HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-5-17, Page 3THE BRl1SSELS POST ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES From BRUSSELS MAY 26-27. TO TORONTO Also to Brantford, Chatham, Godet'ich, Guelph, Hamilton, London, Niagara Fails, Owen Sound, St. Catharines, St. Mary's, Sarnia, Stratford, Strathroy, Woodstock, To Stations Oshawa and East to Cornwall inclusive, Uxbrdige, Lindsay,1'eterhoro, Campbelltord, Newmarket Colling'wood, 1Ieaford, Midland, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Capreol and West to Beardmore, SEE HANDBILLS FOR COMPLETE LIST OF DESTINATIONS, For Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, etc„ consult nearest Agent. CANADIAN NATIONAL * * * * * * * * Complain * * * (By A. R. K.) * * * If At times! I've sung my hymn of hate, Because the *eason was so late, I couldn't do a thing; the words 1 used were rather bold, be- cause days and, nights remained so cold, it was a backward 'spring. 1( I scolded at the Weather Man, he bad no chant and drew no plan, lust lar things slide I bhought; if he would watch his gadgets more, I"d' get my spade and do my chore, and boil whede it was hot, if I guess, I whined when I was house, felt Chilled right through unto the bone, felt cold about the knees, and now and then I'd start to cough, and well night blow my dome clean off, when I began to sneeze, If And then one clay there came a change, the man shook up his kitchen range, and he turned on the heat; and I gouged holes around the yard, complained because the work was hard, put blisters on my feet. 1T It was•near ninety is the shade, of caving in I grew afraid, then I complained some more; the Weath- er Man had skimped his rule, I wish- ed ished head turn it .rather 0001, like what it was before. IT I :guess I'm hard to satisfy, that's why the Weather Man won't try, he's heard me wail before; when it's too hot then I complain, when it's too cool I do then. same— 1 and shiver to the core. After Care In Vaccination Rules for after care in vaccination follow: 1.—Use no shield or close cover• ing of any kind, 2.—ICeep the vaccination wound clean and dry, The sent which forms• is the best dressing. 3,—Usually no covering is neces- sary, but a piece of sterile gauze may be pinned to the inside of the sleeve, or secured to aria by adhee. ive tape, icepeing the tape at least two inbbes away front the vaccina- tion. This dressing must be chang- ed daily. 4,Avold breaking the. 'Mister or knocking off the stab. If the blis- ter does break, the same precau- tion must be taken in dressing It as would he taken with any other sore. 5.—From the seventhto the tenth day after vaccination allow the child much rest and little exer- cise. 6,—Those vaooina,ted. in the leg may be required to resit la bed of this period in the course of the action, 7.—Do not under any eircumetanc- es cover the vaccination with so close a dressing as to exclude the air. James McFadean Howick Mutual Fire Insurance —Also— Hartford Windstorm —Tornado Insurance —Automobile Insurance 'Phone 42 Box 1, Turnberry 8t. Brusesls, Ontario PERMIT CITY CONVENIENCES If your home is in the country or in a town or village not served by a Community Water Supply System, a Duro Pump will supply running water trader pressure to all parts of your home, barns, dairy -build- ings, etc. Without running water your family cannot have bathroom facilities and other conveniences so nec- essary to their comfort, health and daily work. Duro Water Systems and Emco bathroom and kitchen equipment are made in designs and quality to meet the needs of every type of home. Emco Products Are Reasonably Priced The four pieces in the bathroom illustrated —Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and Lavatory— with all Trimmings, ready for installation, cost only (Soil pipe, iron pipe and fittings extra) Other complete Bathroom Equipment as low as ADuro Special Pumping System complete with 25 gal. Galvanized Tank, 25 or 60 cycle motor with capacity of 250 gals. per hour, costs only.,.... $ 87.00 $132.00 $ 76.84 Modernize your home NOW. Under the Government Home Improvement Loan Act, or Duro Finance Plan, the cost of doing so can be spread over a period not ars. Full M - formation and free booklethree tscon request. WILTON & GILLESPIE Hardware Store PHONE 68 BRUSSELS, ONT. