HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-5-17, Page 1the lignisseto • POST PUBLISHING MOUSE • South Bruce Ladies' Softball Executives Meet At Teeswater The first meeting of the South Bruce Ladlle& S'eetbaiy club 'tots held on Friday, May L2th at Tees• water with all teams represented except Winghaen. The 'meeting opened with the minutes, 1't was moved by Ethel Fox, Brueele, sec' onded by Lillian Fut'stou, Ripley, that minutes be edoeted. —Carried: Election of Officers President—wooed by Bert Thorn. ton, Teee'waater, seconded by Alice Ballag'le Teeswater, tiheit Bill ' iSiilickis, Teesevater be president. -•�CarriecL Vice -President moved by ,,Jacit Cronin. seconded by Beet Thornton, that Gordon Alvis, Tiveeton be vice- president.--4Oarried. Secretary -Tress— moved by Jack Cronin, Teeswater; seconded by Mary Backer„ Brussels, that Alice Ballagh, Teesevater, be sec,treas. —Carried. Representatives ,Ripley --Jean McLeod, Tiverton—Fay Todd T e e siva t er—M r. King. Brussels—+Mary Baeker. Wingleam -privilege of one at any time. It was decided that the games be started earlier in the season, so 0u June lGth the first league games are to be played. Each player trust have a certificate fully signed before the first league game and without this. she will not be allowed to play. The teams are to use O.S.A. rules but any team may wear gloves if desired. laa.yers can be chosen from a radius of ten miles. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. un- til June 2nd, when there will be an- other meeting In Teeewater for the Purpose of drawing up a schedule for 1939. rP appointing * ** *, * * * * * PEOPLE WE KNOW * * * * * * * * * * Mrs. Santee Spear wee a visitor in Dundee and 'Toronto loot week, N'CCurdy Lowry spent a few days loot week in Torbnito. ]Miss. Robt. Henderson ,spent u week -end lately, in Toronto. «Mies, Gertrude Klie'n spent Sun- day with'lter mother in Mi'tebell.• J', A. Ballantyne, London, spent,. Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Jas Bw1ianityme. 'Mfrs. J, Holletilbecak, of Stratford, is visiting at the flows at Robt. and Mos. Davidson. Mrs, Will. Lowry, of London, was a Sunday visitor with her sister Mrs, A. J. Loewe. Rev. J. and lire. Graham anti Pat, of Blayfield, ,paid' a short visit with, friend this weep. Dr. ;Ralph, Robertson and his daughlter babel, of Co11iq'gwond, were Sunday visitors at the home of ars•. Isabella McKinnon. Mr, and ''Drs. Fred Stephenson and Mutely spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,. Flank Riley 0f Coustal1Ce.. Mr. :and',airs. Milton . Lake and Morley Dunford of Fergus spent Melher's Day with the former's mother, 'Mas. John Lake. airs. Jobst Rowland was taken to Stratford on Thursday last for an X -Ray and will stay in the hospital there for a short time for treat- ment Dr. R. G. and Mas, Scot, of Boby- cageon are ,guests at the 'home of the latter'e parents, Mr. and ,firs. Jas. Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ellis and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Smellie, Toronto, spent Sunday with. Mrs. E. G. McIn- tosh and Jas. Thuell. Week -end visitors, at the home of Mrs. J. Spear were -Mrs. J. W. Ker- ney, erney, Mts. E. T. Bell, Miss. Thede Stone and Miss Hilda Gtalkam, all ot Toronto. 'Mrs. Alvin Pride of Turnberry St North, had tate mtsfontune on Tues- day morning of this week to das- Meate .her lap and also fracture the bona of the thigh of the lett leg. Mucic symr athy is. being expressed for her. Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Reg.N., accompanied by Miss Freda Sdhnei- ler, of Brantford, were week -end guests with the 3ornter's parents Mr. and' Mrs. D. R. Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair Heming- way, Toronto, spent the week -end with: their parents. Miss Filoreutoe Jones, of Lenart' Life Insurance 'Oonupany, wap a visitor with, her Cousin tins, A J. Lowly on Sunday. Miss' Jones won the Gold Medal as soloist at the Niagana Falis Musical Festival. She else was one of the winners of the first prize in a vocal deet. Bill McCnadken of Brussels was chatting about feats• at weigb't- liftfng. The he mentioned that Ms father, a native of the Peterborough distilot, but who spent most of his life at Brussels, could hitt a 800 - pound barrel of salt from the ground and put it on the wagon. Blow