HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-5-10, Page 7THE BRUSSELS POST 1111111111111• I Help Make -The- B R U S P s E L S S T A Better Weekly Paper By Sending' In Your News Items ▪ t • or Phone 31 11■■1111111 EDITORIALS WORTH WHiLE Generally speaking, High School education 1a of real value to the. students who is fortunate eaotrgh to attend a good HighSeiioot or .Collegiate Ind etute. Many look back to their High School or Collegiate Institute days as among the omit spent cif dileir entire lifeti11le, 'fills de as 11 should be, - While tihis le the case in Many instances, 0110 Pommes aacl'o60 parent's who are very anxioue these daye. They tell one that they have 10.8111 a great deal of •hard -to -get money ontheir children. who do not show any real benefit. These sante laments cite oases of young people who never saw the Inside of a High, School who cut rings around the High School graduate. In such Instances. we cannot refrain. from saying that no amount of schooling 1vj11 Make up for natura' capacity, personality and home training on the Part of the pupil hdnlsellf. Just how we have before us the case of a mothee who last fall was plainly told that her son had hotter get down tc business in dead earnest or tremble would appeal this spring, The good lady tossed her pretty head and told• her adviser that site did not want her 'boy to o1'erwork, that he must be like the other boys• and snake good In a Min way, ',Social life is so ianpontan't,'+ the good lady added, He is now graded E In some of his ,studies. So there you are. That youn{;ate. needed a little steam put into hm1 instead of faelldties for "sociad.life." In any case be had no business' in the Collegiate Institute. IT'S ENDED AT LAST The New York Yankee's baseball teem played a league gaane the other day without Lou Gehrig, perpetual flrst baseman, and that was about the same thing as to go into a city hall and fail to find a City .Clerk on. the job there. From May 30, 1925, untill Tuesday of last week Gehrig .had Played an every league game: an which. the Yankees .participated—a consecu• tire string of 2,310 games. That was indee!t remarkable record, a •demonstration of stami0 on rhe part of the: New York player and, mole than that, a revelation+ of the extent to widen good fortune had smiled upon him. We say good fortune advisedly because, to compile 9 record of that kind, a player has not only to br durable but he must be ducky as well. It is safe to say that not a park attendant. ticket seller, program boy or any other employee of a big league park can look back to May of 1025 and boast that he has not missed a game in all that thee. They probably have all had their days off in. that long stretch bet day after day, year after year, Gehrig played without a miss although, he was engaged in n game in which there are many chances of injury. It does not seem possible that a man cowed go through tha., many diamond battles. without once sustaintug an injury serious enough to keep hint out of the line-up for a day or that Ire could indeed be fortunate enough to carry on over so long a Period wdthout an illness bad enough to. cause hint to quit the game temporality. It is quite possible, of course, to see that thr compilation of this endurance record may have hastened the clay when Gehrig will leave big league competition for ever. He must hare played on numerous occasions when If at had not been for the sake of keeping that record intact he would have laid off for repairs. and the truth probably is that his, apparent crack-up now has been at least partly due to the fact that Ile bas often remained In the Yankee lineup when under other circumstances he would have taken a mulch -needed rest. dh is improbable that any other player will aver equal the Gehrig performance ant possibly now that he has collapsed the folly of even trying to approach it may become evident. ee ee *le AS IT WAS ON THE TENTH- brivin'g through the canon[', we noticed three places where there was a good; sized piece of carpet on the line, and although they were all separated) by several miles they were all beteg beaten. No reflection on the methods oe housekeeping to record that in each case there appeared to be a Mair -sized poke of dust. Housecleaning, , It was sa suet, at Lot 4, •Coneeaslou man, and no person ever enjoyed it very much either. It always began by taking the carpet out of the parlor, although