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. Can also be supplied for London H•miiton Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Veneouwr 239 imeiveumemner Gasoline Engin• opa•tion Tom Gillies, Veteran,5oldier A special feature story appeared in lash week's issue In connection with the various interesting experiences of the above pictured war veteran. LET US LOOK 1 AT THE PAST taro Ars !tens Takwe Prost Ales of the lost of N omni 1f Tears Apo 50 YEARS AGO GREY Miss Celia Calder has gone to Manitoba on a visit. * * F Thos. Whitfield and wife are visiting friends in :SaniSac Go., Mich. • • • Miss Jessie Robertson, 9th con., has gone to Saginaw City this week where she will make her home ter some time. * * Messrs. Reid, Calder and Hodg- son!, at England, are visiting at Thos. Calder's for a few weeks, * * * Janes and Alex McDougall left for Niche, Dakota, a few wbelcs ago, * * * Miro. T. B. Hill, wlto was 'bleating relatives here for the past three weedes, lett on Thursday for'Toron- to, from which point suis will go to Regina, N.W,T., to join her hus- band:, w'ho is residing there. WALTON Miss L. retard is tilling a lucrative position in, Cash and C'o's. More, London, She bee been there about two months and dikes the Position well. T * * Andrew Morrison, who was sea Musty injured some weeks ago by the upsetting of Q. load of 'hay, is able bo get about again although he got ,quite. a shaking up, ETHEL Among the recent arrivals we notice (Peter Lamont from Dakota and George Gill from Algoma, * * 'a Messrs. Heffernan and Barotin- hlnier are doing a big business ' in Ulve cattle line. They have several hundred, acres of pasture and will put on more stock yet, CRANBROOK Re -building. Dames and D. 2imhner are getting their lots fixed tip after the fire. They will re- build, * * * Jno. McIntosh, an old and highly respected resident of Grey town- sdttp, haus taken up his residence in Cran'brook, having purchased the house and lot belonging to A. M. Moray of Brnrsesls. MORRIS Donald Black of Day Mills, Al- goma ariveicl home on Tuesday at thin week. • • • Thos, 1Naundens is putting up a new barn, 4,0xSO feet with stabling underneath, on his Sarna south of Bruesele. BRUSSELS 11, Graham bas' removed from the Queen's hotel to the American. The market will beat the latter place henceforth. ••• We welcome Mrs. W. B, Dickson and Nise Kate McCormack baok to town. 'They arrived here from Helena, Montana, on Wednesday .evening, baying visited relatibes and. friends in Chicago, Detroit and London. • * • Miss Christina McDonald is home after a sojourn of several ononths in Landon. m a rried Clark - Gibson—In Morris, at the residence of Mr. Wm. Clark, on the 13th inst., by Rev. W. S. Ciuff, Mr. Moses Clark to 'Mies Anna Gibson both of Morris, • • dilcLauohiin - Bell—In Morris, et the residence of the bride's parents on the 1Gth inst., by Rev, Robt. Godfrey, Mr. Donald Melmuchlin, Jr„ of Grey, to Miss Hattie Bell, 25 YEARS AGO WROXETER A, Rasnnosson left for Toronto last week where •h will work at his trade, • * • Misses E, Nichol and 'Whitley of Goi•rte, spent Monday in the village, CRANis ROOK Last :Saturday evening Fred Jeschke treated, the residents of Cranbrook to an open, air Concert- ina Concert. Ile i5 quite an expert. BELGRAVE W.M.S.