many could do that today? --This para,pgtaph v(ae taken from the column "Heard Along Main the Stratford. Beacon, May llth in Street". Huron County Council Meeting The next meeting of 'the Huron County Council will be held at 2 p.m., Tuesday, May 30th; 1939. Alt Accounts; Notices of Deputa- tHus; Applications or any other business rehuiring council's' atten- tion should be in the hands' of the clerk not later than May 26th. J, M. .ROBERTS, County Clerk, .Goderich 'Ont. DANCE to Schneider's Swing Music at BRUSSELS TOWN HALL FRIDAY, MAY 26th, 1939 Come and make this dance a success. If so they will be carried on regrlarly Admission — 25c per person Door prize for lucky ticket, 'B UNITED CHURCH REV. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., B.D. Minister 11 a.m.—Patriotic) Service "God Save The King" 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 ,p.m.—'Special Young People's Ser- vice conducted by Betty Best of the ,Local Union assisted by the vice ,president Jack Bryans. Sunday, May 28th.Sunday School Anniversary, Rev. Harold Snell will preach. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYINii Boris Basil Bela Karloff Rathbone Lugosi Son of Frankenstein MON., TUES., WED. The lives of two British fliers on the 'Western front during the World War starring (Basil Rathbone —1 N— Dawn Patrol' Errol Flynn THURS., FRI., SAT. Gene Autry in Western Jamboree —with— Smiley Burnette Jack Perrii COM ING— tRaymond Massey . —IN— Drums Lady Bowlers Hold Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Ladies' Bowling Club was held last Monday might In D. A. Bemire ebore, The election at offilcene toil (place and restubted as follows: President—Miss. C, Hingston Icdt vlce'ipres,-GVPts. R, Thomson 2nd vtcepi'es.—'Mrs. Ballantyne, Secretary--4drs, C. Braker Treasu er—+Mrs, Willed Scoie1 Committee— Mee. R. Downing Mre, Wood Mrs, W. Kerr Mrs. Ring Mrs. A. Baeker Mns. Northwood Jitney :Committee-- Dorte MacDonald Jeesle Little ,Margaret Cantles Membership Coanntitee— Mrs. 'BusiIilin We. F. Sanas Mrs, 0 Walker Mrs R..7. MkxLauohlin Mfrs, Hamilton The Ladies' Bowling tends a welcome to all, to become members, Wednesday, May 17th, 1939 !Mil ozt at. o "Am 00 Ok lK4 KING GEORGE and QUEEN ELIZABETH IRA A royal welcome was accorded Their Majesties by cheering throngs of loyal Canadians when they made history as the first reigning monarch stepped on Canadian soil at Quebec, at 9.35 o'clock Wednesday morning. IMAVANCRIPIAIRIM dost BRUSSELS, ONTARIO pos Brussels Prepare to Greet Their Majesties on June 6th at Stratford vestigeted the fatal crash which occurred' on Higleway No, 23, north of Mitchell. Pasteurization Plant To Be Open Soon The pasteurization ,equipment of. the Brussels, Dairy is being M- etalled and Mr, ,Stewart a peeto provide the public 'with pasteurized milk in the course of a few days The equipment is new and modern and will be operated in a manner satisfactory to everyone. Watch for further particulars in the next iesnle of this paper. Wowen's Institute The Hydro-Eleabrlc Commission of Ontaio is having a d:ew'onsta- tion car at Seadorth on May 19, and at Listowel on May 29. Electrical equipment fo use in rural homes and on farans will be on display Miss Editherem, Muir will bold a demonstrationin cookn.g in the Town, Hall at 2.30 P.m. The Comimsison hope's that s large number of farm men and wu- men will attend the demonstration and display. LOCALt NEWS ITEMS.1 Travel Tea CARD OF THANKS The Women'* Association of the We wi'sb, to express on sincere United Church ,held a Trebel Tea at ,'thanks to the 'society and Mind the homes of Miss E. Downing. Mrs. friends who contributed: both in A. Wilson and Mrs. E. Brewer. Bowlers Wanted ,All public spirited Bowlers wanted at meeting in the Libl.try on, Fri- day, May 19,th, 1939, at 3 Pnn• s11aVP. Conte and say yes or no to plans on toot for an improved green. D, A. Bonn, Pres, Club es who wish NOTICE Dr, J. Id. MoKague, V.S., B.G.Sc., ot Teeswater, h:aa taken over the veterinary pm•cbice of Dr. A, F. Ford, V.S., of Wiu'ghan', and is pre- pared to conduct a veterinary practice of both large and small animals. Fees will be reasonable and at- tention, will be given to oai'1s at all hours, Phone 196, Wingham. kine! deeds and sympathetic word iu conaleo'bion with the death of a mother and