that wee about •the least used ,room In the house with the exception of the spare bedroom. It was a colorful piece of carpet and it probably came to !that .Home In a year when the price of wheat was high or the taxes were down a tootle, It had a floral patetrn and was mostly red., and it bad la sleep layer of newspapers underneath, Int always did, appear that pultting the carpet out on the line and tackling 1t with a barrel stave was the greatest piece of housecleaning, ,but 11 wasn't. When a person made a lroutel attack on the thing and ;saw the dust mounting 1t looked spectacular, but the real work had been partly done before and, the rest of the hard 'labor was [Lone afterward, That 'is, 'taking the carnet ftp and pntlting it down s=alts. There was a certain sort of thrift on 111e . Tealtlt whicia was always aesentive; it raged war all the time against waste and i11 its search for .Plce2 to Opel -ate it had settled, firmly upon the carpet Melts, The' ilrst operation Was taking n saucer to hold the taclosl, getting down upon hands and knees and with, the aid of the tack Ileter prying out the tacks one by elle and! placing thorn in the ,saucer, It waa not as simple as it .eounfdls afar some of •those tacks had been glen a mighty best on the head when gilt In place and itlaey did neat .come trout their w0oring9 WOtIa ease. , tit the wort was being bone at night' when wary necetearly to •shove the boat oil lamp along WEDNESDAY, MAY 1611, 1930 and ohm's lire saucer with the tacks and drove you:sedf at the sante ,tlule, And when it carte lime to put the carpet buck in place the 'whole p21f02-mante 211111 to be repeated In the other direction. That le, poullddng instead of prying out. Possible those three carpets which we sane Ole other day represented operations of the same kind. Perhaps, be those homes they also use the salve thrift which insists that carpel lacks of last season and perhaps the s0usoll before shall be the carpet tacks of 1999 as well. SCUFFLER FOR OPENING POTATO DRILLS A comer method of platnting the term potatoe patch is to plough In •the Bets, ere that case they may be carefully placed aloe„ the heel of the turned furrow; they may be placed newt the laudside or they may be d1'0pped carelessly across the furrow sole. In the two former instances backaches may result while eben while care la plecement the rows will not be straight unless the ploughing is straighht. Cirooked furllows Impede subsequent cultiva- tion and increase hoeing. 011 the Dominion Experimental Stub -station at Beaverlodge, Alberta, the practice to first to prepare the land well then. mark it out with a sled 'marker blacking three-foot rows, Three and a half might be better for some varieties. The side arms are then removed from the scuffler which has two teeth left, a narrow one in front and a wider one etradght beaded it. A team Is kitchen to the scuffler.and the oper- ator sights between the horses. passing once or twice along each mark and bearing down heavily on the handles. A V-shaped furrow six or eight inches deep is thus opened but some dirt drops back so that tbio sets are usually placed about 31A or 4 Inches deep, with a little loosened soil beneath each 0110. The sets may be dropped in a straight line without the opera- tor bending 113s back. A pressure of the foot embeds the set firmly in 111e soil. Even if the sled marks are not perfectly straight the fur• rows may he made ,practically so where the scuffler Is driven twice along the row. Straight rows ars the mark of a good farmer or Bard• • ever, To fill the furrows the side teeth may be .prat in the .snffler so as to throw ou:k, and run between. the TOWS, A little attentions with the hoe will cover the add set that has been missed. • • • PREPARING POULTRY FOR 3%z TO 4%a LB. I•n preparing poultry to we1,:11 when dressed- 31 to 41/2 lb., the birds, should have normal treatment up to within four or five weeks to killing time, that is, to say, a well balanced starter ration folbowed by sora.tch• grain and a suitable grow- ing ration. At the period referred to the, cockerels whlcle are Intended for market should be placed on a limited range so as to restrict their activity, shade and' proper roosting accommodation being provided, From this time until marketing, weight is reached they should be soot fed using skim milk or butter. milk as a mixer, Such a feeding, tiu'ee tinsels a many, should