—The annual meeting of the Women's Missionary .society of the Methodist church here web held ou the 14,0h inst., when the following offioen . were ohasen:— Pres., Mrs. C, B. Wilkinson, vice - ores., Macs. W. iJ Procter; Treas., Nrs. J. Bell; Sec., Mrs. W Procter; organist, Mrs (Dr.) Stewart. WALTON J, J. Irvine, Recording Steward of the Methodist chmcin, is the lay representative eat the Goderich Dis' tract meeting this week. * • Ell McIatvath'lin, a ata known residentsolf Walton, boa been to Iona, Elgiu Co. He was presented with an adKlress, and a fine pipe by the Chosen Friends of which he was a worthy member, WcEDN1E9DAY, MAY 17th, 1053 of Cradle Boll, Mus, J. Wright, as- FREE SERVICE Meted by Mies Della McKee, recti Dobson and Luella 1•Ietlly. Teach- ers, Mrs, W. Hall, Mrs, W. Siem - mon, Miss Donbroo)e, Frank and Mrs, 'Stei'gb'tholen, Mra. G. AMY, Mrs, McGuire, Mas. Tambora; Assistant Teachers', Mrs, Dobson, Mre. a, 'McDonald, C. and Mrs, Cleaver, iiobt. and ,Mise Lizzie Chambers, OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiennfrr. Simply phone "COLLECT" to WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 21 INGERSQI!L BRUSSELS — PHONE 72 ,MORRIS George and Mins, Lacdoie 07 Wmox- 'little girl." Oar were visiting IilOton and ,ins, This Year's "little girl'' is after Cardiff, 5th .line, gather more carved and tenninima Ulan her cotuuteltpar,t last year. fit you care for social psychology, abler may have something or otter to elb with the international situation. But anyway, the net result is young and lively with cockeyed hats_ square ehouiiciers, tiny nvat*ts and, bouncy skirts. Mies Annie Gaxnlee is book from a two months visit to Northern On- tario with• relatives, BRUSSELS 1700—Att a cetain home last Monday evening 1700 June Bugs were slaughtered, This is no guess- ing story as the "buzzers" were counted, Some idea of the Im- mense number may he assumed such a capture could be made at one place. They are something like the old time plague of locust', Mrs. H. L* J'seksom wasp in Lon- don toffs week attending tte Confer- ence of Woman's Mdse1onary Soci- ety, • • • ,Fames• Ballantyne was the referee of the Mildmay -Walkerton game of Inteaunedtate football, at the former place, a/outlay evening. Walter Scott and Frank Scott and Elmer Ewan accompanied him, NOTE AND COMMENT BLYTH The May meeting of the W.M.S. of the United church was held this, week with a good attendance pres- ent. Th.e president Mrs, W. Jenkins, presided. After devotional exer- cises the minutes of former meeting were read. Letters of acknowledge- ment were read from families who. had been. rememibered in trouble. A. splendid address on "Cdraistian "Christian Stewardship" was given by Mas. (Rev.) Sinclair. Plane were made for .a birtb'day tweeting and the tea for June. A solo was sung by Mra. Harold Philips, Tb,p report of the adternoon session of Huron Presbyterial bead in Wing - halm was given by Katie Barrett, An interesting letter from Chengtu. China, was, read by Miss Clare Me - Toronto and Syracuse played two Gowan. ball games on the same day, and. in Young People's Union met for each Toronto lost by a score of 4 to their weekly meeting wiUh a call to 3, so there was really not much use worship by the president, Jaime in playing that second game. Sims. Scripture was rear]. by Helen Vincent with prayer by Mise Gewalt. a pleasing chorus was sung by a. number of public school chdldem who are under the direction of Miss E. Mills. Miss Helen Shaw read a letter from. Dr. Wilford of Ohengtw while a letter from 'Mrs. Wilford was read by Alberta Richmond. A solo was sung by Ivan Milborna The topic, "The Vrorld! in Canada' was ably presented by Mrs. (Dr.) Ton A girl of 22 possessed of $2 and a pacgage. of food is Preparing to hike to Halifax from Victoria. We sus- pect she 'has 'had her thumb in training for several weeks. • • • It is recorded .that Chief Squirrel of the Chdppewas is dead and it is added' that "he wee said" to have been 120 years old. Emphasis should be placed on that word "said." A report fram•Belleville tells of the license plate having been stolen from a police car in that city, Folk are getting quite smart there as in less than a week the theft was noticed. * * The job now, authorities .gay, is to round up the private money lend- ers. We helppen to know several individuals who will very gladly stl1mit to being put out of business as money lenders. Man and wife • firm Vancouver have scanted on a five-year trip tak- ing them round the world. If they wish to keeps in touch with condi- tions at home they cmu now and then clo