grandmother, They came to us as sweet incense, the fragrance of 'which will linger with us through fide. We trust they will be richly rewarded. Yours igratefuly, William E. Brown Local Angler Gets Prize Trout Here's one story that is not just another fish story. Mr, Finlay ay Sainte, local creamery mat councillor, recently caught a 3 1'b, specklesi trout in elle vicinity of Brussels. We say vicinity, as that Is all we can leans Iron Mini as to the nearness of lite spot from whence it Came, Finlay coital figure otrongly fu conapetdtion with Bill ThonlPe0t.; of Teeswater fame, also a buter and egg man, in cattle ing the big wary ones'. Women's 'Institute The first regular meeting of the year far tate Women's Institute will be held+ in the Public Library on May 19, at 8 o'clock, The Roll Call will be answered by 'Payment of Feos,' A report of the District Exenntive Meeting Will be present- ed by Ml's, R. J. M letuchlin and the delegates to the 0.A.1l, Comma tion at •Guebpitt,Misses Dorothy Bone anal Velma Duncan, will give their repeats, MrS 'Mervin• Pipe will give the motto 'Do not waste time looking at a. hill 'Climb it" Mlsees Bette 'Cunrie and 'Mauna Miller have Charge of a dentoustra tions "Dressing up the ,Salad," All the ladies of •tile com;mtlnity are !n- ailed to attend. Please. bring questions for the question drawer width will bo conducted as part of the peogkam *— A. epeeisl train will arrive at Brussels 8,45 a.an. with. one car set aside for the use of school children only. Public 'School children over 8 years, of age will be pwovitled with tickets. No olutldren under 8 years: of age on June 1, 1939, may attend except a000mpandedi by their parents. School children, pub- lic and High School, travelling as a group have special reservations made at Stratford se that they may readily see their 'Maieoties. All persons going by the special train will require to ,bring a lunch with them as return trains will not leave until 4 p.m. in the afternoon Parents meet sign a release to the Village of Brussels and the See -- forth Lions Club who are sponsor- ing the trip before children will be taken. Medical attention will be provided for the children en route. It le imperbant that all adults sboulkt register their intention to abten,d at Strattond by the ,special train and should, before Saturday, the 27th of (May, obtain tickets Pram either Rha C.N.R. Station at Brusse'le. or from Elmer D, Bell's Office at Brussele. Tickets will be sold at, both places commencing Monday next. in any event, if you intend to go you should register or there may not the aoeommodation provided on the train for you. Badges may be purchased for 10c each at the office of Elmer D. Bell to ddetingdish Brussels citi- zens and as a com'ntoration of the Royal Visit. It is expected Brussels will de- clare a Civic holiday for the ocr casion. TICKETS Melville Campfire Girls The Campfire Girls met at the home of Wary Helen Eckmier on Friday of last week. The meeting was opened.. by the theme song, after wlidoly •the Secretary and Treasuret•'.'s Reports were read. It was decided that the meetings be discontinued during the summer months. Mona Miller, in care of the special number, showed the 'girls how to do cut -work, Anter this games were played and lunoh was served. Hotel Under New Management Mr. Cyril Muir is now proprietor of the American Hotel here baying purchased the business from F. Girard who :has run the place for the post few wont's. Mr. and Mrs, Girard and family have returned to Windsor. Mr. Muir comes here from Orangeville where he operated the Queen's Hotel. Mrs. Muir and family will move to Brussels short- ly. One son Donald is already hey e asissting tie father. United Church W.M.S. Tho W. M. S. et the United Much held their monthly meeting with 'Mrs. Wm. Proctor in Charge during th eabsence of rMs, M. Par- ker. Prayer was offered' by Mrs. Proctor. airs, R. Stracilau• read seipture and Mrs. Proctor gave a reading based en the scripture lesson. Mists' E, Downing gave a re- pot of the Presbyterial ,held. in Wingham. MOS, J, E. Smith had the topic, "Beckoning Frontiers," Pray- er wits given by Mrs. Smith. The members are planning to make a quilt next Wednesday for their septi 1y wont. Mother's Day Services 'Are Held iri Churches Mother's. Day services in the United church was conducted by the minister, Rev H. J. Mahoney. A 'Mothers' choir took pant inthe ser- vice and contributed two anthems, lire. '0. Weaker gave a solo, "My Mather Is. A Queen," a Bap'tisma'l service was 'held when Heroic' Cavell Rattan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rattan, James. Keith Turn- bull, son of Mr. and ides. J. Turn- bull, and William Howard Bernard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bernard, were Baptized., Special Sunday School services were held in the afternoon. The evening service was. conducted by one of the gradu- ating class of Emmanuel College. 