Outlook The orctaard od Mrs.. R. Thomson, has. wintered well and Mr, R. J Mc- Lamehlin, manager, predi'c'ts a fair orae this year, The leaves are already well Lor red and in the near !future wJ'1l be seen the picturesque sight of the orchard In blossom, • • • FOR INTERVIEW CAUDtMN The display window of Lorne Eckimier's Superior shore has dis• played the aDpearaanoe of patriotism in honor of Their Maje,,stles, the King and Queen. 2n the centre is a large picture of their Majesties, and the window is d'ecora'ted with flags. The next change to be made in the near future will be an Aylmer window, also designated bo Their Majesties and containing Aylmer products only. Lorne says "We stand behind our goods." tt� REID'S GOOD GLASSES Will Help You See With Comfort Complete Eyesight Service Waiting for you Here and at a most moderate cost. HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED! R. A. REID AT BRUS.SEL OFFICE, —MISS HINGSTON'S STORE 'none 51 for Appointment to 5.00 EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.00 • * • The Quality Tea SSA Refrigeration Service Installed Recently Lewis A. Russell, proprietor of the Revd Band Store, recently pur- chased a Kelvinator Refrigreator Counter from D. C. Warwick, Elec- trical 'Store, _At the present time it is on display in the show window of the Red, Band Store and after the alterations, .which are now being made to the store it will be installed int its, proper place, From it, fresh vegetables, fruit, milk products, etc., will be served. A. full line of cured meats may also be procurable k11 perishable goods are kept Perfectly fresh and clean, at all times. r: * r Flower Fanciers Fred Hunter, local Postmaster being an ardent flower fancier has a beautiful lot of plantsl some of which. are out in bloom at present. Some of itis colelction are: Cactus; Rex Begonias, Caladium and a Tropical Pa'lmt, the palm is a large speuiemnan of its kind and Ita.s often been referred to as artificial. Another fancier, in the ,person of Classified Ads. FOR SALE 1. good York Boar, 11 months old. Phone 44-r-19 Art Rattan Miss Lowry, stenographer of Elmer Beira law office has an equally 1 beautiful colleottou, but of ,a differ- ent iffer-en t variety, some of which. may be seen in Elmer Belt's window. * * Property Damage A series of what mlghh be called even worsts titan 'scthoolboy tricks' but as it pertains to high school ,students in. this case it won't be called anything else. Something in the line of what kindergarten pupils might do. The object being a new thermometer placed beside the front door of the Post Publishing Office only last Friday, for the ex- press purpose, of being a conven- ience to the public. In this case It could also be called an experi- ment which should be tried in She Chemistry 'Period of the local school, as matches were lighted and held to it until the mercury expand- ed to full capacity end the mato come resulted in a broken ther- mometer. This is not the first ocurrantea of this kind, as there memeteus, have been placed at other points. around town and the sauce hkas happened to them. Can it be that the curriculum of our school requires such or is it lacking. Lacking—that might be i't, but what? Perhaps the application of a few pointers; whether they be appllied at school or at home, night help. If necessary the parents aright do to the correction of such happenings. The aforementioned oc- curred Sunday afternoon around four o'clock and when the proprie- tor of the Post appeared the `young men) meandered off uncon- cernedly and left .the toy behind, remnant of skill combined 'with the heat from matches. which otherwise might have been used to light fires or evetr cigarettes, 'Some of the names of the funsbers cgrld be di- vulged but are being withheld. a.• Mr. Mathews, of the circulation WANTED— Cattle for pasture, spring water, at ail trines. phone 23.r-23 J. C. Long Mrs. Jessie Kerr There passed away on Monday. May 15th, tat the home of her daughter, Mrs. V. A. !Scout, Toronto, a former well-known resident of Brussels, in the person 05 - Mrs. Jessie Kerr, daughter of the late Mr. and Mas. William Ross. Mrs. Kerr load been civ poor health for about a year and her death was not unexpected. Her three special interests were. her church, friends and flowers aid from these she derived great pleas- ure. To 'Melville Church she rendered very considerable service over a long period'. She was peolally active in the choir, Sunday School, Young People's Society and the Woman's Missionary Society, being a member of the last melt - Ilion ed society since its erne nIn- nen some 55 years ago and was ties last of the charter members. She served as treasurer of Melville church for. a