permit of satisfactory growth with a greater proportion of fat being laid down under ordinary rearing ereabnrent. Since white fieslling will be desired the 141nited range should not have green growth, on it and feeds which psodluce yellow fat such as yellow corn should not be fed or if tell eloul2' be given only In small quantities, Since corn is the most satisfabtory grain for fattening Purposes, it should. snake up a por- tion of the fattening mash, ground white rather than yellow corn being used. Buclewheat and wheat are the next most satletactory grains with oats and barley being somewhat interior and of similar ellflcleney. A combination 09 any of the above grains. on the basis of their comparative value and of availaihlltty and cost should form the basis for a sabletfaotery kation. During .clue test .tiwe weeks of faetening five per cent of melted mutton or beef fat should be added to the mixture. "Plats is accent - Oohed by melting the fat and mix- ing quickly with the mash while hot so as, to avoid large lumps, All feedingsshould be left before the birdie. for from twenty minutes to one half hour, any unconsutnetl residue being then removed, • * • PARASITES IN SHEEP STOMACH WORM CONTROL Snteamsl parasites have always Veen one of the major taluses of losses in sheep flocks throughout the world, spates Professor W. E. S'wales, B.V.Sc., Ph, D., Institute of Parasitology, Macdonald . College, P.Q., in the publication "The Con- trol of Stomach Worms in Sheep in Eastern Canada" -which .has jus' been published as a farmers' bulle- tin by the Dominion Department or Agrinutlure. ;In Canada, failure to give eff0cttive treatment for the con- trol of internal parasites has been one of the most general causes of lack of thriftiness in growing lambs and. in many cases of heavy infesta- tion has resulted in loss through death. Ineffestlie control of 113- teraal parasites bias therefore been one of the main reasons for lank of expansion an the sheep industry in Eastern Canada. The pue ose of the publication, which deslribes an effective treat• meet for stomach worms, Is to re move f1-0 mdihe minas of sheep owe - ere the fear. of parasites• andto as. sure them that there is less cause for worry an Oanada than in almost any other part of the world. By that is meant, the methods that can be employed in Canada to prevent parasitic diseases' are simpler, and, clue to the help of long winters an cleaning pastures, can be made ef- fective with little work or ewpense, AYbhough there are about 25 kends of paansitir, worms infesting sheep he Canada, only two of these con- stantly cause disease in Eastern Canada. These two are the Twisted wire Worm in the stomach and the Nodular Wormy which lives in the large intestine, and whose young stages cause nodular disease or "Knotty Gut" in the intestines. As the result of critical tests, It is now poslble to control completely Orr dangerous stomach worm in flocks in. Ontario, Quebec and the Mari- time Provinces, Nodular disease in Eastern Canada presents a mare difficult problem and le net brought 11000r control by the ...treatment recomended in the buddetln for stomach wormst but rapid progress is being made towards securing a•1 effective treasure of noduled dl sease eonitrol. When this is achiev- ed a bulletin will be issued on ,the subject, The. buletjn 'The Control of Stomach. Worms in Sheep in, Eastern, Canada" may be obtained free of charge from the Publicity and extension Division Domenion Department of Agricul• tore, Ottawa. While a wife may not concede. her husband's superiority, she will mutat/ admit that Ise made a batter marriage than she did. STUDENTS ATTENTION The present School Curriculum requires a great amount of study, thereby creating strain often beyond the ability of the eye to withstand unless assisted. ' Seeing iDouble, Nervousness Headaches, Pain in the Temples or over 'Eyes, Sick Stomach etc., are all detrimental to good study, and all indicate Eye Fatigue which should receive prompt, careful attention. I expect to be at my Brussels Office in bliss Bryans' Home all day THURSDAY, MAY IIth to give Expert Eye Examinations; tell you the true condition of your Eyes and what is required to give you clear, strainfree Vision. Everyone should have their Eyes Examined at Least Once every two years. F. F. Homuth Phm• EL, R• O Harriston Snivels, Phone 118 Phone 26X LET US LOOK AT THE PAST L/'a►. 4r. rtssn. 