'Morning service on. Mother's Day at 'Melville Presbyterian 'Church was taken from the leaflet. A solo was given by Archie Balalmdtyne, of London. 'Servicers in at. John's Anglican Church masa conducted by the rec- tor, Recv. H. J. Hendry, who spoke at the morning service on "Mother- hood.' Inquest On Thusday Th:e inquest into the death of Fred Engler, well known Logan Township man, who was killed last Monday night wheat ads car was in- volved in a crash with a car.driven by Neal Connolly, 3111 holt, R.R. 51 Will be held Thunetlay night at eight o'clock in the council chambers at Mitchell it WAS announced !Satur- day. Connoly paid a fine of $10 and costs in Strabtord' police court to- day on a charge of not having a — Adults, $1.20 return. Oliildren under l2 years 60e return, Crop Prospects alae fo'hfowing consists of words obtained from shoot interviews with interesting people on Satur- day night along main street. They show the optimistic view our term friends bold: The questions' asked' were:— Will the frosts of late hold back the growth of crops:? Are crops going to be later? • * * Fronts wolta hurt the wheat, but will bold back grass for pasture. Dougal Strachan, • * * Wheat will be alright, the grass will be held back. Barley and oats that are up may be nipped a little. Russel Currie. * * * With 'having a good seeding like we have had this Year, generally always have good crops. Jim Deaner. * * * Giese and hay, a. little behind, spring grain hardly up high enough to be affected by late frosts. Wheat looks good, Cameron Mustard R. R. 2, Bluevale. * * Outlook couldn't be 'better, ideal weather, wonderful gro'wcth, Sptltg Crops jest coming through the ground, net affected by frost. Start next week to plaint turnip seed, Like to be through deeding hY 24111 of May. Nerve] Stimore, R.R.1, Walton. * * * Things look pretty good, spring crops not up high enough to he affected by frosts, Dontt .Put tur- nap seed in till first week in Jute. Wheat looks good. With the late sating, things tow are just as fiat aelivan'ced as ever, ld frosts continue, will be set back. It all depend' on the weather. We need' rain. L. E. Cardiff, Reeve of Morrie. * * * Finish. seeding this week. Good rain. will help Tray and pasture. Season late but with the good weather, thowid be a good year, W. T. Beirnes, R.R, 5, Brusesls, * * Spring Conference To Be Held At Wingham The Rural Deau of Huron, Rev. R. P. D. Hanford, 'D.D., has an- nounced.that the Spring Conference of the Deanery Chapter of Huron, Deanery Lawinenre Association and Woolen's Auxiliary will be held in St Paul's 'March, Wiugaiam, cu Thursday. 9t'Itty 25. The, Holy Oonihnunion will be celebrated at 10 a.m., when, Rit. Rev. G. A, Wells D.D, Bispiop of 'Cariboo, will preach the sermon, Dr, Wells will also address a Joliet meeting o1 all dele- gates to the Couferenee at 3.80 in the atternoon, The Woman's Auxiliary will con- vene immediately after the Com- mntion service, for a businese session, under the direction of Mrs. A. C. Calder, President of tbe Deanery Atssociati-on anti later on will hear an address, from Mrs II, L. (Rev.) Jenningst 'from Fort Norman. Rev Canon Townsend, will meek to a joint .meeting of the Deanery Chapter, and Laywelas, Association immediately anter fusels, 'Under the Rural Dean, and alIr, H, G. Metre, 'President the Chapter and Yaymen's Association, respeotiecle will conduct blteinese sessions in ilhe morning. &reef's permit, The charge was The Archdeason of London, Dr. Since the interviews the rata talc! by Pr'ovitehtl Waffle Officer W. J. Doherty will be 'present has fallen theretore the outlook will J. WV, Callender of Mattdhell, who in- during the duty. °I ' bio be brighter still for title oomtinunita.