time and on the estab- lishment of the Brussels Public Library was appointed librarian, a position she filled for some years, She had the faculty of making and keeping friends of whom she had many and by whom she was greatly beloved. Mrs. Kerr was in her eighty-third year and the eldest of the family of ,She is ,survived by two daughters, Mrs. Carry Wilson of Caydga. Mrs. V. A. Seatt, Toronto. and three granneliildren, Billy and Mary Wilson and Donald Scott, also a sister and three brothers, Mrs. Robt. McAlpine, Ga.rberieh; Roht. W., Toronto and Alex of Ottawa. A service was heir for 'Toronto friends on Tuesday evening con, ducted by Rev. J. Young Fraser of Victoria Presbyterian Church as. slated by Rev. G 'Rintoul, After. se. •.'•.r ' .'. 1r'1'.e Church, Brussels on WednesdaY. con dueled by Rev, S. Keir lute -moot was made hi Brussels 'Cemetery, The family Is deeply grateful to the marry- friends of the late Mrs. Kerr for their kindness in re.mem- beein'g her by letters, Sdsits and flowers. TheSe brought her great Joy, FOR SALE— Buckwheat seed; also 2 good in- cubators; extra large Peran Duck eggs. Phone. 36-r-15 N. NcCeolev WANTEd— Law^nr mowers ground and repair- ed. Altl work guaranteed. Earntgey's Repair Shop, Brussels (Call at Frances' Dress Shoppe) FOR SALE— A quantity of good Seed. Barley, 6- rewed also some Dooley Seed Pota- to, also 2 Dudham Heifers 2 year, old. phone 42-r-26 Baster Stephenson SEED GRAIN Banner Oats; also mixed Banner and Two -Rowed Barley, Price $1.50 per cwt. phone 55-r-16 J. M. Knightt & Sons FOR SALE— A new Ford V-8 2 -door Coach, just driven from the factory, Also a number of horses and cows. phone 41X Galbraith Sale Stable FOR.RENT— MW'S Sinclair would rent 'half of her house or sell the house, will re- turn to Brussels at any time upon request, Grace R. Sinclair, 90 Gosvenor Ave., Hamilton. 13 dePar+tment of tiroStratfordd� e Bea Herald enquired as to a g to eat, He was, told he could take choice of two cafes end two hotels. After Picking on ,the Scotch Thistle he referred to it as "an. excellent place to eat, had a good meal and finished it off with a piece of fresh riluu!bar+b pie." +r TENDERS WANTED Tenders • will be received by the undersigned until '1 pan, Monday, May 22, 1939 for suplying and delivering to the Bouudry between Elms and Grey at Con. 6. Three hundred yards of stone, more or less. Stone to be not less than four inches in diameter. Tenders will also he received at the same time for crushing and hauling gravel on Elms township roads. John Ballantyne, Road Supt. J. N. Lardy, 'Reeve SEASON 1939 Premium B. No. 243 Enrolment No. 3039 SULAN 14552„ Pure bred black Percheron Stallion will stand for service at home barn, 'lot 28, 16th conces- sion of Grey Township, 1/2 mile west of Moncrieff. TERMS: To guarantee a living foal one week old $10.00. Payable with- in 10 day.s After that time 10% extra will be charged. Parties disposing of their bred mare bel fore foaling time must pay for service of horse whether in foal or not. • 'Stallion owner will not' be responsible for accidents to mares or to persons in charge. - Leslie Chambers, phone 47-r-12 R. R. 2, Brussels, Ont.. Owner FOR SALE - 1932 Ford, 4 cylinder 3205; 1932 Ford V-8, $265; 1930 DeSSolo, $1655; 1936 Plymouth, $665; 1937 Ford V.8 light delivery Truck $620; 11130 Wiltys, $145, 1930 47hevrolet Coupe 3155, A11 cars in good condition, J. Douglas black, phone 91-r-4 MEN WANTED -- A sure living to IOVERY ACTIVE FAMILI:X DEALER for 'selling 200 daily necessities in reserved district of 800 families, Money -back guarantee. Low prices , . Quick Sales , , Big orliers , REPEATS!! We .help you. N0. RIIS2C, Real opportunity for rworkcer, FREE catalogue and particulars; FAMILEX, 570 St, Clement, MONTREAL 1939 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE BRUSSELS at Mildmay June 16th �F at Listowel May 26th at 'Atwood June 27th at Ethel June 19th CL: y MILDMAY at Brussels June 9th .4 at Listowel June 19th E'" at Atwod May 26th at Ethel May 30th 1t LI'STOWEL at Brussels June 21st at Mildmay June 2nd at Atwood June 16th at Ethel . June 23rdi ATWOOD at Brussels 'May 31st. at Mildmay June 23rd' at Listowel June 30th at Ethel June 13th ETHEL at Brussels at Mildmay at Listowel at Atwood June 30th: June 28th, June 9th June 5th. w104. 941. 9 �I. Read The Post ALWAYS Read The Ads, SEED CORN NOW ON HAND Early ,Leaning Golden Glow' Wisconsin No. 7 Whiter+Capt All the above v8rieti'es' are No. 1 Government Standard Certified Seed Place your ORDER'S NOW and avoid disappointment' IT PAYS TO FEED THE BEST: Feed NEW LIFE r A full line of New Life Feeds always on hand CHICK STARTER CHICK DEVELOPER GROWI1VG MASH CHICK SCRATCH' Bowler's Feed Store Brussels