2'ak.rl Error' lVlu of fire Pott o$ rod N roars Ago 60 YEARS AGO WALTON Was X. Johnston. is home on .a vlsdt to her parents and friends. Wm. Be11^nea w• * Wm. on Tues- day alttemtling the funeral of his 'sister, • * • Jas. Smillie and Rev. Ross of Bruseeds, will go to Exeter to prose- cute a call to Rev, Me. Forest of Bayfield, .to Duffs church at the Huron Presbytery. MONRIS W, H. Cloakey bas left for Al- goma on business. * Allan H. Cochrane heads the list of students at the Stratford Bust• ness College. • • • Richard Asenstrong ,has taken up farming in tele West near Moose - jaw. C. B. Harris :00 • family left Beusests for Algoma last Saturday. ETHEL Reeve ivlilne will have about 110 acres of grain under grain this year. • r • Mrs. Paul and. Mas. Cok of Brus- sels were renewing old friendships here. GREY A little son of Daniel Glassier's brake his arm last week. • • • Thos. McGregor had a mess of new potatoes• fast week. BRUSSELS J. T. Pepper hes been, appointed ticket agent for the C.P.R. in this locality. Mrs 3, Willi; of Port Albert, 18 visiting her sister here, Mrs. Wm. McCullough. Miss MoQuarrie of Wingha•nl was visiting at the Presbyterian manse this week. * * s Mrs. Wm. Vanstone and Miss Fannie Thomson• were in Galt for several days. • * Lorne Hunter• • is home from Ta- ranto. • • • George McKenzie of Winghain hos appointed B. Gerry as agent far selling hard25are supplies. 25 YEARS AGO WROXETER R, F'. Carr, of Brussels, spent Wednesday lest in the Village, 'Miss Feriuson of Walton is the guest of MIlty Harris. Mrs. Geo. Spotton of Wingham vistted Mrs. T. G. Hemphill last Thursday. W. Ryan, C. ,Smnpson, 0. Me - Naughton and Dan. McTavish motor• ed to London. JAMESTOWN Missy Minnie Car spent the week- end with her sister Mrs. C. Phippen of Wingham• Nobt. McKay of Ethel will take the service in Victoria Hall next Sunday. WALTON uvh•, and Mas, George Ferguson of Toronto wore vieibing relatives and friends, here. Mrs. Walter Davidson has been quite ill, we hope her health may be ,speedily restored, GREY Mr. and -Mrs, Robt. McGuire of Beigsiave were visiting at the home 00 Mr. and. Mrs. Sohn 13. Lake, :Rohr. Pearson Is, attending the ddsirlct meeting at Gerrie. Alex and Leslie. Lamont under- graduate at Queen's iUhtiveretty, Kingston, end sons, of Me. and Mr,s Hugh Lamloret, 10th con,, have left for Saskatchewan where they are engaged at teaching school for the summer months. NMORR1S Henry Bone arrived home from h 1» lsinesa. trip 10 the West. J. W. Searie hens purchased, the late George ,dacksori farm en the gilt line tlor tore sono a.f $4,100 cash ETH EL Miss Hunter is ' busy •wi:.h her andllduere business. elryirt "T can get the figures in a minute ! " Long Distance tele. 3:20o.M' phone service is built to meet the most urgent and • exacting needs of business. Day and night in every part of the world you can reach for the tele- phone confident you will "get the figures in u minute." "O.K.—now what about delivery?" Every businessman \ admires initiative, energy and accu- racy, Because speed is important in business. sur - cess is achieved by quick think- ing — often aided by the Long Distance telephone as in this instance. `3.25aM' "That telephone call clinched it!" The head of every business — large or small — welcomes initiative; is ever ready to pro- mote then who art fast on their own. Long Distance tele- phone service is an asset to every business. Those who use it to best advantage benefit moat. • Long Distance telephone service is on duty day and night. Low Night Rates apply after 7 p.m. and all day Sunday. '0 a welcome visitor in 011r village, Wm. Love is busily engaged in the furniture business with the spring rush now on. hie, Sanderson received a oar of coal for the grist mill. arr. and M•re. John Patterson of Harrislton called on old friends over the weekend. ' BRUSSELS Miss Janet Mcalay is visiting la town. Miss May Sint*isvlsiting 1CSendla In Galt. Mrs, T11ue71,+Sr#, is back from a visit with relatives in Buffalo, Slav Denman hats returned to the West for the summer. Miss Marguerites Wilton was visit- ing her sister Miss it'athleen for a few days an Stratford. • Joe Wilton of the Standard Bank staff at Midland was home for the holidays, Walter Lowry' and Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Grewar• 'motretl to Cllntoii with 1rtr. J. a, Galbraith t?]l Miss Mabel Menzies of Oranhl'ook business, ,... .444 WI 'I