a little worrying about the size of the national debt. Main was arresited in Kingston and fined ten andl costs for being drunk. He !claimed it was the first offence in 15 years, It his seat on the water wagon is still vacant ire should climb up as it is a much cheaper place to ride. The world of publications is not exactly the most pleasant spot in the world despite all that is said of the subsidized press. Scribner's Magazine announces It will suspend temporarily after the May issue, and Scribner's has been !published continuously for 55 years. • • • ,'t'h'ere will be 104 guoets at the dinner in the White House during the visit of the King and. Queen, and that figure was determined, by counting the number of chairs the table would hold. Possibly in Si case like that they could not very well bring in the ,organ stool to take care of another. ETH EL Mrs. J'uo. NioDonald is attending the W:M,S. Conrvention whish is bo- Inp held this week in London, • • 5 S. S. Meets and Teachers— Following are the ofiioeta and teaohere. of the Methodist Sabbath school;— Superintendent, Juo, Mc- Donald; Asst. .Supt., A, Md;Kec; Sec., Alvin McKee. Mat. ,See„ Miss'' Luella Henry; Treas., Harvey Deb - son; Librarian, 'Chea Hansuld. Pap. erarian, Miss Mamie Hansnld; or- gdnl3t., Miss Grace F,cltanler; Supt„ East Wawanosh Council Council met on May 9th with all the members • present. Minutes or last meeting were read and approv- ed. Comnndcations from the Queen.• Alexander Sanatorium, the Prob. Dept. of Health and the Highways Dept. approving of the purchase of the road Maintainer recently re- ceived and read. Directors on behalf of the, Gode- rich Rural Telephone Co., were present end stated that the ,privi- leges extended to them at the hnan- guraation of this. company some years ago as to the night for erec- tionof poles etc., in this township would soon exrdpe and asked that the Council grant tlnehn a similar extension of time for telephone pur- pose. This request was granted on motion of Beecroft and McDow- ell. Dan Ilallaban stated he wished to take advantage of the the Tile Drainage Act for draining of his property S. H. Lot 40, Con. 5. Mr. Haiiahan was advised to make kis application in the regular maun.er after which the cannel would pro- ceed with the necessary require- ments in connection therewith. The collector reported that there was still in the neighborhod 0f $1800.00 of 1938 taxes yet unpaid, An exten5don of time was granted this official till June 5th to com- plete onplete this collection, where atter that date all uncollected amounts ba turned over to the county for settlement. This is a final notice. The following acocumte were paid Boys, Boys refund of 'taxes lot 37, Con. 1, $00.3'4; The Queen Alexan- der Sanatarittm non paying patient '$15,00; The Dept. of Health, insulin, 33c; The Standard trading office, adv. by -latus, $9,55; The Advance- Times, office, printing civeeOiest. $4,70; D, Deacon, sheep claims 96.00; J, F. MnCtallmm, sheep valu- er, $1.501 C. 0. F, halal rent, $4000; Roofing !Supply 00., culvert pipe, $252+7; Dom, Road Macb, CO„ pays went on road maintainer $1775001 Ross Anderson, dragging 912,00; la Buchanan, dragging 98,00; Wniterr Cook, draging, $8,00; J, 'Vdneent, dragging, 96.90; R, Scholtz dragging $11.60; Ala Nesbit, dragging, 95.8+0.., G. Robins001 rolling fence J. Reavde, gas oil and grease, $965- 55; S. McBurney, Salary as .Bared Suipt., $59;85. Connctl odjournied., to -meet agafie on Monday, jams 5th. A..l;'oatet1Lelcl, Cion&„ Glamor Girls Getting Go -By New And tNuttier Line Of Feminine Frills For Spring S'ty'le exports, today ore ringing the knell of the "glamour girl" along with a healthy tune on the cash register as a new and, nattier line of demrinine trills heads for the boulevards and the spring parade, "Tho 'glamor girl' is definitely on the shelf," said: one votary of Sohie- parelti In a downtown Toronto store, "She of the spunryarn tress- es btllowiig on her shoulders, with heavy Bostick, pale complexion and very sophislticaeltd clothes, is gone, Rn her ;glace we bane the 1